Title Commitment** ** * * ** * OLD REPUBLIC NATIONAL TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY * COTUMITTUENT FOR TITLE INSURANCE NOTICE I PORTAIIT - REAL CAREFULLY: THIS COMMITMENT lS AN OFFER TO ISSUE ONE OR MORE TITLE INSURANCE POLICIES. ALL CI-AIMS OR REMEDIES SOUGHT AGAINST THE COMPANY INVOLVING THE CONTENT OF THIS COMMITMENT OR THE POLICY MUST BE BASED SOLELY IN CONTRACT. THIS COMMITMENT IS NOT AN ABSTRACT OF TITLE, REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF TITLE, LEGAL OPINION, OPINION OF TITLE, OR OTHER REPRESENTATION OF THE STATUS OF TITLE. THE PROCEDURES USED BY THE COMPANY TO DETERMINE INSURABILITY OF THE TITLE, INCLUDING AtlY SEARCH AND EXAMINATION, ARE PROPRIETARY TO THE COMPANY, WERE PERFORMED SOLELY FOR THE BENEFIT OF THE COMPANY, AND CREATE NO EXTRACONTRACTUAL UABILITY TO ANY PERSON, INCLUDING A PROPOSED INSURED. THE COMPANYS OBLIGATION UNDER THIS COMMITMENT IS TO ISSUE A POLICY TO A PROPOSED INSURED IDENTIFIEO IN SCHEDULE A IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE TERMS AND PROVISIONS OF THIS COMMITMENT. THE COMPANY HAS NO LIABILITY OR OBLIGATION INVOLVING THE CONTENT OF THIS COMMITMENT TO ANY OTHER PERSON. COTH]TMEMT TO ISSUE POLICY Subiect b the Notice; Schedule B, Part I - RequiBments; Scfiedule B, Part ll - Exceptons; and the Commitment Corditions, Old Reoublb Nathnal fitb lns/. ar|[.e Co.. a(n) Flodda corporatbn (he 'Companf), commits to issue the Policy accordlE to the te.ms and provisbns of this Commltment. Thls Commltment ls efiectve as of the CommiErent Date sholi,n in Sch€dule A br each Pollcy d€scrlbed in Schedule A, only wten the Company has entered in Scfiedule A both the specified dolhr amount as the ftoposed Polby a6er,1 and lhe name of the Propo6ed lnsured. lf all of the Schedule B, Part I - Requlrements have not b€en met wltlln 90 days afrer the CommlEnont Date, thb CommiEnent temlnatas and the Companys llablllty and obllgatlon erd. CO IIT ENT CONDTTIONS 1. DEFtilr()t(S (a) 'Knonledge'or Xnown': Actual or impted knorledge, but not cons'tsuct\re notlce lmparted by the Public Reoods. This paglg is ot ly e r€rt ol e 2016 ALTATO Cqnntffi lq fltb lnsuance bsu€d by Old R9f{,rblc Nfur,d Tte lnsura,r@ Co.. Thls Co.,, 'bt?€.rt is not vdid vihort tho tldbf.; tlto bnmw to lss1€ fullcy; tll€ Co/mnt',rent Cod oas; Schedub A; Sc,l€dt,o B, Pa l - Rqui.eiw*s; atd Sc}€dtts B, Patt tl - Ex@ptbts; aod a @roter-slgnatuo by tB Canqny q s l$uing qeot thal nay bo in olod,oob loin. *** Copyriglrt 2OG - 2010 Amlric L]rd fida Lroclatbn, All rlghta rra.rr.d. Tha use of this Form (or .ny dorivativo tholDo0 i3 trstsicbd b AI-TA llcan6€6 and AI-TA membes ln good standlng 86 d the data qf usg. All other usos arr prghlblod. Ropdnbd unds. licenss from thc Amcrican Land Tlt6 Association. I $< AI-TA Commitmenl for Tite lnsursnca (08{1-'16)242568 (b) 'Land': The land descdbed in Scfiedule A and affx€d bnpovements that by law consttute rBal prop€rty. The term 't rd' &s not indude any pop€rty bqrond the llnes of th€ area descrbed in Schedule A, nor any right, tiue, intercst, estate, or easi€rnont h ahrtdng streets, roads, a/enues, alleys, lan6, vva)rs, or waterwa)6, hrt this does not modiry or Imlt the exEr that a dght