Pickle Factory Design Package 5-20-21b part 2 sewage flowPhil Johnson Based On Employees Projected Building # of Employees Gallon per Hours of Gallons Per Shift Total Gallons Use 8 Hour Shift Operation Per Employee Per Shift Manufacturing 15.0 17.5 12.0 26.3 393.8 Office / Warehouse 6.0 18.0 9.0 20.3 121.5 Office / Warehouse 7.0 18.0 9.0 20.3 141.8 Office / Warehouse 7.0 18.0 9.0 20.3 141.8 Office / Warehouse Distribution Distribution 7.0 5.0 8.0 18.0 17.5 17.5 9.0 11.0 11.0 20.3 24.1 24.1 141.8 120.3 192.5 Flow 1,253.3 Design Flow I 1,s80.0 vkaf� S e wnr.► 7Rs.IkrkfC Nr MINNESOTA POLLUTION `�.. Design Summary Page MI CONTROL AGENCY 1. PROJECT INFORMATION v 04.01.202E Property Owner/Client: I Cole Buttenhoff Project ID: Site Address: F2100 Stoughton Ave Date: 05/19/21 Email Address: co{eC�camerstone mn.com Phone: 612-723 0783 2. VDESIGN FLOW I± WASTE STRENGTH Attach data I estimate basis for other Establishments Design Flow: 1$$0 GPD Anticipated Waste Type: dther Est. - At Ris BOD:Img/L TSS:=mg/L Oil £t Grease: =mg/L Treatment Level: =Seiect Treatment Level C for residential septic tank effluent 3. HOLDING TANK SIZING Minimum Capacity: Residential =400 gal/bedroom, Other Establishment = Design Plow x 5.0, Minimum size 1000 gallons Code Minimum Holding Tank Capacity: Gallons in Tanks or Compartments _—R-ec-Ornmended Holding Tank Capacity:Gallons in Tanks or Compartments Type of High Level Alarm: (Set @ 75% tank capacity) Comments: 4. SEPTIC TANK SIZING K. KCsiaential dwellings: Number of Bedrooms (Residential): = Code Minimum Septic Tank Capacity: =Gallons Recommended Septic Tank Capacity: Gallons Effluent Screen & Alarm (Y/N): Mo B. Other Establishments: in =Tanks or Compartments in �Tanks or Compartments del/Type: Waste received by: Gravity 18$0 GPD x Days Hyd, Retention Time Code Minimum Septic Tank Capacity: 5b40 Gallons In Tanks or Compartments Recommended Septic Tank Capacity: 806E Gallons In E=Tanks or Compartments Effluent Screen & Alarm (Y/N): Optional Model/Type: I Polylok 525 5. PUMP TANK SIZING mp�Tq* 1 Capacity (Minimum): 940 Gal Pump Tank 1 Capacity (Recommended): 100E Gal Pump 1 55.E GPM Total Head 55.$ ft Supply Pipe Dia. EEin Dose Vol: 250.E gal Pump Tank 2 Capacity (Minimum):Gat Pump Tank 2 Capacity (Recommended):Gat Pump 2[=GPM Total Head=ft Supply Pipe Dia. F-1 Dose Vol: =Gal 3 f)cr;nr% C..—.... --. n_-_ M*% MtIN, IESQTA POLLUTION - --%. _,� .,m,. .r a.11 1 1 1 1 1 LA I y [ CX G - --- n 1 K W 4 w L t n c T 6. SYSTEM AND DISTRIBUTION TYPE Project ID: Soil Treatment Type: EBed Distribution Type: Pressure Distribution -Level Elevation Benchmark: E==ft Benchmark Location: TBD MPCA System Type: Type I Distribution Media: Registered Product: Type III/IV Details: EzFlow 7. SITE EVALUATION SUMMARY: Describe Limiting Condition: FDepth of Observation Layers with >35% Rock Fragments? (yes/no) No If yes, describe below: % rock and layer thickness, amount of soil credit and any additional information for addressing the rock fragments in this design. Depth Limiting Condition: fro inches Depth 5.8 ft Elevation of Limiting Condition ft Minimum Req'd Separation: 3 inches 3.0 ft Elevation Critical for system compliance Code Max System Depth. 33 inches 2.8 ft �ft r m depth to the bottom of the distribution media for required Soil Texture: Sandy Loam separation Negative Depth ft) means it must be a mound. Soil Hyd, Loading Rate: 0.78 GPD/ftz Percolation Rate:MPI Contour Loading Rate: Note: Measured Land Slope: 2.0 % Note: Comments: 8. SOIL TREATMENT AREA DESIGN SUMMARY Trend-,. ..,, Dispersal Areaftz Sidewall Depthin Trench Widthft Total Lineal Feet=ft No. of Trenches Code Max. Trench Depth=in Contour Loading Rate =ft Lengthft Designed Trench Depthin Bed: Dispersal Area 2410 ft2 Bed Width 1=ft fund: Dispersal Area = ftz Absorption Widthft Upslope Berm Width=ft Total System Length ft Sidewalt Depth 6.0 in Bed Length i00.0 ft Bed Lengthy ft Clean Clean Sand Lift =ft Downslope Bermft System Widthft Maximum Bed Depth 33.0 in Designed Bed Depth 33.0 in Bed widthi� ft Berm Berm Width (0-1%)ft Endstope Berm Widthft Contour Loading Rategal/ft