1985 12 11
DECEMBER 11, 1985
Chairman Ryan called the meeting to order at 7:37 p.m.
Steven Emmings, Robert Siegel, Bill Ryan, Ladd Conrad and
Mike Thompson.
Howard Noziska
Barbara Dacy, City Planner, Jo Ann Olsen, Asst. City Planner,
Bill Monk, City Engineer and Vicki Churchill, Secretary.
Sunnybrook Development Corporation, Barney Schlender:
a. Site Plan Review #85-6 for a Country Inn and Conference
Center on 33 Acres of Land Zoned P-4/P-3 and Located in
Chanhassen Lakes Business Park between Hwy. 5 and Lake
Susan; and
b. Wetland Alteration Permit for a proposed road and to
construct a country inn, restaurant, chapel and
accessory recreational facilities on 33 acres of
property zoned P-4, City of Chanhassen and Sunnybrook
Development Corporation, applicants.
Public Present
Barney & Wanda Schlender
C. Lundquist
Lee & Lolly Borchert
Michele Foster
J. H. Ward
Austin Ward
Jerome Raidt
W. J. Ward
Sunnybrook Development
Lundquist Architects
13809 Shelly Lane, Burnsville
Opus Corp.
5916 Hansen Road, Minneapolis
226 Summit Ave., st. Paul
930 Baker Building, Minneapolis
1624 Harmon Place, Minneapolis
Olsen stated that this proposal was before the Planning Commission
previously for the subdivision and rezoning requests. She stated
that both requests were approved based on the motion stated in the
staff report. She stated that the site plan proposal was tabled
from the October 9, 1985 meeting until a wetland alteration permit
could be processed, a lighting scheme could be proposed and an ele-
vation from the lake could be submitted. She stated that with the
proposal for a country inn, restaurant, chapel and accessory faci-
lities, the applicant is proposing a realignment to the north for
Planning Commission Minutes
December 11, 1985
Page 2
Lake Drive East. She stated that the applicants would like it to
go north of the wetlands so that they can utilize the wetlands
for drainage and grist mill. She stated that soil tests were
conducted and found that this realignment is feasible if proper
construction practices are used. She stated that a consequence
of the realignment is the impact on the Ward property. She
stated that it crosses the property and will result in a loss of
about 300 feet of developable property. She stated that the Ward
property to the north of the realignment is still large enough to
be developed and subdivided to be used in the future. She stated
that if the site plan is approved, the original Lake Drive East
feasibility study must be amended to include this realignment.
Revision of the realignment must be authorized by the City
Council. If the realignment is eventually approved, she stated
that staff is recommending that no building permit be issued for
the Sunnybrook Inn until the construction plans for the realign-
ment has been approved. She stated that the main building is
located within 1000 feet from the ordinary high water mark of
Lake Susan which is within the Shoreland Ordinance setbacks. She
stated that this ordinance also regulates the height of buildings
with a maximum of 35 feet and the proposed main building is 48
feet in height. She stated that the applicant is requesting a
variance to this requirement. She stated that staff contacted
DNR about this requirement and they stated that because of the
existing heavy vegetation and the distance from the lake, the
additional height should not pose any problems. She stated that
the applicant is also proposing a walkway and gazebo which are
located within the setback and will require grading because of
the steep slope. She noted that if the walkway and gazebo are
approved, the applicant should submit a detailed grading plan for
city and DNR approval. She also noted that the applicant has
submitted a more detailed landscaping and lighting plan that are
acceptable; however, staff is recommending that the applicant
landscape the parking lot islands to break up the large imper-
vious surface.
Olsen also explained that a wetlands alteration permit has been
processed where the proposed grading will take place in the
wetlands. She stated that the Al and A3 wetland will be altered
with the construction of Lake Drive East and the A2 wetland,
which is a dry wetland, will be graded to allow it to hold water.
