1976-02-26 minutes Bicentennial Commission
February 26, 1976
Chanhassen City Hall
The regualr meeting of theBicentennial Commission was called to order
by Chairman Walter Hobbs on February 26, 1976 at 7:40. The following
members were present: Walter Hobbs, Martin Jones, Myrna Kurvers,
Father Armand Lubanski and Lyle Ricklefs. Richard Lyman was absent.
Phil Aldritt, Dick Dutcher and Kathy Englebretson were also present.
Minutes A motion was made by Martin Jones and seconded by Father Armand
Lubanski to approve the January 8, 1976 minutes. Motion carried.
Dinner Theatre Dick Dutcher reported on the total earnings that the
Chanhassen Dinner Theatre Benefit raised toward the restoration of the
old Town Hall. The total amount of money raised was $42,056.75, of this
total the Bicentennial Commission made over $2,000. Included in the
earnings was 10% of all liquor sold that night, plus a $200 donation from
the Chanhassen Dinner Theatre.
Thank You The Bicentennial Commission was in full agreement that
Thank You notes should be sent out to all of those who contributed
.�� to the success of the benefit in the way of cash donations, and
also to the Dinner Theatre for the use of their building and all of the
other things that they helped with to make it such a success.
Frontier Days Mark Geyer who was scheduled to come before the Bicentennial
Commission to talk about the plans for this years Frontier Days was absent
from the February 26, 1976 Bicentennial Meeting because of illness. Mark
Geyer has contacted people who have sponsored and or have run booths during
previous Frontier Day celebrations to find out if they would like to take
part in this years Frontier Days. Mark Geyer will come before the Bicentennial
Commission at a later time, with feedback from the different people who he
has contacted.
Reactions The Bicentennial Commission was in agreement that police supervision
should be increased this year during the Frontier Days Celebration. Money
was lost last year when people brought their own liquor onto the premises
instead of purchasing it there at the celebration.
Most members on the Bicentennial Commission felt that a 'three (3) day celebration
would be better and also raise more money than a one (1) day celebration.
Support The Bicentennial Commission would like to support Frontier Days
1976 in a way such as postage or stationary rather thar actually helping
to run it.
A motion was made by Lyle Ricklefs and seconded by Martin Jones to have
chairman Walter Hobbs, meet with Mark Geyer and incourage him to present a
plan for a three (3) day Bicentennial celebration to the Bicentennial Com-
Bicentennial Commission
February 26, 1976
Chanhassen City Hall
mission for their consideration. THe intent of this meeting would be to discuss
with Mark Geyer financial support.
Villa a Hall Restoration A motion was made by Lyle Ricklefs and seconded
by to appoint Martin Jones to head up a three (3) man committee
to wor bn �e ' est�oration of the Old Town Hall . Motion carried.
Carver County Herald The Bicentennial Commission was in agreement that they
should meet at the old Town Hall to see what it is like inside and then
possibly getting Bill McGarry, editor of the Carver County Herald to come
before the Bicentennial Commission and report what he has in mind to do with
part of the Old Town Hall if he was allowed to use it.
A motion was made by Lyle Ricklefs and seconded by Myrna Kurvers to set aside
discussing the possible use of the Village Hall by the Carver County Herald
until the next Bicentennial Commission meeting which will be held on March
11, 1976. Motion carried.
Decal Sale A recap of all the Decals that have been sold so far was taken at
the February 26, 1976 Bicentennial Commission meeting. THe following is how
the Decal sale stands of Feburuary 26, 1976.
Group Sold $ Earned
4H 54 $ 27.00
Senior Citizens 34 $ 17.00
Lions 10 $ 5.00
Snow Snoopers 32 $ 16.00
Tree Sale THe Bicentennial Commission has sold three (3) trees as of
February 26, 1976. Chairman Walter Hobbs would like to know what it would
cost to advertise the cost and type of trees in the newsletter. The ad
would read that people interested should contact 4H.
4H will continue the selling of the trees until further notice.
Old Business Homemakers are working on a quilt and will have it completed
s000n. The homemakers were wondering when they will be able to raffle it off.
During Frontier Days was a suggestion as a possibility for a date for the raffle.
New Business A motion was made by Myrna Kurvers and seconded by Martain Jones
for the Bicentennial Commission to purchase two (2) dozen Bicentennial
Trays to give as gifts to people who have contributed to work previously
accomplished. Motion Carried.
Bicentennial Commission
February 26, 1976
Chanhassen City Hall
A motion was made by Martin Jones and seconded by Myrna Kurvers to adjourn
the February 26, 1976 meeting of the Bicentennial Commission. Motion
Time: 9:45
Jayne Cavins