1985 01 09
JANUARY 9, 1985
Chairman Conrad called the meeting to order at 7:37 p.m.
Members Present
James Thompson, Thomas Merz, Susan Albee, Ladd Conrad, Bill Ryan,
Howard Noziska, and Mike Thompson.
Members Absent
Election of Chairman and Vice-Chairman
H. Noziska moved, seconded by J. Thompson to nominate Bill Ryan
for Chairman and Susan Albee for Vice-Chairman. All voted in
favor and the motion carried. It was also noted that records of
how each of the Commissioners voted for Chairman is on file at
City Hall. The vote for Vice-Chairman was unanimous.
Approval of By-Laws
J. Thompson moved, seconded by T. Merz to approve the by-laws as
written. J. Thompson, Merz, Albee, Conrad, Ryan, and Noziska
voted in favor and the motion carried. M. Thompson abstained.
Interview of Commission Candidates
The Planning commission interviewed eight candidates for the
three present vacancies on the Commission. They included Thomas
Merz, Howard Noziska, James Thompson, Steven Emmings, Karol
Nielsen, Robert Siegel, Patrick Golden and Brian Byrne. Brian
Byrne withdrew his application for the position after the inter-
view. The Commissioners felt that Thomas Merz, Howard Noziska
and James Thompson should be reappointed because they would be
able to follow through on the review of the zoning and
Subdivision Ordinances since they had a major part in the
original revisions.
M. Thompson moved, seconded by Albee to recommend the
reappointments of Thomas Merz, Howard Noziska and James Thompson.
All voted in favor and the motion carried.
The Planning Commission feels it is extremely important for these
Commissioners to stay on until after the ordinances are in place.
The Commission also wanted to note that by a majority vote their
next choice for the vacancy would be Robert Siegel. They were
very pleased with the amount of response for the vacancies and
hoped that they would consider reapplying in the future.
Planning Commission Minutes
January 9, 1985
Page 2
Subdivision Request #84-25 for Metes and Bounds subdivision of a
5 acre tract into two parcels. on property zoned R-la,
Agricultural Residence, and located at 9201 Great Plains Blvd.,
Kevin and Valette Finger, applicant.
Public Present
Kevin Finger
Al Klingelhutz
Richard Eide
Stanley Klein
6231 Wentworth Ave. S., Richfield
8601 Great Plains Blvd.
8910 Lake Riley Blvd.
9201 Great plains Blvd.
Dacy explained that this item was tabled from the last meeting in
order for the applicant to submit a revised plan and more soil
tests could be made available. She stated that the revised plan
divides the property in a north south direction and thus creating
a landlocked parcel. She stated that with this plan only two
variances would have to be granted, one to the Subdivision
Ordinance which requires that all lots have public street fron-
tage and the other for a lot area variance for .002 thousandths
of an acre. She stated that the revised plan and the original
plan are the only alternatives for the subdivision of the parcel.
She stated that the original plan would have required the
granting of 5 variances, the revised plan only two.
Albee moved, seconded by Noziska to close the public hearing.
All voted in favor and the motion carried.
J. Thompson and Merz felt that this was a problem situation and
did not want to create landlocked parcels.
Albee felt that the percolation tests were marginal. She did not
want to create landlocked property and does not see this
situation as causing an undue hardship.
Noziska stated that he was uncomfortable with percolation tests
that first fail and then pass.
M. Thompson asked staff if dedication of a private road would
solve the problem.
Dacy stated a sixty foot easement could be created to serve the
parcel; however, she was not sure about the feasibility of a pri-
vate road.
Albee moved, seconded by Merz, to deny the request because a
landlocked parcel would be created and the marginal percolation
tests. J. Thompson, Merz, Albee, Conrad and Ryan voted in favor.
M. Thompson and Noziska opposed. Motion carried.
e M. Thompson questioned the percolation tests and Noziska stated
that he was not in full agreement with Albee's motion and voted
against it for that reason.
