DOCS-#219820-v1-STORMWATER_MAINTENANCE_AG___RECORDED_A739696Document Number: A739696 Filed and/or Recorded on Dec 28, 2021 1:54 PM Office of the County Recorder/Registrar of Titles Carver County, Minnesota Kaaren Lewis, County Recorder Deputy DL Document Recording Fees $ 46.00 Document Total $ 46.00 Requesting Party: City of Chanhassen Pages: 36 This cover page has been added to this document by Carver County Land Records and is now an official part of this recorded document STORMWATER MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT/ BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICE FACILITIES THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into as of the & day of , 2021, by and between CBH PROPERTIES CHANHASSEN, LLC, a Minnesota limited liability company, hereinafter refereed to as the "Owner" and the CITY OF CHANHASSEN, a Minnesota municipal corporation, hereinafter referred to as the "City". RECITALS A. The Owner is the owner of certain real property located in Carver County, Minnesota, legally described as follows: Lot 3, Block 1, Crossroads of Chanhassen ("Property"); and B. The Owner is proposing construction and implementation of an underground and surface level stormwater (Best Management Practice) BMP system within the Property; and C. The submitted permit application, hereinafter called the "Plans", which are expressly made a part hereof, as approved by the City, provides for filtration/infiltration of stormwater within the confines of the Property via an underground and surface level stormwater BMP system; and D. The City and the Owner agree that the health, safety, and welfare of the residents of the City of Chanhassen, Minnesota, require that on -site stormwater management/BMP facilities be constructed and maintained on the Property; and E. The City requires that the on -site underground and surface Stormwater BMP facilities ("Stormwater Facilities") as shown on the Plans be constructed and adequately maintained by the Owner as a condition of final permit approval; and F. The Owner is required to enter into this Agreement and grant to the City a license to enter the Property to inspect and, if necessary, complete work required under the terms of this Agreement. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of mutual covenants of the parties set forth herein and other valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby aclmowledged, the parties agree as follows 1. Construction of Stormwater Improvements. Owner shall construct the Stormwater Facilities in accordance with the plans and specifications identified in the Plan. 2. Maintenance of Stormwater Irn rovements. A. The Owner shall adequately maintain the Stormwater Facilities in accordance with the City engineering standards for stoimwater treatment facilities attached hereto as Exhibit A. This includes all 216829v1 pavement, pipes, channels, and other conveyances built to convey stormwater to the facility, as well as all structures, improvements, and vegetation provided to control the quantity and quality of the stormwater. Adequate maintenance is herein defined as good working condition so that these Stormwater Facilities are performing their design functions. B. The Owner will perform the work necessary to keep these Stormwater Facilities in good working order as appropriate. In the event a maintenance schedule for the Stormwater Facilities (including sediment removal) is outlined on the approved Plans, the schedule will be followed and comply with all applicable federal, state, and local regulations relating to the disposal of material, such as sediment. 3. Inspection and Reporting. The Owner shall inspect the Stormwater Facilities and submit an inspection report annually and shall be responsible for the payment of any associated costs. The purpose of the inspection is to assure safe and proper functioning of the facilities. The inspection shall cover the entire facilities. Deficiencies shall be noted in the inspection report set forth in Exhibit A. 4. City Access and Maintenance Rights. A. The Owner hereby grants a license to the City, its authorized agents and employees, to enter upon the Property to inspect the Stornwater Facilities whenever the City deems necessary as shown on Exhibit B, and to complete any maintenance, if necessary subject and pursuant to the terms of subparagraph B, below. The City shall provide written notice to the Owner fourteen (14) days prior to entry. The City shall provide the Owner, copies of the inspection findings and a directive to commence with the repairs if necessary ("Inspection Report"). B. In the event the Owner fails to maintain the Stormwater Facilities in good working condition acceptable to the City and such failure continues for 60 days after the City gives the Owner written notice of such failure, the City may enter upon the Property and take whatever steps necessary, including excavation and the storage of materials