Approval letter prelim & site planCITY OT CHAI'IIIASSXN Chanhassen is a Community for Life - Providing for Today and Planning for Tomorrow November 23, 2021 Mr. Joel Buttenhoff Capstone Investors, LLC. 102 Jonathan Boulevard North #200 Chaska, MN 55318 Re: Preliminary Plat and Site Plan Approval - Planning Case #2021-19 Dear Mr. Buttenhoff: This letter is to confirm that on November 22,2021,the Chanhassen City Council approved the preliminary plat and site plan for River Va ey lndustrial Center subject to the following conditions: PRELIMINARY PLAT Engineering l. A private cross access agreement between Lots I and 2 must be recorded concurrently with the final plat. 2. Private operation and maintenance agreements for any intemal private utilities crossing property lines must be recorded concurrently with the final plat. 3. The applicant shall address all requirements set forth by the City ofChaska and Carver County prior to recording ofthe final plat and/or issuance ofa Notice to Proceed for construction activities. 4. The applicant shalt apply for and obtain permits from the appropriate regulatory agencies, as n""".rury, i.e. Lower Minnesota River Watershed District, Carver County, the City of Chaska, Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, Minnesota Departsnent ofNatural Resources, Army Corps of Engineers, etc. and comply with their conditions ofapproval. 5. The appliiant shaliprovide drainage and utility easements in accordance with Sec. l8-76(b) with the submittal of the final plat. 6. The applicant shall confirm the ownership of all private storm systems proposed to be conneiied to. An easement to tie into the private system must be provided prior to the recording ofthe final Plat. 7. The Stoirwater Manigement Report and modeling shall be updated to include analysis of downstream private conveyance and stormwater BMPS that are being pmposed to be connected to in order to ensure they will adequately function with the increase in stormwatsr volumes. 8. An updated erosion and sediment control plan in accordance with Sec. l9-145 and SWPPP in u".oidun"" with the NPDES Construction Permit shall be provided for review and approval prior to commencement of any construction activities' 9. All erosion control shall be installed and inspected prior to initiation of site grading activities- PH 952.227.1100' www.ci.chanhassen.mn.us' FX 952'227'lll0 77OO MARKET BOULEVARD .PO BOX I4T.CHANHASSEN 'MINNESOTA 55317 Joel Buttenhoff Planning Case No. 2021 -19 November 23, 2021 Page 2 10. Fire flow calculations justifuing the existing water tank can supply the newly proposed development's fire suppression needs shall be provided for review prior to recording ofthe final plat. I l. The private fire line proposed under Stoughton Avenue shall be relocated wholly outside the right-of-way. 12. The properties associated with this subdivision will be specially assessed for the extension of the public water and sanitary sewer when they connect. I . The developer shall pay Commercial/lndustrial Park Dedication fees in effect at the time of final plat for Lot 2. Environmental Resources Diversity within the Planting Schedule shall meet minimum standards for 85 trees to meet subdivision planting requirements. Water Resources Buildine l. The appticant shall pay appropriate SWMP Fee at the rate in effect atthetimeof recording the final plat for Lot 2, Block l' 2021 rates would require a fee of$177,130' Appropriate SWMp fies based on the rate in eflect at the time of redevelopment would be required for Lot I ifthe site is redeveloped increasing the intensity or site coverage ofthe site' Appropriate SWMP fees shall be paid with the further subdivision of the property creating additional developable lot(s). 2. The applicant shatl confirm with the LMRWD map if the project location is in a High Value Resource Area (HVRA). 3. The applicant shall provide the approved LMRWD permit when it is obtained' 4. The applicant shall work with the city to execute an Operations and Maintenance Plan that identifLs the maintenance schedule and responsible parties for the infiltration basin. 5. The applicant shall complete a double ring infiltrometer test to confirm soils are conducive to infiltration. 6. The applicant shall confirm with the City of Chaska that tying into the private storm sewer, but within Chaska's right-of-way. is permissible. 7. The project Swppp and NPDES permit must be submitted to the city prior to the start of any earthwork. SITE PLAN I . A septic design must be submitted and approved before a building permit can be issued. 2. Septic designhust be prepared by a sepiic design professional licensed by the State of Minnesota- 3. A building permit must be obtained before beginning any construction' Parks Joel Buttenhoff Planning Case N o. 2027 -19 November 23, 2021 Page 3 Ensi nee!1!g 4. Building plans must be prepared and signed by design professionals licensed in the State of Minnesota. 5. Building plans must provide sufficient information to verify that proposed building meets all requirements of the Minnesota State Building Code, additional comments or requirements may be required after Plan review. 6. The building is required to have automatic fire extinguishing systems. 