1976-05-13 Bicentennial Commission
Chanhassen City Hall
May 13, 1976
The regular meeting of the Bicentennial Commission was called to order
by Chairman Walter Hobbs on May 13, 1976 at 7:30. The following mem-
bers were present: Dick Dutcher, Walter Hobbs, Martin Jones, Myrna
Kurvers, and Lyle Ricklefs. Richard Lyman and Father Armand Lubanski
were absent.
Minutes A motion was made by Martin Jones and seconded by Lyle Ricklefs
to approve the May 8, 1976 Bicentennial Commission minutes. Motion
Minutes A motion was made by Martin Jones and seconded by Lyle Ricklefs
to approve the Aptil 29, 197h Bicentennial Commission minutes. Motion
Village Hall Restoration It was mentioned that there might be some
difficulty with the Village Hall Parking Lot but after more information
was found it was proven untrue. The parking lot will be completed by
July 4, 1976.
A motion was made by Lyle Ricklefs and seconded by Myrna Kurvers to
appoint a committee of two (2) consisting of Dick Dutcher and Walter
Hobbs to be a lesson on all matters with Herb Blongren. Motion carried.
It was brought to the commissions attention that a man by the name o
Frank Plea is the best source of information on what the Old Village
Hall used to look like. Frank Plea used to work at the Old Village Hall.
Pictures are wanted also. Dick Dutcher mentioned that he went by the
Village Hall last week and that some of the paint removal had been
done but not much.
A motion was made by Dick Dutcher and seconded by Martin Jones to
authorize Howard Schmidt to proceed with the purchasing of wooden shakes
if it is determined that the Old Village hall once had them on it.
Motion carried.
Lyle Ricklefs will find out such things as: who he needs, how much
he needs of everything etc. before the next meeting which will be May
20, 1976 at 7:30.
Picnic In The Park Sunday night Walter Hobbs and Mark Geyer met to decide t;le
final outline of the Picnic in the Park celebration. It was mentioned that Chaska
Schools has a bandbhell which has a platform already made. Lyle Ricklefs will
call Dick Hinish who is in charge of maintenance at Chaska Schools. The size
of the bandshell and platform will be the subject of the conversation,
Steve Thompson notified the commission that all of his winnebago's have have
been taken. Larry Lassel will furnish the commission with one (1) winnebaro
for sure during the Picnic in the Park Celbration. The winnebago will be
equipped with a generator. Another winnebago will be tenatively scheduled
also for the commission on the day of the celebration. The commission was
reminded that the Chanhassen Fire' Dept. will also provide a generator.
bicentennial Commission
Chanhassen City Mall
May 13, 1976 •
Martin Jones contacted Stever Thompson about the use of a U Haul Truck to haul
things such as the band shell and stage, band things and also chairs.
The truck will be in use from Saturday morning until Sunday evening.
Chairs Father Armand Lubanski has informed the commission that 100
chairs -will be available for their use during the picnic in the park
celebration. The chairs donated by St.Huberts church will be used
probably by the band, which will be playing in the band shell.
Walter Hobbs asked anybody and everybody to bring an extra extension
cord along with them on Saturday morning just in case it is needed.
Bus Mark Geyer left word with Walter Hobbs that he did not got a_
hold of Ed hjermstead about the bus that is going to be needed.
A motion was made by Dick Dutcher and seconded by Lyle Ricklefs to hire
a bus for the day to transport people to and from Lake ann which is the
site for the picnic in the park celebration. motion carried.
It was suggested that the shuttle bus be publicized. A suggestion
was ;made for putting up a sign at Chanhassen Elementary School
reading that "The Shuttle Bus Loads here For Picnic in the Park' every
15 minutes"
Games Ron Knudten and Mary Knudten are in charge of heading up games
for the picnic in the park celebration. It was mentioned that there
will be prizes for the first four (4) places in each game. 80 sets
of four (4) ribbons is the amount vh ich would be liked. The games
which will be taking place are primarily for the small children ranging
from grades one (1) to five (5). At the present time there is no
estimate on how many children will show up to participate in the games.