She stated that the amount of filling will be minimal and that
the proposed plan will be an overall improvement by reducing the
Bill Monk, City Engineer, stated that the applicant has presented
data that the site can be developed as proposed. He stated that
sanitary sewer exists along the north edge of Lake Susan and
would be extended in with a service line from that trunk to ser-
vice any building that would be on the site. He stated that a
water trunk exists along County Road 17 which is stubbed to the
Planning Commission Minutes
December 11, 1985
Page 3
east over 1,000 feet and runs down into the well house facility
at the northwest corner of Lake Susan. He stated that line would
have to be extended as part of Lake Drive East construction and
eventually linking wqith lines at T.H. 101 in Hidden Valley. He
stated that the Council looked at the drainage plan as part of
the previous feasibility study and some points should be made in
accordance with the Wetlands Ordinance. He stated that it is
unusual to drain a site directly into an existing wetland,
however, that concept was approved as part of the feasibility
study for several reasons. He stated that as the site is
developed, the land to the west that now drains to the existing
pond will be rerouted to the street and down to a major pond that
the city and the developers will be constructing on city and pri-
vate property to the west of the site. He stated that even
though the site is developed, there will only be a minimal
increase in the amount of runoff that is going to the existing
wetlands. He stated that all three wetlands will be made to
function as one, in that they will all be connected with one
outlet control structure. He stated that the overall concept was
approved with the earlier study as a way to use existing wetlands
and new ponding areas to protect the existing lakes as much as
possible as development occurs. He stated that Al and A3
wetlands exists as shown and the A2 wetlands will be regraded.
He stated that the road realignment does include some filling in
the wetlands, on A2 a slight amount and a little bit more on A3.
He stated that the road going across the Ward estate is primarily
for future planning purposes. He stated that there is no intent
at this time to plat that road. He stated that since the road
will be platted to the western edge of the Ward estate and the
point on the eastern edge is pretty much established as to grades
and how the road would continue to the east, there is no question
that some rough alignment is being given across the Ward estate.
He stated that the realignment has an impact on the Ward property,
however, an attempt has been made to minimize it given the
current realignment by using the cross slope for the road bed.
He stated that the distance between Highway 5 and the new align-
ment is approximately 300 feet and at the widest point as it
sweeps farther to the south is approximately 400 feet. He stated
that an attempt has been made to make sure that a parcel to the
north is left which is high ground and can be developed.
Michelle Foster representing the Opus Corporation stated that
they are supporting the project and can answer questions as it
relates to their property. She stated that they support the
realignment of Lake Drive East.
John Ward stated that their concern is the realignment of the
road. He stated that it cuts the property which significantly
affects the northwest corner of the property and he agreed that
it was buildable, however, that it was limited and would take
away choices without benefiting them. He asked that if there was
Planning Commission Minutes
December 11, 1985
Page 4
any way the road could be curved around the pond and brought back
more in alignment with the original city proposal. He stated
that the road as proposed will give limited access onto Highway
101 which would significantly affect the useage and the value
of the property.
Ryan asked staff if there was a letter from the Lake Susan
Homeowner's Association.
Dacy stated that staff did not receive anything from them. She
stated that representatives were contacted but they had previous
commitments for the evening.
Cal Lundquist, the architect for the developers, stated that
there were no soil borings taken across the original road align-
ment. He stated that there were a couple of borings taken in and
around it but none right along the road. He stated that when the
original alignment was made, most of the road across the
Sunnybrook property, as shown, and the entrance to the Ward
property occurred on a very swampy area. He stated that two
things occurred to him in seeing that; 1) the road interferes
with the natural drainage patterns of the terrain, whereas the
realignment does not intersect the drainage pattern; and 2) in
constructing this road, it will be more difficult road to build
as originally proposed and when it gets to the Ward property it
will be more difficult to enter this area to the north of the
original proposed road because of the bank conditions - slope of
20 to 25 feet. He stated that the new proposal cuts across the
contours in such a manner so that the road is on the high side of
the developable property and gives easy access to the north part
of the Ward property and avoids the problem of building the road
across a lower more difficult area.