Design Summary Page At -Grade: i rn Bed Width=ft Bed Length=ft Contour Loading Rate=gal/ft Llpslope Berm=ft Endslope Berm=ft System Length=ft Level £t Equal Pressure Distribution No. No. of LateralsL_ 4 J Perforation Spacing =ft Lateral Diameter 1.50 in Min Dose Volume 172 gal al Pressure Distribution Elevation Pipe Size (ft) (in) Laterall Lateral 2 Lateral 3 Lateral 4 Lateral 5 Lateral 5 May MINNESOTA POLLUTION ■■ CONTROL AGENCY Finished Heightft Downslope Berm Jft System Width_ J ft Perforation Diameter =in Max Dose Volume 470 gal Pipe Volume Pipe Perf Size Spacing Nat/ft1 Length (ft) (in) (ft) 9. Additional Info for At -Risk, HSW or Type IV Design Spacing (in) Minimum Dose Volume =gat Maximum Dose Volume =$al A. Starting BOD Concentration = Design Flow X Starting BOD (mg/L) X 8.35 : 1,000,000 =gpd X =mg/L X 8.35 _ 1,000,00, = lbs. BOD/day B. Target BOD Concentration = Design Flow X Target BOD (mg/L) X 8.35 _ 1,000,000 �gpd X =mg/L X 8.35 : 1,000,00 = tbs. BOD/day Lbs. BOD To Be Removed: PreTreatment Technology: "Must Meet or Exceed Target L--------� __D df0Lffon Technology: *Required for Levels A 0t B C. t?Irohic Loading to Soil Treatment Area: =mg/L X =90 x 8.35 _ 1,000,000 . L___jft2 = =tbs./day/ftz 10. Comments/Special Design Considerations: I hereby certify that I have compteted this work in accordance with all applicable ordinances, rules and laws. i3en .R rlda 4 v&� z L2829 � 1 (Designer) (5igna ure) (License #) (Date) t 1. SYSTEM SIZING: A. Design Flow: P. Code Maximum Depth: C. Soil Loading Rate: Bed Design Worksheet Project ID: 1980 GPD 33 inches 0.78 GPD/ft2 MJAIN IESOTA POLLUTION CONTROL AGENCY v 04.01. Designers Maximum Depth: ==inches D. Required Bottom Area: Design Flow _ Soil Loading Rate i$$0 GPD � 0.78 GPD/ft2 Z410 ftz E. Select Distribution Method: Pressure Notes; F. Select Dispersal Media: Registered Product: Product: EZFIOW G. If distribution media is installed in contact with sand or loamy sand or with a percolation rate of 0.1 to 5 mpi indicate distribution or treatment method: 2. BED^CONFIGURATION: (for sites with less than 6% slonel A. Select size Multiplier: 1.0 1.0 = pressurized or 1.5 = gravity B. Req'd Bottom Area = Bottom Area X Size Multiplier = 2410.3 ft, X 1.0 = 2410 ft, C. Designed Bottom Area: ft2 Optional upsizing of bed area D. Select Bed Width: 25 ft E. Calculate Bed Length: Designed Bottom Area _ Bed Width = Bed Length 2410 ft2 _ 25.0 ft = 4b.4 ft MATERIAL CALCULATION: ROCK A. If drainfleld rock is being used, select sidewall height in ft B. Media Volume: (Media Depth + depth to cover pipe) X Designed Bottom Area = ft3 (=ft+ =ft) X ft2 ==ft3 C. Calculate Volume in cubic yards: Media volume in cubic feet : 27 = cubic yards �ft3 _ 27 = =yd3 MATERIAL CALCULATION: REGISTERED PRODUCTS - CHAMBERS AND EZFLOW A. Registered Product: EzFlow Check registered product B. Component Length: 10 ft information for specific application details and C. Component Width: 3Ift design D. Component depth (louver or depth of sidewall loading) [._ � Jin E. Number of Components per Row = Bed Length divided by Component Length (Round up) 96 ft + 10 ft = 10 components F. Actual Bed Length - Number of Components X Component Length: 10 components X 10,0 ft = 100.0 ft G. Number of Rows = Bed Width divided by Component Width 25 ft : ft = $,3 rows Adjust width so this is an whole number. H. Total Number of Components = Number of Components per Row X Number of Rows 1L--J X1 91 = I g� components WY _ `ire 3c��aE Pressure Distribution Tar•,nEwr MINNESOTA TOLLUIRON Design Worksheet MICONTROL 4GSNG7 Project ID: 1. Media Bed Width: 13 ft 2. Minimum Number of Laterals in system/zone = Rounded up number of [(Media Bed Width [( f3-4)+31.i- 3. Designer Selected Number of Laterals: Cannot be less than line 2 (Extent in at -grades) 4. Select Perforation Spacing; 5. Select Perforation Diameter Size: 6. i 8. v 04.01.2020 4) + 3) * 1. laterals Does not apply to at -grades laterals ft 4 f "7 1/8 in w Length of Laterals = Media Bed Length - 2 Feet. - 100.0 2ft = 98.0 ft Perforation can not be closer then 1 foot from edge. Determine the