6. Title CommitmentI entmtComm ALTA Commitment for Title Insurance ISSUED BY First American Title Insurance Company File No: NCS-1057136-MPLS COMUTTiTENT FOR, TTTLE INSURANCE Issued By EIRST AMERTCAN TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY NOTICE IMPORTANT-READ CAREFULLY: THIS COMMITMENT IS AN OFFER TO ISSUE ONE OR MORE TTTLE INSURANCE POUCIES, ALL CLAIMS OR REMEDIES SOUGHT AGAINST THE COMPANY INVOLUNG THE CONTENT OF TH]S COMMITMENT OR THE POUCY MUST BE BASED SOLELY IN CONTRACT. THIS COMMITMENT IS NOT AN ABSTRACT OF TITLE, REPORT OF THE CONDMON OF TME, LEGAL OPINION, OPINION OF TITLE, OR OTHER REPRESENTANON OF THE STATUS OF TTTIE. THE PROCEDURES USED BY THE COMPANY TO DETERMINE INSURABIUTY OF THE TITI.f, INCLUDING ANY SEARCH AND EXAMINATION, ARE PROPRIETARY TO THE COMPANY, WERE PERFORMED SOLELY FOR THE BENEFIT OF THE COMPANY, AND CREATE NO EXTRACONTRACTUAL LI,ABIUTY TO ANY PERSON, INCLUDING A PROPOSED INSURED. THE COMPANY'S OBUGATION UNDER THIS COMMITMENT IS TO ISSUE A POUCY TO A PROPOSED INSURED IDENTIFIED IN SCHEDULE A IN ACCORDANCE WTft THE TERMS AND PROVISIONS OF THIS COMMITMENT. THE COMPANY HAS NO UABIUTY OR OBUGATION INVOLVING THE CONTENT OF THIS COMMITMENT TO ANY OTHER PERSON. COMITITTMENT TO ISST,E POLICY Subject to the Notice; Sdredule B, Part l-Requirements; Schedule B, Part Il-Exceptions; and the C-ommitment Conditions, Firrt Ameri@n Tide fnsurane Company, a Nebraska Corporation (the "Company"), commits to issue the Policy according to the terms and provisions of this Commitment. This Commitment is effective as of the Commitment Date shown in Schedule A for each Policy dexribed in Schedule A, only when the Company has entered in Schedule A both the specified dollar amount as the Proposed Policy Amount and the name of the Proposed Insured. If all of the Schedule B, Part I-Requirements have not been met within six months after the Commitment Date, this Commitment terminates and the Company's liability and obligation end. ah-l /r{,/*n*x*l* oannii J Glra.. Prrdd.it OaO t Snlll Sacr.ary If thisjacket was deated €lectronically, it constitutes .n original documenL This page 6 only a @rt ofa 2016 ALTA@ Connituent for fide Insurdrce igJd W Firn Amen@n nde lnsunnce Conpany. This Commibnent is not valid Mttout be oi:ce; the Commibnent to Issue Policy; the Comnidnent Cot ditjorg; dule A; kheduh B, pa,t !*equirenents; Sdrdub q patt If-Acepb:orE. Copyrlght 2006-2016 Americ.n L.nd Tlde Airoci.tior. All righE r€se ad, The use of this Form (or any derivalive thereo0 is restricted to ALTA licensees and ALTA members in good standing as of tle date of u5€. All oth€r uses are prohibited, Reprinted und€r license from tr|e American Land l]de Associaton. Form 50012227 (8-14-18) faoe t or s ALTA Commiunent fur Title Insurance (8-l-161 Minn€sob Flrst Ameficen fltte hsurance Company qosauu!h [9I-I-g) aroe]rEul a[U lol lua4ururoo VI.IV 6 'o z a6€J (8I+I-8) IZZZImS uuol 'uoqepo6sv apt_t puel ueguarv aqq uo.