1976-03-11 Bicentennial Commission
March 11, 1976
Chanhassen City Hall
The Bicentennial Commission toured the old Village Hall,
Thursday, March 11, 1976 at 7:00. The purpose of this tour
was to find out what shape the Old Village Hall is in and
how much room is available. The following members were
present: Walter Hobbs, Martin Jones, Lyle Ricklefs, Myrna
Kurvers, Richard Lyman. Howard Schmidt, Harold Lund, and
Dick Dutcher were also present.
The regular meeting of the Bicentennial Commissien was
called to order by Chairman Walter Hobbs on March 11, 1976
at 7:40. The following members were present: Walter Hobbs,
Martin Jones, Myrna Kurvers, Richard Lyman, Lyle Rickiefs.
Father Armand Lubanski was absent. Also present was:
Kick Dutcher, Harold Lund and Howard Schmidt.
Minutes A motion was made by Myrna Kurvers and seconded by
Martin Jones to amend the minutes of February 26, 1976
under Dinner Theatre it should read as "The total amount
of money raised was 4,256.75." Motion carried.
Village Hall Restoration Martin Jones contacted Harold
Lund, Tom Klinglehutz and Howard Schmidt to form a committee
to head up or start the Village Hall procedure. Chairman
Walter Hobbs would like for Martin Jones and the rest of
the committee to take a more extensive tour of the Old
Village Hall during the day time.
Dick Dutcher suggested that a shopping list be constructed
before any further progress is made. The shopping list
would consist of such things as:amount of paint,amount
of roofing, boards and nails, and also the amount of
labor that will be needed. The cost of all of these
supplies will also be a factor.
Howard Schmidt will get an estimate for asphalt shingles
from Frontier Lumber.
Harold Lund and Howard Schmidt will bring samples of paint
and shingles to the next Bicentennial Commission meeting
which will be held on March 24, 1976.
After general discussion of the Village Hall Restoration
Howard Schmidt suggested that the roof be reconstructed before
anything inside is done. The reason for this is to protect
the inside.
Bicentennial Commission
March 11, 1976
Chanhassen City Hall
Grant Walter Hobbs read a letter to the commission from
Senator Smitz, informing him that their grant was presently
number two (2) on the list. Senator Smitz felt that there
was a good chance of getting it out of the Senate. Walter
Hobbs will keep the commission informed as to new information
regarding the grant.
Frontier Days Walter Hobbs will try once again to get a
hold of Mark Geyer before the next Bicentennial commission
lc meeting which will be held on March 24, ' 1976.
Further discussion will be conducted at the next meeting
which will be on March 24, 1976.
Old Business The decal sale has made $104.50 as of March 11, 1976.
4H will continue to sell the decals until further notice.
Tree Sales It was suggested that handouts be put in Kenny's
and the Drugstore to give to the customers advertising the
type and cost of the trees.
Resignation The resignation of Mariana Shulstad was officially
accepted as of March 11, 1R76.
A motion was made by Lyle Ricklefs and seconded by Myrna
Kurvers to send a letter of appreciation for all of the
work that she has contributed. Also expressing gratitude'
for working on the commission, thanking her and regreting
her resignation. Motion carried.
New Business The Bicentennial Commission was in full agreement
that if Dick Dutcher would like to become a member of the
Bicentennial Commission, they would be happy to have him.
Walter Hobbs made a motion for the Bicentennial Commission
to have the City Council appoint Dick Dutcher as a member
of the Bicentennial Commission. Dick would be taking Mariana
Shulstad's position. Motion carried
Co-Chairman Lyle Ricklefs made a motion to have Myrna Kurvers
take over the position of Co-Chairperson
Bicentennial Commission
March 11, 1976
Chanhassen City Nall
which was previously filled by Mariana Shulstad.The motion
was seconded by Martin Jones. Motion carried
Picnic in the Park Myrna Kurvers suggested that instead of
frontier days or along with frontier days this year, having
an "Old Town Reunion" This festival could begin with art
ecumenical church service and have a picnic afterwards.
Entertainment during the picnic could include any of the '
following: and old times baseball game, a band, or having
the civic center sing. There Were mired feelings about
food. 'nether to have people bring their own food or perhaps
have a little some thing at the celebration for people to
purchase. If the celebration was before school. was out
maybe the schools could get involved in different ways, such
as: kids could get dressed up in costumes, do dances, or
tug of war etc. . . Dates were tossed around, one of those
dates was the last week of. May. If it was run during this
week there could be swimming and other out door sports.`
Lyle Ricklefs will talk to the Principle of the Elementry to
find out aoubt what his suggestions and view points on this
matter are.
Myrna Kurvers will talk to Park and Recreation about signing
out the Ball field.
Walter Hobbs, Myrna Kurvers, and Lyle Ricklefs will contact
the different people who they are asigned to and bring back
their ideas, times, dates, and plans to the next meeting.
Perhaps a rough draft could be planned at the next meeting.
A motion was made by Lyle Ricklefs and seconded by Myrna '
Kurvers to adjourn the March 11 , 1976 meeting of the Bic—
entennial Commission. Motion carried.
Time 9:45
Jayne Cavins