Number of Perforation Spaces. Divide the Length of Laterals by the Perforation Spacing and round down to the nearest whole number. Number of Perforation Spaces = 9$.0 ft - 3.0 ft - 32 Spaces Number of Perforations per Lateral is equal to 1.0 plus the Number of Perforation Spaces. Check table below to verify the number of perforations per lateral guarantees less than a 10% discharge variation. The value is double with a center manifold. Perforations Per Lateral = 32 Spaces + 1 = 33 po, , oar , ,+, 1 .......... wr•• 5 l pipe fmmpump Jeanauts f aitemate kation of Woe from Mum 9. Total Number of Perforations equals the Number of Perforations per Lateral multiplied by the Number of Perforated Laterals. 33 Perf. Per Lat. X 1=1 Number of Perf. Lat. = 132 Total Number of Perf. 10. Spacing of laterals; Must be greater than 1 foot and no more than 3 feet: 3.0 ft 11. Select Type of Manifold Connection (End or Center): End ' 12. Select Lateral Diameter (See Table): 1.50 in Pressure Distribution TAearaewa t�� "�1, PI1OaRAM alp� Design YTorksl legit MI 13. Calculate the Square Feet per Perforation. Recommended value is 4-11 fL2 per perforatlan, Does nOt apply to Ar-rrades . Bed Area = Bed Width (ft) X Bed Length (ft) 12.5 ft X 100 ft = 1250 ftz b. Square Foot per Perforation = Bed Area : by the Total Number of Perfs 1250 2 • ft - 13Z pert = 9.5 W/perf 14. Select Minimum Average Head: 5.0 ft 15. Select Perforation Discharge based an Table: 0.41 GPM per Perf 16• Flaw Rate = Total Number of Perfs X Perforation Discharge. 132 Perfs X 0.41 GPM per Perforation = 55 GPM 17. Volume of Liquid Per Font of Distribution Piping (Table li) : Q.110 Gallons/ft MINNESOTA POLLUTION CONTROL AGENCY w f0fVt M0kC " tail ""d l`f} prrknMoe bwww yz , 3r" IA 1, a'� °i' a• ar4 13 0.22 ? 0.11 On 0.1 2.s 029 0.0 a.K 1.1? 3A +.a 0.32 ! 0.37 0.71 0.13 a.w IJ3 Isr f,47 Ur 0.41 ax3 1.26 Lit , fool 01w1lV-ith 3116lkh t=114 fro rrfmtiam ChwIrwabls trot a nmbtodatli5wfth]itb inch w 114!Kh pa'alatifrs Sinn[ We 1Kh,NP&a.ndWSr kh fig hxh lafvrat6m 18. Volume of Distribution Piping = = [Number of Perforated Laterals X Length of Laterals X (Volume of �Liquid 4Per rFFoot of Distribution Piping] X 98 ft X = gal/ft = 43.1 Gallons 19. Minimum Delivered Volume = Volume of Distribution Piping X 4 43.1 gals X 4 = 172.5 Gallons Comments/Special Design Considerations: Table II VOlume of Liquid in Pipe Pipe Liquid Diameter Per Foot (inches) (Gallons) 1 0.045 1.25 0.078 1.5 0.1 tQ 2 �.170 3 0.380 4 Q.661 GOULDS w~; WATER TECH1-,,1Lry a xylem brand EFFLUENT PUMPS i 71408 W E0311 M [ 13 11511 Manua! i 0.7 Cast Iron, 314" Solids, 2" NpT, 20° Card 1043.89 171409 WE05I I H 1/2 HS/I Manual 14,5 Cast Iron, 3/4" Solids, 2" NPT, 20' Cord 171410 WEli512H 112 23011 Manual 7.3 Cast Iran, 3W Solids, 3" NPT, 2V Cord i398.24 17141E V6IiEDS I I WH 112 11511 Manual 14.5 Cast Iran, 314" Solids, 2" WE 20' Card 1427J8 171412 WE0512HH 112 23011 Manual 7.3 Cass Iron, 314" Solids. 2" NPT, 29 Cord 1398.24 171413 WE0712-H 3/4 23011 Manual 10 Cast Iron, 3W Solids, 2" NPT, 20" Cord 1427.78 171414 WE1012H 1 23011 Manuel 12.5 Cast Iron, 3/4" Solids, 2" NPT, 20, Cord 1747.511 185014 171415 WEIS12H 1-1/2 23oll Manual IS.7 Cast Iron, 3/4" Sollds, 2" NPT, 20' Cord 21 t0.84 171$2O Wi�IS12iiH 1.1f2 23011 Manual I S.7 " �� Cast Iron, 314 Solids, 2 NP'T°. 20' Cord 2110.84 173066 WE2012F4 2 230/ 1 Manual is Case Iron, 314" Solids, 2" NK 20' Cord 2454.96 FIATURIES - Capacibes up to 140 GPM and total heeds up to 128 T❑H - Cast Iron, seml-®pen impelisr, non -clog with pump out cranes for mechanical seal protection, - Casing: 2" Cast Iron volute type for makimum efficiency. Mechanical Seal: Silicone Carbide vs. Silicon Carbide seating faces with stainless steel metal parts & BUNA-N elastomer5. i /3 to 1 hp have NEMA 2 prong grounding plugs, - 1-112 hp and 2 hp have bare lead card ends FEET 1301 3W5 SERIES APPLICATIONS Effluent systems Homes Farms Trailer Courts Motels Schools Hospitals Industry Nos \a aaaaaaa[•lamirira�aaw�raa '.. ,i'Itmtl�ataaiilN >`a a )� ., :. i<�Irrllra ■>E a �a�ltaa . ��rr�Nra. I�-�r�rrrM�raalai•a��l�l�llralrlrfl��lr�ar�a �Ir1� Caamaa aJ•a"rarlfEilNiNa. al•---aaa �1►sita>aaa i�lalaaaa'raallla mama s aa►r;Nll a trtiaa/aaal�am�lENo itrtrl(Lw��'�am i%�Jfa ar1•aiamaaa>� �. .