1985 09 11
SEPTEMBER 11, 1985
Chairman Ryan called the meeting to order at 7:35 p.m.
Steven Emmings, Robert Siegel, Bill Ryan, Ladd Conrad and Howard
Jim Thompson and Mike Thompson
Barbara Dacy, City Planner and Vicki Churchill, Secretary.
Conditional Use Permit for a 10 Foot High Tennis Court Fence
on Property Zoned R-l, Single Family Residence and Located at
Lot 4, Block 1, Christmas Acres, Todd Novaczyk, applicant.
Public Present
Todd Novaczyk
Dacy stated that the applicant is constructing a tennis court at
the rear of his property which abuts Christmas Lake. She stated
that the applicant is proposing a 10 foot high fence around the
tennis court. She noted that the zoning Ordinance requires any
fence over 8 feet in height to receive a conditional use permit.
She stated that the proposed tennis court is within the required
setbacks. She stated that one home now exists in the subdivision
which is located directly to the west of the applicant's property.
She stated that the home is constructed on the top of the slope
and overlooks the lakeshore. She stated that the applicant's
home will also be constructed at the top of this slope with the
tennis court located at the lower portion of the property. She
stated that since the topography has a steep slope and the homes
will be built at a higher level then the lakeshore, staff feels
that the 10 foot high fence will not impact the view of the lake
from adjoining properties.
Todd Novaczyk wanted to clarify that the fence would be ten feet
only on the two ends and four feet on the sides. He stated that
the neighbor is adjacent to the side where the four foot fence
would be.
Noziska moved, seconded by Ryan to close the public hearing. All
voted in favor and the motion carried.
Planning Commission Minutes
September 11, 1985
Page 2
Noziska moved, seconded by Ryan to recommend approval of
Conditional Use Permit #85-12 to allow a 10 foot high tennis
court fence as depicted on the site plan dated August 21, 1985.
All voted in favor and the motion carried.
Subdivision of 1.93 acres into Two Lots of .80 and 1.13 acres on
Property Zoned R-l, Single Family Residence and Located at. the
Northwest Corner of Minnewashta Parkway and Red Cedar Point Road,
Roy Leach, applicant.
Public Present
Roy Leach
Richard Comer
3800 Red Cedar Point
Dacy stated that the applicant is requesting approval for the
subdivision of 1.93 acres into two lots of .80 and 1.13 acres.
She stated that Parcel C has an existing single family residence
and is served by Red Cedar Point Road. She noted that Parcel B
has frontage on Kirkham Road and will be served by a driveway
from Hickory Avenue across the Kirkham Road right-of-way. She
stated that Kirkham Road is a platted street but exists as an
unimproved right-of-way. She stated that staff is recommending
that a 40 foot diameter cul-de-sac be platted on the eastern
border of Parcel B to provide a turnaround for the City's main-
tenance and emergency vehicles. She stated that there is a 22
foot wide easement along the easterly portion of Parcel B which
provides lake access for Parcel C only. She stated that there is
an existing dock on Parcel B. She stated that the applicant
would like to share this dock (Parcel B and Parcel C). She noted
that the Water Surface Usage Ordinance allows one authorized
guest boat to be stored overnight at a lakeshore owner's dock and
therefore, Parcel C could be allowed to store one boat at the
existing dock on Parcel B.
Ryan asked Mr. Leach if he had any problems with staff's recom-
Mr. Leach asked who would pay for the cul-de-sac that staff is
Dacy stated that there will be no expense to the applicant. The
city's maintenance crew would construct the turnaround if
necessary as normal maintenance operations.
Mr. Comer asked about just putting in a 'T' or 'LI turnaround
instead of a cul-de-sac.
Planning Commission Minutes
September 11, 1985
Page 3
Dacy stated that she would have the City Engineer address these
Conrad stated that he was opposed to the overnight docking of a
"guest's boat". He felt that the property owner living behind
the dock owner could not be considered a guest. He felt that
this should not be a condition of approval. He stated that if
the property owners wanted to set this up privately, that would
be fine.
Ryan stated he was concerned about the setbacks because Kirkham
Road is not an improved right-of-way.