and equipment-, to correct deficiencies identified in the Inspection Report. The City's notice shall specifically state which maintenance tasks are to be performed. The City may charge the costs, including assessing the City's costs to the Owner's property taxes, to the Owner. This provision shall not be construed to allow the City to erect any structure of permanent nature outside of the area of the Stormwater Facilities. It is expressly understood and agreed that the City is under no obligation to routinely maintain or repair said Stormwater Facilities, and in no event shall this Agreement be construed to impose any such obligation on the City. In addition, Owner agrees that it is, and will be, solely responsible to address complaints and legal claims brought by any third party with regard to the maintenance and operation and the consequences there from the Stormwater Facilities. The Owner shall defend and hold the City harmless from any such third -party claim, except to the extent of the City's or its agents', contractors' or employees' negligence or willful misconduct. 5. Reimbursement of Costs. The Owner shall reimburse the City for all costs reasonably incurred by the City in the enforcement of this Agreement, or any portion thereof, including court costs and reasonable attorneys' fees. 6. Indemnification. This Agreement imposes no liability of any kind whatsoever on the City. The Owner shall indemnify and hold harmless the City and its agents and employees against any and all claims, demands, losses, damages, and expenses (including reasonable attorneys' fees) arising out of or 2 216829v1 resulting from the Owner or the Owner's agents' or employees' negligent or intentional acts, violation of any safety law, regulation or code, without regard to any inspection or review made or not made by the City, its agents or employees or failure by the City, its agents or employees to take any other prudent precautions, except to the extent of the City's or its agents', contractors' or employees' negligence or willful misconduct. In the event the City, upon the failure of the Owner to comply with any conditions of this Agreement, performs said conditions pursuant to its authority in this Agreement, the Owner shall indemnify and hold harmless the City, its employees, agents and representatives from any cost, damage or harm, except to the extent resulting from the City's or its agents', or employees' negligent acts or willful misconduct in the perfonnance of the Owner's required work under this Agreement. Failure to perform any of the Owner's required work shall not be considered negligence by the City, its employees, agents or representatives. 7. Notice. All notices required under this Agreement shall either be personally delivered or be sent by certified or registered mail and addressed as follows: To the Owner: CBIH Properties Chanhassen, LLC Attention: Legal Department 17725 Katy Freeway, Suite 200 Houston, Texas 77094 To the City: City of Chanhassen Attention: Water Resources Coordinator 7700 Market Boulevard P.O. Box 147 Chanhassen, Minnesota 55317 All notices given hereunder shall be deemed given when personally delivered or two business days after being placed in the mail properly addressed as provided herein. 8. Successors/Covenants Run With the Proper . The terms and conditions of this Agreement shall run with the Property. All duties and obligations of Owner under this Agreement shall be duties and obligations of Owner's successors and assigns, jointly and severally. In connection with the development of the Property, Owner, or its successors or assigns, shall record a declaration against the Property and establish a homeowner's association to govern certain matters relating to the Property under the terms of such declaration which shall include the obligation of the homeowner's association to be comply with the terms of this Agreement. Effective upon the recording of the declaration against the Property and conveyance of a parcel within the Lot 3, Block 1 Crossroads of Chanhassen plat, such association, as Owner's assign hereunder, shall thereafter be a party hereto and Owner shall thereafter have no further rights, duties and/or obligations under or pursuant to this Agreement as to the parcel conveyed. 9. Covenants Run with Property. The terms and conditions of this Agreement shall run with the Property and shall be binding upon future owners of the Property. [Remainder of page intentionally left blank. Signature pages (2) follow.] 216829vl Owner: CBH PROPERTIES CHANHASSEN, LLC a Minnesota limited liability company Jacqu s Crargf ice President STATE OF TEXAS ) ss. COUNTY OF HARRIS ) The foregoing instnunent was acknowledgefore me this day of , 2021, by Jacques Craig, the Vice President of CBJ4 Properties Chanhassen, LLC, a Minnesota limited liability company, on behalf of said entity. 14 RY Av'�+u �ji 1[[ ��}} II ``�� �� {yy] UTT tu9y Notary !