Planning Commission Minutes
January 9, 1985
Page 3
PUD Sketch Plan Review #84-2 for a planned Unit Development to
subdivide a 12 acre parcel into four lots on property zoned R-la,
Agricultural Residence, and located on the Ches Mar Farm property
west of and adjacent to Hwy. 41, just north of Camp Tanadoona,
David C. Bell Investment Co., applicant.
Public Present
Gary Kirt
Paul prenevost
22410 Murray Street, Excelsior
2739 pine Circle
Olsen explained that this item had been tabled from the last
meeting because the applicant was not present. She stated that
the applicant is proposing to subdivide his property into four
parcels with three lots containing one of the three existing
structures and the fourth lot is the future site of the Herman
house which was approved by the City Council. She stated that
Mr. Kirt is currently renting the buildings and would like to
have them under individual ownership to "keep the property up".
She stated that each lot is serviced by its own septic system and
there will be no additional development. She stated that the
structures on the property existed before the adoption of the
Zoning Ordinance and thus these structures are non-conforming
uses in the R-la District. She stated that the existing struc-
tures create a unique situation in that they are similar in
design and style and form a cohesive unit and by rezoning the
property to p-l, it would allow these structures and their
current densities to remain as permitted uses.
Mr. Kirt, the applicant, stated that he has invested money into
the rehabilitation and maintenance of this property and is unable
to continue to do so with what he is receiving from rent. He
stated that if the Commissioners had any other ideas on how to
subdivide this parcel he is willing to take a look at it. He
stated that he just wants to sell the structures to individuals
so that they are kept up because it is a unique and attractive
area. He stated that they will be renovating the Herman house
and want to keep that with the other structures on the six acre
parcel. He said that they will not be subdividing the six acre
parcel because the only place that a house could be put on is
where the Herman house is going. He wants to keep the old
barns, and fence the area to stay with the "theme" of the area.
Albee stated that she does not want to set precedent of allowing
development in R-la areas under 2! acres. She also felt these
tracts are a poor way to encourage development in Chanhassen.
Mr. Kirt stated
is at the point
this situation.
on this project
that he is open to any of their suggestions and
where there really is no other way to deal with
He stated that they have spent alot of money
and it is a negative cash flowing project. He
Planning Commission Minutes
January 9, 1985
page 4
stated that the Herman house that they will be relocating and
restoring will be a very expensive project. He stated that if
the PUD is not the proper approach then he is open to any ideas.
Ryan stated that because there would be no more development
on the property the PUD would not be allowing any expanded use of
the property. He stated that he is confused about the Herman
house because the Planning Commission had not seen anything on
it and knows absolutely nothing about it. He stated that since
the City Council has allowed Mr. Kirt to move the Herman house
in, they have already given him a fourth principle structure on
the property.
Chairman Conrad asked the other Commissioners if they had any
suggestions and if not how they would react to this as a site
plan. J. Thompson, Merz, Noziska and M. Thompson felt that they
would probably approve it with the staff's recommendation of the
enlargement of Outlot A to allow individual ownership and allow
it to be a permitted use.
proposed Subdivision Ordinance
Public Present
Pat Swenson
Al Klingelhutz
9015 Lake Riley Blvd.
8601 Great Plains Blvd.
Dacy stated that on December 12, 1984 the Commission discussed
some amendments. She stated that the Commission recommended that
the term "procedure" be added to Section 4.1 (2) and to Section
4.1 (3). She added that Section 4.2 reflects the Commission's
desire to have all properties in the City platted except for
divisions of lots which add a portion of a lot to an abutting lot
(Section 4.2 (l) and (2)). She also stated that the recommen-
dation of the City Manager in his memo of December 10, 1984, was
the redundancy and conflict between the proposed park dedication
provisions in Section 8 and the existing regulations outlined in
Ordinance No. 14. She stated that the City Attorney has con-
sequently revised Section 8 to address the concerns of the City
Manager as expressed in the memo referenced earlier. Dacy apolo-
gized as the ordinance was inadvertently left out of the com-
mission's packets; however, she stated that the items mentioned
were the only ones that were amended. She also noted that
letters were sent to the homeowners associations and to the
Chamber of Commerce advising them of the hearings.