� i'rt al•►i>tla�i►an AfiW,I1Fw����wi[w.��,,����■�'�aaaaa�aai��� 'ti♦I:�a � m�m�aaraaaama IAJ u1:i�\��� "i'1i�''Vr:�laaaa'9i'ra�►"�aaamaiCt:aaa�aaaaa I: iaMnRi.!t as Ir l>�a>♦aaaan aamumrar ��!�� WE aa�� MEN W'.Ml•hi;wtmramh ,"alai ■�lr��ialllli►�maa �al.aaaaar aaaama a>•■ ma 4!mia Na 0m71�.lmisai'ia►aali�am ��laa a>t► ..=,� 1Wi1i11 �a►19„ ■male\►aaal•alraimiamam la , Oman m r1', i1�'/aaa �►�a;N maaIn In 111VlfMl:�iaaa�aaa aaliiiiti■amiraaill■rila ": '!�al•aill�!#aaali•ai.a In a�aailirliwia aa� al a-mumElm iaa�i•Imallilii ROMEPIAME41 r Basic Pufnp Selection Design Worksheet M,KNESC7A ►QCLUT,CN M11 CONTROL AGENCY 1. PUMP CAPACITY Project ID: v 04.U1.; Pumping to Gravity or Pressure Distribution: Pressure A. If pumping to gravity enter the gallon per minute of the pump; GPM (10 - 45 gpm) B. If pumping to a pressurized distribution system: 55.0 GPM C. Enter pump description: 2. HEAO REQUIREMENTS A. Elevation Difference 14 ft between pump and point of discharge: 9. Distribution Head Loss: 10 ft C. Additional Head Loss: ft (due to special equipment, etc.) Distribution Head Lass Gravity Distribution = Oft Pressure Distribution based on Minimum Average Head Value on Pressure Distribution Worlcshe t: Minimum Avers a Head Distribution Head Loss ift 5ft zft 6ft Sft 7 Oft ".na Table I.Friction Loss in Plastic Pipe Flow Rate Pi a Diameter fin (GPM) 1 1.25 1.5 9_ 3.1 1,2 10 12 12.8 4.3 1.8 14 17.0 5.7 2.4 16 21.8 7.3 3.0 18 9.1 3.8 20 D. 1 _ Supply Pipe Diameter; 2A in 25 16.85 616. 6..79 30 .5 9 2. Supply Pipe Length: 350 ft 35 12.9 40 16.5 E. Friction Loss in Plastic Pipe per 100ft from Table I: 45 20.5 Friction Loss = 7.28 ft per 100ft of pipe 50 55 F, Determine Equivalent Pipe Length from pump discharge to soil dispersal area 60 65 discharge point. Estimate by adding 25% to supply pipe length for fitting loss. Supply Pipe Length X 1.25 = Equivalent Pipe Length 70 75 350 ft X 1.25 - 437.5 ft 85 95 G. calculate 5uppjy Friction Loss by multiplying Friction Loss Per 100ft by the Equivalent Pipe Length and divide by 100. Supply Friction Loss - 7.28 ft per 100ft X 437.5 ft r 100 = 31.8 ft 100ft 2 0.3 0.4 0.6 0.7 q.9 1.1 1.7 2.4 3.2 4.1 5.0 6.1 7.3 8.6 10.0 11.4 13.0 16.4 20.1 H. Total Head requirement is the sum of the Elevation Difference + Distribution Head Loss, + Additional Head Loss + Supply Friction Loss 14.0 ft + 10,Q ft [==ft + 31.8 ft = 55.8 ft I, PUMP SELECTION A pump must be selected to deliver at least 55.0 GPM with at least 55.8 feet of total head. Comments: - gr Pump Tank Design Worksheet (Demand Dose) M7 MlNit2507A POLLUTION - CONT11 OL AG(NCY DETERMINE TANK CAPACITY AND DIMENSIONS Project ID: v 04 01 2C A. Design Flow (Deslge Sum. A). 1860 GPD C. Tank Use: Dosing B. Min. required pump tank capacity; 94D Gal D. Recommended um tank capacity; pump acit p y 1000 Gal A• Tank Manufacturer. Belle Plain Flock and file 4 B. Tank Model: 30TNKS[30002-4 C. Capacity from manufacturer: 1097 Gallons Note: Design calculations are based on this specific tank. Substituting a different tank model will change the pump D. Gallons per inch from manufacturer: 21.5 Gallons per inch float or timer settings. Contact designer if changes are necessary. E. Liquid depth of tank from manufacturer. 51 •D inches :RMINE OSING VOLUME 3 Calculate volume to Cower Pump {The inlet of the pump must be at least 4-inches from the bottom of the pump tank Et 2 inches of water covering the pump 1s recommended) (Pump and block height + 2 inches) X Gallons Per Inch ([= in + 2 tnches) X 21.5 Gallons Per Inch = 387 Gallons 4 Minimum Delivered Volume = 4 X Volume of Distribution Piping: -it— 18 of the Pr cure Distribution or item I i o Non -level f 172 Gallons (Minimum dose) 8.0 inches/dose 5 Calculate-hliaximum Pumpout Volume (25% of Design HOW) Design Flow: 188D GPp X 0.Z5 = 470 Gallons Maximum dose) ) Z1.9 inches/dose 6 Select a pumpout volume that meets both Minimum and Maximum: 250 Gallons Calculate Hoses Per Day =Design