® # 13028088g Mies All"' 1, 2,023 216829V1 0 CITY: STATE OF MINNESOTA ) )ss. COUNTY OF CARVER ) y The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this ay o ��,2021,by Elise Ryan and Laurie Hokkanen, respectively, the Mayor and City Manager, of the City of Chanhassen, a Minnesota municipal corporation, on behalf of the corporation and pursuant to the authority granted by its City Council. n THIS INSTRUMENT WAS DRAFTED BY: CAmmr,, LL KNuTSON Professional Association Grand Oak Office Center I 860 Blue Gentian Road, Suite 290 Eagan, Minnesota 55121 Telephone: (651) 452-5000 AMP/jmo T. MEUWISSEN1:*::K' otary Pubji nnesota Commission Expires Jan 31, 2025 216829v1 5 EXHIBIT A TO STORMWATER MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT Operations and Maintenance of Stormwater Facility The Owner, shall be vested with and shall be responsible for conducting an annual inspection of the stormwater facility as depicted and attached hereto, utilizing the stormwater facility maintenance inspection checklist, attached hereto, and shall snake any repairs to the stormwater facility necessary for its intended design and function, as reasonably determined by the City's Water Resources Coordinator for the remaining life of the Stormwater Facility. SEE ATTACHED PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS 6 216929v1 Christian Brothers Automotive Chanhassen, MN OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE PLAN 8941 Crossroads Blvd. Chanhassen, MN Prepared for: Christian Brothers Automotive July 22, 2021 Prepared By: Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. 767 Eustis Street, Suite 100 St. Paul, MN 55114 (651)645-4197 I hereby certify that this plan, specification, or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision, and that I am a duly Registered Professional Engineer under the laws of the State of Minnesota. Brandon R. Elegert, P.E. Date: 07/22/2021 Registration No. 50387 STORMWATER MANAGEMENT OPERATION & MAINTENANCE PLAN - 1 Christian Brothers Automotive Chanhassen, MN CHRISTIAN BROTHERS AUTOMOTIVE CHANHASSEN STORMWATER MANAGEMENT OPERATION & MAINTENANCE PLAN Activity__Frequency..._.__.___ Water plants As necessary during first growing season Water plants during dry periods As needed after first growing season Re -mulch void areas As needed Treat diseased trees and shrubs As needed Inspect soil and repair eroded areas Monthly Inspect integrity of storm sewer castings and remove accumulated debris from rates As needed Remove litter and debris Monthly Add additional mulch Once per year Sum ed Manholes Once per year and as needed BMP # 1 — ADS Stormtech Twice per year and as needed BMP #IA - ADS Ba Filter Twice per year and as needed BMP # 1 B — Hydra International Downstream Defender Once per year and as needed Stormwater Reuse Irrigation Equipment Oncer per year, as needed and recommended by Manufacturer Access Sufficient access shall be provided to the facility to allow all necessary inspection and maintenance activities to be completed. Maintenance of access areas shall include removal of tree seedlings and woody vegetation, repair of eroded areas and removal of litter and debris. Erosion The soil and mulch in the facility and in areas draining to the facility shall be inspected for eroded areas. Eroded areas shall be filled with soil or mulch and vegetated. Outlet Structure Maintenance The Owner will be responsible for outlet structure maintenance. Periodically, the low flow orifice may clog with debris. Debris should be removed and disposed of outside of the facility limits. STORMWATER MANAGEMENT OPERATION & MAINTENANCE PLAN - 2 Christian Brothers Automotive Chanhassen, MN Debris & Litter Debris and litter should be removed on a monthly basis to maintain appearance and functionality of the facility. Plant Maintenance The vegetation type and amount are important to ensure that the facility operates correctly. Proper vegetation maintenance includes watering plants during dry periods, re -mulching void areas, treating diseased trees and shrubs and mowing turf areas. MAINTENANCE OF UNDERGROUND ADS SC-310 DETENTION SYSTEM Regular inspection and maintenance are critical to the effective operation of the underground filtration systems. It is the responsibility of the property owner to maintain all stormwater BMPs in accordance with the minimum design standards and other guidance provided in this manual. See Appendix A for ADS Stormtech guidelines for additional operation and maintenance procedures. Inspection Schedule One inspection form shall be completed for the underground detention system on a monthly or annual basis as specified on the checklist. Erosion The soil and mulch on the property shall be inspected for eroded areas. Eroded areas shall be filled with soil or mulch and vegetated. In the event that erosion persists in a particular area, compacted aggregate shall be used to further stabilize the slope and to mitigate future