Legal Description DEMARS- GABRIElllND SURVEYORS, INC. 3030 HARBOR LANE NO., SUITE III PLYMOUTH, MN 55447 Phone 763-559-0908 Fax 763-559-0479 Lot 2, Block 1, in said SATHRE ADDITION and That part of Horseshoe Curve, originally dedicated in the record plat of SATHRE ADDITION and now to be vacated which lies easterly of a line described as follows: Comencing at the northwest corner of Lot 2, Block 1, in said SATHRE ADDITION; thence southerly, a distance of 84.82 feet, along the westerly line of said Lot 2, to the point of beginning of the line to be described; thence southerly, tangent to the curve on said westerly line, a distance of 53 .28 feet; thence southerly, on a tangential curve concave to the west having a radius of 150.04 feet, to the west line of said Horseshoe Curve. CITY OF CHANHASSmN RECEIVED SEP 1 2 2005 OIANHASSEN PLANNING DEPT I l