16. ResolutionCITY OF CHANHASSEN ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT 7700 Market Boulevard P O. Box 147 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 (952\227-1160 FAX (952) 227-1170 LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL DATE 7t19t21 JOB NO 2021-14 ATTENTION Jean Olson RE Crossroads of Chanhassen - A, g1 TO. Campbell Knutson PA Grand Oak Ofiice Center I 860 Blue Gentian Road, Suite 290 Eagan, MN 55121 rYE ARE SEI{OING YOU x Attached E Under seParate cover via the following rtems n Shop drawrngs ! Copy of letter ! SpecficatronstrP!c ! Ptans f] Samples ! Pay Request tr nnts hange Order coPtEs OATE NO DESCRIPTION 1 7 t12t21 2021-36 Resolution THESE ARE TRA SIITTED.S checkcd bclow: ! For approvat El Approved as submitted n Resubmil copies tor approval I For your use E Approved as noted D Submit copies for distribution I As requested D Retumed for conections E Retum corrected prints E For review and comment Ex Recording N FOR BIDS DUE tr PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US RETARKS lf you have any questions, please contact Sharme€n Al -Jaff at 952-227 -1134 or SAt- Jaff@ci chanhassen.mn us Thank you COPY TO: SI gllEo 4-1 Jean Slecklrng. (952)2 lf enclosut0s arc not as nolc<L kihatly nolit us a? once -11 I rl] CERTIFICATIO\ STATI ()F \TI\\ESOTA COI.'\T\'OF CAR\'ER l. Kim Meuwissen. Deputl ('lerk of the Citl of Chanhassen. Minnesota. do herebl certil.\'that I have compared the lbregoing copl of RESOLUTIOI- NO. 2021-36 *APPROVING A METES AND BOI.]NDS ST]BDIVISION OF LOT 2, BLOCK I, CROSSROADS OF CHANHASSEN - KRAITS-ANDERSON" adopled b) the Chanhassen Citl Council on Jul) Il. l0ll sith the original cop\ no\r on llle in mr olllce and hale lbund the same to be a true and corr!'ct copv lhereot'. Witness ml hand and official seal at Chanhassen. Minnesota this l6th da1' ol Jull'. 2021. Kinr Deputl Ierk ss ) ) ) T CITI'OF CIIANHASSE\ C.{ R \' E R A N D H E\\ E P I \ Co ['}- TI ES. \I I \ \-. ESOT.{ DATT-:Juh I 2.021)RESOLI TIO\ \(): 2021-36 MOT|ON BY: CamDrln SECONDED B\':Schubert WHEREAS, Kraus-Anderson has requested a metes and bounds suMivision of propenl into trro parcels of 167.790 square feet and 23.618 square l'eet; and WHEREAS, the properr) \'as previousll suMivided on April 28. 2008 as Crossroads ol Chanhassen: and WHEREAS, the proposed subdivision complies *'ith all requirements of the Chanhassen City Code; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Chanhassen Citl Council herebl approves the metes and bounds subdirision separaling Lot 2. Block l. Crossroads ofChanhassen into separate lots subject lo the following conditions and adoption ol'thc Findings offact and Decision: l. The applicant shall pal the appropriate sanilar) serrer and \ ater trunk hook-up t'ees at the time of building permit issuance. These l'ees are based on the number of SAC unirs assigned bv the Met Council and are due at the time of building permit issuance. The 2020 rates are $2.302.00/unit and $ for sanitarl seu'er and waler. respectivel). 2. The developer shall remove the enlire length of slorm sewer piping connected to the proposed removed catch basin manhole located on Parcel B. All removals ofthe storm seuer shall meet the Citl's Standard Specifications and Detail Plates. I . '[he applicant shall provide the approved Rilel Purgatory BlulT Creek Warershed Disrricr permit *'hen it is obtained. 2. 1'he applicant shall provide the total disturbed area. Ifoveran acre. aNPDES permir and S\['PPP *'ill be required. -i. 'Ihe applicant shall provide rationale method storm seuer sizing calculations lbr proposed slorn se\ er lo confirm storm seuer is sized lbr a l0-year storm evenl. .1. l'he applicant shall provide rate control inlbrmation for the l0da1. 100-1'ear snor.rmelt runoffevent. A RESOLUTION APPRO\I\G .{ }tETES A:TD BOI-'NDS SUBDIVISION OF LOT 2, BLOCK I, CROSSROADS OF CHANHASSE\ KRAUS.A\DERSO}i \ryHEREAS. the proposed suMivision is consistenl u'ith the Chanhassen Comprehensive Plan and Zoning ordinance. E\(;INEERI\G RECO}I}TE\DATIO\S \\.{TER RESOI-'RCI]S RECO}I\TE\ I).,\TIO\S E\\'IRO\IIE\TAL RESoT'R('ES RECO\I}IE\I)ATIO\ l. The buildings must compll uith the Planned Unit Development regulations goreming the subject site (setbacks. parking. hard surface. etc.). 2. A cross-parking easemenl shall be recorded against both neslr'created parcels. 3. Staffwill work u'ith the applicant to resolve potential lot line adjustments. .1. Deeds shall be recorded al Caner Count) creating the new lols. lltl'rwlWVWttr" I-auric Hokkanen. Citl \lanager \-ES Ryan McDonald Campion Rehm Schubert Flise R1an. \ta1 1 5. The applicant shall provide existing drainage area map lo confirm HldroCAD drainage area values. 6. The applicant shall clarifl' why there is a diflerent change in impervious area ben^'een the HldroCAD model and the sile delelopment summan. 7. The applicant shall either provide documenution confirming 60% TP and 90% TSS removal from Stormtech. or model proposed filter chamber in MIDS. P8. or similar softn'are. 8. The applicant shall provide documentalion from MnDOT that the 'MnDOl Brae Bum Pond' has capacitl'to provide water quality lreatme lbr the project site. 9. The applicant shall provide an O&M plan and agreement and outline the parties that \rill be responsible for O&M. 10. The applicant shall provide drainage deuils for the $ormwaler chamber s1'stem. I l. The applicant shall provide a site emergencl' orerllo* localion to ensure the building floor does not flood if the parking lot space drains plug. 12. The applicant shall provide erosion control me.rsures in the plan set. I . All parking lot landscaped islands shall have a minimum interior uidth of l0 f'eet. PLA\\I\(; I)EPART}IE\T RECO}I}IE\ I)ATI0\ Passed and adopted bl the Chanhassen Citl Council this l2n da1' of Jul1. 2021 . ATTEST: \o ABSE\T