erosion. Sediment Accumulation & Clogging Sediment accumulation within the facility may reduce the infiltration capacity and impair proper performance of the facility. The facility shall be inspected for accumulation of sediment as part of the inspection. Excessive sediment accumulation shall be removed. Outlet Structure Maintenance The Owner will be responsible for outlet structure maintenance. Periodically, the outlet pipe may clog with debris, Debris should be removed and appropriately disposed of off - site. Standing Water/Pipe Inspection Visual inspection of the pipe chamber system shall occur once per year until a cleaning schedule can be established based on the amount of sediment that is left within the system. Prior to entry into the underground system, the user shall follow all applicable OSHA and local safety regulations. STORMWATER MANAGEMENT OPERATION & MAINTENANCE PLAN - 3 Christian Brothers Automotive Chanhassen, MN Inspections should occur at least 2-3 days after the most recent rainfall event. The system should be visually inspected at all manhole locations. Utilizing a sediment pole, measure and document the amount of silt at each manhole locations. Inspect each pipe opening to ensure that the silt level or any foreign objects are not blocking the pipes. The sediment level should be measured and recorded during the inspection process. The system should be cleaned once the available depth of sediment is 3" above the bottom of the chambers. Cleaning of the system can be done by a vacuum truck every 3-5 years based on actual sediment accumulation. If the facility has standing water more than 48 hours after a rain event, the system shall be cleaned. To clean, remove the manhole cover at the top of the system and lower a vacuum hose into one of the rows of the pipe system. Open the manhole at the opposite end of the system and use sewer jetting equipment to force water in the same row from one end of the pipe system row to the opposite side. Place the vacuum hose and the sewer jetting equipment in the next row and repeat the process. Prior to freezing each year, the stone detention layer shall be cleared of standing water to prevent freezing and damage to the underground system. Inspection and Maintenance (per manufacturer recommendations) Inspect isolator row for sediment. If sediment is at or above 3", clean out isolator row using the letvac process, vacuum structure sump as required. Replace all covers, grates, filters, and lids; record observations and actions. Inspect and clean basins and manholes upstream of the Stormtech system. Refer to manufacturer for complete inspection and maintenance requirements and recommendations. Inspect every 6 months during the first year of operation. Adjust the inspection interval based on previous observations of sediment accumulation and high-water elevations. Conduct jetting and vactoring annually or when inspection shows that maintenance is necessary. WATER REUSE MONITORING AND REPORTING Water reuse shall be monitored throughout the duration of the irrigation timeframe on a monthly basis. The volume of water reused onsite for irrigation purposes shall be calculated and documented to ensure proper function of the stormwater reuse irrigation equipment. Proper operation and maintenance of all pumps, panels, and other equipment associated with the stormwater harvest and reuse shall be inspected and maintained in accordance with Manufacturer's recommendations. 5TORMWATER MANAGEMENT OPERATION & MAINTENANCE PLAN - 4 Christian Brothers Automotive Chanhassen, MN MAINTENANCE OF ADS SAYFILTER See Owner's Manual, Appendix A for operation and maintenance procedures. MAINTENANCE OF HYDOR INTERNATIONAL DOWNSTREAM DEFENDER See Owner's Manual, Appendix A for operation and maintenance procedures. STORMWATER MANAGEMENT OPERATION & MAINTENANCE PLAN - 5 Christian Brothers Automotive Chanhassen, MN INSPECTION FORM BMP #1 Underground Detention Sys em ADS SC-310 StormTech System) Date: Time: Weather: Inspector: Maintenance Item Comments on Condition Actions to be Taken As Needed Remove Trash and debris Stabilize tributary drainage area when erosion is evident Inflow and outflow at inlet and outlet structures are clean Catch Basins are functioning properly and free of litter and debris Semi Annually (Or After several storm events/extreme storm events Inspect inflow/outflow and pre- treatment systems for clogging (off- line systems) and remove any sediment Annuall in Fall Inspect and remove any sediment and debris build up in pretreatment areas Inspect inflow points and surface for buildup of road sand associated with spring melt, remove as needed Note signs of pollution, such as oil sheens, discolored water, or unpleasant odors. Comments and Actions Re uired: STORMWATER MANAGEMENT OPERATION & MAINTENANCE PLAN - 6 Christian Brothers Automotive Chanhassen, MN INSPECTION FORM stem BMP #lA Cartridge Filter System ADS Ba Filter S ) Date: Time: Weather: Inspector: Maintenance Item Comments on Condition Actions to be Taken As Needed Remove Trash and debris Stabilize tributary drainage area when erosion is evident Inflow and outflow at inlet and outlet structures are clean Catch Basins are functioning properly and free of litter and debris Semi Annuall Or After several storm events/extreme storm events Inspect inflow/outflow and pre- treatment systems for clogging (off- line systems) and remove any sediment Annually in Fall Inspect and remove any sediment and debris build up in pretreatment areas Inspect inflow points and surface for buildup of road sand associated with spring melt, remove as needed Note signs of pollution, such as oil sheens, discolored water, or unpleasant odors. -Comments and Actions Required. STORMWATER MANAGEMENT OPERATION & MAINTENANCE PLAN - 7 Christian Brothers Automotive Chanhassen, MN INSPECTION FORM BMP #1B Hydrodynamic Separator (Hydro International Downstream Defender Date: Time: Weather: Inspector:.._ Maintenance Item Comments on Condition Actions to be Taken As Needed Remove Trash and debris Stabilize tributary drainage area when erosion is evident Inflow and outflow at inlet and outlet structures are clean Catch Basins are functioning properly and free of litter and debris Semi Ann . u . ally fOr After several storm events/extreme storm events Inspect inflow/outflow and pre- treatment systems for clogging (off- line systems) and remove any sediment Annually in Fail Inspect and remove any sediment and debris build up in pretreatment areas Inspect inflow points and surface for buildup of road sand associated with spring melt, remove as needed Note signs of pollution, such as oil sheens, discolored water, or unpleasant odors. -Comments and Actions Re wired: STORMWATER MANAGEMENT OPERATION & MAINTENANCE PLAN - 8 Christian Brothers Automotive Chanhassen, MN Appendix A STORMWATER MANAGEMENT OPERATION & MAINTENANCE PLAN - 9 StormTech® (1e144 f a 4 f�'lli=an I r (/;1J111V all n tip <<,�;Lralh Isolator ° Row O&M Manual THE MOST ,A NAME 1N WATER MANAGEMENT SOLUTIONS"' W INTRODUCTION An important component of any Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan is inspection and maintenance. The StormTech isolator Row is a technique to inexpensively enhance Total Suspended Solids (TSS) and Total Phosphorus (TP) removal with easy access for inspection and maintenance. THE ISOLATOR ROW The Isolator Row is a row of StormTech chambers, either SC-160, SC- 310, SC-310-3, SC-740, DC-780, MC-3500 or MC-4500 models, that is surrounded with filter fabric and connected to a closely located manhole for easy access. The fabric -wrapped chambers provide for settling and filtration of sediment as storm water rises in the Isolator Row and ultimately passes through the filter fabric. The open bottom chambers and perforated sidewalls (SC-310, SC 310-3 and SC-740 models) allow storm water to flow both vertically and horizontally out of the chambers. Sediments are captured in the Isolator Row protecting the storage areas of the adjacent stone and chambers from sediment accumulation. A woven geotextile fabric is placed between the stone and the Isolator Row chambers. The woven geotextile provides a media for stormwater filtration, a durable surface for maintenance, prevents scour of the underlying stone and remains intact during high pressure jetting. A non- woven fabric is placed over the chambers to provide a filter media for flows passing through the perforations in the sidewall of the chamber. The non -woven fabric is not required over the SC-160, DC-780, MC-3500 or MC-4500 models as these chambers do not have perforated side walls. The Isolator Row is typically designed to capture the "first flush" and offers the versatility to be sized on a volume basis or flow rate basis. An upstream manhole provides access to the Isolator Row and typically includes a high flow weir. When flow rates or volumes exceed the Isolator Row weir capacity the water will flow over the weir and discharge through a manifold to the other chambers. Another acceptable design uses one open grate inlet structure. Using a "highllow" design (low invert elevation on the Isolator Row and a higher invert elevation on the manifold) an open grate structure can provide the advantages of the Isolator Row by creating a differential between the Isolator Row and manifold thus allowing for settlement in the Isolator Row. The Isolator Row may be part of a treatment train system. The design of the treatment train and selection of pretreatment devices by the design engineer is often driven by regulatory requirements. Whether pretreatment is used or not, the Isolator Row is recommended by StormTech as an effective means to minimize maintenance requirements and maintenance costs. Note: See the StormTech Design Manual for detailed information on designing inlets for a StormTech system, including the Isolator Row. Looking down the Isolator