Jerome Raidt stated that he did not know if that gentleman was an
expert or not, but felt that the property could be graded. He
felt that the developers want to put the road there for pure
aesethetics and felt they were cutting down the value of the Ward
Conrad moved, seconded by M. Thompson, to close the public
hearing. All voted in favor and the motion carried.
M. Thompson asked if there was any right-of-way given or taken
for the proposed original alignment?
Bill Monk stated that the right-of-way all the way across the
Opus property to the western edge of the Ward Estate is platted.
He stated that what you are looking at is a realignment of that
plat which was approved about l.l12 years ago.
M. Thompson asked about the maximum and minimum depth across the
Ward property.
Planning Commission Minutes
December 11, 1985
Page 5
Bill Monk stated that the road is being moved a little over 300
feet to the north from its existing platted location and it leaves
about the same distance from the Highway 5 right-of-way to the
new platted street.
M. Thompson asked someone from the Ward property wondered how the
road proposal was cutting down the value of the property?
Jerome Raidt stated that the property located on Highway 5, the
parcel would be between the original proposal and there property
is cut in half. He stated that serviceability, access, ingress-
egress, the size of and type of construction.
M. Thompson asked what the property was zoned, existing and pro-
Dacy stated that it is zoned P-4, Industrial which allows ware-
house, manufacturing uses, and office. She stated that on the
proposed zoning map it is intended to be lOP, Industrial Office
Park use.
M. Thompson asked how the different depth of the Ward property
would be affected as to what they can put on the property?
e Dacy stated that although staff has no detailed site plan to
review, she stated that warehouse and manufacturing uses vary in
Conrad stated that he did not see how the proposed realignment
would be decreasing the value of the Ward property. He does not
feel that is a valid concern. He asked the City Engineer if he
felt that in regards to the wetlands, there would be a zero
Bill Monk stated that he felt it will better the situation by
creating better drainage pattern and better quality and quantity.
He stated that the Watershed District concurred with him on this.
Conrad asked what the standard height of buildings and if staff
felt there was enough screening with the existing vegetation?
Olsen stated that 35 feet is the required height within the 1,000
foot Shoreland District. She stated that the building would be
able to be seen, but it is located at a distance from the lake
and is partially screened by the existing vegetation.
Conrad asked if the previous alignment was kept, would there be
any advantages for anybody other than the Ward's?
Bill Monk stated that the road can be built at either location.
He stated that since the developer is going to pay the major
Planning Commission Minutes
December 11, 1985
Page 6
share of costs for building the road it is a toss up. He stated
that as far as the Ward property, there is an affect on the
property to the north which effects the square footage. He
stated that it becomes questionable on how much property do you
need for a reasonable development and if staff felt that it was
totally unreasonable we would be saying that but at this time it
is questionable.
Conrad asked how much frontage other parcels in the business park
Dacy stated that at the intersection of Audubon and Highway 5,
the recording studio, has approximately 500 to 600 feet. She
stated that at Park Road and Highway 5, the 15,000 square foot
office warehouse building, they have approximately 200 to 300
Michele Foster, Opus Corporation, stated that as a general com-
ment, a 300 foot depth for an industrial lot is very acceptable.
She stated that 600 feet would be far to deep for a standard
industrial lot. She stated that if it were to be used as a major
corporate user of some sort, it would obviously limit their
flexibility some.
Dacy stated that the Opus Two site is approximately 350 feet deep
and the LSR site is approximately the same.
Siegel had no quesions.
Emmings commented that because there is no specific plan to
develop the Ward property, any comments about whether this road
benefits or harms it are purely speculative. He also felt that
the applicant has done a great deal to accommodate all of the
concerns that we have heard expressed.
Ryan asked about the access to the church.
Bill Monk stated that it is a condition of the plat that the
access be realigned when the road is constructed.
Michele Foster stated that Opus has an agreement with the church
that when the new road goes in, they will make accommodations for
access for them.