{ asuaf,l rapun pauudau palqlqo]d are sasn raqo v 'asn Jo alPp ato p se 6ulpues poo6 ur sJequJau v.Ilv pue sae6ualll v1'lv ol papusar $ (Joa€$ a oe pap ^ue lo) uJJol sll.ll ro asn aq1 'Po ras.r q{69 [v 'uoFcpo63v eet.l puirl ugrrraluv gtoz-gooz rq6grdoc ' oadeJE-ll ted E afipaes :gueuulnbeal yed E etnpatps lV efiFtps lsltoptpuo) ya.!q!wwo) eq :brcd enssl o] Nau4lauo) atp :a2po ! aq lnot$h4 prc )ou s! ltBu4uwqt s!11 luedu-a) DuarEuJ apu uarlauv $Ja lq patw e)uPJrEuI egllJo! weuqlwulq) @vJW 9I0z e lo pd e,{po e e6d s tl If,llod aql Jo suols!^ord pue sural aql Iq palurll sr A!l!qe!l s,luedurof, aql 'lua a lue uI (6) 'Iueduiof, aql lo uolpeJsges aql ol leur €3q a eq quauaJlnbau-I Ued 'g qnpaqls aql Jo lle ssalun luauJlurrirc) slqt u! ol palJalar bllod aql anssr ol pale6llqo aq ^ueduoC aql llpqs u3^a ou uI 0) 'Iue J! 'EeO uorletrUluapl uoltf,esup{ al{ Jo tualuol aql roj alqell aq lou lleqs lueduol aql (a) 'lunouv ^f,{od pasodord aql ro (r!txe)s q6norqr (D(P)s suolllpuoc luauluulof u! paqtr)sap pue ttrle, poo6 ur peJmur asuadra lenpe s,parnsul p€6odot aql Jo lassal aql p$trxa pu lleqs A!||qe[ sy'ueduJQ a{I (p) 'psrnsul posodord alo ol para^tpp lsJu seM luau4tuLc al{ uaq/\ JauPur pappe at0 papnpu! luauiluuqf aql peq a6uadxa aql parn)u a^eq lou plnoM parnsul pesodord aqq J! , uorltpuoc luauJlururo) Japun lulqell a^Pq lluo ll!^ lueduof, aq1 (r) '6uBu^ ur I lnoqe ^ueduJof aql4!lou lou ptp pue leDpr! aqllo aope|Moux peq ro luanipuaure al'p pa$anbar parnsul pa6odord aql Jt (e)s uoupuoc lueulurrlo] rapun alqel aq lou lleqs ^ueduof aql (q) -luaurlururoo srtn ^q para^of, a6e6lo el$ alearf, ro an[ aq] arnboP (rl) ro lsuoodal&Fll Ued 'g atnpeqtrS ^ue'luasuoJ ualuM Elupduo) aql qIM 'aleurula (r) :squauarnbau-I Ied 'g qnpaq€ aql qlffi ^lduor (!) :ol a)uelPJ qte, poo6lparnsul pasodord ats uo.rJ 6u nsar '/luauqluurof, papuaue aql Jo tuaruPp aql pue luau4turuoC al.{ Jo parnsul pasodord e[.n ol tuaruPp sy'ueduoC el{ uae 4]eq lerualu! aql ur Parnlur asuadxa lenpe EpeJnsul pacodot aql q palull s! t uo[!puo] luaul]ltuurcJ l3pun A!l!qe{ sy'uBdruol aq1 (e) Alnlgwr Jo sNor,rvlrrn '9 'luau.qrultrJoc slqt q tuauJpueue larso ^up ro, alqell aq lou lleqs ,(uduoc aql '9 uotlpuoc luauluJrlof lq paluIt sr lueduroc aql Jo Allqel lue 'aleo luauUUUoC aql ol roud spro]au f,llqnd aql ur paprotrer rslleu, raqlo ro 'urep asJa^pe 'alupjqurnrua 'ua 'lslap p ppp ol luau.,ltruurof slql spuaue luduroC aql JI 'auio lue le luauqtxuof srql puaue leur ^ueduoC aql oNll{Y Ol IHCIU s,lNVd}{Of 't 'suondal4}-Il uPd 's qnpaqE pup lquauJaJrnbeu-l }ed /g alnpaqls lV qnpaq€ lsuolpuol luauluruoC aql llll|od anssl ol lueuluruoC al{ lalDoN eql :mols! ple^ lou st luauluuto] s .p pup lq paltu{ sr uoqeolno pue atlqeu sy'ueduof, aql .E 'pua uoqe6tfp pup A!l!qe!l sy'uedtuol aql pue saleuruuat luauJluJulof srtll ,,blpd anssl ot luatrllrtluo] aql ul paulrads pouad auu aql utqlM lauj uaoq lou a pq quaursJrnbau-I ]Jpd ,g alnpaqls aqt p llB ,I .z 0 a p f