Row from the manhole opening, woven geotextile is shown between the chamber and stone base. StormTech Isolator Row with Overflow Spillway (not to scale) OPTIONAL PRE-TRFATMFNT STORMTECH ISOLATOR ROW MANHOLE wrrH OVERFLOW WEIR FIR ECCENTRIC " HEACER OPTIONAL \ ACCESS l f _- STORMTECH CHAMBERS ... .e o-. INSPECTION a, The frequency of inspection and maintenance varies by location. A routine inspection schedule needs to be established for each individual location based upon site specific variables. The type of land use (i.e. industrial, commercial, residential), anticipated pollutant load, percent imperviousness, climate, etc. all play a critical role in determining the >a actual frequency of inspection and maintenance practices. At a minimum, StormTech recommends annual inspections. Initially, Awe the Isolator Row should be inspected every 6 months for the first year of operation. For subsequent years, the inspection should be adjusted based upon previous observation of sediment deposition. The Isolator Row incorporates a combination of standard manhole(s) and strategically located inspection ports (as needed). The inspection ports allow for easy access to the system from the surface, eliminating the need to perform a confined space entry for inspection purposes. If upon visual inspection it is found that sediment has accumulated, a stadia rod should be inserted to determine the depth of sediment. When the average depth of sediment exceeds 3 inches throughout the length of the Isolator Row, clean -out should be performed. MAINTENANCE The Isolator Row was designed to reduce the cost of periodic maintenance, By "isolating" sediments to just one row, costs are dramatically reduced by eliminating the need to clean out each row of the entire storage bed. If inspection indicates the potential need for maintenance, access is provided via a manhole(s) located on the end(s) of the row for cleanout. If entry into the manhole is required, please follow local and OSHA rules for a confined space entries. Maintenance is accomplished with the JetVac process. The JetVac process utilizes a high pressure water nozzle to propel itself down the Isolator Row while scouring and suspending sediments. As the nozzle is retrieved, the captured pollutants are flushed back into the manhole for vacuuming. Most sewer and pipe maintenance companies have vacuum/JetVac combination vehicles. Selection of an appropriate JetVac nozzle will improve maintenance efficiency.. Fixed nozzles designed for culverts or large diameter pipe cleaning are preferable.. Rear facing jets with an effective spread of at least 45" are best. Most JetVac reels have 400 feet of hose allowing maintenance of an Isolator Row up to 50 chambers long. The JetVac process shall only be performed on StormTech Isolator Rows that have AASHTO class 1 woven geotextile (as specified by StormTech) over their angular base stone. StormTech Isolator Row (not to scale) Note: Non -woven fabric is only required over the inlet pipe connection into the end cap for SC-16OLP, DC-180, MC-3500 and MC-4500 chamber models and is not required over the entire Isolator Row. iG]4D, SGa10' LOVER ENTIRE ISCEATOR ROW WR'H ACS GEp5YN1HETl�'-s bC1T N,730.T EN MIN W LE 'c-Ik. 9' IA m)1,IIN WIPE SC-]i V. 5' (1S mj AIIN WIUE >AC45 .. RAC-35W, OC3MD. SC cONN" n"TO GEOSYNF HETIUS 601T NON 1 SAW QE RTE OP.1, [am—] I'll 24. 166am) NUPE ACCESS PIP E AECUIR€O:NG49 ,LVG3M SC-M DC-9a I (W5m NUPEACCESS PIPE REQUIRED SWI3 9' i2W.) HOPE ACCESS PIPE REQUIRED_ - lfiAl.F pPTIOM I EK11ON PORT STORMTECHCHANBER STORAITECH ENO GAF MAMUERS, CO IN OOSFAM TEPPIO P SEAMS ;HAt.18€R5, COtiTINtiQllS FABRIC WRHOIP 6€AMS l30a B�eS' I2S rn} AUk WIDE: IAG�SdA 5' It.5 ml MIN WIPES OG-TfiT, SG749 4' (I,Z m) IAiN WIDE SG1TA. S11 1 STEP i Inspect Isolator Row for sediment. A) Inspection ports (if present) i. Remove lid from floor box frame ii. Remove cap from inspection riser iii. Using a flashlight and stadia rod,measure depth of sediment and record results on maintenance log. iv. if sediment is at or above 3 inch depth, proceed to Step 2. If not, proceed to Step 3. B) All Isolator Rows i. Remove cover from manhole at upstream end of Isolator Row ii. Using a flashlight, inspect down Isolator Row through outlet pipe 1. Mirrors on poles or cameras may be used to avoid a confined space entry 2. Follow OSHA regulations for confined space entry if entering manhole iii. If sediment is at or above the Lower row of sidewall holes (approximately 3 inches), proceed to Step 2. If not, proceed to Step 3. STEP 2 Clean out Isolator Row using the JetVac process. A) A fixed floor cleaning nozzle with rear facing nozzle spread of 45 inches or more is preferable B) Apply multiple passes of JetVac until backflush water is clean C) Vacuum manhole sump as required STEP 3 Replace all caps, lids and covers, record observations and actions. STEP 4 Inspect & clean catch basins and manholes upstream of the StormTech