Ryan asked if the Fire Marshal had any concerns with the height
of the building?
Olsen stated that he has contacted the architect to get more
detail plans on access to the rear of the building and other than
that he had no comments.
Planning Commission Minutes
December 11, 1985
Page 7
Siegel moved, seconded by M. Thompson, that the Planning
Commission recommends approval of Site Plan #85-6 as depicted on
the site plan stamped IIReceived November 25, 198511
1. That the building permit will not be issued until a construc-
tion contract for Lake Drive East is awarded.
2. That no structures are allowed below the 940 foot elevation.
3. That four additional parking spaces be added for a total of
354 parking spaces.
4. That landscaping be added to the parking lot islands.
5. That additional landscaping be added on the westerly and
northerly edge of the main parking lot subject to staff
6. That the applicant receive a wetlands alteration permit.
7. That the feasibility study for Lake Drive East be amended to
reflect the modified street alignment and corresponding uti-
lity revisions.
e 8. All regulatory permits from the Watershed District and DNR be
secured and all conditions made a part of this approval.
9. A detailed grading plan be submitted at time of building per-
mit application showing provisions for protecting the
wetlands and Lake Susan from erosion during the construction
10. A detailed grading plan for the gazebo and walkway be sub-
mitted subject to staff and DNR approval.
All voted in favor and the motion carried.
Final Plan Amendment for Chaparral 4th Addition with the sub-
division of 29.2 acres into 55 single family lots on property
zoned P-l, Planned Residential Development and located to the
east of Kerber Boulevard, L. A. Laukka, applicant.
Public Present
Jeff Kleiner
Philip Hanson
Lloyd Miller
655 Carver Beach Road
35 Nathan Lane, Plymouth
610 Carver Beach Road
Olsen stated that the applicant has submitted another revision to
amend the final plan for Chaparral 4th Addition. She stated that
Planning Commission Minutes
December 11, 1985
Page 8
the parcel is under different ownership, it is still considered
part of the Chaparral PUD and must receive approval to amend the
final plan. She stated that the plan proposes 55 single family
lots with a gross density of 1.88 units per acre and a net den-
sity of 3.36 units per acre. She stated that the average lot
size is 12,967 square feet, ranging from 11,700 to 20,000 square
feet. She stated that the applicant is proposing 10 foot side
yard setbacks on both sides and is proposing a 25 foot front yard
setback on the wooded lots to save trees and maintain the
existing vegetation. She noted that staff is recommending that
all of the lots have a reduced front yard setback to allow for
easier enforcement. She noted that the plan proposes to direct
drainage from the site into a retention basin on the eastern edge
of the property. She stated that this area will allow for sedi-
mentation of the runoff and will have a controlled outlet.
She stated that the Park and Recreation Commission reviewed the
plan and has recommended that park dedication fees be accepted in
lieu of park land. She stated that the Park Commission also
recommended that a trail easement be designated across Outlot A
which will connect the property with Meadow Green Park as indi-
cated in the Comprehensive Plan. She noted that the housing
designs will be varied and each unit will have a two car garage.
She also noted that the applicant has indicated that restrictive
covenants would be submitted to control the architectural
exterior, roof pitches and location of the buildings. She stated
that the applicant is proposing to maintain much of the existing
vegetation and one boulevard tree per lot, which meets city stan-
dards. She noted that staff is recommending the applicant
install berms and additional landscaping along Kerber Boulevard
to minimize traffic impact on the subdivision.
Dale Beckman, from BRW, representing Dr. Schroeder and Larry
Laukka, provided the Commission handouts of the various building
styles. He stated that they have tried to design the cul-de-sacs
such that at the building setback line, the house elevation would
be at the street elevation. He stated that they will drop the
elevation of the cul-de-sacs and thereby allowing each builder to
customize the lot. He stated that he will be happy to answer any
questions the Commissioners might have.
