Landscape PlanPERMITPERMIT Information contained on this drawing and in all digital files produced for above named project may not be reproduced in any manner without express written or verbal consent from authorized project representatives. MLD PROJECT # PRINTED FOR DATE SHEET SHEET NUMBER DRAWN BY Chick-fil-A 5200 Buffington Road Atlanta, Georgia 30349-2998 REVISION SCHEDULE FSU#CHICK-FIL-A2021235 11/3/21 ADNCHANHASSEN 445 W 79TH STREETCHANHASSEN, MN 553173840 NO.DATE DESCRIPTION Landscape Plan L-100 0 20 40 FT PLANT LIST Qty Botanical Name Common Name Scheduled Size Remarks Trees 1 Ginkgo biloba Ginkgo 2.5" Cal. B & B; single straight leader; male only 3 Quercus rubra x alba 'Crimschmidt'Crimson Spire Oak 2.5" Cal.B & B; Single Straight Leader Shrubs 15 Ilex glabra 'Chamzin'Nordic Inkberry Holly 3 Gal. 21 Panicum virgatum 'Heavy Metal'Heavy Metal Switch Grass 3 Gal. 54 Rhus aromatica 'Grow-Low'Fragrant Sumac 3 Gal. 29 Spiraea japonica 'Goldmound'Goldmound Spiraea 3 Gal. Groundcovers 29 Hemerocallis 'Stella De Oro'Stella De Oro Daylily 1 Gal. Other X EXISTING TREE TO BE REMOVED EXISTING TREE TO REMAIN LEGEND MIDWEST 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. Landscape Contractor to read and understand the Landscape Specifications prior to finalizing bids. The Landscape Specifications shall be adhered to throughout the construction process. Contractor is responsible for locating and protecting all underground utilities prior to digging. Contractor is responsible for protecting existing trees from damage during construction. All tree protection devices to be installed prior to the start of land disturbance, and maintained until final landscaping. All tree protection areas to be protected from sedimentation. All tree protection fencing to be inspected daily, and repaired or replaced as needed. No parking, storage or other construction activities are to occur within tree protection areas. All planting areas shall be cleaned of construction debris (ie. concrete, rock, rubble, building materials, etc) prior to adding and spreading of the topsoil. General Contractor is responsible for adding a min of 4” clean friable topsoil in all planting beds and all grassed areas. Graded areas to be held down the appropriate elevation to account for topsoil depth. See Landscape Specifications for required topsoil characteristics. In all parking lot islands, the General Contractor is responsible to remove all debris, fracture/loosen subgrade to a min. 24” depth. Add topsoil to a 6”-8” berm height above island curbing; refer to landscape specifications and landscape island detail. Prior to beginning work, the Landscape Contractor shall inspect the subgrade, general site conditions, verify elevations, utility locations, irrigation, approve topsoil provided by the General Contractor and observe the site conditions under which the work is to be done. Notify the General Contractor of any unsatisfactory conditions, work shall not proceed until such conditions have been corrected and are acceptable to the Landscape Contractor. Any deviations from the approved set of plans are to be approved by the Landscape Architect. Landscaping shall be installed in conformance with ANSI Z60.1 the “American Standard for Nursery Stock” and the accepted standards of the American Association of Nurserymen. Existing grass in proposed planting areas shall be killed and removed. Hand rake to remove all rocks and debris larger than 1 inch in diameter, prior to adding topsoil and planting shrubs. Soil to be tested to determine fertilizer and lime requirements prior to laying sod. Annual and perennial beds: add min. 4 inch layer of organic material and till to a min. depth of 12 inches. Mulch annual and perennial beds with 2-3 inch depth of mini nuggets. All shrubs beds (existing and new) to be mulched with a min. 3 inch layer of mulch. Rock Mulch to be provided around the building as shown and called out on the landscape plan, all other planting beds are to be mulched with double shredded hardwood mulch; Match existing mulch. Planting holes to be dug a minimum of twice the width of the root ball, for both shrub and tree. Set plant material 2-3” above finish grade. Backfill planting pit with topsoil and native excavated soil. Sod to be delivered fresh (Cut less than 24 hours prior to arriving on site), laid immediately, rolled, and watered thoroughly immediately after planting. Edge of sod at planting beds are to be "V" trenched; see Landscape Details. Any existing grass disturbed during construction to be fully removed, regraded and replaced. All tire marks and indentions to be repaired. Water thoroughly twice in first 24 hours and apply mulch immediately. The Landscape Contractor shall guarantee all plants installed for one full year from date of acceptance by the owner. All plants shall be alive and at a vigorous rate of growth at the end of the guarantee period. The Landscape Contractor shall not be responsible for acts of God or vandalism. See Landscape Specifications for Warranty requirements/expectations. Any plant that is determined dead, in an unhealthy, unsightly condition, lost its shape due to dead branches, or other symptoms of poor, non-vigorous growth, shall be replaced by the Landscape Contractor. See Landscape Specifications for warranty requirements/expectations. Existing irrigation system shall be retrofitted as needed to provide 100% head to head coverage in all new and existing landscaped areas; see Retrofit notes for guidelines. Stake all evergreen and deciduous trees as shown in the planting detail and as per the Landscape Specifications. Remove stakes and guying from all trees after one year from planting. LANDSCAPE NOTES RETROFIT EXISTING IRRIGATION SYSTEM Existing irrigation system shall be retrofitted to include proper irrigation coverage to all newly created landscaped areas. Sprays and rotors shall be utilized on all sod and seeded areas, while drip irrigation shall be utilized within shrub planting beds. The contractor shall be responsible to ensure that all new and existing irrigation components are in proper working order and provide 100% head to head coverage. Add valves, sprays, rotors, drip, and/or replace zones as needed to achieve the proper coverage as required. * Only RainBird products are to be utilized * Mainline shall be 1.5" CLS200 PVC * Lateral lines shall be 1" CLS200 PVC Prior to final completion the Irrigation Contractor shall perform a walk-thru inspection with the owner, or owners representative of the functioning system. 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A S P H A L T P A V E M E N T W 949948 947 948 9 4 8 949948D R A IN A G E A N D U T IL IT Y E A S E M E N T 9509509 5 1950951 9509 5 1 9509 5 0 951 9529519 5 1 9 5 1 VANR ID G ERIDGE RI DGEBACK OF CURB STSTSTSTX X X X 3 Ex. Birch 6 Ex. Serviceberry 3 Ex. Honeylocust 2 Ex. Crimsonspire Oak Removed 1 Ex. Ginkgo Removed 1 Ex. Ginkgo Removed 4 Ex. Crimson Spire Oak 1 Ex. Ginkgo 5 Ex. Ginkgo 1-Ginkgo 2-Crimson Spire Oak 1-Crimson Spire Oak 10-Goldmound Spiraea 30-Fragrant Sumac 4-Switch Grass 9-Stella De Oro Daylily12-Goldmound Spiraea17-Switch Grass 24-Fragrant Sumac 20-Stella De Oro Daylily 3 Ex. Shrubs 15-Nordic Inkberry Holly Ex. Shrubs Replace trees if disturbance is excessive and causes damage to the trees. Ex. Shrubs to be Removed 7-Goldmound Spiraea [Drawing Title] Scale: 1" = 20'-0"2