7. Structure proximity to property lines (and other buitdings) will have an impact on the Code requirements for the proposed buildings, including but not limited to: allowable size, protected openings and fire-resistive construction. These requirements will be addressed when complete building and site plans are submitted' 8. Building plans must include a code analysis that contains the following information: Key plan, Occupancy group, Type of construction, Allowable height and area, Fire sprinklers, 'S"parat"d or non-ieparated, Fire resistive elements (Exterior walls, Bearing walls - exterior o.int".ior, Shaft, Iniidental use), Occupant load, Exits required (Common path, Travel distance), Minimum plumbing fixture count. g. Retaining walls (if present) more than four feet high must be designed by a professional engineer and a building permit must be obtained prior to construction' I . The applicant shall enter into a site plan agreement with the city and provide neces:ary __ nnaniiut security to guarantee compliance with the terms of site plan approval' This shall include, but is nlt limited to, I l0% ofthe estimated costs of construction for grading, erosion control and stormwater improvements associated with the development' 2. The applicant shall address all requirements set forth by the City of Chaska and./or Carver County prior to construction activities' 3. The aipiicant shall appty for and obtain permits from the appropriate regulatory agencies, as n."".rury, i.e. Lowei Minnesota River Watershed District, Carver County, the City of chaska, 'Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, Minnesota Department of Natura.l Resorrces, Minnesota Department of Health, Army corps of Engineers, etc. and comply with their conditions of aPProval. 4. The applicant shall address all requirements set forth by Minnesota Valley Electric regarding any improvements within the utility's easements' 5. e iemolition permit wilt be required for the removal of all existing structures. 6.Theapplicantshallsupplythe"ity*itt,,adetailedhaulrouteforreviewandapprovalbystaff for materials imported- io or exported from the site prior to construction activities. 7. The applicant shall report to thl City Engineer the. location of any drain tiles found during constiuction and shali relocate or abandon the drain tile as directed by the City Engineer' g. An updated erosion and sediment control plan in accordance with Sec. 19-145 and SWPPP in accoidance with the NpDES Construction Permit shall be provided for review and approval prior to commencement of any construction activities' 9. ilt erosion control shall be installed and inspected prior to initiation of site grading activities' i0. The applicant must adjust the termination point ofthe dry sanitary service line (terminating at p.opoiid l'tH-s; to the southeast comer ofLot 2' 11. 'Fire flow calculations justifoing the existing water tank can supply the newly proposed development's fire suppression needs shall be provided for review Joel Buttenhoff Planning Case No. 2021-19 November 23, 2021 Page 4 En vironmental Resources Water urces I . Building will require a full fire suppression system, fire alarm panel to monitor the sprinkler system, and possibly a full functioning fire alarm system based on type ofoccupancy (planned type ofstorage in building). Fire flow calculations for the new building for ESFR hiads with a fire pump system and all four hydrants proposed to be added. The calculations will show the demand for all ofthis and how to provide adequate supply. 2. How the water will be supplied for the fire suppression system and fire hydrants must be anallzed and submitted for city review and approval' 3. Acciss roads and parking lot will need to be of proper type and size to meet Fire Apparatus Access Roads standards. l. The applicant shall revise the landscape plan to increase quantities to meet minimum ordinance requirements for bufferyard plantings. 2. The applicant shall increase the number oftrees around the parking lots areas to 25 trees. 3. The applicant shall plant only understory species and shrubs along stoughton Avenue. Planning I . The applicant shall enter into a site plan agreement with the city and provide the necessary security to guarantee site restoration and landscaping. 2. Site plan approval is contingent on final plat approval and recording ofthe plat' 3. The iouth iievation ofthe building requires additional architectural detailing. 4. Pedestrian access shall be provided from the proposed building to Audubon Road. 5. Bike parking facilities and an employee patio area shall be provided' 6. Location, aciess and screening detail oftrash enclosures must be provided. l. The appticant shall provide the approved LMRWD permit when it is obtained' Z. fte appticant shall ireat water from Proposed Drainage Area 3 (P3) to meet MPCA water quality standards. :. itre uppli"ant shall confirm that no untreated water will enter the wildlife management area adjacent to the Project site' +. it" appticunt s'hali calculate TCs for the proposed drainage areas instead of direct entry into hydrocad. s. i'rr. upfri"-t shalt edit the primary outlet for pond 2 in hydrocad to match the slope called out on the drainage Plan sheet. o. irr" "ppii.