Lloyd Miller stated that over the years that Chaparral has been
developed, he stated that a lot of mud has been going through the
creek and it is having an impact on Lotus Lake, by getting
shallower and muddy. He stated that this development is going to
cause more problems for the lake. He thought there was a 200
foot setback from any creek and the developer was also taking
about grading the soil down in the southern part. He stated that
they might as well take a dump truck and dump it into Lotus Lake
because that is where it is going to go. He stated that he has
no objections to the development.
Planning Commission Minutes
December 11, 1985
Page 9
Bill Monk stated that there has been economic ban on development
in the area because of the drainage improvements that would be
needed. He stated that the existing three phases of the
Chaparral development drain into a holding basin down in the
southwest area of this site which has a controlled outlet. He
stated that it drains into a creek and then follows the existing
creek line directly to Lotus Lake with basicly nothing in its
path. He stated that the Watershed District has said that a pipe
needs to be installed or some improvements put into the creek to
control that problem. He stated that what is being recommended
at this point, instead of piping, is that the water be piped from
this subdivision directly down to the low area shown as Outlot A.
He stated that the area has existing low lands which will be
regraded so that the creek will actually outlet into that low
area and then release from there with an outlet control structure
under an existing driveway that goes to service the Moulton
property. He stated that it will allow for control in runoff
from the site so that it does not have any more detriment to the
creek but also will allow it to pond in such a location that some
sedimentation and water quality improvement can be done. He felt
that the site was tailor made for that because it exists as a low
marshy area and can be made to handle the flow not only from the
existing Chaparral but also from this subdivision, as well as the
property that would develop to the south. He felt that this is
the only way that any development can occur and water quality be
improved. He stated that the final plan for that as far as
sizing and outlet control would have to be approved by the city
and watershed district. He stated that before any development
could occur, these improvements would need to be designed and
installed, because one of the conditions the watershed district
would put on it without any thought would be that all drainage
improvements be made and ponding areas be graded before any
Jeff Kleiner stated that his home is backed up against the
holding pond. He stated that this spring he dredged it out with
a rake. He stated that the heavy rains had the creek up 8 feet
into his yard and garden. He stated as it is now, the creek
feeds into that holding pond and if you are going to dump more
water in there, he stated that he would have to get flood
Bill Monk stated that there would be a substantial amount of
grading on the site to allow for the storage or volume of water
to be held and that would have to be done at the same time. He
stated that the holding basin will have to be reshaped and
changed in terms of how much water it will hold, whether the
sides will have to be raised or the basin lowered.
Ryan asked who would be doing the improvements.
Planning Commission Minutes
December 11, 1985
P ag e 10
Bill Monk stated that the developer would do the improvements and
the city would then take over the maintenance of it.
Lloyd Miller asked about the 200 foot setback from the creek.
Dacy stated that the 200 foot distance is the distance that the
watershed district tries to enforce for the business park. She
stated that it is not part of our Wetlands Ordinance. She stated
that the watershed district has not advised us of any problems
with the development. She also stated that in the residential
development the setback requirment has not been commented on by
the watershed district.
Ryan asked if staff would review the proposed Fertilizer
Olsen stated that the city will be initiating an ordinance that
will be requiring low phosphorus fertilizer so that it will
lessen the impact on lakes. She stated that there will be a
setback from the lakes that it can be used, however, that has not
been determined. She felt that it would be approximately 25
Philip Hanson stated that the plan shows trees and wondered if
the developer was going to leave the existing trees in the plan.
He wanted to know if there was a guarantee to keep the existing
Bill Monk stated that there is no guarantee, however, as final
plans and specifications are drawn up for any subdivisions, they
have to submit a grading plan. He stated that the grading plan
is checked with the plans that were submitted to make sure there
is no misrepresentation. He stated that they also check the plan
to the point where the areas shown as being grading are the
areas. He stated that through that process it is checked. He
stated that every attempt will be made to minimize the area
be saved?
asked if the tree line on top of the hill would
Dale Beckman stated that they will be trying to save as much of
the existing vegetation as possible and they will be keeping the
existing trees.