q) e) .a6pauouxuo\qt^pueanrerors*:llHlT,'^iffi ilJ,?;';,["*1ffi.:,*r";:h(') a^rrJnllsuor 6uuedulr Jo esodrnd aql Joj aleo luau4urulo3 al{ le saulqs aleF Japun paqslHEsa splofau :,spooaX rqq.. (6) 'UauJlu[l1o9 slqq ol luenslnd pensst eq ol lolpd qlea jo lunorlv lJlpd pasodo! aql se V qnpeqls ur paulleds lunoup rqpp qtel :,,pnotuy loro6 pesodold,, 0) srrlr ol ruensrnd panssr aq ol tllpd qrea Jo parnsul pa.odold a.o se v qnpaq)s u! parrluag uoeed qtrer '.o"rrrli"H#H? r"l'tuauqlululof slq ol Nenend lueduoo aqllq penssl aq ol rc panssr 'uorlprrossv a0[ pusl usJ]auv ae lq paldope uJ.ro, e ur 'a:ue.rnsur agg go pe4uo] qref :,,rorpa,, (p) 'Met lqpszuoqlnp sueaur fruoJpela Iq pafuapr^a auo 6urpnpur 'luaurnj$u! aunDs raqp Jo ,FnAlo paep ,a6e6uor! v :,a6e6}ohl_ (l) ',(]!pd alo Iq paJnsur aq ot s! puq aqq uo.tj pue ol ssalfp Jo lq6u e leql luaUe aql u[ Jo 4lpout lou saop stls lnq ,sleruap ,l rc ,sleM ,sauq ,slalle ,saoua^e ,speo ,sqaajls ouqyqe ur luauasearo 'ale$a 'lsarau! 'a0n 'lq6! lup Jou ,V alnpaqls ur paqltsap eare aql Jo saull aql puolaq ^ladord ^ue apnpur lou saop ,,puelN [.ral eql ',qladord lear aultsuo] Mel lq lpql sluaua oJdul paxJe pue V alnpaqts ut pequfsap puel al.ll :,pusl, (q)'sploleu lllqnd aql Iq peleduJr alBou aruDrulsuol lou Uq ,aopqMoul paldut Jo lenpv :,,u/,^ouX., Jo ,,a6paF^oux" (p) sr{oulilIJIo I SNOIJ.IONO) INl9,lIIl{y{O) 6, LIABILITY OF THE COi{PA'{Y MUST BE BASED ON THIS COiIMITME] T (a) Only a Proposed Insured identified in Schedule A, and no other person, may make a chim under this Commitment. (b) Any claim must be based in contract and must be restrictd sohly to the terms and provisions of this C-ommitment. (c) Until the Policy is issued, this Commitment, as last revised, is the exclusive and entjre agreement htween the parties with resp€ct to the subject matter of this Commitment and supersedes all prior commitment negotiations, representations, and proposals of any kind, whether written or oral, express or implied, relating to the subiect matter of this Commitment. (d) The deletion or modification of any Schedule B, Part Il-{xception does not constitute an agreement or obligation to provide coverage hyond the terms and provisions of this Commitrnent or the Policy. (e) Any amendment or endorsement to this Commitment must be in wribng and authenticated by a person authorized by the Company.(0 when the Policy is issued, all liability and obligation under this Commitment will end and the Compan/s onv liability will be under the Policy. 7. IF THIS CO]TIMITMENT HAS BEEN ISSUED BY AN ISSUING AGENT The issuing agent is the Company's agent only for the limited purpose of issuing tide insurance commitments and policies. The issuing agent is not the Compan/s agent for the purpose of providing closing or settlement services. 