Dacy stated that the applicant will have to be 30 feet from
Kirkham and at least 75 feet from the lake so he will meet the
required setbacks.
Noziska moved, seconded by Conrad, to recommend approval of
Subdivision #85-15 as depicted on the Preliminary Plat dated
August 30, 1985 with the condition that the City Engineer and
applicant work out an acceptable solution for the cul-de-sac
situation and depict it on the plat before City Council review.
All voted in favor and the motion carried.
Sunnybrook Development Corporation:
a. subdivide 59+ acres of the Chanhassen Lakes Business
Park into 33-and 26 Acre Lots to Construct a Country Inn
and Conference Center.
b. Rezone 33 Acres from P-4, Planned Industrial Development
to P-3, Planned Community Development.
Public Present
Barney Schlender
Wanda Squire-Schlender
Cal Lundquist
Michelle Foster
applicant's architect
Opus Corporation
Dacy stated that the applicant is proposing to subdivide 59 acres
into two lots of 33 and 26 acres north of Lake Susan. She stated
that Parcel A is proposed as the site for the Sunny brook Country
Inn and Parcel B is proposed as a future site for the manufac-
turing of items related to the inn, such as food products. She
stated that both sites are proposed to be served by Lake Drive
East which will extend from County Road 17 to Highway 101 and
Planning Commission Minutes
September 11, 1985
Page 4
beyond through the Hidden Valley subdivision. She stated that
the proposed plat realigns the Lake Drive East right-of-way to
the north. She stated that a feasibility study has been con-
ducted for Lake East's presently proposed alignment but adjacent
property owners have not formally petitioned the city Council to
conduct the remaining phases of the public improvement process.
She noted that the applicant has initiated another feasibility
study to evaluate the proposed realignment. She noted that
although the study should be completed within the next 30 to 45
days, the applicant has requested that Planning commission and
City Council evaluate his requests to obtain as much feedback as
possible. She stated that the City Engineer cannot address the
engineeing implications of the proposed road alignment until the
revised feasibility study is completed and without the engi-
neering evaluations, staff cannot make specific recommendations
on this plat. She stated that if as a result of the feasibility
study the City's present alignment is maintained, the applicant
would have to revise the preliminary plat for Planning Commission
and City Council review. She stated that if the Planning
Commission and City Council approve the subdivision that it be
conditioned that the final plat should not be approved until the
realignment issue is resolved.
Wanda and Barney Schlender, Sunnybrook Development, were present
and stated that the proposed development contains a 47 room
hotel, restaurant and accessory buildings.
Michelle Foster stated that Opus is in favor of this proposal and
would support the realignment of Lake Drive East. She stated
that Opus would like the Planning Commission to recommend
approval to the city Council conditioned upon the feasibility
study. She also stated that Opus understands that they would
have to bear some of the expenses of the realignment.
Noziska moved, seconded by Conrad, to close the public hearing.
All voted in favor and the motion carried.
Noziska stated that he felt that Lake Drive East made more sense
by going around the pond rather than straight through the
property, as long as the soils are the same.
Conrad also liked the realignment if it was economically feasible.
Siegel stated that if the realignment as proposed is a problem,
he hopes the architect and planners could come up with an alter-
native for around the ponding area.
Conrad moved, seconded by Emmings, to recommend approval of
Subdivision #85-16 of 59 acres into two lots of 33 and 26 acres
Planning Commission Minutes
September 11, 1985
Page 5
as depicted on the plat stamped "Received August 5, 1985" with
the following condition:
1. The final plat will not be approved until the alignment of
Lake Drive East is resolved. If the present alignment of
Lake Drive East is maintained, the applicant must revise the
proposed plat and resubmit it for Planning Commission and
City Council review.
b. Rezone 33 Acres from P-4, Planned Industrial Development to
P-3, Planned Community Development
Dacy stated that the applicant is proposing a country inn which
will include a hotel, restaurant, and recreational activities.
She stated that Parcel A and B are zoned P-4, and is proposing to
rezone Parcel A. She stated that the intent of the p-3 District
is for developments to be characterized by central management,
integral architectural design and joint common use of parking.
She stated that the proposed use will promote these objectives.