M. Thompson moved, seconded by Emmings, to close the public
hearing. All voted in favor and the motion carried.
M. Thompson asked if the developer carries the full burden of
costs for solving all of those problems?
Planning Commission Minutes
December 11, 1985
Page 11
Bill Monk stated that one of the intents is to make this economi-
cally feasible for this developer to develop the property. He
stated that since the bulk of the improvements need and should be
done on this site, and that this is part of the Chaparral
Addition, he felt that it was reasonable that the grading of the
basin should be done by the developer as part of this development.
M. Thompson asked if the developer agrees to that?
Bill Monk stated that it is a condition of approval.
Dale Beckman stated that about a year ago, they met with the
Watershed District, two developers to the south, and one
developer to the east side. He stated that one of the
discussions was that they would be willing to do part of the work
provided that the other developers that would benefit from this
would also contribute something with this. He stated that preli-
minary discussions were that we would do dredging and a control
structure. He stated that another option would be the 429 pro-
ject where if we were not able to strike a deal with the other
developers to do this, we would then as a majority property owner
petition city for improvements. He stated that they are very
interested in finalizing the design of which the City Engineer
has had a very large part in shaping.
Conrad stated that the City Council's last directive stated they
wanted to see 15,000 square foot lots. He asked if that was
Olsen stated that they wanted an average lot size of 15,000
square feet.
Conrad asked what the developer has done to tell us that we don't
need the 15,000.
Dacy stated that there were three revisions to that plat. She
stated that it was stated to the developer that they should try
and approximate 15,000 square foot average size as much as
possible with the smallest lot size of 11,700. She stated that
the developer has chosen to submit a plan for 55 single family
lots which is 8 above the previously approved plan of 47. She
stated that staff believes the lot pattern is well distributed.
Conrad asked about the Hidden Valley subdivision lot sizes.
Dacy stated that the Hidden Valley subdivision had an average lot
size of 14,900 square feet. She stated that 35% to 40% of the
lots were below 10,000 square feet.
e Conrad felt that there should be an average lot size of 15,000
square feet and he sees nothing to persuade him to lower that.
Planning Commission Minutes
December 11, 1985
Page 12
Dale Beckman compared the original Chaparral 4th grading plan
with the now proposed plan. He stated that the original plan for
the Chaparral 4th Addition located the lot lines well into the
wetlands and showed a large green open space, however, after the
grading, there is very little vegetation left. He stated that
with our plans we are trying to protect more green area.
Olsen stated that they are increasing the open space by 10% over
the originally approved plan. They are preserving more of the
slopes than the other plan.
Conrad stated that he likes what the developer is doing with
green space and what is being done for the creek but he would
like to maintain the 47 single family lots.
Siegel asked if the developer was going to take the respon-
sibility of the improvements?
Dale Beckman stated that if they cannot get the other developers
to contribute to the improvements, they will petition the city
through the 429 project.
Siegel asked if the City Engineer could explain the 429 project.
Bill Monk stated that it has been proposed that the improvements
would go in here would be most likely be publicly installed,
where the city would approve the plans and specs but not be
involved in the installation. He stated that if the developer
cannot come to grips with the benefitting property owners, then
they may come back to the city petitioning for drainage improve-
ments and then other properties will be assessed as they benefit.
Ryan asked what the price range of housing would be?
Dale Beckman stated that for the original configuration they were
looking at $80,000 to $100,000, however for the new con-
figuration, they do not have range.
Ryan asked about two car garages.
Dale Beckman stated that there would be deed restrictions
covering this.
Ryan asked staff if the Commission could be assured that there
would be two car garages and basements.
Dacy stated that unless it is specifically stated in the motion,
they could not be assured of it.
Ryan stated that he likes what he sees on this development and
the average is very close to the median.