Flaw . Delivered Volume 1880 gpsf _ 250 gal = 7.52 Doses 8 Calculate Drainback: A. Diameter of Supply Pipe = inches 8. Length of Supply Pipe = 350 feet C. volume of Liquid Per Lineal Foot of pipe = 0,170 Gallons/ft D. ` lsraTn6fac = Length of Supply Pipe X Volume of Liquid Per Lineal Foot of pipe 350 ft X 0,17D gaLlft - 59.5 Gallons 9. Total Dosing Volume = Delivered Volume plus Drainback 250 gal + 59.5 gal = 310 Gallons 10- Minimum Alarm Volume = Depth of alarm (2 or 3 inches) X gallons per inch of tank =in X =gal/in = 64.5 Gallons 3EMAND DOSE FLOAT SETTINGS 11. Calculate Float Separation Distance using Dosing Volume. Total Dosing Volume /Gallons Per inch 310 gal 21.5 gallin = 14.4 Inches 12- Measuring froih�ottcirt of tank: A. Distance to het ponp Dff Float = Pomp + block height + 2 inches 16 in + 2 in 16 Inches B. Distance to set Pump On Float --Distance to Set Pump -off Float + Float Separation Distance 18 in + 14-4 in = 32 Inches C. Distance to set Alarm Float =Distance Co set purnp•On Float }Alarm Depth (2-3 inches) 32 in + 3.0 in = 35 Inches Volume of Liquid in Pipe Pipe Diameter (inches) Liquid Per Foot (Gallons) 1 0.045 1.25 0.078 1.5 0.110 2 0.170 3 0.380 4 0.661 Inches for Dose: 14.4 in - Alarm Depth 35.4 in Pump On 32.4 in 64.5 Gal Pump Off 18.0 in 310 Gal i 387 Gal 15.50 4" INLET 71.00 57.00 1 204.00 024.00 G m AREA A-B C LIQUID LEVEL 51 51 VOLUME (GAL) 2126 E1097] 81.00 4" OUTLET --- — ---7 C 55.00 2.00 4.00 TAPER LIQUID CAPACITY TO BOTTOM OF OUTLET: 3223 GALLONS GALLONS PER INCH: 63.2 LID THICKNESS: 6" WITH 1" RECESS '► MAX BURIAL DEPTH: 8' MANHOLE COVER POLYETHYLENE BAFFLE (4) ! I \\ l`MASTIC ROPE NOTE: USE SANITARY T FOR BAFFLE ON SIDE INLETS RUN PIPE TO MANHOLE, POURED GASKET Belle Plaine Block & Tile 130 South Ash Belle Plaine, MN 56011 952-873-2363 952-873-2368 (fax) 3000 GAL 2-CMPT 4" BOOT 1/0 SEPTIC TANK Model: 3OT N K S 130002-4 Drawing: DZ-3000 2CMP Drawn By: DJP Date: 10/24/2012 204.00 198.00 64.00 --- 64.00 —4— 66.00 75.00 81.00 i 15.50 15.50 4" INLET 028.00 4" OUTLET 024.00 1 1 ' AIR SPACE 71.00 � 51" 57.00 LIQUID 55.00 LEVEL —� 3.00 2.00 TAPER 4.00 LIQUID CAPACITY TO BOTTOM OF OUTLET: 3219 GALLONS GALLONS PER INCH: 63.1 LID THICKNESS: 6" WITH 1" RECESS MAX BURIAL DEPTH: 8' w NOTE: USE SANITARY T FOR BAFFLE ON SIDE INLETS, RUN PIR TO MANHOLE. MANHOLE COVER OLYETHYLENE BAFFLE (BOTH ENDS) MASTIC ROPE POURED GASKET Belle Plaine Block & Tile 130 South Ash Belle Plaine, MN 56011 952-873-2363 952-873-2368 (fax) 3000 GAL 1 -CMPT 4" BOOT 1/0 SEPTIC TANK Model: 30TN KS13000-4 Drawing: DZ-3000 1 CMP Drawn By: DJP Date: 10/24/2012 UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA Septic System Management Plan for Below Grade Systems The goal of a septic system is to protect human health and the environment by properly treating wastewater before returning it to the environment. Your septic system is designed to kill harmful organisms and remove pollutants before the water is recycled back into our lakes, streams and groundwater. This management plan will identify the operation and maintenance activities necessary to ensure long-term performance of your septic system. Some of these activities must be performed by you, the homeowner. Other tasks must be performed by a licensed septic maintainer or service provider. However, it is YOUR responsibility to make sure all tasks get accomplished in a timely manner. The University of Minnesota's Septic System Owner's Guide contains additional tips and recommendations designed to extend the effective life of your system and save you money over time. Proper septic system design, irastallatiort, operation and maintenance means safe and clean water I Properly Owner Cale Buttenhoff Email cote@comerstone-mn.com Property Address 2100 Stoughton Ave Properly ID System Designer Advanced Septic Solutions Contact info 507-301-9548 System Installer Advanced Septic Solutions Contact Info 507-301-9548 Service Provider/Maintainer Advanced Septic Solutions Contact Info 507-301-9548 Permitting Authority Carver County Contact Info 952-361-1800 Permit# Date Inspected Keep this Management Plan