of acress b and ftom the Land ls to be insured by the HEf. (c) 'tvbrEage': A morE€ge, deed of Uust, or oth€r socurlty instumert, induding one e\rk enced by €bctonic m€ans authortrBd by lan. (d) 'Polq/: Eaci contsact of t'tle insuranco, ln a fonn a@ted by the Anedcan Lard TIU€ Assoclatbn, lssued or to be lssr.Fd by the Cornpany pursuant b thb Commknert. (e) 'Proposed lnsur€f: Eacfi person identlfled ln Sdledule A as tle Proposed lnsured of each Pollcy to b€ lssu€d puEuant b thb CommiEnent. (f) 'Proposod Pollcy 1n*n1' Eadr dolar amount spedfied in Sdredule A as the Prcposed Policy 16orn, of €ach Pollcy to b6 bsued pursuant to lhls Commfunent. (g) 'Publlc Records': Recods eslablbhed under stat€ statjt€s at the Commifnent Date fur he purpose of lmpadlng constructive notice of matteE r€hhg b r€al property to purchasets fur value and wtftout iGori,l€dge. (h) "Tltle': The ostate or interest descdbed ln Sdrdul€ A 2. ll all ol fie Schedule B, Part I - Requlremenb have not be€n met within the time period spedf,ed in the Commltnent to lssue Policy, thb Commiunent terminates and the Companys liability and obllgatlon end. 3. The Compan/s liability and ouigation is llmtted by and thls Cornmltment ls not valid without: (a) the Nothe; (b) tp CommtEne.rt b lssue Pdkry (c) the Commi[ner( CondHons; (d) Schedule A (e) Sdtedule B, Part Hequirernents; Iardl(0 Scfiedule B, Part lH)(ceptprls[; and (g) a counter-slgnat/re by the Co.npany or its bsulng agent that may be h eledonlc foml. Thls page is fily a N,l o, e 2016 ALTA@ Coorribrpnt lq T b losl,,t!€€ isst d by OH Rqrblic Nafr,.,8l Tfre l,p,u/8,,,@ Co.. Tt s Co/,,rrl'nal,/. ls nd vdd vitwn the lff€. ttl€ bt tow lo lssp Pa cf ; tltp Co.t7/,tnne,id Cot frkl,i,s; Sc/l€dtdo A; Sc,l€dub B, Patt I - Rqu/r9.tp.ls; aod Schedula B, Pa,t - Exqtkxts: a,td a c0,//,w-algnatu,! by tlre Conqof q tts i$uw aged lhd may bo io ol€dllo,,h fonn Copyrlglrt 2OG - 2OlG A,n ilc.n LJid Tilb tEocidion. All rlgtlr rlaaw.d Tho usc ol this Form (or 8ny d€.iy8tiw thoEof) is ll€tr*fi b AI-TA lkrrlsoc and AITA memb€rs in good standing 8s of tho d8b d uso. All qthgr us6 arD p.ohibit€d- Rogdnhd undc. liccnss f?om ths Antdcan t nd Titb AssEialion.-t Y: AITA Commitmsrt fr Tilo lnsu.ance (08{1-16)24258 4. CflPAIIYS RIGHT TO A END The Company may amend lhis Commlbnent at any tme. lf the Company amends lfiis Commitrnent to add a defect, lien, encumbrance, adverse claim, or oth6r matter recorded in the Public Records prior to the Commtment Date, any liabHity of the Company ls llmlted by Commitrnent Condition 5. The Company shall not be llable for any other amendment b this Commlfnent. 5. LITITATIONS OF LIABIUTY (a) The Companys liab[ity under CommiEnent Condition 4 is limited to the Poposed lnsur€d's actual expense lncuned in the hErval bet$reen he Compan/s d€Ivery to trc Proposed lnsurcd of he Commltment and the deIvery ot the amerded CornmtEnent, resulting fiom lhe Proposed lnsured's gmd ,atth r€liance b:(l) comy'y with te Schedule B, Part I - Roquiremenb: (ll) ellminate, with the Comparys wliten consent, any Sch€dule B, Part ll - Exceptions: or (lli) acqulre the Title or create the MortgEgts cov€rEd by this Commitnent. (b) The Company shal not be f,able under Commltment