Planning Commission Minutes
December 11, 1985
Page 13
M. Thompson moved, seconded by Siegel, that the Planning
Commission recommends approval of the Final Plan Amendment #85-2
PUD, as depicted on the plan stamped IIReceived November 26, 198511
with the following conditions:
1. That the front yard setbacks be reduced to 25 feet for all lots.
2. That a trail easement be dedicated over Outlot A.
3. That utility and street details meet all city standards for
urban type construction.
4. That silt fence be installed along the construction limits and
that restabilization of graded areas take place immediately
following construction.
5. Approval of a final drainage plan by the City and Watershed
6. Submission of deed restrictions.
7. Submission of a landscape plan for berming and plantings
along Kerber Boulevard.
M. Thompson, Ryan, Siegel, and Emmings voted in favor. Conrad
opposed. Motion carried.
Conrad stated that he is not persuaded that 8 additional lots
from the approved plan was needed.
Site Plan Review for a 2,527 square foot warehouse building on
property zoned P-4, Planned Industrial Development District and
located on outlot B, Park One, Fortier & Associates, applicant
Olsen stated that this request was tabled from the November 20,
1985 meeting so that staff could research the regulations on ser-
vice stations and found no requirements that they had to be con-
nected to sanitary sewer.
Bill Monk stated that he contacted several agencies and found
that in talking with the PCA and health department that normally
commercial service stations work off of a septic system arrange-
ment and they can be made to meet all agency requirements. He
stated that he is recommending the amendment to condition number
4. read, IIAll drains from the site be connected to an approved
septic system or the sanitary sewer system with an in-line oil
separator and flammable waste trap. Additionally, the owner pro-
vide for a waste storage system for disposing of oils and other
automotive fluids. II
Planning Commission Minutes
December 11, 1985
Page 14
Daryl Fortier stated that they are reducing the size of the fuel
tank and will be relocating the fuel storage tank farther from
the building.
Emmings moved, seconded by Siegel, to recommend approval of the
site plan #85-10 stamped IIReceived November 13, 198511 with the
following conditions:
1. A detailed location and acceptable percolation test for the
septic system must be submitted prior to the issuance of a
building permit.
2. Details of the gas storage must be approved by the Fire Marshal.
3. No outdoor storage is allowed.
4. All drains from the site be connected to an approved septic
system or the santiary sewer system with an in-line oil
separator and flammable waste trap. Additionally, the owner
provide for a waste storage system for disposing of oils and
other automotive fluids.
5. Final site plan for the building permit denote the septic
system location, water service location and driveway layout
along with septic system design details.
All voted in favor and the motion carried.
Sign Variance Request for an area identification sign on property
zoned P-l, Planned Residential Development and located in the
Near Mountain Development, Mark McDonald, applicant.
Because the applicant was not present at the meeting, the
Commissioners felt it necessary to table the item so that their
questions could be answered.
Conrad moved, seconded by Siegel, to table the request until the
applicant could be present. All voted in favor and the motion
Approval of Minutes
M. Thompson moved, seconded by Emmings, to approve the October 9,
1985 and the November 20, 1985 meeting minutes as written. All
voted in favor and the motion carried.
Planning Commissioner Vacancies
Olsen stated that the Commission currently has terms expiring at
the end of the year. Chairman Bill Ryan and Vice-Chairman Ladd
Planning Commission Minutes
December 11, 1985
Page 15
M. Thompson moved, seconded by Emmings, to reappoint Bill Ryan
and Ladd Conrad to the Planning Commission. M. Thompson, Emmings
and Siegel voted in favor. Motion carried.
Olsen also stated that Mr. James Wildermuth contacted staff and
wishes to be considered again for appointment. She stated that
he could fill Mr. Thompson's term. She stated that no other
applications have been received.
The Commission instructed staff to contact past Commission appli-
cants and arrange a future interview date.
Meeting adjourned at 10:30 p.m.
Barbara Dacy, City Planner
Prepared by Vicki Churchill
January 2, 1986