8. PRO.FORMA PIOLICY The Company may provide, at the request of a Proposed Insured, a pro-forma policy illu*rating the coverage that the Company may provide. A pro-forma policy neither reflects the status of Trtle at the time that the pro-forma policy is delivered to a Proposed Insured, nor is it a commitment to insure. lhis Ngc is only a patt ofa 2016 ALTA@ Conmituent for nde Insurance isJed by Firrt Amed@n nde Insurance Conpany. This Commiznent is not valid without tlE tlob:ce; the Connibnent to Isstr'e- Policy; the ConnihrEnt bnditions; Wule A; gtdule B, patt t-RequiemalE; Sfuute B, patt II-Frcqb:ot6. Copyrlght 2006-2016 Amcric.r L.nd T.ide Assod.tion. All rights Eserved. The use of this Form (or any derivative the{eoo is restsicted to ALTA licensees and ALTA members in good danding as of the date of use. All ou|er uses are prohibited. Reprinted under license from the American Land TiUe Assocjation. Form 50012227 (8-14-18)F'-ALTA Co.nmih€ot tor TiUe Insurance (8-1-16) Minnesota 9. ARBITRATION The Policy contains an arbitration chuse. All arbitrable rnatters when the Proposed Policy Amount is $2,000,000 or less shall be arbitrated at the option of either the Company or the Proposed lnsured as the exclusive remedy of the parties. A Proposed tnsured may review a copy of the arbiuation rules at http://www.alta.oro/arbitrdtion. el@uurN l9l-l-g) aluelns,l a0[ roJ tuauqrurr.roo VltV 6ro, a6J (8I-rI-8) lzzzloos u]]oj 'uoqepossv a[!1 puel ue]uaurv au uo{ 3slntJll rapun paluudau palqlqoJd ale sasn .tatno lN asn Jo alep aqB p s€ 6urpuels poo6 ur s.requaur vllv pue sassusrll vllv ol p9l.l!4sar s! (pelals a^0e^!ap lue .lo) urol str.0 jo asn aql 'pe^r.eer rqqSg llv 'uolcpossv aFI Puq uclrtft.luv gloz-g(xtz rq5! dof 'sro4da2E-JJ Ued E afiFtps lq@urarlnba|-I yed 'g afipae, :V afipeps :etou.pra) rau4luao) aq :btw alssl 01 luau4!1.,uto) aq :a2po etg )noqLu p e lau S! lt-pu4lu-tuJo) s!41 ',{ueduo) auexrsq epll u@tauv t lj lq ,ptlss! ezueJnsq apu rol yauqlwulq) @v17v 9ru2 e lo yPd e ,{po s e6ed sql 'Ez.l9LSV'oN luaurn)oo se'€Ioz'€I Ie!,{ paprolar ',tloz',6 Ael^l pelPp suoqf,!.qsau pue slueua^o] 'sluaurasel Jo uo[elelFo o] luaupuauv lsflJ lq pepuau.le se 'Ltoo,w 'oN lueunloo se '8002 '€ Jaqopo pepoler '8002 '62 raqualdas pelpp suolp!4seu pue slueua^ol 'queuaspl Jo uole]el)eo ur rluoJ las se 'I leJlpd Jo Uauaq aql loj 'alrqJn4s u6E rcJ luauiasea pue 'sueulsapad pue sallrqa ^q fuanllap pue a6essed 'ssaJ6a 'ssaJbu! toJ luauasea a^Enpxa-uoN : z pf,ied (Auadord pe.qsqv) 'epsauulhl ' unoC €^JeC 'uassequeqf, Jo speolssojl 'I llols 'Z lol :I lored :sMolloJ se pequxaD 'ep6auu!1,{ Jo slsls 're^J{) Jo Aunoo aqq u! Auadod leeu :s^ olpl se paqll36ap s! lueuAluiuroo slro ur ol pe.uarar pu4 eql uonerodro Eqosauull^l p'peleJodJ@ul'uos:apuy-snety :ur petsan €Ieo tuauqrJrr.uoor a'.'q le 's! enlt eql z lored ol se luauasef 1I laarpd ol se aldurls eeJ s! lueulllututo:r slrA u! ol pareJer ro p3ql,Dsap pu€il aql u! lsalalu! Jo alqsa eql 00 09 :lunouv lolpd pesodord V/N :parnsul pesodord ^1pd uPo'l @Vf]V (q) O0'Zs9'0€t$ :tunouv Al!pd pesodord Aueduol /{]!l!qe!l pallurll elosauurl4 e 'l'l'l 'suoles puelqroN :p3rnsul pesodord ^)rpd