Preliminary Plat 21154 dated 12-07-21_Page_2PRELIMINARY PLAT P%dOFP%d ee� FOR me RZ Mary Meuwissen GRAPHIC SCALE ( IN FEET ) --1 1¢=h= 30 fG---------�___ 7• ,e RYn - 1002.94- Inv -,. Inv. Ea.-990.e4 Fountl 1/2' Iron Pip% RUS /not legible i \aa4aa -< ,op�O A- .; x l� 0 44. coni s ea Awp . e '^ yhc. .a. \p,p •• •, E_C .q.' -ca \ s•E,CdI I I I I I I Fauns 11/2'� Poe. RLL 1 I 13 I I I I� I < I fill' { I I I , I Found 1/2' I Pipe, RLS I -< I I � I A —----1-- Found 1/2' Po% RLS -al I I • I I I E41SnN HOUSE \; I '• I I J I I I VCOO at 7 I Found 1' Inside ----- Dlameter Iran Plpe 1.115INSPUM M MNDOT Station Hassen, Geodetic State Database #3704. Description: 0.25 miles south of Chanhassen in median between eastbound and westbound lanes of Trunk Highway No. 5 on west side of trunk highway 5 bridge over railroad, 0.3 miles east along trunk highway no. 5 from junction of trunk highway no. 5 and county road no. 17, 5 feet southeast of northwest end of median, 5 feet northeast of southwest edge of median, 4 feet southwest of witness post. Elev. = 983.135 (N.G.V.D. 1929 Vertical Datum) DEVELOPMENT DATA - Property Zoned "RSF" - Residential Single Family - Setbacks: Front = 30 feet Side = 10 feet Rear = 30 feet - Total Property Area = 146,372t sq.ft. (3.36 acres) - 2 "RSF' zoned single family lots proposed - Principal Structure = 3 stories/40 feet - Accessory Structure = 20 feet - Maximum Lot Coverage = 25% for all structures and paved surfaces - Minimum lot size = 15,000 sq.ft. CUNNINGHAM SEC 111011,11ITION (SHOWING AERIAL OVERVAY); / SHEET 2 OF 3 SHEETS nv. Ea.�962.e3 � I =♦ (160.06-P) S89058'49"E 160.21 "53 " I Found 1' StlW Rod I91 ',/A✓ '/ gyp, � �s�I� io0 / / � y�P•�.r 9'Ifi. Iran Plps Yi ti / 5m I _.aL1ty sarviaes / / 74 ze 60 yy/ I driveway to be removed. Propo-d )rim to be constructed. 20' mil nanu mg shared driveway area& To be tea uamq i ton roadway design. A 1 e ingress and egress easement is I over shared driveway area. - I I I I Found 1/2 Iran Plpe I :) o Ig I�4 IE 0- Om S, \ \ LOT 2 P 1 e V47F \\ area = 77,4054: sq.ft. (1.78 acres o y\ Found 1/2' Iron Po% RLS i not legible \ \�se sa \ \ I / b goiSF tA \ \ sa\ \ I \ oIf \\ m + • �00 ��P I EX. \. \ • .L.• �60\ OEM t� LU I w \ LOT 1 OI \ m area = 68,967± sq.ft. (1.58 acres) o \ 3 1 \ se I 1, v WWI �j�eat I ilk i-,e "I� 99n wr�il-z a1Fseas -+ vd1'''' -1-19 TM� ,etaown; EA v / c �r W PONO i 1-1e �] -16 r � wFa 11ea4 / I . ,NRp•\- � 1-u +r 1+� ear-1-e ' rNP _I me 9Ft° ,e ' S}gi-,a i I I windmill had �W-1 1811.8 6 1-7 SOUTH UNE OF LOT 2 ili=t-s I 221.21__________ I N8S52'46'W .—.—. 11 221.21 r-______...... I I N85a52'48W 1 i 01 ..1 o — r- Found 1/2' Iran Po% R Ieg9ea .ta_ - ; ` net ly ePo% V Iran Pipe, west I LEGEND a DENOTES IRON MONUMENT FOUND NOTES 0 DENOTES IRON MONUMENT SET - 2 foot Contour Inte - Im DENOTES UTILITY Pt�-- - N.G.V.D. Vertical D - Topography Collected In field by Acre Land Surveying In April, 2008. # DENOTES STREET UPHT Some buildings have been removed and topographic map has been updated m DENOTES ELECTRIC'IidETER/BOX accordingly since original ground survey. \ - This survey was prepared without the benefit of title work. Easements, ® DENOTES \ MISCELLAlJEOUS MANHOLE appurtenances, and encumbrances may exist in addition to those shown Qs DENOTES SANITARYII SEWER MANHOLE hereon. This survey is subject to revision upon receipt of a title Insurance I commitment or attorneys title opinion. DENOTES FIRE HYDRANT - Bearing's shown are on assumed datum. "<. DENOTES EXISTING CONTOUR - Curb shots shown hereon were located at top and back of curb.1 ..... DENOTES WATERMAIN - Wetlands were delineated by Kjolhaug Enviromental Services in Nov., 2021. > DENOTES SANITARY]SEWER >� DENOTES STORM SEL PROPERTY DESCRIPTION X1011.2DENOTES EXISTING LEVATION. That part of Lots 2 and 3, all in Block 1, PAT CUNNINGHAM, according to the recorded plat 0 DENOTES CONCRETE thereof, Carver County, Minnesota, EXCEPT the following described property, DENOTES BITUMINOUS anw DENOTES OVERHEAD WARE Beginning at the southwest comer of said Lot 2; thence South 85 degrees 52 minutes DENOTES DELINATED WETLAND 48 seconds East (assumed bearing) along the south line of said Lot 2 a distance of 221.21; thence North 17 degrees 23 minutes 30 seconds West a distance of 367.98; thence North 41 degrees 42 minutes 48 seconds West 110.64 feet; thence North 89 degrees 02 minutes 11 seconds West 30.00 feet to the west line of said Lot 3; thence South 00 degrees 57 minutes 49 seconds West along sold west line 418.42 feet to the I hereby certify that this survey, plan point of beginning. or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Registered Land Surveyor under the laws of the State of Minnesota. �CRE LAND SURVEYING Him HLake MIN55304 ERIC R. VICKARYOUS 783-4$5-2997 acrelandsurve C4gmail. o ln 12/7/2021 9107115 AM CST Date Dec. 7th. 2021 Reg. No. 44125 IC n n m 1+ ie ie o ie iv nu 11 ns is n+ ne ne nl P. py Pa Meuwlssen\21154new