1976-04-22 Bicentennial Commission
April 22, 1976
Chanhassen City Hall
The regular meeting of the Chanhassen Bicentennial Commission was called to order
on April 23, 1976, at 7:40 p.m. by Chairman Walt Hobbs. The following members
were present: Walt Hobbs, Rich Lyman, Lyle Ricklefs, Dick Dutcher, Fr. Armand
and Myrna Kurvers. Absent was Martin Jones. Also present were Howard Schmidt,
Phil Aldritt, Mark Geyer, Al Klingelhutz, Elton Anderson.
MINUTES: A motion was made by Dick Dutcher and seconded by Rich Lyman to approve
the January 22, 1976 minutes. Motion carried.
A notion was made by Rich Lyman and seconded by Lyle Ricklefs to approve the
April 8, 1976 minutes. Notion carried.
%/qL,L Gr. HALL RESTORATION: Howard Schmidt gave an over view on the exterior
condition of the building. A motion was made by Dick Dutcher and seconded by
Lyle Ricklefs to make available $300. to finance the exterior repair. Notion
carried. Howard Schmidt will start the restoration. Harold Lund has started
scraping paint.
PICNIC IN THE PARK: Mark Geyer presented a preliminary outline of events.
Church Service - Fr. Armand Lubansky will contact area clergy to hopefully
set up an Ecumenical church service. The Legion will have a flag ceremony.
Dick Dtucher will look into the possibility of transportation for the Senior
Citizens. Elton Anderson will ask the U of M Landscape Arboretum to set up
an information booth. Lyle Ricklefs reported that the parent organization
of Chanhassen Elementary school will take care of games for children through
grade school.
Myrna Kurvers reported that Minnetonka West Junior High Band will play. Tickets
good for one bottle of pop will be given to each performance after their concert.
The Chanhassen Athletic Association will take charge of soft ball games and
possibly games for children of Junior High age and up.
The Chanhassen Firemen will sell beer and pop. The Chanhassen Firemen's
Auxiliary will sell popcorn. The Homemaker's Club will sell changes on their
Mark Geyer encourages everyone to make their contacts so times can be finalized
at the next meeting.
TREE PLANTING: Rich Lyman reported twenty-five (25) trees had been sold. They
will be delivered Saturday, May 1. Walt Hobbs and Dick Dutcher will help Rich
Lyman with the deliveries.
OLD BUSINESS: Walt Hobbs read letters he will send to Bell Telephone Company
and Minnegasco thanking them for their contributions.
A motion was made by Dick Dutcher and seconded by 'Myrna Kurvers to adjourn the meeting.
Notion carried.
TIME: 10:30 p.m.
Myrna Kurvers
Acting Secretary