Condltlon 5(a) if the Poposed lnsured mquested the amendment or had Knodedge of the matter and dld not notiry the Cornpany abou lt k! wrtung. (c) The Company wl only have tablity urder Commhtnont Conditbn 4 if the ftopos€d lnsurBd would not ha\re lncun€d the expense had the Commltm€flt lnclud€d the added matter when the CommiEnent was flrst dellvered to the Proposed lnsurcd. (d) The Companys liability shall not exceed the lesser of the Poposed lnsurcd's actual expense ln(rJned in good faith and describ€d in CornmiEnent Condltlons s(axl) through s(aXlll) or the Proposed Policy Amount. (6) The Company shall not be llable br th€ content of th6 Transacdon ldentlfrcaton Data, if any. (0 ln no event shall the Company be obllgatod to lssu€ the Pollcy refefl€d to ln thls Commitnent unless all of the Schedule B, Part I - Requlremonts have boon m€t to be sstsfac{on of t'le Company. (g) ln any event, the Companys liaHEty is limlted by th€ terms and provlsbns of the Policy. A LI,ABILITY OF THE C()IPAIIY XUST BE BAJSED OO{ THIS COTTITTEIIT (a) Only a Proposod lnsur€d kienEfied in Schedule A, and no othor p6rson, may make a clalm under this Commitment. (b) Any chim must be based h confad and must b€ r€stslcted solely b the t€fms and provlsbns of thb Commltment. (c) Undl tre Pollry is bsued, thb CommlEnent, as bst rwbed, b the exdushre and erlthe agroement between tre pard6 wih respect to the suuect matEr of thls Commltment and sup€rs€d€s all prlor co.nmitment negothfbns, .Ares€ntadons, and p.opcab of any Hnd, utr€ther wltten or oral, e:Qress or implled, relating b the suttject matter of thls Commhtnont. (d) The deletion or modtfcadon of any Sdredule B, Part ll - Exc€pton do€s not cons'Etjte an agEement or obligatbn to p]ovld€ co\rerag€ bq/ord fi6 torms and provlskms of thls CommtEnent or he Policy. (e) Any amendment or endoc€m€nt b thb Cornmltn€nt must be ln $tdng [and authenfcated by a person auhorized by the Companyl. (0 When the Policy is bsued, all llablllty and obllgadon under thls Conmhtn€nt wlll end and the Companys only liablity will be under the Pollcy. 7. IF THIS COXTITf,EilT HAIS BEEil ISSUED BY AI{ ISSUIT'IG AGETT The issuing agent b he Companys ag€nt only for $e llnlt€d purpos€ of lssulng tlfle lnsurance commiEnents and policies. The bsuhg a$nt ls not the Companys ag€nt for the purpce of provldlng doslng or setuement servicB. 8. PROfORTAPIOLICY The Company may pro\ride, at the r€qu€st of a Ptopced lnsurBd, a proforma pollcy llbsfaUng the coverage thd tt€ Company may prorride. A prGbma polhy nelttpr rsfecB tl€ status d Ttde at the tlme that the pro.ioma polkry is delfuer€d to a Proposed lnsured, nor b lt a commltnent b lnsur6. 9. ARBITRATOI{ The Pdicy contains an a6lfado.r dause. All arbluable matbrs s,h€n tre tuopos€d Pollcy Amount b $2,000,000 or l€ss shall b6 arbiffi€d at t|e opdon ot €lther the Co.npany or the Poposed lnsured as the excbslve remedy of tre pafii€s. A Proposod lnsur€d may oview a copy of the arutetlon rules at htb://v*rw.alt?. om/arbitation. This pagp as ooly s ,€rt ot I 2016 ALTAtb Cdr,,n''',E,ri rd ffu ,,/sua,@ bsue<t by OH Rerxtblic NalbrEl T e lrss.errca Co.. ,?,ls Co.nniffi is nd vdldwi'?o,rt he l$liF'; ip co.mml',Eot to lss,b HW tlto Cot rnlnno Caa<ftkx,'; Schedu,€ A; Schednle B, Pad I - Rquil€ap,,ts: a,rd sr,liEd4le B, Patt - E @pt.