with your Septic System Owner's Guide. The Septic System Owner's Guide includes a folder to hold maintenance records including pumping, inspection and evaluation reports. Ask your septic professional to also: • Attach permit information, designer drawings and as -built of your system, if they are available. • Keep copies of all pumping records and other maintenance and repair invoices with this document, • Review this document with your maintenance professional at each visit; discuss any changes in product use, activities, or water -use appliances. For a copy of the Septic System Owner's Guide, visit www.bookstores.umn edu and search for the word "septic" or call $Q(i-322-8642. For more information see http://septic.umn.edu Version: August 2015 -1- UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA W, bVl l n N' Esl Septic System Management Plan for Below Grade Systems Your Septic System 7 �do Septic System Specifics System Type: I 0 II III 0 IV* O V*-- OF System is subject to operating permit* (Based orgy MN Rules Chapter 7080.2200 -- 24fJQ) System uses UV disinfection unit* *Additional Management Plan required Type of advanced treatment unit Dwelling Type Well Construction Number of bedrooms: Well depth (ft): ren System capacity/ design flow (gpd): isso ❑ Cased well Casing depth: Average daily flow (gpd): 1316 ❑ Others ci ( pe fy): Comments Distance from septic (ift): Business? eY 0 N What type? i"d"sWW Is the well on the design drawing? 0 Y • N Septic Tank ❑ First tank Tank volume: 3-o gallons Does tank have two compartments? 0 Y •� N i' ond`tank Tank volume. 3000 gallons ❑ Tank is constructed of concmte ❑ Effluent screen:eY ON ❑ Pump tank (if one) 1000 gallons ❑ Effluent pump makelmodel Goulds WE1512HH Pump capacity ss GPM TDH 55.8 Feet of head Alarm (�)Y (N ❑ Alarm • Y 0 N Location Pa".4 Soil Treatment Area (STA) Trenches: total lineal feet ❑ Gravity Number of trenches: at feet each distribution Pressure distribution STA size (width x length): 26 t} x 100 ft W1 Inspection Cleanouts ports LocatjQa Qf 4dditional STA: Adjacent Additional STA not available iypR;ofdistribution media: Ez-flow I J I Surface water diversions -2- ` L ov CAI ti;... UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA Septic System Management Plan for Belo w Grade Systems Homeowner Management Tasks These Operation and maintenance activities are your responsibility. Chart on page 6 can help track your activities. Your toilet is not a garbage can. Do not flush anything besides human waste and toilet paper. No wet wipes, cigarette butts, disposal diapers, used medicine, feminine products or other trash! The system and septic tanks needs to be checked every 6 months Your service provider or pumper/maintainer should evaluate if your tank needs to be pumped more or less often. Seasonally or several times per year • Leaks. Check (listen, look) for leaks in toilets and dripping faucets. Repair leaks promptly. 1060il-treatment area. Regularly check for wet or spongy soil around your soil treatment area. If surfaced sewage or strong odors are not corrected by pumping the tank or fixing broken caps and Ieaks, call your service professional. Untreated sewage may make humans and animals sick. Keep bikes, snowmobiles and other traffic off and control borrowing animals. • Alarms. Alarms signal when there is a problem; contact your service professional any time the alarm signals. • Lint filter. If you have a lint filter, check for lint buildup and clean when necessary. If you do not have one, consider adding one after washing machine. • Effluent screen. If you do not have one, consider having one installed the next time the tank is cleaned along with an alarm. Annually • WH ier 64— -- rate. A water meter or another device can be used to monitor your average daily water use. are your water usage rate to the design flow of your system (listed on the next page). Contact your septic professional if your average daily flow over the course of a month exceeds 70% of the design flow for your system. • Caps. Make sure that all caps and lids are intact and in place. Inspect