2.1 Letter of Approval dated July 19, 2021CITY OT CIIAI'IIIASSIN Chanhassen is a Community for Life - Providing for Today and Planning for Tomonow July 19,2021 Ms. Erica Ame Krause-Anderson Inc. 501 South 8h Street Minneapolis, MN 55404-1030 Re: Crossroads of Chanhassen Metes & Bounds Subdivision - Planning Case No. 2021-14 Dear Ms. Ame: This letter is to formally notift you that on July 12, 2021, the Chanhassen City Council adopted the following motion: The City Council adopts a resolution approving the metes and bounds suMivision creating two lots subject to the following conditions, and adoption of the Findings ofPact and Decision: I . The applicant shall pay the appropriate sanilary sewer and water trunk hook-up fees at the time ofbuilding permit issuance. These fees are based on the number ofSAC units assigned by the Met Council and are due at the time of building permit issuance. The 2020 rates are $2,302.00/unit and $7,974.00/unit for sanitary sewer and water. respectively. 2. The developer shall remove the entire length of storm sewer piping connected to the proposed removed catch basin manhole located on Parcel B. All removals ofthe storm sewer shall meet the City's Standard Specifications and Detail Plates. WATER RESOURCES RECOMMENDATION'S 1. The applicant shall provide the approved RPBCWD permit when it is obtained. 2. The applicant shall provide the total disturbed area. Ifover an acre, a NPDES permit and SWPPP will be required. 3. The applicant shall provide rational me6od storm sewer sizing calculations for proposed storm sewer to confirm storm sewer is sized for a l0-year stonn event. 4. The applicant shall provide rate control information for a I O-day, 100-year snowmeh runoff event. PH 952.227.1100. www.ci.chanhassen.mn.us . FX 952.227.1110 I/OO IIARKEI BOULEVARO , PO BOX ]47 . CHANHASSEN . MINNISOTA 553I/ ENGINEERING RECOMMENDATIONS Ms. Erica Ame Crossroad of Chanhassen Metes & Bounds Subdivision July 19, 2021 Page 2 5. The applicant shall provide an existing drainage area map to confirm HydroCAD drainage area values. 6. The applicant shall clari! why there is a different change in impervious area between the HydroCAD model and the site development summary. 7. The applicant shall either provide documentation conlirming 60% TP and 90% TSS removal from Stormtech, or model proposed filter chamber in MIDS, P8, or similar software. 8. The applicant shall provide documentation fiom MnDOT that the 'MnDOT Brae Bum Pond' has capacity to provide water quality treatment for the project site. 9. The applicant shall provide an O&M plan and agreement and outline the parties that will be responsible for O&M. 10. The applicant shall provide drainage details for the stormwater chamber system. I I . The applicant shall provide a site emergency overflow location to ensure the building floor does nol flood ifthe parking lot space drains plug. 12. The applicant shall provide erosion control measures in the plan set. ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCES RECOMMENDATION l. All parking lot landscape islands shall have a minimum interior width of l0 fbet. Sincerely, s Sharmeen Al-Jaff Senior Planner - g:\plaruo2l planning cases\21.14 crogsroa& 3rd addition meras ard boullG sub\approval lc[cr.docx PLANNING DEPARTMENT RECOMMENDATIONS l. The buildings must comply with the Planned Unit Development regulations goveming the subject site (setbacks, parking, hard surface, etc.). 2. A cross-parking easement shall be recorded against both newly created parcels. 3. Staff will work with the applicant to resolve polential lot line adjustments. 4. Deeds shall be recorded at Cawer County creating the new lots. lfyou have any questions or need additional information, please contacl me at (952) 227-1134 or saljaff@ci.chanhassen.mn. us