Suggestions for the games range from potatoe push roll with your nose, '
tug of war, water bucket, and the 3 legged race. The type of games '
really depends on how many children show up to participate. A penny
toss was also suggested for either all winners or for everybody as
sort of a game. The commission agreed to donate $4 or $5 worth of
pennys in which will be thrown all over the ground for the children
to hunt for. Ronald McDonald will be contacted in regards to whether
he would like to cover the games or not since they are a sporting event.
Parade Kinney Smith from the Civic Theatre mentioned that he could
arrange some kind of lead for the parade. Costume awards will be
presented by Mr. And Mrs. Roeser.
Dianne Scheff from 4H contacted Walter Hobbs informing him that a
tape recorder will be neede to acccompany their program . The commission
agreed that the 4H group should try to find a taperecorder on their own
if they can not find one then the commission will be willing to help.
Bicentennial Commission
Chanhassen City Hall
May 13, 1976
Picnic in the Park It was decided that the schedule will be run off onto the agenda
and advertisements. Dale Geving volunteered to do the printing free of charge .
The Bicentennial Commission would like to know what is planned for the church service
which will be starting the Picnic in the Park celebration.
Decoration of Bandshell Beverly Ricklefs came beofre the Bicentennial Commission
to suggest a plan for the aeoorat ion of the Bandshell. Included in the plan was the
old 13 star flag and the Present day flag displayed on the back of the Bandshell.
Beverly estimated that $30 will be needed for such things as streamers, crepe paper,
and swags.
A motion was made by martin Jones and seconded by Dick Duther to authorize a spenditure
of $30 for the decoration of the bandshell. Motion carried.
It was decided that Beverly R ickleis will purchase up to $30 worth of decorations
and then if more money is needed she will come before the Commission one more time.
Beverly Ricklefs will assume responsibility of setting up and taking down the decorations
which will be put on the Bandshell.
Picnic in the Park It was mentioned that the Chanhassen fire Dept. can not sell beer at
the picnic in the park celebration because of the cost of purchaseing insurance. St.
Huberts church will be approached once again.
The Bicentennial Commission reviewed the preliminary outline once again and put more
specific times and information pertaining to each event on the sdedule.Among those
topics covered are a few listed below:
Pop stand- fire dept. no problems
Raffle- no problems, tickets will have to be made soon
Decal Booth- historical society will run this booth
Popcorn wagon-no problems
arboretum- no information
Parade- Civic theatre will lead
Square dancers-all set, dressing room will be in motor home
1 :40 Band
2:25 announcements of activities and awards
to Chanhassen Choir
3:00 Square DaGers program
3:40 411 program
.:00 Civic theatre preJentat ion
4:30 Elementary school bicenntennial Play
4:20 Political speaker (s) Bob Smitz
5:C0 closing remarks Walt hobo
Bicentennial Commission
Chanhassen City Hall
May 13, 1976
Picnic in the Park
6:0C closing of concessions and exhibits
after It was mentioned to the commission that Time Stone wohe ulddrfinalize
r Dick Dutcher handed it in to him.on betweenHighlights
thenChanhassen Elem►e91ar(6shoo thousand
busn serviceP thatry will beut going f(6) tf
and Lake Ann Park every 15 minutes asvolun�ered totdoithe(printing
flyers would be needed. Again DaleGeving
charge for the Bicentennial Commission. from the lions
Set U The commission would like six (6) or seven (7) men to help
TO7help in the set up of the bandshall and chairs etc. The men should meet up at
"0 Larry's Kitchen" at 8:00 am. a great deal
Pl_ q The commission gave the distribution of participation plaquesthem
of thought. it was decided that only th�sanizationee places hwhich do nott have a ahavece oaddsp ay
should get a plaque. Other groups and
for their participation.
area will recieve a letter thanking purchase five (5)
A motion was made by Lyle Rickefs and owhich panded bynici.pated Jones
in the Yirst annual
ola,ques to be distributed to organizations
Picnic in the Park. Motion carried.
Martin Jones and seconded by Dick Dutcher to adjourn the May
A motion was made by 13, 1976 Bicentennial Commission meeting. Mot ion, carried
Time: 10:00
Jayne Cavins