for damaged caps at least every fall, Fix or replace damaged caps before winter to help prevent freezing issues. • Water conditioning devices. See Page 5 for a list of devices. When possible, program the recharge frequency based on water demand (gallons) rather than time (days). Recharging too frequently may negatively impact your septic system. Consider updating to demand operation if your system currently uses time, • Review your water usage rats. Review the Water Use Appliance chart on Page 5. Discuss any major changes with your service provider or pumper/maintainer. Ding eaO:r Wf,by a service provider or pumper/maintainer • 14ke sure that your service professional services the tank through the manhole. (NOT though a 4" or 6" diameter inspection port.) • Ask how full your tank was with sludge and scum to determine if your service interval is appropriate. • Ask your pumper/maintainer to accomplish the tasks listed on the Professional Tasks on Page 4. -3- UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA M Septic System Management Plan for Below Grade Systems Professional Management Tasks These are the operation and maintenance activities that a pumper/maintainer performs to help ensure long -terra performance ofyoursystem. At each visit a written report/record must be provided to homeowner. Plumbing/Source of Wastewater • Review the Water Use Appliance Chart on Page 5 with homeowner. Discuss any changes in water use and the impact those changes may have on the septic system. • Review water usage rates (if available) with homeowner. Septic Tank/Pump Tanks • Manhole lid. A riser is recommended if the lid is not accessible from the ground surface. Insulate the riser cover for frost protection. • Liquid level. Check to make sure the tank is not leaking. The liquid level should be level with the bottom of the outlet pipe. (If the water level is below the bottom of the outlet pipe, the tank may not be watertight. If the water level is higher than the bottom of the outlet pipe of the tank, the effluent screen may need cleaning, or there may be ponding in the soil treatment area.) • Inspection pipes. Replace damaged or missing pipes and caps. • Baffles. Check to make sure they are in place and attached, and that inlet/outlet baffles are clear of buildup or obstructions. • Effluent screen. Check to make sure it is in place; clean per manufacturer recommendation_ Recommend retrofitted installation if one is not present. • Alarm. Verify that the alarm works. • 5yp and sludge. Measure scum and sludge in each compartment of each septic and pump tank, pump if needed. Pump • Pump and controls. Check to make sure the pump and controls are operating correctly. • Pump vault. Check to make sure it is in place; clean per manufacturer recommendations. • Alarm. Verify that the alarm works. • Drainback. Check to make sure it is draining properly, • Event counter or elapsed time teeter. Check to see if there is an event counter or elapsed time meter for the pump. If there is one or both, calculate the water usage rate and compare to the anticipated use listed on Design and Page 2. Dose Volume: 2i° gallons: Pump run time: Minutes SoiI'Treaftiiieflt'Area • Yrrspection pipes. Check to make sure they are properly capped. Replace caps and pipes that are damaged. • Surfacing of effluent. Check for surfacing effluent or other signs of problems. • Gravity trenches and beds. Check the number of gravity trenches with effluent ponded in distribution media. Identify the percentage of the system in use. Determine if action is needed. • Pressure trenches and beds -.Lateral flushing. Check lateral distribution; if cleanouts exist, flush and clean at recommended frequency. Vegetation - Check to see that a good growth of vegetation is covering the system. All other components -- evaluate as listed here: l reatnuz ru ' -4- UNIVERSITY Sep tic SystemManagementPlan OF MINNESOTA for Below Grade Systems Water -Use Appliances and Equipment in the Home Appliance Impacts on System Management Tips • Uses additional water. Use of a garbage disposal is not recommended. Garbage