She stated that by comparison to the proposed use, some uses my
be more intense in some cases; however, as discussed in the site
plan review portion of this report, the land area, site design,
and location minimize the potential impacts of the industrial
uses on the proposed use. She stated that staff finds the pro-
posed uses are consistent with the general character of other
permitted uses and consistent with the district's objectives.
She noted that as in the subdivision, the rezoning should not
occur until the final plat is filed and the City has executed the
development contract and financial guarantees for the development
are submitted.
Noziska moved, seconded by Conrad, to close the public hearing.
All voted in favor and the motion carried.
Noziska moved, seconded by Conrad to recommend approval of
Rezoning 85-4 to rezone 33 acres of P-4 to P-3, Planned Community
Development with the following condition:
1. That the rezoning from P-4 to P-3 should not occur until
filing of the final plat and that the City has executed the
development contract and necessary financial guarantees are
submi t ted. "
All voted in favor and the motion carried.
Site plan Review for Sunnybrook Development Corporation for a
Country Inn and Conference Center on 33 Acres of Land Zoned
P-4/P-3 and Located in Chanhassen Lakes Business Park between
Hwy. 5 and Lake Susan, Barney Schlender, applicant.
Dacy stated that the applicant is requesting site plan review for
an inn and restaurant, carriage house, garage/stable, chapel,
Planning Commission Minutes
September 11, 1985
Page 6
grist mill and recreational facilities on 33 acres of property.
She stated that the proposal is the same Sunnybrook Country Inn
which was previously approved at another site. She stated that
the proposed site is located on the eatern edge of the Chanhassen
Lakes Business Park and overlooks Lake Susan. She stated that as
discussed earlier, the site will be served by Lake Drive East,
the final alignment of which will be determined within 60 days.
She stated that there can be no final recommendation until the
exact location of Lake Drive is determined. She stated that the
site plan is proposing five buildings; a 47 room inn and restaurant,
carriage house, garage/stable, chapel and grist mill. She noted
that the walkway and gazebo located in the south portion of
Parcel A must receive DNR approval. She stated that the land
between the lots and Lake Susan is owned by the city. She noted
that the proposed walkway and dock is not allowed on this prop-
erty. She noted that the total lot coverage of Parcel A
including parking and other impervious surfaces equals 17% which
meets the district requirements. She noted that the proposed
site plan shows 350 parking spaces plus 100 future spaces but
would require a total of 354 parking spaces initially and staff
is recommending the applicant add four additional spaces. She
noted that the proposed landscaping plan adds landscaping to the
interior of the site. She stated that the site is heavily wooded
with existing vegetation which screens the buildings and parking
area from surrounding properties. She stated that staff is
recommending the area south of the buildings to Lake Susan, where
the slope is steep, remain in its natural state. She stated that
until Lake Drive East is constructed, the site does not have any
access and can not be utilized. She also stated that any utili-
ties to and drainage from the site also depends on the construc-
tion of Lake Drive East and staff can not make any final
recommendations on these aspects of the site plan at this time.
Noziska asked about the drainage from the parking areas.
Cal Lindquist, the applicant's architect, stated that the
drainage from the parking areas would drain into the ponds.
Conrad asked about the recommendation regarding natural state.
He wanted staff to define it.
Dacy stated that there would be no grading or cutting of trees.
She stated that if the applicant wanted to clear out the under
brush and sod, that would be acceptable. She stated that because
of the slope they want to keep it's natural topography.
The Commissioners asked if the Lake Susan Homeowners Association
e was notified of this proposal.
Planning Commission Minutes
September 11, 1985
Page 7
Dacy stated that they are not within the 350 foot radius required
by law. She stated that if the Commissioners wanted, staff could
notify the President of the Association of the proposal and have
the applicant also talk with him.
The applicant stated that he would contact Lake Susan Homeowners
Association President.
Ryan asked if Mr. ward was notified of the proposal, especially
in regard to the realignment of Lake Drive East.
Dacy stated that he was notified of the proposal as he was on the
public hearing list.
Barney Schlender stated that they met with three members of the
Ward family plus their attorney and the site plan was reviewed
then and everything was gone over just as it was presented here.
He stated that they were informed that there would be a public
hearing and there really was not any comments.