system. SAMPLE MAINTENANCE LOG BAYSAVER TECHNOLOGIES" BayFilter'" Design Manual L C71136a*- THE MOST AVVANCED NAME IN WATER MANAGEMENT SOLUTIONS"' i Pre -Assembled Manifold In some areas the vaults can be provided with pre -in- stalled manifold systems. Please contact your local ADS or BaySaver representatives for additional details. Inspection and Maintenance The BayFilter system requires periodic maintenance to continue operating at the design efficiency. The maintenance process is comprised of the removal and replacement of each BayFilter cartridge, vertical drain down module; and the cleaning of the vault or manhole with a vacuum truck. The maintenance cycle of the BayFilter system will be driven mostly by the actual solids load on the filter. The system should be periodically monitored to be certain it is operating correctly. Since stormwater solids loads can be variable, it is possible that the maintenance cycle could be more or less than the projected duration. BayFilter systems in volume -based applications are designed to treat the WQv in 24 to 48 hours initially. Late in the operational cycle of the BayFilter, the flow rate will diminish as a result of occlusion. When the drain down exceeds the regulated standard, maintenance should be performed. When a BayFilter system is first installed, it is recommended that it be inspected every six (6) months. When the filter system exhibits flows below design levels the system should be maintained. Filter cartridge replacement should also be considered when sediment levels are at or above the level of the manifold system. Please contact the BaySaver Technologies Engineering Department for maintenance cycle estimations or assistance at 1.800.229.7283. Maintenance Procedures 1. Contact BaySaver Technologies for replacement filter cartridge pricing and availability at 1-800-229-7283. 2. Remove the manhole covers and open all access hatches. 3. Before entering the system make sure the air is safe per OSHA Standards or use a breathing apparatus. Use low 0., high CO, or other applicable warning devices per regulatory requirements. 4. Using a vacuum truck remove any liquid and sediments that can be removed prior to entry. 5. Using a small lift or the boom of the vacuum truck, remove the used cartridges by lifting them out. 6. Any cartridges that cannot be readily lifted can be easily slid along the floor to a location BayFilter System Cieanout Vactor Truck Maintenance Jet Vactoring Through Access Match they can be lifted via a boom lift. 7. When all the cartridges have been removed, it is not practical to remove the balance of the solids and water. Loosen the stainless clamps on the Fernco couplings for the manifold and remove the drain pipes as well. Carefully cap the manifold and the Ferncos and rinse the floor, washing away the balance of any remaining collected solids. 8. Clean the manifold pipes, inspect, and reinstall. 9. Install the exchange cartridgess and close all covers. 10. The used cartridges may be sent back to BaySaver Technologies for recycling. BayFilter Availability and Cost BayFilter systems are available throughout the United States from BaySaver Technologies. Material, installation, and maintenance costs vary with location. For BayFilter pricing in your area, please contact BaySaver Technologies at 1-800-229-7283. BayFilter cartridges and outlet components can be shipped anywhere in the world. Manholes and precast vaults are also supplied by BaySaver Technologies as part of a complete stormwater filtration system. BayFilter Specifications Products A. Internal components: all components including concrete structure(s), PVC manifold piping and filter cartridges, shall be provided by BaySaver Technologies 1-800-229-7283). B. PVC manifold piping: all internal PVC pipe and fittings shall meet ASTM D1785. Manifold piping shall be provided to the contractor pre-cut and/or pre - assembled. Minor field modifications may be necessary. C. Filter cartridges: external shell of the filter cartridges shall be substantially constructed of polyethylene or equivalent material acceptable to the manufacturer. Filtration media shall be arranged in a spiral layered fashion to maximize available filtration area. An orifice flow control (i.e. flow disk) shall be supplied with each cartridge to restrict the flow rate to a maximum of 45 gpm (170 I/min). D. Filter media: filter media shall be a proprietary mix produced by BaySaver Technologies and may consist of the following materials: zeolite, perlite, and activated alumina and/or other materials required to meet the project pollutant removal requirements. Manifold Tee View of a Cleaned System Cartridge Hoist Point E. Precast concrete vault: concrete structures shall be provided according to ASTM C478, C858, and C913. The materials and structural design of the devices shall be per ASTM C478 and ACl 318. Precast concrete shall be provided by BaySaver Technologies. Performance