1985 11 06
NOVEMBER 6, 1985
Chairman Ryan called the meeting to order at 7:38 p.m.
Steven Emmings, Robert Siegel, Bill Ryan and Ladd Conrad.
Howard Noziska and Mike Thompson.
Barbara Dacy, City Planner, Jo Ann Olsen, Asst. City Planner and
Vicki Churchill, Secretary.
Site plan Review #85-9 for a 46,150 square foot production
and manufacturing complex for recording, video and film on
9.01 acres of property zoned P-4, Planned Industrial
Development District and located at the southeast corner of
Audubon Road and Hwy. 5, BOTO Design, Inc., applicant.
Olsen stated that the applicant is proposing a 46,150 square foot
production complex for recording, video and film. She stated
that the site is located within the Chanhassen Lakes Business
Park plat but is under separate ownership. She stated that the
site will be served by two driveways off of Audubon Road and they
allow adequate site distance. She noted that the site plan also
shows a future access to Highway 5, however MnDOT will not allow
any access to the site from Highway 5 and the applicant has been
informed of this. She stated that the building will be 45 feet
in height and the exterior of the building will be cream colored
metal porcelian panel. She stated that the building and parking
area will be located at the northwest corner of the site and the
remaining portion will be left in a natural state. She noted
that the proposed parking spaces wi 11 accommodate the
warehouse/manufacturing and office use. She explained that the
northerly parking area will be screened by a six foot berm
however, staff is recommending additional landscape plantings on
top of the berm to more adequately screen the parking area. She
noted that the loading docks on the south side of the building
will be adequately screened by a wall and berm. She explained
that the site plan proposes a holding pond in the southeast
corner of the lot and storm sewer outlet will direct the water
north into Riley Creek. She noted that the final design and size
will be reviewed before issuance of a building permit. She added
that staff is also recommending installation of culverts under
the access drives to allow drainage into the existing ditch along
Audubon Road and that the ditch should be graded to direct the
flow to the north. She stated that the lighting and accessories
are acceptable and there will be no identification signs on site.
Bret Thoeny, representing the applicant, stated that they had no
problems with staff's recommendation and conditions.
Planning Commission Minutes
November 6, 1985
Page 2
Emmings moved, seconded by Siegel, to recommend approval of Site
Plan #85-9 as depicted on the plan stamped "Received October 16,
1985" with the following conditions:
1. Culverts (18" minimum) be placed under the access drives.
2. Grade the existing ditch along Audubon Road to direct water
flow to the north.
3. All bituminous surfaces be lined with concrete curb.
4. The pond be graded and silt fence installed during the initial
construction phase.
5. Final drainage calculations be approved by the City Engineer
and watershed District prior to issuance of a building permit.
The Commission also added the following condition:
6. Additional landscaping along the northern border of the site
above the parking area.
All voted in favor and the motion carried.
Conrad moved, seconded by Siegel to approve the minutes of
October 23, 1985 as written. All voted in favor and the motion
Mr. B. C. Burdick was present and asked for confirmation of the
proposed zoning of his property at the end of West 79th Street.
He wanted to be assured that auto sales would be allowed. The
Commission informed him that it was a conditional use in the pro-
posed zoning district of B-4, General Business District. He also
inquired as to the timing of the implementation of the new ordi-
nance and the effect on property values, especially concerning
his property south of and adjacent to West 78th Street and north
of Highway 5. The Commission stated that the proposed B-4
District on that area represents an appropriate land use given
its location. They advised him to contact the County regarding
its assessment procedure.
Mr. Peter Beck, attorney representing Bob Mason, was also present
and stated that he would present comments at a later date.
A member of the audience inquired about the availability of water
and sewer in the Bluff Creek area. The Commission stated that
Planning Commission Minutes
November 6, 1985
Page 3
utilities would not be installed until well beyond the year 2000.
The minimum lot size is to be maintained at ten acres.
The meeting adjourned at 10:30 p.m.
Barbara Dacy, City planner
Prepared by Vicki Churchill
November 13, 1985