sJau^ O @Vt]V (p) :panssr aq o1 lc1p6 t/,lv 0E:/ le Iz0z '6, qf,Jeu{ :a}eo luauqluruof, v :r'lnolHf,s S b E z I s:.ldW-9€IlS0I-StN :'oN at!J a}JJo 6utnssl Z0,SS Nhl'sfiodeauurtal '0SZI allns 'leerts $8 tnnos IZI :alUJO ournssl V/N : oN uorsl^au NW 'uassequeql'ple^alnog speorssol] 1469 : ssalppy,Qado.r6 sld!r/-9€Its0I-slN :'oN luaultulrrrol saf,ruas leDauluol leuoqeN Aueduo3 arue.rnsul aB[ uerueuv ls]r3 :pa6y ournssl :l1uo auanelan to1 epq uona WuepJ uonretsuert sldN-9EIl.S0I-sJN :oN aIJ lupduro) aruernsul eE11 urrlleuy 1sllJ 18 0lnssl af,uernsul el]. roj lueulur,uol vl-lv v elnpeqf,s uecueurv lsJH *re 4OSauu!14 [9I-I-g) 3 ernsul aB[ ]o, tuau4ruuro] VI-tv 6Josa6J (8I-rI-8) lzzzloos uuoj 'uo0epo6sv agl_t pusl ue9louv a\q uo{ asuol Epun pauudaS pqqqold are sasn lixno |v 'a$,o alep eqo Jo 5P arlpus poo6 ur sJ3qua! vltv pue saesl(Dlt vltv ol pep!4sar e (Joeraq a 0e pap lue ,o) uuol s!r8 p 6n a{I 'Do r...r qq6!I [Y 'uoFrlroi'3v .ruI put l utr]t.ruy gtoz-gooz t{6t/doc 'suoqda2E Uyed E enp.ps lguauunb|-J yed 'g afipes lV anpa :sroplprlo) luanograo) aq :bwd ao55t ol Ueuq uuto) eq lazoov eq tnoqu,t E^ lw s! ltau4utlJo) sttll ,luduo) a2uq6q apll uanaulv ga lg pat6t ayzmsq aptJ Jal tuauqnauJo) @v-lw 9rc2 elo,ed e,<po g afu slw 'epeu aq Aeu suolldaJxa ro quauraJlnbal leuolllppe 'pue lpa]lnbal sr le^odde 6uqum:apun :goads 'papu$al uaaq seq 6urp:oca JI 'learqno 6I-OIAOJ aqq ol anp saDrpd ssaDp slr pebueqt seq palecol s! puq aql qf,rqM ur alllJo 6u1p]oe: {uno: aql ra\qaqM uxuuot $nu lueduol aql '6u!soll ol roud 'luadoJd leer psqprsep aqq uo sllarvr lue Jo ,\ otJ)l lou saop rallas aqq teqq gurual ralles et[ ]o alecugJa3 arnsopsro 11a6 pelg Alsnourard lsel at0 aruls pe6ueqr pu a^eq l]Jadord lear peqDsap aql uo slla^ Jo reqtunu pue snlels atp leql lJlual I pue tueurulsur slrg ul paqllsep l1:adord aql qllm letlluleJ ure I :peproler aq ol p€ep aql uo peleE aq pnu a6enbue; oulMolloj aqq Jo ale]ul]Jef, alnsollslo lpM 'anle^ eleFl lea! Jo aleluuaf, lruorltral3 potaldurol aqt Jo tnoluud pue :enle1 alslsl leau lo aleluryal lruorpall eql rol raqunu ldlalau :uo[euJojur 6unao11o1 aq qlrru Auedu.oS at0 ep!^old pue (/Nf,lsn uu'ateF'saxe1,1 ,1 M) le eulluo enle aleFf leau lo ale]UlUeC lruo4]ell qosauur]4 aqt alaldurof 'Aueduol Allqell pelull elo6auurw e 5] 'suoles pueltflroN Jo rc^eJ u! 'uo0erodr@ elosauulhl e 'pelercdrooul 'uos:apuy-snay Aq peuf,3xa p€O 'parnbar sr 'Aueduol aql 01 fuopeJsllPs 'lt^epuuv s,raseq)nd Jolpue sJallas Jo ruroJ plepue$ aql 'sprosu lrlqnd aqq ur pepJoDr pue 'p3Ja^rlap 'palnlexa 'pazuorllne ^padord aq lsnu '{loq ro 'pajnsur aq ol e6e6]Jot/{ al.