(,rs; eod a c0,rte.-slgodul9 by the Co.,l,ryhy q s isuing dgeft thaa mq be in el€(,.onb fofin. Copll'lghtZr(E - 2016 Aiorican Lrrd fit|. A.aocl.ton. Al rtglrt! r. . €d. The uso ofthis Fqm (or ary dorivativo thsref) is lrsbicbd b AITA liclmora and AITA nsmbda in good 8tanding a6 of ths dd d use. Ail other usos al€ prohibit€d. Rrpdnbd undor licenso from tho Amorican Land Tlto Association.F ALTA Commitmant for nt6 lnsuEnco (08"01.t6)242568 - ******I OLD REPUBLIC NATIONAI TITLE INSLiRANCE COMPANY ***** GOMMITMENT FOR TITLE INSURANCE Transacdqt ldqrtlf,catlon t ata for rclerunce only lssuing Agent Tldesmart, lnc. lssuing ffice: 7373 Kirkwood Court N, SuiE 120, Maple Grove, MN 55369 lssuing Omce's ALTA@ Regbay lD: 1030935 Loan lD No.: Commitment No.: 24256&PRELIM lssuing Office File No.: 242568 Property Address: 855 Pleasant Vie$, Road, Chanhassen, MN 55317 SCHEDULE A 1. Commifnent Dat6: November 12,2021 at 08:00 AM 2. Policy to be bsued: a ALTA Homeo ,nefs Policy One-to-Four Family Z) 13 Proposed lnsured: TBD Proposed Policy Arnornl' 50.* b. ALTA Loan Policy (06/17106) Proposed lnsured: TBD Proposed Policy tunount: $0.00 3. The estrate or interBt in the Land described or Efened to in this Commitment is Fee Simple 4. The Tifle is, at the Commitnent Dale, vested in: Mary F. Meuwissen and Micfiael S. M€uwbsen, joint tenants SEE SCHEDULE C ATTACHED HERETO Ihis p{e is only e patt ol a m16 ALTA@ C-qrr,/,ibDool lq Ttle lnsuanc€ isst od by OH Rgpublc Natb'p.l fde lnsurat@ Co.. This Cornnihpot is not valid ytit Nt the l,loti,f,; tlia @nnivne.rt b lssnre Pol*ry; dp Cotnnibneit Conditkns; Sc,Edub A; Sch€dub B, Ped I - Requii9/,Btts; and Schedane q Paft ll - Ex@ptiotts; aod a c0,Jdet-sbnature by tl?€ Conpany or its i$uiog agarrt that m€y bg in eldruth torn. Copyright 2006 - 2016 Arrlerlcan Llnd Titto A..ociation. AII riglta 'ra.ivod. The usa of this Form (or any derivative thsrED is lrsticbd !o ALTA lic€nsaG snd ALTA m6mbqs in good standing as of tho date of use. All olhgr us€s ara pmhibit€d. Ropdnbd undor licenso from tho American tand IiUo Ass6iation.- .$r: ALTA Commitnler fd'TiUo lnsuranc6 (08{l-16) Sch€dub A 242568 5. The land b described as follo rs: SCHEDULE A (Continued) lnD Etrtr xtlrxtllllu HIAE Do]rrr , ,faci C*'pdr/ 4& seEoddtrc,sf Soud, i'r,nu6@r=a l'$n$tot, :E4Cl t5t137t ltii A-+ d,il This We is ooly a pei of a 2016 ALTA@ Cofidiffi lq Tttlo losrarce issud by OA Reod.dic NatorE'l Ttie lns"/anc€ Co., This Coturtbp.tt is not valid wi$pd fie t'lotit o; tli€ Cznmihreot to /sslE Policy; AD ComdUie, Cotditbls; Schedute A; Schodule B, Pad I - Rquire,E,*s; ard Sclr€ddo B, P€tt - Ex@fi*x,s; and € @.tn,ler-s9naturc W tp CorfiFny q its issuing qent that fiay be in eldot b lom. Copyright 2006 - 2016 Ameridr Ltnd f.do A.soci.tion, Al rigl6 retarved. Th6 use of this Fonn (or any dsrivawE tho€d) is lrstrictod b AITA licanss6 and AITA m€mbss in good standing as of thg daE of use. All other us6 ars prohibited. Repdnt€d under license frgm lhe American Land Tite Asseiation.