A. The stormwater filter system shall be capable of treating 100% of the required treatment flow at full sediment load conditions. B. The stormwater filter system's cartridges shall have no moving parts.. C. The stormwater treatment unit shall be designed to remove a minimum of 80% of suspended solids, 60% of total phosphorus, 50% of turbidity, 40%® of total copper, and 40% of total zinc. All filter designs shall comply with local regulations. D. The stormwater filtration system shall not have any components that leach nitrates, phosphates or metals. E. The stormwater filtration cartridge shall be equipped with a hydrodynamic backwash mechanism to extend the filter's life and optimize its performance. F. The stormwater filtration system's cartridges shall have a treated sediment capacity for 80% TSS removal between 150-350 lbs (68159 kg). When BayFilter is initially installed, we recommend that an inspection be performed on the system in the first six (6) months. After that, the inspection cycle typically falls into an annual pattern given normal storm occurrence and actual solids loads. When BayFilter exhibits flows below design levels, the system should be inspected and maintained as soon as practical. If flow monitoring is not available, BayFilter cartridges should be replaced when sediment levels are at or above the top of the manifold. THE MOST A81.0NCE0 NAME IN WATER MANAGEMENT SOLUTIONS"" ADS `Terms and Conditmns of Sale"are availahle no the ADS wehsite, m-.w.ads-pipe.com The ADS logo aiod the Green Stripe are registered Iradenrarks of Advanced Drainage Systems, Inc.. BayRim "' m a registered trademark of BaySavarTechnologias, Inc. rcr M18 Advanced Drainage Systems, Inc. If 10951 01/ 18 TAH 1-800-821-6710 www.ads-pipe.com 1-800-229-7283 www.baysaver.com Vortex Separator for Stormwater Treatment Turning Water Around ...I 0 d C c C tl W L .0 m a g E c ® C G N C , EEO O a m c a E 'o c vzuEiz °rww� Qz in a19 a c d d C N C � G � AR d m C l0 s v OC 9 N °c n b Q CL E c c m a S U c U w en m ai°i d v G C E c R o i0 a` dIm d i° E E y � U � •L V t"'9 � N � N N m Q 0 e d m Q O LL Q O f1 m � � 4 ry' d iG zT �x t=. 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G S < a .E § . § g LLJ § ( . \ \ l § § § $ 2 >\ ƒ < § § . < ƒ ` ` / « \ & � ( \ \ z 2 &\ �E / ( . \ \ ) �� � 2 2 , 3 < ■ P sY O 8 � U eU C � O O � as v 7 3 Q u S N � M � W �� N � @ .-. O N LL C O O ryy '« l0 N E� dr c o v` - a m ar M;m Stormwater 94 Hutchins Drive Portland, ME 04102 Tel: (207) 756-6200 Fax: (207) 756-6212 stormwaterinquiry@hydro-int.com Turning Water Around ... I @Hydro International DD_O+M_C1705 Spring Inspection & Maintenance Form Stormwater Harvesting and Use Systems (Example) System: Installer Contact: Catchment Surfaces (roofs, pavement, etc) Completed Additional Action Required? (Describe under fnllaw-up stems) Collection Maintenance By (initials) Date Rooftop e.g. remove debris, wash surface Yes / No Parking e.g. spring sweeping Yes / No Green Space Yes / No Collection System and Pre -storage Treatment Com Aeted Additional Action Required? (Describe under follow-up Remy Component Maintenance By (initials) Date Gutters/gutter guards e.g. remove debris and sediment accumulations Yes I No Downspouts Yes / No First Flush Diverter Yes / No C85umps Yes / No Alf I e.g. checkjoints and fitting test the system for leaks Yes / No etc. I Yes J No Storage (Tank, Pond) and Distribution Completed Additional Action Required? (Describe under follow-up items) Component Maintenance By (Initials) Date All e.g. testforleaks - Yes / No tank inlet e.g. clean and free of obstruction Yes / No Tank e.g. clean and in good repair Yes / No overflow outlet Yes / No etc. Yes f No Treatment System Completed Additional Action Required? (De%ribeonderfollow-up items) Component Maintenance By (Initials) Date all Yes / No Yes / No Yes / No etc. Yes / No Distribution System Completed Additional Action Required? (Describe underfollow-up items) Component Maintenance By (Initials) Date all Yes / No PUMP e,g, (ail start up per manufacturer's instructions) Yes / No woter level sensor e.g. testper manufacturer's instructions Yes / No backflowpreventer e.g-(testing per locai codes and regulations) Yes / No make-upsupply Yes / No etc. i Yes / No Inspection Follow-up Items Notifications Required (Installer, city, etc.) Action Completed Inspection Date Component Action Required ay (In€tlalsl Date EXHIBIT B STORMWATER BMP EXHIBIT a 216829v1 K-\TWC_LDENHRISTM DROTHERSAUTOMOTWM4 N=—, MM NslgnlMtEahibit -1 Slo W,F,,M8,e EhW.OVJ�IyM 2021"9.4 N i r ill I' r ++ I m z s � A c S PRELIMINARY - NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION Au exPxCi R GRYCONMEMS �NFfl'XV6 Wl 8841 CROSSROADS Blvmley » Horn sra u rrA EAp m nEwnoNs oav m l c� I_Vn STORMWATER �� ) PREPARED FOR FACILITIES � sow �.�E*Hem�.�n.ssw.rEs,ra m g CHRISTIAN BROTHERS ws� rl.s +w.•r.a w �_,. cR nesuau u MIrt on+ Ro + wE AUTOMOTIVE EXHIBIT CHMIHASSEN MN BiVE