10-13-2021CHANHASSEN ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING MINUTES OCTOBER 13, 2021, 6:00 PM MEMBERS PRESENT: Kristin Fulkerson, Jeff Harken, Greg Hawks, Scot Lacek, Leslie Elhadi, Markus Fischer MEMBERS ABSENT: None GUESTS PRESENT: Kevin Zahler, Sharon McCotter STAFF PRESENT: Jill Sinclair, Environmental Resources Specialist MINUTES: The September minutes were approved. Water Runoff Initiatives in Minnehaha Watershed District (WD), Kevin Zahler, Lake Minnewashta Lake Preservation Association (LMLPA): The LMLPA is promoting its own grant for water quality projects on Lake Minnewashta. Minnehaha Watershed District has no grant program so the LMLPA partnered with Carver Soil and Water District to create one. Why is runoff management necessary? It leads to cleaner waterways. All of the lakes around here have exceptional water clarity this year. Kevin recently took a Secchi disc reading of 17 feet. Usually a mid-October reading is 3-4 feet. He thinks it’s probably because of the reduced runoff due to the drought. Therefore, it seems that runoff management would help a lot. There is a lot of hardscape in residential areas and all of the runoff can go into the lake and cause eutrophication, which is a lack of oxygen in the water due to nutrient overloading. What can be done? Prevent runoff directly into the lake. Clean up leaves to avoid nutrients from entering the system. Adopt a drain and clean up the leaves, grass clippings and trash before it goes into the pipes. Zebra mussels were established in the lake in 2018. On residential properties management options include installing a landscape lake buffer, rain garden, or rain barrels, or any other means to slow water runoff and filter it through soils and plants. How do you site a project correctly? Determine the grade of the site. Perform a percolation test. Calculate the amount of runoff from the pervious and impervious surfaces. Analyze the soil type. Kevin did a landscape buffer strip on his property in three phases. He installed 725 square feet of buffer and 100 square feet of rain garden. A soil test showed the soil was alkaline and high in phosphorous. He has expanded the buffer and added water plantings this year. What can you do if you don’t live on a lake? Install a rain garden and a rain barrel. Capture the water on site before it runs off. The association hasn’t awarded a grant yet. They’re looking to partner with the City and Metro Blooms to get the word out and offer more services with the grant. Currently there is a $1,000 grant for design and materials. Maybe adding a labor component would interest more people. Commission Presentation with Economic Development Commission (EDC): Jeff presented to the EDC to make them aware of GreenStep initiatives for buy local and energy savings focused on businesses as well as the Forever Ware reusable takeout container promotion. The EDC suggested that Jeff contact the Buy Chanhassen or SouthWest Metro Chamber of Commerce about the programs. Jeff asked if there was a point person on the EDC that could connect with the Environmental Commission in the future. If the Commission would like to work with the EDC, they should a draft plan of partnership. Environmental Commission Minutes – October 13, 2021 2 Forever Ware update: Jill informed the commissioners that there will be a meeting tomorrow with the company and County staff to organize next steps. Jill will report next month on progress. Holiday Article: Leslie agreed to take a stab at writing it this year. Jill will send her past articles. The deadline for copy will be November 9. City updates: • The youth commissioner was appointed: Julia Adams. Her first meeting will be November 10. • Matt Unmacht is the new Assistant City Manager. He had been the Water Resources Coordinator. • Jill asked the Commission to think of creative ideas for the Arbor Day event in 2022. General Discussion: • Minneapolis passed an ordinance to charge 5 cents for bags at stores. Could Chanhassen do that? Consensus was that it would be a long project. • Scot talked to Greg Boe of Carver County and suggested that the Commission take a tour of the Environmental Center. The Commission did a virtual tour of the center in March of this year. Jill or Scot will look into scheduling a tour. • There was an emerald ash borer article in the Chanhassen Villager recently that referenced City efforts against the pest. • Riley Purgatory Bluff Creek Watershed District – St Hubert project is almost complete; Erhart Farm development is requesting a wetland variance. Meeting adjourned at 7:40 pm Minutes submitted and prepared by Jill Sinclair