-It- AITA Comrnitmont for'l'it6 lnsurancs (08{r-'16) Schodule A 242568 * * ** ***** OLD REPUBLIC NATIO\AL TITLE INSURANCE COIIPANY * COIUMITTYIENT FOR TITLE INSURANCE SCHEDULE B, PART I Requlrrment3 All of the fullo ring Requirements must be met: The Proposed lnsur€d must rDtfy tle Company ln wdung of the name of any party not rBf€[€d b in thb Commluner who wlll obtah an interBt ln the Land or who wlll make a ban on the tand. The Company may then make additonal Requirements or Exce@ns. Pay the agr€€d amount for the estate or intar€st to be lnsured. Pay the premiums, fees, and ciarges for the Polby to the Company. DoqJments satisfiactory to the Company that conv€y the Tttle or 6eate the Mortgage to b€ insured, or bo$, must be properly authodzed, executed, delh/€rod, and recorded in the Public Recods. Wananty Deed from Mary F. Meuwissen and Michael S. Mewvissen, manied to eacfi other to TBD. Mortgag€ from TBD b Enter People B6b!v, sedirlng the prhclpal amount of $0.00. A completed Well Disclosue Certificate must accompany each d€ed or @veyance shicfi b to be r€corded; or the deed must certify that th€re are no w€lls on th6 property. Pay alltaxes, chargEs, assessments, levied and assessed agalnst the subject premises, which are due and pa)lable. Satbfacbry et/idence shoJld be had that improvements and/or r€paks or alteratbns theroto are completed; fid conuacbr, subontac'tols, hbor and matedalmen are all pail; and have r€loased of record all llens or notlce of irtent to perhct a llen 6r labor or materhl. ldenttfication wil be requircd from all parti€s r€quled b slgn dodJmerlts at dchg. Affldavits in a fom acceptable to the Company are required from all parties qlning any deeds or mortgages in this transacdon ffiicating no Judgments, liens, bankruptcies, etc. Arrangements to reserve a closing date must b€ made through the Real Estate Closer or Lender. The arrang€ments must allo for adequate time b€tlv€en the vwiten Loan Commitment and the date of closing. Failure to allow for adequate time may resutt in the requested clo€ing date not being avallable. D,is paga is ot y a Nd of a m16 ALTA@ Coom'ffi fo( 77tla ,r,sl,arrca k st d by OH Repuuic Nafto',al f e ,rsur8aca Co.. Ihis Coflrfrrcot ls ,,ot vsld *i[?qrt he l,laa.€; lp Co,I,lrni,,l€,ot tg lis{p Hlcy; the Cofirr'hpot Coo&i,,s; Schedute A; Schedub B, Pan I - Rqui,onDtts: a,rd Sc de B, Pett - Exqalx,s; and a dr,,E,r$*fiatua by tll€ Cqnqoy q its issuiag qod that mq ba h el6(,toob fonn. *** 1 2 3 4 5. 6. 7. Copytloht 206 - 2OfO Am.rtc.n Llid T.ruc A..ocltoon. All rleltr rt ..rod. Th6 usa of this Form (or sny dorivativ. therBf) is GEtiltod b ALTA li'9o6a6 and ALTA mg.nb€.s in good starding as of the dab qf use. All othgr us€s ara prchibia€d. Rapdnbd undgr llcsass frgrn tho Arns.ican l-and ntb Asscidiori--lt: AITA Commitmsnt fr ntb Insuranc€ (08{'l-16) Sch€duls B 212ffi 8. 9. 