NarrativePleasant View Road Subdivide This is a simple subdivide plat for two custom graded lots. The lots have a bit of a special situation wherein they would share a private road access with a house that is currently being built at 865 Pleasant View Road. As such, we would be asking for a variance for the private road to provide ingress/egress for 3 total lots, thus keeping just one access point off Pleasant View. This would be optimal since two access points would be a bit of congestion in the area. Each ofthe two lots is over 1.5 acres and there is only one wetland area on Lot l which has ample space for any buffer area. Lot 2 would be utilizing existing utilities stubbed from Pleasant View Road. Lot l and the current structure at 865 would have new utilities for sewer and water running within the private road. The lots are to be custom graded to allow for creativity and well as maximize the surrounding natural features as trees, view and sunlight. Applicant has been in direct contact with the watershed district, Terry Jeffery, and all storm water requirements would be based on each lot managing their own storm water. At building permit application with the city of Chanhassen, each lot/builder would need to apply for separate erosion and storm water permit with the watershed district.