1976-04-08 Bicentennial Commission
April 8 , 1976
Chanhassen City Hall
The regular meeting of the Chanhassen Bicentennial Comu ission was called to order
on April 8, 1976, at 8:05 p.m. by Chairman Walt Hobbs. The following mEmbers
were present: Walter Hobbs, Rich Lyman, Lyle Ricklefs, Dick Dutcher and Myrna
Kurvers. Absent were: Fr. Armand Lubansky and Martin Jones.
MINUTES A notion was made by Rich Lyman and seconded by Lyle Ridklefs to approve
the March 11, 1976 minutes. Notion carried.
GRANT: Walt Hobbs read a letter from Senator Nick Coleman informing the Bicentennial
Cass ion that the grant request was turned dawn. Walt will send a letter to
Bob Schmitz thanking him for his efforts.
NARIANA SHULSTAD: Walt Hobbs read a letter to be sent to Mariana Shulstad
thanking her for her efforts on the Bicentennial Commission.
VILLAGE HALL RESTORATION: Walt Hobbs informed the Commission that the Council
would prefer the roof to be restored with cedar shingles rather than asphalt
shingles. Rich Lyman will look into the cost.
Harold Lund will start scraping the exterior on Saturday, April 10, 1976. He
will need approximately 12 gallons of paint. Lyle Ricklefs will ask Howard
Schmidt to coordinate the steps of the restoration and to set the priorities.
A tentative tine schedule was set to have the exterior completed by June 1, 1976,
and the interior completed by July 1, 1976.
FRONTIER DAYS Walt Hobbs talked to Mark Geyer who informed him that there is little
interest in having Frontier Days. The cost has become prohibative. -ai_-elc Geyer
did volunteer to take charge of the Picnic in the Park.
PICNIC IN THE PARK: A motion was made by Myrna Kurvers and seconded by Lyle
Ricklefs to hold Picnic in the Park on May 23, 1976, and on June 13, 1976, if
the May 23rd date is inclimate. Notion carried.
A list of suggested activities to be discussed with Mark Geyer includes:
��, 1. A number of games to be put on by Chanhassen Elementary School.
„'r ` 2. Ecumenical church service to start the day at 11:30 a.m. to be headed by
,vy r. Armand.
� 1�`/ 3. Minnetonka West Jr. High Band.
-r` -4. Square Dance.
95. Oldest and youngest resident at the picnic award.
MLA i6. Longest married couple award.
''''l 7. Chanhassen Civic Theatre.
_77 , . Popcorn wagon from Robb Electric in Carver.
4/4;1, 9. St. Hubert's or the Fire Dept. be in charge of a beer and pop stand.
10. Chanhassen Elementary Choir.
t ,,11. Kiddie Parade.
Y _-a-long.
' " --13. Elton Anderson, display from Arboretun.
1 2 A political speaker. //Frj'—orr '86 (1_- W)ffig.)- Cz-(— Ar, lille (e:(t
ti r/A7 0-/u
t lill/ .
// ;J The Ct ghassen .rEmen. ,
Fishi ngr:,oont�si~ ,�p `
Kite flying contest.
Ua1LIfi . Hot air balloon ascension.
Prizes for winners be ribbons with Chanhassen Bicentennial Decal on V.
I G -U .
A booth to sell decals.
0 Thrashing machine on display.
;Tf/ 1 ' Homemakers sell chances on quilt.
. v TREES: Orders will be taken until April 22, 1976, after which orders will be
sent in by Rich Lyman.
GIFTS: A letter was read from Northwestern Bell Telephone Co. with a check for
$50.00 to be used toward the Village Hall restoration. A motion was made by
Lyle Ricklefs and seconded by Rich Lyman to send a letter fo appreciation
to them and also to Minnegasco for their $15.00 donation. Notion carried.
BELT, RINGING: Walt Hobbs read a letter informing the Commission that on July 4,
1976, at 2:00 p.m. eastern time bells will ring all over the USA.
A motion was made by Dick Dutcher and seconded by Rich Lyman that the Commission
support this bell ringing. Notion carried. The churches and fire department
will be notified and asked to ring their bells and blow their horn on July 4, 1976.
A motion was made by Lyle Ricklefs and seconded by Dick Dutcher' adjourn
the meeting. Notion carried.
TIME: 9:55 p.m.
Myrna Kurvers
Acting Secretary