10. SCHEDULE B (Continued) 11.Item 1 of Schedule B-ll (82) will be deleted if Titlesmart, lnc. conducts an insured cblng under written instruc{ions frcm the Propo6ed lnsured (lender). The policy to be issued will insure lcs or damage whlch arises by reason of any intervening liens or encumbrances over the 'GAP PERIOD' b€t\rr6en the efiective datB of thb commitment and the date the documents arc recorded with the CoJnty. ,12.lf the efiacllve dab ol fte Schedrle A 13 old6r than gl days, thl'B EarBactlori canrEt dose wltfiorrt a prdoslng tract crreck 2-3 day3 prlor to c{clng. Tldo.SmaG lnc. rrs6rv6s tfi6 dght b ralle fu her rsqulrementr/excaptlonr based upon lhe eramlnadon of sald tact cfi€ck 13.This commitment ls for the exduslve use of Trtbsmart lnc. and the applcant. Anpne else using hls commitment shall be lhu€ b ]-r0esmad, lnc. br all loss and darnage induding payment of all dnryes assodaled wlth thls corn mlUnsrt. 14.FOR INFORMATION PURPOSES ONLY - 24 MONTH CHAIN OF TITLE: Warranty De€d dated April 18, 2006 and recorded May 15, ZX)6 as Document No. 441135 conve),ed tifle to Mary F. Meuwissen. Warranty D€€d dat€d JUV 16,2021,fi1d Juty 28, ?f]/21 as Documeril No. 729746 conv€)red tlUe b Mary F. Meuwissen and Mlcfiael S. Meu,ylssen 15 This cornmiun€rt is bohg lssu€d br infurmatlonal purpc€s only for the party Bquesting a tltl6 search. Thar€ wlll be no tltle lnsurance pollcy issues and Tltesmart, lnc. will not be performing a closlng on b€half of the lender. 16 Note: Publlc rBcords lndlcate no open mortgages. Plese verfi no Eens or mortgages ars to b€ pald at closing. 17.Please pay all oubtandhg utility, water/sewer and diseased lree removal bills prior to cl6ing. The commitrnent does not cover utllity, water/se\,ver or diseased tree removal bilb against the sub.lect property not shol n on tax ass€ssmonl r€cords. 18 Your attendon b dhBcl€d to the povisions of the Tax Reform Act of 1986 wtridr require the reportlng to the lntemal Reveflue SeMce of all real estate transaclions after January 1, 1987. 't 9.Code Comdhnc€/Mffcate of Approval b required if the property being sold b in one of the following cities: Bloomington, Hopkins, Golden Valley, Mapleurood, New Hope, Ricfifield, St. Louis Park, Minneapolis, Mounds Vlew, Osseo, Robbinsdale, St. Paul or South St. Paul and West St. Paul. Obtain and submit a Property Transfer Septic q/stem/Sei rage Disdosure Form or Compliance Certificate. All property fansbrs in the folbwing counties require this fom: Aitkin, Carlton, Carver, Chisago, Fillmore, lGnabec, McLeod, Meeker, MiUe l-acs, Sibley, Steams, St. Louis, and Wright. 21 This commtunent was prBpar€d fom th€ public records. The company \nas not fumished with an abstacl of Utle and no abstract wtl b€ provided at the dosing. This Ne is qly a Nl ol a 2016 ALTA@ Ca/,nitrE,ta lq fitb ,r,$raaca &sued by OH Rep.rbl'e ,latb.al n$e lrrsurat'rp Co.. This Coonr'ffi is nd v& wfiqn the tIc,lfr; tl?€ cdn,,tit,re.1l lo ,ssre tulk|f the Coflnffi Codilt s; Scl.?€dt/o A; ScEt,e B, Pan I - Reguits rpds,' arrd Sc,rleddg B, Par, - E @dixts; alrd s catr,let-silloat e by tllp Cotnryoy q lls l$tfrrg sgott that nay be h el€(j@nb fofi. 20 Copyriglrt2oG - 20(6 A,n.dc.n Lrtd TltL L.ocLdon. Al dglltt mae.ysd. Tho uss of this Forh (or any dcrhratw thorE0 ls llsfic'ted b AITA liconseE and ALTA mombo.s in good sl8nding as ol th6 dab d uFe. All c,trror ur6 srE prghlbit€d. Roprinbd undor llcsnso from tho Amsrican l-and f ito As66ldion.- V7 ALTA Commitmont f- Tits lnsuranco (08{1-16) Schodule B 24256€ 2.. 