1976-06-24 Bicentennial Commission
June 24, 1976
Chanhassen City Hall
The regular meeting of the Bicentennial Commission was called to order by Chair-
man Walter Hobbs on June 24, 1976 at 8:00. The following members were present:
Rich Lyman, Martin Jones, Walter Hobbs, Myrna Kurvers and Dick Dutcher. Father
Armand Lubanski, and Lyle Ricklefs were absent.
PICNIC IN THE PARK: A motion was made by Martin Jones and seconded by Dick
Dutcher to pay the $100.00 bill for the balloon ascension after Dick Dutcher
contacts the Herald Paper asking $10.00 and Walter Hobbs contacts the Chanhassen
Dinner Theatre to ask $50.00 to help pay the expense. Notion carried. Walter
Hobbs read a letter of appreciation which will be sent to all who helped in the
Picnic in the Park.
VILLAGE HALL RES'IIORATION: Walter Hobbs reported that the City Council approved
the restoration. The remodeling will begin. Land use surrounding the village
hall to be used by the city will be further discussed.
DECAL SALES: Walter Hobbs will ask the Chamber to purchase the remaining decals.
SCRAP BOOK: A number of items pertaining to the Chanhassen Bicentennial year has
been collected. Walter Hobbs and Dick Dutcher will take photographs in the areas.
These can possibly be put into a scrapbook.
GRANT: A motion was made by Dick Dutcher and seconded by Martin Jones that the
expenditure of funds will be consistant with the budget as outlined in the M. A.
R. B. C. application. Motion carried.
A motion was made by Rich Lyman and seconded by Martin Jones to adjourn the June
24, 1976 Bicentennial Commission meeting. Motion carried.
Time: 9:45
Acting Secretary
Myrna Kurvers