Pat Swenson stated that she was concerned about grades of the
streets for safety reasons. She stated that maybe it should be
stated that "wherever possible, grades within thirty feet of
intersections or railroad crossings shall not exceed 3%". She
also was concerned about double frontage lots. She would like a
Planning Commission Minutes
January 9, 1985
page 5
provision~so that the exterior lots of a subdivision can face an
existing road and then the new houses could back up to those.
She stated that the way it reads now the houses would be facing
the other direction.
Al KIingelhutz said that he agrees with Pat Swenson regarding the
double frontage lots.
Ryan stated that this was addressed in the rewrite of the ordi-
nance. He stated that if the lot backs on a major thoroughfare
then additional landscaping is required.
Pat Swenson stated that Lake Riley Boulevard is not a major
thoroughfare, it is a small street and it would not effect the
development. She stated that this would prevent appreciation of
our homes and would like to see an allowance for special cases
for existing residences facing existing streets.
Al Klingelhutz stated that he objects to a simple subdivision in
the unsewered area requiring a plat instead of metes and bounds
for three lots or less.
Noziska moved, seconded by Ryan to close the public hearing.
All voted in favor and the motion carried.
Albee moved, seconded by Noziska, that the Planning Commission
recommends approval of the proposed Subdivision Ordinance as
revised on December 14, 1984 and noting the comments from this
meeting. J. Thompson, Merz, Albee, Conrad, Ryan and Noziska
voted in favor. M. Thompson opposed. Motion carried.
M. Thompson stated that he was opposed because he did not have
the ordinance to see the changes.
Subdivision Request #84-26 for subdivision of a 1.5 acre parcel
into two parcels on property zoned R-l, single Family Residence
and located at 7550 Great Plains Blvd., Dick Kolbinger, appli-
Public Present
Dick Kolbinger
7550 Great plains Blvd.
Dacy stated that the applicant is proposing to split his 1.45
acre parcel into two parcels. She stated that the existing house
is serviced by a driveway over a 33 foot easement and this ease-
ment also serves two other properties. She stated that the pro-
posed split meets the requirements of the R-l District and the
Subdivision Ordinance but the grade on the newly created lot
abutting Frontier Trail contains a very steep grade which poses
some concerns regarding the proposed area of construction on the
Planning Commission Minutes
January 9, 1985
Page 6
site. She stated that there are housing construction alter-
natives that can accommodate this steep grade, but recommended
that when a building permit is filed the plans and drawings be
certified by a licensed architect or engineer. She also added
that it was recommended to the applicant that the subdivision be
platted because of the many metes and bounds descriptions in this
Chairman Conrad asked the applicant if he had any problem with
staff's recommendation.
Mr. Kolbinger stated that he did not.
Albee moved, seconded by J.Thompson to close the public hearing.
All voted in favor and the motion carried.
Albee moved to recommend approval of the subdivision request with
staff's recommendations.
The Commissioners asked staff why the building plans and specifi-
cations had to be certified by an architect or engineer.
Dacy stated that it was a precaution in order to address the
severe slope of the newly created lot.
The Commissioners felt that the second condition of staff's
recommendation was unnecessary.
Albee withdrew the motion.
Merz moved, seconded by M. Thompson to recommend approval of
subdivision Request #84-26 as depicted on the survey stamped
Received January 3, 1985 subject to the following condition:
1. That the subdivision be put into a plat format.
J. Thompson, Merz, Conrad, Ryan and M. Thompson voted in favor.
Noziska opposed. Albee abstained.
Noziska felt that the second condition should be included in the
Conditional Use Permit Request #84-20 for contractor's yard acti-
vities on property zoned R-la, Agricultural Residence District
and located at 7300 Galpin Blvd., Theodore Bentz, applicant.