23. SCHEDULE B (Contlnued) tf there are any quGtlons concemlng thls Commitment pl€se coitact Rose Bacon, einall ros@t0e-smartcom at 651 -7793075. Absfact prop€rty Thls No is otU a p tot a m16 ALTA@ Cqftdffi fq Tltb ,,rsrane,. issu€d by OH Req,nfrc Ntur'l f o,,rsu,Erw Co.. Thb Cotu a,€ot is noi vdld wiitdtl rho l,tall.€; tllE Mno,n to lssd/p PolW; the Cdrvrittpd Cdn irla; Scheddo A; *ndub B, Pad I - Rquireaa.{s; and Sched/',//e A Part - Excai4loos; aN a c0.rdgr-sig.ralwe by tlr€ Co,twoy q I i$.*rg Aont that nay bo h eldrot lc lDin. Copyrlght 2OG - 2OlG Amarlc.n Lrttd TlUo A..od.tion. Al rlgtlr i[c .d. The uso of this Form (orany dcrivaffve thorp0 is €*ictsd b ALTA licenseG and ALTA m6mb€.s in good standlng as d ths dab of u€o. All stl€. us6 aI! prdribttod. Rlprlnbd undor liconss fiom ths Amgrican t-8nd TrUg Asssiation. I k: ALTA Commitmont fr Tlts lrcuraoc. (08{1-16) Schoduls B 242568 1 SCHEDULE B (Continued) SCHEDULE B, PART II Exc.ptons THIS COMMITMENT DOES NOT REPUBLISH ANY COVENANT, CONDITION, RESTRICTION, OR LIMITATION CONTAINED IN ANY DOCUMENT REFERRED TO IN THIS COMMITMENT TO THE EXTENT THAT THE SPECIFIC COVENANT, CONDITION, RESTRICTION, OR LIMITATION VIOLATES STATE OR FEDERAL LAW BASED ON RACE, COLOR, RELIGION, SEX, SEXUAL ORIENTATION, GENDER IDENTITY, HANDICAP, FAMILIAL STATUS, OR NATIONAL ORIGIN. The Policy will not insure against lo6s or damage resulting fom the terms and provislons of any lease or easement identifed in Schedule A and will include tre following Exceptbns unless cleared to the salisfaction of the Company Any defect, lien, encumbrance, adverse daim, or other matter ftat appears br th€ ffi time in the Public Records or is created, attacfies, or b disdosed betvveen $e CommtEnent Date and the date on rfiich all of the Sdedule B, Part I - Requirements are met. Liens or defen€d cflarges for selver, water mains and service pipes, not shown on the tax ]oll. Any encroachment, encumbrance, violation, variaton, or adverse circumstance afiecting the tiue that would be dirlosed by an accurate and complete land survey of the land. Any lien or right to a lien, fur sewices, labor, or materlal heretofore or hereafter fumished, imposed by hw and not shorvn by the public record. Rights or claims of parties other than lnsured in actual po€sessbn or any or all of the property, which are not sho ,n by the public record. Easements, or daims of easements, whlcft are not shoivn by the public record. Taxes or special assessments, if any, palable with the tax€s levied or to be levied for the current year and subsequent )rears, wtiich ar6 not sho$rn by the public record. General tax6s for lhe cunent )Ear and subsequent years, which are not shovr by the public recod. Any claims of adverse possession or proscriptive easemert, wtrich are not shorh by the public record. This rEge is urty a Fd d a 2016 ALTA@ Co,nnif,pna lq Tttle ,r$rErEa ,bsled by Ob Reo/.,Uic Nat/o,,,al Ttde lnsura.@ Co.. This C,o/,,7ribne.]i is ool voM witun the t'lotaf,.; tbe Mrcnt to lslr,e Pollcfr tl?d Col,,nibrrei,,t Co,f,ilkns; Sc,€dub A; Sc,€dule B, Patt I - Rqutue,,e s; end Sch€dute B, Part - E @#i,,?€; aDd a cq',toiet-sifietu.e by be Conqay q its i$uiw 8gent that may be in eldot b fornl 2 3 4. 5. 6. 7. 