6:00 PM
November 10, 2021
Members Present: Kristin Fulkerson, Jeff Harken, Greg Hawks, Scot Lacek, Leslie Elhadi, Markus
Fischer, Julia Adams
Members Absent: none
Guests Present: Sharon McCotter
Staff Present: Jill Sinclair, Environmental Resources Specialist
Minutes: The October minutes were approved.
Introductions: As this was the first meeting for the new youth commissioner, introductions were made
around the group. Julia was welcomed to the commission.
2022 Focus Topic: The commission explained the background of the annual focus topic to its newest
member. In 2020 and 2021 the commission focused on Recycling. Jeff suggested that Water be the
focus topic for 2022 – such as reducing run off, yard care – using less irrigation, aquatic invasive species
awareness. It would include surface and ground water, indoor and outdoor use, conservation and
quality. Julia said she’s interested in waste reduction, sustainability and reduction of carbon footprint.
Someone wondered if bottled water could be a topic too. Other topics that came up included home
water use and knowing that a water softener is more wasteful without salt in it; creating a brochure about
runoff and where does the water go. Water could be the umbrella topic with a number of subset topics
including appliances and water use (don’t rinse plates for new dishwashers, use the quick cycle, etc),
promoting the ‘Adopt a drain’ program, etc. Maybe make tiktok videos for education with Julia’s help.
Media calendar: 2022 Focus Topic – Water – Indoor, Outdoor, Conservation, Quality
Marcus recommended that the commission should decide on a simple message and repeat it throughout
the year. The commission agreed that consumers/residents most interested in saving money and
convenience. The commission wondered if they could do some promotion on the scrolling banner on
the website. Jill will connect Marcus with the communications dept. to discuss how the commission can
utilize the city’s media reach.
Jan on calendar – focus on snow removal/salt use – salt and water quality, salt on pet’s paws, Freshwater
road salt video, salt drop off in March, reducing salt use, alternatives to salt
Feb on calendar – focus on indoor use – appliances, softener salt, water and energy conservation
The commission will need to know when the spring/summer Connection article is due. Jill will add this
to Dec. agenda.
Holiday article: Leslie submitted the article last week. Should be in the next edition. If not, Leslie will
follow up.
Commission Interview questions: The commission wanted to update/add a few new questions to the
list of questions for applicants. Commissioners will send any new questions to Jill to add to existing list.
Environmental Commission Minutes – September 8, 2021
General Discussion:
Greg reported on the watershed district. The board approved an encroachment agreement with Met
Council; payments to St. Hubert and lower Riley creek approved; lots of discussion on Duck Lake in
Eden Prairie where there’s lake level issues.
EC tour of Environmental Center will be in March. Start at 5:30p
The commission would like to schedule a tour of the East Water Treatment Plant.
Meeting adjourned at 7:40 pm
Minutes submitted and prepared by Jill Sinclair