1976-04-29 Bicentennial Commission
Chanhassen City Hall
April 29, 1976
The regular meeting of the Bicentennial Commission was called to order
on April 29, 1976 by Chairman Walter Hobbs at 7:30. The following members
were present: Walter Hobbs, Dick Dutcher, Father Armand lubanski,
Martain Jones, Richard Lyman, Myrna Kurvers. Lyle R icklefs was absent.
Mark Geyer was also present in regards to "Picnic in the Park"
Picnic In the Park Mark Geyer presented to the Bicentennial commission, a
preliminary outline of the scheduled Picninc in the Park event. The following
is a copy of the outline along with changes that were discussed at the April
29, 1976 Bicentennial Commission meeting.
12:00 I.Ecumenical Church Service
A.Father Armand Lubanski
B.Walt Ross
12:30 II. Flag Ceremony
A. Opening comments by the Mayor
B. Chanhassen Legion Post 560
C. Cub Scouts would like to help participate also
D. $117.64 in funds to spend in errecting a flag pole
1. Walt will take on the flag pole topic and discuss the
topic with park and recreation commission.
E. Walter Hobbs will give a brief speech in behalf of,the
Bicentennial Commission
12:40 III Picnic and opening of concessions and exhibits
A. Pop and beer stand run by Chanhassen Fire Dept.
B. Scouts- lemonade-ice cream
1. Not interested because of outing
2. Walt will check into the lions for a possiblity
C. Homemaker Quilt Raffle
1. the quilt is going fine
2. will be located in a booth
D. Decall Booth
1, located off to the side
2. will be run by the Bicentennial Commission
3. will last between one (1) hour to one and a half (1i) hours
E. Popcorn Wagon
1. the popcorn wagon will be run by the fire Auxilliary
2. need electricity
F. Arboritum
1. Elton Anderson
2. Literature, information booth
G. Steam Engine
2:00 IV Parade
A. Led by Fife and Drum Corps from the historical society
1. $150, $40 transportation
2. Fife and Drum Corps cost too much
Bicentennial. Commission
Chanhassen City Hall
April 29, 1976
B. Participation by all
1. promote historical dress
2. promote three (3) corner hats and bonnets
C. Bands
D. Civic Theatre
E. 4 H Bicentennial Skit Will all take
F. Square Dancers part in the
G. Terminate at Band Shell parade
1, square dance demonstrations
H. Boy Scouts
I. Cub Scouts
2:20 V Costume Awards and announcement of activities and sporting events
A. Awards to costume participants by:
1. Roy Roeser
2. Terry Roeser
3. Gary Reed
4. Cookie Reed
B. Presentation by Chanhassen Jr. Miss
1. already contacted
2:30 C. Begin games and announce locations
1. Bingo
a. St. Huberts 'no longer interested
b. perhaps the Legion would be interested
2. Adult Games
a. the CAA will run these
(1) volleyball
(2) kittenball
(3) others
2: 35 D. Baking Contest
1. Judging and auction
a. publicity will help
2. Judging by members of the Bicentennial Commission
3. Auctioneers
a. Klinglehutz
b. Hobbs
2:5C- E. Start Music at Sound Shell
4:00 F. Minnetonka Band 2:50 - 3:30
4:00 VI Civic Theatre Presentation
A. Ken Smith
B. Ron Roeser
4:15 VII Political Speakers
A. Introduction by Mayor
4:45 VIII Balloon Acession
5:00 IX Closing Remarks
A. who ever is available at that time
5:05 X Finale
5:10 A. Civic Theatre
Bicentennial Commission
Chanhassen City Hall
April 29, 1976
6:00 XI. Closing
to XII. Clean up
7:00 A. pick up litter
B. Dismantel booths,sound shell etc
C. One dumpster and barrells will be available
Balloon Acession A motion was made by Richard Lyman and seconded by Martain
Jones that the Bicentennial Commission would get the $500 needed for the
Balloon Acession and if short the money will be raised in some mans.
The voting was as follows: Walter Hobbs yes
Richard Lyman yes •
Martain Jones yes
Dick Dutcher yes
Myrna Kurvers no
Motion carried
Chairs It was suggested that the boy scouts and cub scout+ be in charge
of setting up chairs and dismanteling them also. It will be suggested to
the scouts at a later time.
Publicity Dick Dutcher will take over the publicity problem and contact
Bill Mc Garry. Also contacted will be the following people and groups
1. The Chaska Herald
2. Maverick
3. Sun
4. by way of posters
5. by way of a flyer seat home with students
6. by way of a mailer
7. church bulletins tall churches should be covered-all religion:
A motion was made by Richard Lyman and seconded by Dick dutcher to adjourn
the April-29, 1976 meeting of the Bicentennial Commission. Motion carried
Time 9:45
Jayne Cavine