8 o Copyrigm 2006 - 20lG Atlericrn Land T:rde t .ociation. All rightr rrteived. Th6 uso of this Fonn (or any derivativs thelld) is lg*ic-bd b ALTA licsnsgs and AITA m€mbsE in good standing as of th6 dats of us6. All other usos ars prohibitod- Rognnbd undsr liconso flom the AnErican Land lits Association.-v- ALTA CommitmEnt for Ti6s lnsuranc€ (08{1-'16) Scheduls B 242ffi SCHEDULE B (Mlnued) 10.Real esEte taxes due and palable h the y@? 2021 in tre amount of $3,660.00 are pald ln full. The base tax amount is $3,660.00. Taxes for 2020 and prir years are pald. Property b ass€ssed as Non-Homestead. The Property lD or Plat and Parcel Number is: 25.6000030 THE ABOVE PID APPEARS TO BE INACTIVE AND ON THE UNDERLYING LEGAL, THE NEW PID APPEARS TO BE 25.60M035 FOR 2022 AND NO ADDITIONAL INFORMATION IS CURRENTLY AVAII ABLE. 11. Levied and/or pending special assessmenls of record, if any, wtrlch may be a lien against the land. Rights of tenants as tenants only.12 13 14 Subiect to dralnage ard dfty eas€merts as strot n on the rBco.ded ph" Tenns and Condltbns of D€cbratlorE of Drtueway and Wtty Easdnent daEd July 1 6, 2021 , flled July 28, 2021 as DoqJment No.7n747 fhls poge is only a pqt o, a m16 ALTA@ ComnlM fo?. fltle ,asra,ce iqrsed 0y dd Rgpuuic Nalio,rpl fde hsmn@ Co.. fhis Cqflrdviaot is nol vald vltho,n the lJolb€; lho Corn/7, tur,rt b lsstp PolW; tp Co,',,nlfipnt M kxts; Sc,€dub A; Sc/'€dtr/e B, Pad I - Rqui,€,rE.,ts; ad SclEdule B, Pott - Exqtlxts; aod a @u.rtet-s*t tdu/€ by tlre Conpny q its i$uiog 8gen1 tM oEy be h dect,ot ic lofin. Corrlght 20{E - 2OlC Amerlc.n tJd Tltlr A..ocmon. All .tghtr rt .rod. Thc uss d this Form (or any dsrhraws thorEa) is lr! ctrd b ALTA ll)grEo6 and ALTA msrnbds in good standing a8 of th6 drb of uss. All othcr usG 8r! prohibit€d. Roprinbd undar llc.nso from lho American Land Titb Associatioo--L- ALTA Commitmsnt fo. Ti0o lnsur8ncs (08{1-16) Schodule B 242568 * * ** ***** OLD REPUBLIC NATIONAL TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY * COMMITiTENT FOR TITLE INSURANCE SCHEDULE C The Land b described as bllows: All of Lots 2 and 3, Block 1, Pat Cunnlngham, Carver County, Minnesota, except that part thereof described as follorrs: Beginning at the Southu,est comer of sald Lot 2i thence Souh 85 degrees 52 minutes rl8 seconds East (assumed bearing) along th€ South line of said Lot 2 a distance of 221.21 teeli lhence Norh 17 degrees 23 minutes 30 seconds west a distance of 367.98 fuet thence North 41 degree 42 minutes .l8 seconds west 110.64 ftet: thence North 89 degrees 02 minutes 1 1 seconds West 30.00 bet to th€ West line of said Lot 3; thence Soulh 00 degrees 57 minutes 49 seconds West along said West line 418.42 feet to th€ point of beginning. r,is p€gp is ot ly a Fd d a m16 ALTA@ Cqffittue,,l fq ,:ite losua.@ issuod by OH Rgp,u lc tlatb,?l 7-da losu/,ar,E Co,. This Rqll,odf,,,ts; a,td Schdule B, M - Excrdlns: aod a ca.taw.signat ko by the Cootqny q its isst,r,g agoit lhat nay be b ddtonh loin. *** CopyrlOht 20C - 2Of6 Arierlc.n Lrnd Tld. Aa.oddon. Al rlgt 3 r€.e sd. Tho us6 of this Fonn (or any do.i\raliw thorEcr) is ttsticd b AI-TA lico.rso6 and AITA mombr5 ln good standing as of the dsb of usg. All d|9r us6 ar€ prohiblod. Rlpdnbd undo.licoriso from the Amo.ban Land Trto Asaocistion.- $r 212ffiALTA Commitmont fq Tite lrEuranca (08{1-16) Schedulo C