[ aleaJtr Jo aB[ aql ^a^uoJ letl Auedtlq] aql ol fuopeJslles sluaurnloo Aueduof aql ol btpd aql roJ sabrerp pue 's€J 'srunrruard aql ipd 'peJnsur aq ol lsaralu! .ro aleFa aql Jol lunoue pearoe aql Aed 6 8 'q 'e L :1aur aq 1snu slualuerlnbau 6umolloJ aql Jo llv Sldt/'l-gtll.S0I-Sf N :oN alrl Auedruo3 eruernsul allll ustlreuy 1srlJ 18 olnssl ef,uernsul eB[ ]oJ luaL4ulujol) vl]v IIg R Ig elnpeq)s slL sildh-9EIZS0I-Sf, N :'oN luaulluurol 'urels^s aql sa^eal JaJedard aql raue passalle aq puuel ll 'palalduof, sr ruroj aqt uaq^ apeuJ aq lsnu lnoluud aql :=ILON '9 's ,b 't .Z 'suo0dalx3 ro slueuJarnbau leuonlppe oleu uat0 leuJ iupdtxof, aqL 'puq aqq uo ueol e aleu lllM oqM rc pusl aql u! lsalelu! ue ulslqo lllM oq,\ luaiulltul'uof slql ur ol perajar lou ^]Jed Aue to aulPu aql Jo bulluM u! lueduof, aql lJlou $nLu pelnsul pasodot aql I slueruer!nbau I luvd 's ]rnolHf,s rrslrJeurv tsJH q@uulhl (9I-I-8) ouer.lsul anra roJ luau4[uuoo VltV 6rosa6J (gr-tr-8) Lzzzloos uuol 'uoqepo€sv a0!1puel uouaurv alo [uo{ asua]I.rapun paluuda! palqrqold ere sasn raqQo llv esn p alep aql Jo se outpuels poo6 u! eaquau vl'lv pue saesualll vl'lv ol paplllsa] s! (Joo€t[ a^ge usp lue lo) urof strfl Jo asn aql .p" r"sar qq6t r lruogEpossv eFrl pun ui.rFiurv gloz-9ooz tq6Htdof ' opdeJxf-JJ ued '8 afiFtps lq@uallnbaa-t lred '8 efiFtps :v afiFtps :suootptlo) tua.r4twwolteq :l4od an55l o) tueu4luuJal eq :QaoiJ eq noqM FE lou 5t llgr-qurwo7 5ll1 "luedu.p) etuergul epll uauerry ts!!! lq p,rsst auensul ep!! Jol luau4ruac) @vLlv 9l0a elo ued e 4uo g a6ed s!.ll 'peulurelap aq ol 'AUp Jr 'sluaLualtnbal leuotllppv 'OI 4OSauult4 (9I-I-g) aluernsul a0r_t rq luauqlu.ruro:) vltv 6 ro z a6eJ (8I-tI-g) zzzzloog uroj 'uogepossv anLL plel uecueuv 3l{ uorj aqnDl Jepun peuudau palqrqod ere sa6n -E(no lE 'a6|r Jo alep ato Jo se 6!!pu€1s poo6 ur gequal VllV pue saeana)ll VllV 01 pap!4sar sr (rooraln a^ge^gap lue .ro) uuol sr\o p asr) aql 'pouasar qq6!.r llv 'uoeEnossv aElI puq ue"gauv gtoz-g(xrz rq5.U^dof 'sropda24-It yed 'g afip.ps lquara4nbA-I Apd 'g epp :V qnpes :s1,op!Na) tu&4.wunJ aq !,lqod e]Esl ot tueu4luwc) aq :a$ot! aq lnoqtr4 ptp lou st l.pu0lurulo) sttlt 'lueduoJ aJuam4 aqu uarraurv FJ!! ,1q pot?sq aueJntul apll Jo! lu 4twwoJ @v17v gI0z e lo yed e 4w s! a6d sltl! 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Amended by Amendment "A" to Crossroads of Chanhassen Development Contract dated luly 29, 2008, recorded 9rptember 8. 2008, as Document No. A288856. Atrected by Partial Release dated April 12, Z013, recorded July 3. 2013, as Document No. A57ggg7. 72.Declaration of Easements, covenants and Restrictions dated september 29, 2008, recorded october 3, 2008, as Document No. A490037. Amended by First Amendment to Declaration of Easements, Covenants and Restrictions dated May 9, 2013, recorded May 13, 2013, as Document No. A576723. 13. Restrictions dated May 25, 2012, recorded May 29, 2012, as Document No. A555760 14.Site Plan Agreement by and between the City of Chanhassen, a Minnesota municipal corporation, and Kraus-Anderson, Inc., a Minnesota corpoEltion, dated March 25,2073, recorded May 28, 2013, as Document No. 4577566. Mortgage. Security Agreement, Fixture Financing Staternent and Assignment of Leases and Rents executed by Kraus-Anderson, Incorporated, a Minnesota corporation. dated lune 13,2013, recorded July 3, 2013, as Document No. A5799qq, in the original principal amount of $2,1100,000.00, in favor of Bremer Bank, National Association, a national banking association. Amended by Amendment to Mortgage, Security Agreement, Fixture Financing Statement and Assignment of Leases and Rents dated lune 13, 2019, recorded August 6, 2019, as Document No. A681065. 