*t sha"ll work with the city to execute an operations and Maintenance Plan that identifies the maintenance schedule and responsible parties for the infiltration basin. Z. i6" uppfi"un shall complete a double ring infiltrometer test to confirm soils are conducive to infiltration. s. il; ilpfi"""t shall note the proposed pretreatment for each infiltration basin' F ire Joel Buttenhoff Planning Case No. 2021-19 November 23, 2021 Page 5 9. The appticant shall adjust the plans to meet MnDOT's recommended 200-feet of separation between the infiltration basin and the domestic water well. 10. The applicant shall adjust the plans to meet MnDOT's recommended 10O-feet of separation between the infiltration basin and the septic system. I l. The applicant shall confirm that the existing building is not draining to the proposed northeast infi ltration swale. 12. The applicant shall adjust the 12" RCP pipe grade to be 0.37%, MNDOT's minimum grade to meet 3 FPS self-cleaning velocity. 13. The applicant shall ensure there is at least 1.75'ofcover between top ofCL V 12" RCP and top of flexible bituminous pavement. 14. The applicant shall confirm with the owner of the private storm sewer (STMH-EX-2) that tying into their existing storm sewer is acceptable for a proposed l0-year storm. 15. The applicant shall confirm with the City ofChaska that tying into the private storm sewer, but within Chaska's right-of-way, is permissible. 16. The applicant shall provide storm sewer sizing calculations for a lO-year storm event. 17. The applicant shall lower the EOF elevation to mitigate flooding risk. 18. The applicant shall re-route proposed sanitary sewer around the proposed infiltration basin. 0.5'between the bottom ofthe infiltration media and the top ofsanitary sewer is not acceptable. 19. The applicant shall include a plan to restore the infilration pond and swale after construction is completed. 20. The project SWPPP and NPDES permit must be submitted to the city prior to the start of any earthwork. 2l . All erosion control shall be installed and inspected prior to initiation of site grading activities. bgene rous@c i.chanhassen.mn.us. Final plat documents must be submitted to the city 35 days prior to the City Council meeting in whictr you wish to have your final plat approved. Conditions ofthe preliminary plat approval must be addresied for final plat approval. Enclosed is the list of items required for submittal for final plat approval. Final Plat approval and recording of the final plat is required prior to any building activity. A. building permit must be applied for and received prior to beginning site construction. A site-plan agreemint must be executed and recorded prior to receiving a building permit. We are drafting the alreement and will send it for your execution, but need the company and title information for the diveloper, the property owner information ifdifferent from the developer, the mortgage holder information foi conse;t to the agreement, a recent copy of a title commitment and the cost estimates for site erosion control, grading, landscaping and storm water treatment' Should you have any questions, please contact me at(952)227-ll3l or by email at S Robert Generous, AI Senior Planner CP ec Joel Buttenhoff Planning Case No. 2021-19 November 23, 2021 Page 6 Enclosure Kate Aanenson, Community Development Director Erik Henricksen, Project Engineer l,aurie Hokkanen, City Manager Charlie Howley, Director of Public WorkVCity Engineer Don Nutter, Assistant Fire Chief Jerry Ruegemer, Parks & Recreation Director Jill Sinclair, Environmental Resource Specialist Eric Tessman, Building Official Elizabeth Hanson, City of Chaska Dan Parks, Westwood Professional Services Phillip D. Johnson, Architect glplanpo2l planning cis€s\3 l -l9 2lOO sroughton ave (river valley irdustrial ctrNapproval lener river valley industrial cenler prelim & sile plan docx 1 ITEMS REQUIRED FOR FINAL PLAT CONSIDERATION The following items are required to be submitted a minimum of 35 days prior to City Council meeting and payment of a $250.00 final plat review fee: Submit three (3) sets of full size, 50 scale construction plans and specifications for staff review and redline.. Utility plans shall show both plan view and profiles of all utilities (sanitary sewer, water and storm sewer lines). The plan view must show all drainage and utility easements.o Grading and drainage plans shall show dwelling type and elevations, wetlands and wetland buffer areas, stormwater pond NWL and HWL, EOF and catch basin and storm manhole numbers. . The construction plans and specifications shall be in accordance to the Citys latest edition of Standard Specifications & Detail Plates. o The plans shall include traffic signage and street light placement. Drainage calculations for water quantity and quality ponding with maps showing drainage areas for pre-and post{evelopment conditions and contributing areas to catch basins. Hydraulic calculations and drainage map for the storm sewer design. Tree Preservation Easements (if applicable) Trail Easements (if applicable). Engineer's Cost Estimate of lmprovements: Sanitary sewer system. Water system. Storm sewer drainage system including cleaning maintenance. Streets, sidewalk and trails. Erosion control. Site restoration (seeding, sodding, etc.). Site grading Street lights & signs Engineering, surveying & inspection Landscaping a. b. c.and d e f. s h i. j 7 Five (5) sets (folded) of final plat, one (1) set of reductions (8%" x 1'|.")' and a digital copy in .tif format. Digital copy of the legal description of the property in a doc format' Lot tabulations. I I Failure to provide any of the above items by the required deadline rtr!!!' ,"iun i, Zebying c5nsideration of finat ptat before the City Council' updated 1 1 -28{6 g:\eng\forms\f nal plat submittal.doc 2. J. 4. 5. 6.