Existing Erhart FarmRemoval percentage on an annual basis BMP TP & TSS Volume Reduction Particulate P Removal Dissolved P Removal Total P Removal TSS Removal Green roof 45%0%0%0%0%96% Bioretention basin (w/o underdrain)Calculate from lookup table 100%0%0%0%0% Bioretention basin (with underdrain)Calculate from lookup table 100%80% Infiltration basin/Infiltration trench (aboveground)Calculate from lookup table 100%0%0%0%0% Underground infiltration Calculate from lookup table 100%0%0%0%0% Permeable pavement Calculate from lookup table 100%82%0%45%74% Tree trench system/Box (w/o underdrain)Calculate from lookup table 0%0%0%0% Tree trench system/Box (with underdrain)Calculate from lookup table 100%80% Swale Side Slope Calculate from lookup table 100% Swale main channel Calculate from lookup table 100%73%0%40%68% Swale main channel (with underdrain)Calculate from lookup table 100%36%0%20%68% Stormwater disconnection (Impervious Disconnection)Calculate from lookup table 100%0%0%0%68% Harvest and re-use/Cistern Calculate using simulation 100%0%0%0%0% Wet swale 0%0%0%0%0%68% Sand filter 0%0%85%Calculated based on design 47%85% Constructed stormwater pond 0%0% Constructed wetland 0%0%55%0%30%68% Other User defined User defined User defined User defined User defined User defined Sources Calculated based on design parameters Commonwealth of Virginia Runoff Reduction Method MN Stormwater Manual % Annual Runoff Volume Retained (%RVR) (Non-Volume Reduced Runoff) % Pollutant Removal (%PR) Calculated based on design Calculated based on design Removals applied to main channel component Calculated based on design