disposal • Adds solids to the tank. Minimize garbage disposal use. Compost instead. •Finely -ground solids may not settle. event fromexiting the tank, have Unsettled solids can exit the tank tank mords e your frequently. pumped q y and enter the soil treatment area. • Add an effluent screen to your tank. • Washing several loads on one day uses a lot of water and may overload s Choose a front -loader or water -saving top -loader, these units use less water than older models, your system. • Limit the addition of extra solids to your tank by • Overloading your system may using liquid or easily biodegradable detergeats. Washing machine prevent solids from settling out in Limit use of bleach -based detergents and fabric the tank. Unsettled solids can exit softeners. the tank and enter the soil treatment . Install a lint Filter after the washer and an effluent area. screen to your tank • Wash only full loads and think even — spread your laundry loads throughout the week. - Powdered and/or high -phosphorus - Use gel detergents. Powdered detergents may add detergents can negatively impact the solids to the tank. Dishwasher performance of your tank and soil . Use detergents that are low or no -phosphorus. treatment area. - New models promote "no scraping". • Wash only full loads. They have a garbage disposal inside. . Scrape your dishes anyways to keep undigested solids out of your septic system. Grinder pump (in - Finely -ground solids may not settle. Unsettled solids can exit the tank - Expand septic tank capacity by a factor of 1.5, home and enter the soil treatment area. •Include pump monitoring in your maintenance schedule to ensure that it is working properly. - Add an effluent screen. - Large volume of water may - Avoid using other water -use appliances at the same Large bathtub overload your system. time. For example, don't wash clothes and take a (whirlpool) - Heavy use of bath oils and soaps can bath at the same time. impact biological activity in your - Use oils, soaps, and cleaners in the bath or shower tank and soil treatment area. sparingly. Clean Water Uses Impacts on System Management Tips High -efficiency furnace . Drip may result in frozen pipes - Re-route water directly out of the house. Do not during cold weather. route furnace recharge to your septic system. Water softener • Salt in recharge water may affect - These sources produce water that is not sewage and Iron filter system performance. should not go into your septic system. Reverse osmosis • Recharge water may hydraulically - Reroute water from these sources to another outlet, overload the system. such as a dry well, draintile or old drainfield. . When replacing, consider using a demand -based - Water from these sources will Surface drainage overload the system and is recharge vs. a time -based recharge. Footing drains prohibited from entering septic - Check valves to ensure proper operation; have unit system. serviced per manufacturer directions -5- UNIVERSITY Septic System Management Plan OF MINNESOTA for Below Grade Systems Homeowner Maintenance Loge Track maintenance activi es here for - ommy ** Quarterly *** Bi-Annually Notes: `As the owner of this SSTS, I understand it is my responsibility to properly operate and maintain the sewage treatment system on this property, utilizing the Management Plan. If requirements in this Management Plan are not met,1 will promptly notify the permitting authority and take necessary corrective actions. If l have a new system, I agree to adequately protect the reserve area for future use as a soil treatment system. " -Property Owner Signature: Date Plan Prepared Bt+: Ben Rynda Permitfin Authority: Certification # C654 C2015 Regents of the University of Minnesota. All rights reserved. The University of Minnesota is an equal opportunity educator and employer, ibis material is available in alternative formats upon request. Contact the Water Resources Center, 612-624-9282. The Onsite Sewage Treatment Program is delivered by the University ofMinnesota Extension Service and the University of Minnesota Water Resources Center. �Z