Public Present
Theodore Bentz
John Hennessy
Al Klingelhutz
7300 Galpin Blvd.
7305 Galpin Blvd.
8601 Great Plains Blvd.
Planning Commission Minutes
January 9, 1985
Page 7
Olsen stated that the applicant is applying for conditional use
permit approval for the continuation of contractor's yard activi-
ties on his premises. She stated the that the applicant has nine
vehicles which are stored in the two storage facilities on the
property. She stated that the applicant indicated that he may
hire up to four employees and the vehicles leave and return to
the site between 7 a.m. and 7 p.m. She stated that the parcel is
located on a collector street and because the vehicles are stored
inside staff is recommending approval with the conditions that
the operation not be expanded unless granted by a conditional use
permit and the vehicles must be stored within a building or the
outside vehicle storage area, which must be screened on all sides
with adequate fencing of at least six feet in height.
Mr. John Hennessy stated that he had no objections to this
request. He stated that he lived across the street from Mr.
Bentz for four months before they knew he was running a business.
Albee moved, seconded by Noziska to close the public hearing.
All voted in favor.
Merz moved, seconded by Noziska to recommend approval of
Conditional Use Permit Request #84-20 for contractor's yard acti-
e vities at 7300 Galpin Blvd. subject to the following conditions:
1. Expansion of the existing operation beyond what has been
represented in this applciation must be approved by a con-
ditional use permit.
2. All equipment must be stored within a building or the outside
vehicle storage area must be screened on all sides with ade-
quate fencing of at least six feet in height.
J. Thompson, Merz, Albee, Conrad, Ryan and Noziska voted in favor
and the motion carried.
M. Thompson abstained.
Sketch Plan Review #84-3 for eight townhouse units on property
zoned p-l, Planned Residential Development and located in the
northeast corner of the Lake Lucy Road - Galpin Blvd. inter sec-
tion, Paul Palmer, applicant.
Public Present
Paul Palmer
Olsen stated that the applicant is proposing eight passive solar
townhouses to be constructed on a 2.74 acre parcel zoned P-l.
She stated that the p-l district allows townhouses as permitted
uses and the site is also designated as Residential Low Density
Planning Commimssion Minutes
January 9, 1985
Page 8
which allows a density of 1 to 3.4 dwelling units per acre. She
stated that the proposed townhouses on 2.74 acres equals a den-
sity of 2.92 units per gross acre. She stated that each
townhouse has a two car garage and eight additional parking spa-
ces are provided. She added that staff is recommending the
single parking space located at the northeastern part of the
parking area be moved to one of the central parking areas because
it is too close to the adjacent property to the north. She
stated that the site has a steep southern slope facing Lake Lucy
Road and there are two low areas in the southwest and southeast
corner. She said the southeast corner is being proposed for
drainage and aesthetic purposes. She stated that landscaping is
being proposed along Lake Lucy Road and around the proposed pond
and townhouses which will be maintained by a homeowners asso-
ciation. She stated that the proposed site plan clusters the
units to one area of the site, making the best use of the
buildable area.
Albee asked the applicant if he had any objections to staff
Paul Palmer stated that the only one would be the road because
there is an existing road that is in that services the apart-
Olsen stated that the City Engineer and the County would have to
resolve the location of the driveway.
Paul Palmer stated that the existing vegetation on the west
border does need to be trimmed back for adequate site distance.
Ryan asked about the pond that was going to be created if there
was any recognized wetland on the property.
The applicant stated no. The applicant also stated that he has
talked with just about all of the neighbors in the area. He
stated that they all were in favor of the plan.
The Commissioners felt that it was important to stay in contact
with the neighbors and they all liked the sketch plan.
Approval of Minutes
J. Thompson moved, seconded by Albee to approve the December 12,
1984 minutes as written. All voted in favor and the motion
Old Business
Dacy asked the Commissioners if she could have their authoriza-
tion to write Mr. and Mrs. Carlson a letter stating that the
Commission would like to see their application taken care of
within the next month. The Commissioners were in agreement with