Ryan stated that he would like to have staff verify that. He
stated that he is trying to avoid having that confrontation occur
e in front of the City Council.
Ryan also felt that all sewer, water, etc. improvements should be
in Lake Drive East before the site is developed.
The Commissioners liked the overall plan but felt the realignment
might have some impact on the adjacent properties and wanted them
aware of it.
Conrad moved, seconded by Siegel, to table action on this proposal
until staff can schedule a public hearing at the earliest time
notifing the Lake Susan Homeowner's and also the land owners who
are impacted by Lake Drive East. All voted in favor and the motion
Site plan Review for a Manufacturing/Warehouse Building for
Victory Envelope on 14.5 Acres of Property Zoned P-3, planned
Community Development and located at the Southwest Corner of Co.
Rd. 17 and Hwy. 5, Fortier Associates, applicant.
Dacy stated that the applicant is requesting site plan review for
a 147,593 square foot warehouse/manufacturing building on a 14.5
acre parcel in the Chanhassen Lakes Business Park. She stated
that the P-3 District allows industrial uses which comply with
the standards of the P-4 District which allows manufacturing,
warehousing and offices as permitted uses. She stated that the
site will be served by two driveways off Park Road. She
explained that the westerly drive would lead to employee parking
Planning Commission Minutes
September 11, 1985
Page 8
and loading docks. She noted that the easterly drive would lead
to the parking for the office area. She stated that these two
driveways are not connected but are proposed to be in the future.
She stated that staff is recommending that the driveways be con-
nected in the first stage of development because it will provide
a second point of access and allow traffic to continue through
should the parking are be full instead of backing out. She
stated that there will be office, warehouse and manufacturing
uses in the building. She noted that the building will be 30
feet high however, a portion of the building will be located into
the existing slope. She stated that the building meets all of
the required setbacks. She noted that the applicant has applied
the parking regulations and is providing an extra 26 parking
spaces. She noted that the applicant has also designated an area
for 50 additional parking spaces which the applicant notes with
past experience with manufacturing uses has shown that additional
parking over the minimum requires is sometimes needed. She
stated that the applicant is providing extensive landscaping
throughout the site with several existing natural features such
as the grove of trees are being maintained. She noted that staff
is recommending that additional deciduous trees be planted around
the front parking area or plant coniferous trees to screen the
front parking area. She stated that the drainage from the site
will be controlled by double ponding basins and noted that the
applicant will have to receive watershed district approval for
grading and drainage improvements.
The applicant stated that there would be a problem meeting the
November 15, 1985 deadline of restabilizing the disturbed areas
if construction does not start on schedule. He also stated that
a revised landscaping plan would be submitted.
Noziska moved, seconded by Siegel, to recommend approval of Site
plan #85-5 for victory Envelope as depicted on the site plan
stamped "Received September 5, 1985" with the following conditions:
1. That the front parking area be connected to the west access
drive at the initial construction phase.
2. The landscaping plan be worked out to both staff's and the
applicantls satisfaction.
3. Approval by and compliance with all Watershed District and
DNR conditions.
4. The developer is responsible for removal of existing curb in
the driveway entrances and construction of new concrete
aprons that will facilitate continuous gutter flow along Park
5. All bituminous areas shall be lined with concrete curb.
All voted in favor and the motion carried.
Planning Commission Minutes
September II, 1985
Page 9
Conrad moved, seconded by Noziska, to approve the August 28, 1985
meeting minutes as written. Conrad and Noziska voted in favor.
Ryan, Siegel and Emmings abstained. Motion carried.
Zoning Ordinance
The Commissioners discussed the proposed schedule of the Zonng
Ordinance. Informational hearings were agreed to be conducted on
October 16 and October 23 if the regular meeting agenda does not
have alot of items. The official public hearing is tentatively
scheduled for November 13; however the regularly scheduled
meeting could be used.
Dacy reminded the Planning Commission that the regular meeting
days in November have been changed to November 6 and November 20
because of the holiday conflict.
Conrad moved, seconded by Noziska to adjourn the meeting at II:OO
p.m. All voted in favor and the motion carried.
Barbara Dacy
City Planner
Prepared by Vicki Churchill
September 17, 1985