Erhart Farm Legal Description Legal Description Parcel 1: That part of Outlot A, Butternut Ridge Addition, according to the recorded plat thereof, Carver County, Minnesota, lying easterly and northeasterly of the following described line: Beginning at the most southerly northeast corner of said Outlot A, said point also being the northeast corner of Section 26, Township 116 North, Range 23 West; thence South 00 degrees 28 minutes 49 seconds East, assuming the most southerly north line of said Outlot A has a bearing of North 89 degrees 58 minutes 27 seconds East, a distance of 566.98 feet; thence South 75 degrees 21 minutes 54 seconds East 655.69 feet to an angle point in the southerly line of said Outlot A, and said line there terminating. EXCEPTING THEREFROM the following: That part of Outlot A, Butternut Ridge Addition, Carver County, Minnesota, lying westerly of the westerly right of way line of Trunk Highway No. 101, MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION RIGHT OF WAY PLAT NO. 10-46, AND 10-47, according to the recorded plats thereof, Carver County, Minnesota, and easterly of the following described line: Commencing at point B7 of said right of way plat; thence South 89 degrees 34 minutes 41 seconds West, assumed bearing, along the south line of said Outlot A 32.22 feet to the point of beginning of a line to be described; thence northerly 200.91 feet along a non tangential curve, concave to the west, central angle 20 degrees 11 minutes 41 seconds, radius 570.00 feet, chord bearing North 09 degrees 18 minutes 16 seconds West; thence northwesterly 435.88 feet along a compound curve, concave to the southwest, radius 703.00 feet, central angle 35 degrees 31 minutes 29 seconds; thence North 54 degrees 55 minutes 36 seconds West, along tangent, 516.07 feet to a point on said westerly right of way line and said line there terminating. ALSO EXCEPTING THEREFROM the following: That part of Outlot A, Butternut Ridge Addition according to the recorded plat thereof, Carver County, Minnesota lying westerly of a line described as follows: Commencing at the South corner of Lot 2, Block 4, Foxwood, according to the recorded plat thereof Carver County, Minnesota; thence on an assumed bearing of North 00 degrees 02 minutes 05 seconds West along the East line of said Lot 2 a distance of 189.51 feet to the Northeast corner of said Lot 2 and the point of beginning of said line; thence South 48 degrees 05 minutes 58 seconds East 61.09 feet; thence South 41 degrees 54 minutes 02 seconds West 134.40 feet to the Southwesterly line of said Lot 2 and said line there terminating. TOGETHER WITH the following: That part of Lot 2, Block 4, Foxwood, according to the recorded plat thereof, Carver County, Minnesota lying easterly of a line described as follows: Commencing at the Southerly corner of Lot 2, Block 4, Foxwood, according to the recorded plat thereof, Carver County, Minnesota; thence on an assumed bearing of North 00 degrees 02 minutes 05 seconds West along the East line of said Lot 2 a distance of 189.51 feet to the Northeast corner of said Lot 2 and the point of beginning of said line; thence South 48 degrees 05 minutes 58 seconds East 61.09 feet; thence South 41 degrees 54 minutes 02 seconds West 134.40 feet to the Southwesterly line of said Lot 2 and said line there terminating. Parcel 2: That part of Outlot A, Butternut Ridge Addition, according to the recorded plat thereof, Carver County, Minnesota, lying westerly and southwesterly of the following described line: Beginning at the most southerly northeast corner of said Outlot A, said point also being the northeast corner of Section 26, Township 116 North, Range 23 West; thence South 00 degrees 28 minutes 49 seconds East, assuming the most southerly north line of said Outlot A has a bearing of North 89 degrees 58 minutes 27 seconds East, a distance of 566.98 feet; thence South 75 degrees 21 minutes 54 seconds East 655.69 feet to an angle point in the southerly line of said Outlot A, and said line there terminating. EXCEPTING THEREFROM the following: Tract A: Outlot A, Butternut Ridge Addition, Carver County, Minnesota; which lies westerly and northwesterly of Line 1 described below: Line 1: Commencing at the northeast corner of said Section 26; thence westerly on an azimuth of 269 degrees 58 minutes 40 seconds along the north line of said section for 2271.51 feet to the point of beginning of Line 1 to be described; thence on an azimuth of 238 degrees 14 minutes 10 seconds for 95.58 feet; thence on an azimuth of 248 degrees 55 minutes 29 seconds for 90.18 feet; thence on an azimuth of 260 degrees 03 minutes 27 seconds for 191.03 feet; thence on an azimuth of 217 degrees 01 minutes 09 seconds for 126.73 feet to a point hereinafter referred to as Point “A”; thence continue on an azimuth of 217 degrees 01 minutes 09 seconds for 15.12 feet; thence on an azimuth of 172 degrees 14 minutes 03 seconds for 234.17 feet; thence on an azimuth of 177 degrees 20 minutes 28 seconds for 336.70 feet; thence on an azimuth of 180 degrees 17 minutes 57 seconds for 279.90 feet; thence on an azimuth of 181 degrees 15 minutes 16 seconds for 104.15 feet; thence on an azimuth of 183 degrees 39 minutes 13 seconds for 116.63 feet to a point on the south line of said Tract A and there terminating. Parcel 3: The West 183.00 feet of the S 290.40 feet of the NW ¼ of Sec. 25, T. 116, R. 23 Tax ID Description