16 Unrecorded Small Town Retail Lease dated November 8, 2012, by and between Kraus-Anderson, Incorporated, a Minnesota corporation, as Landlord, and McDonald's USA, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company, as Tenant, as evidenced of record by Memorandum dated April 9, 2013, recorded April 30, 2013, as Document No. A575945. Subordinated to the lien of the mortgage recorded as Document No. A529988 by Subordination, Non- Disturbance and Attomment Agreement and Estoppel certificate dated June 13, 2013, recorded July 3, 2013, as Document No. A579989. Affected by Supdement to Lease dated lanuary 31,2014, recorded April 3, 2014, as Document No. As92266. !7,Unrecorded lease by and between Kraus-Anderson, Inc., as Landlord, and Subway Real Estate, LLC, as Tenant, as evidenced of record by Memorandum of Lease dated December 9, 2008, recorded April 7, 20L4, as Document No. A592435. 18. Rights of tenants under unrecorded leases. This page b only a part of a 2016 ALTA@ Conmibnent for Ttde lnsurance i's,d by Fitst Amerkzn fde lrEunnce Conqny. This ConmituE rt is not valid without the l\otice; the Com,nibrent b t$LE tulky; the bmnibent Conditions; Sdrdde A; Sdldde e Patt l-RquircnenE; SMule 8, Paft II-Exceptions. Copyright 2qr6-2016 American Land Ird€ Assodatlon. All rights rctcryed. The use of $is Form (or any derivative thereo0 is restricted to ALTA licensees and ALTA members in good standing as of the date of use. All other uses are prohibited. Reprinted under license from the Arn€rican Land T'ide Associauon. Form 50012227 (8-14-18) f"s. a "r s ALTA Cornmiunent for TiUe Insurdnce (8-1-16) lilinn€sob 15. Restrictions contained in Restrictjve Use Covenant dated Apnl - 2021, recorded - - 2021, as Document No. -.Easements, covenants, and restrictions contained in Declaration of Easements, Covenants and Restrictions dated - - 2021, recorded - - 202L, as Document No. -. This Nge is only a patt of a 2016 AITA@ Connibnent for nde lnsurance isred bl Fid AnEri@n ntle l$tnance Amqny, fhis hmmibnent is tpt yalid without the llotice; the Commidnent to IsL,e Poliry dE Connitueot Cooditions; Sdredule A; Sdldule B, Part l-Rquirenenb; Sdtdule B, Part I-Exceptions, Copyright 2005-2016 Arncrk n Land Tiiuc Airodatioo. All rights rrserved. The use of this Form (or any derivative ther€oo is restuicted to ALTA licensees and ALTA members in good standing as of th€ date of use. All other uses are prohibited. Reprinted under liceose from the American Land TiUe Associatioo. Form 50012227 (8-1+18) faee e of e ALTA Commitrnent for Tlde Insurarrce (8-1-15) Minn€sota 19. 20.