CC Minutes 11-22-21City Council Minutes – November 22, 2021 3 service, with one being Chief only, 18 day-only calls, 36 duty crew calls, and 31 general alarms. Chief Johnson noted the department continued providing a two-person EMT crew for the high school sectional and regional games. With the holiday coming, he encouraged people to be safe while cooking and to use turkey fryers in the driveway, not near the house. He thanked the City Council for their continued support of the Fire Department. 2. Law Enforcement Update for October Lieutenant Pearce noted the City had 746 patrol activity calls for service during the month of October: 52 were crimes including 27 theft-related crimes and one stolen vehicle. Non-criminal activity was highlighted by alarms, medical calls, and suspicious activity calls. There were 165 traffic stops resulting in 39 citations and 3 DUI arrests. He noted they are seeing an increase in domestics and domestics resulting in arrest. Mental health calls have been statistically consistent with previous months and years. Lieutenant Pearce stated the body camera implementation is ahead of schedule with everyone on patrol having them in October. On October 20th they held a unity in community meeting at the Chanhassen Library with about a dozen people attending. During holiday travel season, he encourages everyone to slow down, don’t drive impaired, and buckle up for safety. PUBLIC HEARINGS: None. GENERAL BUSINESS 1. Minnetonka Middle School West (MMSW) Access Improvement Update Charlie Howley, Director of Public Works/City Engineer, shared an informational update on the intersection improvement which is meant to improve congestion during morning and afternoon drop-off and pick-up outside the school. He showed a roundabout concept on screen supported by MnDOT (a traffic signal or 4-way stop would not be supported by MnDOT). The overall project cost is about $2.8 million dollars and the City would be acting on behalf of residents and the traveling public, and would contribute staff time to lead and administer the project. Mr. Howley noted the City has included $200,000 in the 5-year financial plans to contribute to the project, and would use the project as an opportunity to replace an undersized trunk watermain and set up the intersection to support future development to the west. He walked through the breakdown of project costs, schedules, and potential next steps, noting if they can fill the $400,000 funding gap the project can be designed and constructed in 2023 and 2024. 2. Approve a Request for Subdivision of Three Parcels into Three Lots and One Outlot and Site Plan Review for Development of an Approximately 82,000 Square-Foot, One- Story, Office-Warehouse Building Located at 2100 Stoughton Avenue (River Valley Industrial Center) City Council Minutes – November 22, 2021 4 Bob Generous, Senior Planner, gave a presentation on the property location, noting the parcel is located in both the City of Chanhassen and the City of Chaska. Access is via Stoughton Avenue and Audubon Road and the Applicant will propose a septic system as part of the commercial building. As part of the subdivision they will create three lots, with the site plan consisting of an 82,000 square-foot one-story building with a service bay on the east side. Mr. Generous noted Staff wants the Applicant to provide enhanced landscaping on Stoughton Avenue to provide additional screening. Regarding storm water management, the Applicant is proposing a stormwater pond and infiltration basin. The Planning Commission held a public hearing on September 7, 2021 to review the proposed development and voted 7-0 to recommend approval of the project. Mr. Generous noted Staff is recommending approval of the project. Mayor Ryan clarified that before anything can actually happen the City of Chaska must also approve. Mr. Generous replied in the affirmative and stated the Applicant will have to come back for the final platting. Councilwoman Schubert moved, Councilman Campion seconded that the Chanhassen City Council approves Planning Case #2021-19 for preliminary plat and site plan for River Valley Industrial Center, plans prepared by Westwood Professional services, Inc., dated August 3, 2021 and Philip D. Johnson, Architect, dated August 3, 2021, subject to the conditions of the staff report as modified, and adopts the Planning Commission’s Findings of Fact. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 5 to 0. COUNCIL PRESENTATIONS Councilman McDonald stated the Rotary Club will host Breakfast for Santa at the Chanhassen Recreation Center and invited everyone to come out to see Santa Claus. ADMINISTRATIVE PRESENTATIONS Ms. Hokkanen congratulated Jerry Johnson, a utility employee who was named the Minnesota Public Works Employee of the Year. He has worked for the City of Chanhassen for 27 years and his primary role is taking care of the 32 lift stations. She noted Mr. Johnson is a great, dedicated employee. CORRESPONDENCE DISCUSSION 1. Fringe Business (BF) District Reclassifying Conditional Uses as Interim Uses Next Steps