1985 02 13
FEBRUARY 13, 1985
Chairman Ryan called the meeting to order at 7:34 p.m.
Members Present
James Thompson, Thomas Merz, Susan Albee, Ladd Conrad, Bill Ryan,
Howard Noziska and Mike Thompson.
Members Absent
Conditional Use Permit Request *85-4 for a Bed and Breakfast
establishment on property zoned R-la, Agricultural Residence
District and located at 1161 Bluff Creek Drive, Marjorie Bush,
Public Present
Marjorie Bush
Olsen explained that the applicant is applying for a conditional
use permit to allow a Bed and Breakfast establishment at her
single family residence. She noted that the City Council amended
the zoning ordinance to allow these types of uses in the R-la
district. She stated that the property has been inspected by the
State Fire Marshal, the Chanhassen Public Safety Director and
Building Inspector and was determined that the home met the fire
and building code requirements with the need for only minor
adjustments. She explained that the applicant has stated that
she intends to rent out no more than 5 rooms on a nightly basis
and that breakfast will be served and one employee would be
retained occaisonally for cleaning purposes. She noted that
applicant intends on building a two car garage in the near future
and the site plan shows the area where the garage and additional
parking spaces will be located.
Noziska moved, seconded by Conrad, to close the public hearing.
All voted in favor and the motion carried.
Conrad moved, seconded by J. Thompson to recommend approval of
Conditional Use Permit Request *85-4 to allow a Bed and Breakfast
Establishment at 1161 Bluff Creek Drive with the following con-
1. The structure meets all Uniform Building and Fire Code requirements.
2. The structure meets all requirements of the Minnesota Department
of Health.
3. Two (2) offstreet parking spaces plus one (1) additional space per
rental room must be provided.
Planning Commission Minutes
February 13, 1985
Page 2
4. One non-illuminated sign may be erected on the property, not to
exceed six (6) square feet in size.
5. There shall be no more than one employee in addition to the
J. Thompson, Ryan, Conrad, Noziska and M. Thompson voted in favor.
Albee abstained.
Tom Merz arrived at this point.
site Plan Review #85-1 for a 39,980 square foot office warehouse
structure on 9.16 acres of property zoned P-3, Planned Community
Development and located on West 78th street just west of Automated
Building Components, Ryan Development, applicant.
Public Present
Bob Ryan
Greg Hollenkamp
Korsunksy, Krank & Erickon Engineering
Dacy explained that the applicant is proposing to construct a
warehouse/office complex on the 9 acre parcel just west of ABC
Components on West 78th street. She stated that the developer is
representing Redmond products, Inc. a manufacturer of professional
beauty supply hair products. She stated that the proposed faci-
lity would be for sales and distribution offices and storage of
their products. She stated that there will be no manufacturing on
the site. She indicated that the site plan meets the lot and
structure requirements of the P-3 district. She added that Phase
I construction also entails provision of 41 parking spaces and a
loading dock facility. She stated that the applicant submitted a
letter stating that the number of employees in the warehouse por-
tion would not exceed 6. She then noted that these additional
spaces required by the ordinance are unnecessary; however, a con-
dition is included in the recommendation that if additional
employees were retained the applicant shall insure that adequate
parking areas are installed to accommodate the increase. She
stated that the proposed landscaping plan includes berming along
the front of the property but staff recommends that p1antings
finish both ends of the berm to form a complete screen of the
parking area. She also noted that evergreens should be utilized
along the western lot line to screen the loading area and also
interspersed along the eastern curb line.
Bob Ryan stated that they will comply with all of staff's recom-
mendations. He also stated that there will be no retail sales
from the site. He also stated that they were possibly thinking
about putting in a railroad spur for future use.
Planning Commission Minutes
February 13, 1985
Page 3
Greg Hollenkamp stated that the drainage from the parking area
will to to a ponding area between the two driveways and then to
the western portion of the property and then to the highway
culvert by the railroad tracks.
J. Thompson moved, seconded by Albee, to recommend the City
Council approve site Plan Request #85-1 for a 30,700 sq. ft. ware-
house and 9,280 sq. ft. office complex subject to the following
1. Submission of a revised landscape plan incorporating staff's
recommendations prior to issuance of a building permit.
2. compliance with the recommendations of the City Engineer in his
memorandum dated February 8, 1985.
3. Installation of concrete curbing along the perimeter of all paved
4. Any rooftop mechanical equipment must be screened in a manner con-
sistent with the materials of the principal building.
5. If additional employees are retained beyond what has been repre-
sented to the City in this application as indicated in the letter
of February 6, 1985, the applicant shall insure that adequate
parking areas are installed to accommodate said increase if
All voted in favor and the motion carried.
Approval of Minutes
M. Thompson moved, seconded by J. Thompson to approve the January
23, 1985 minutes as written. J. Thompson, Merz, Ryan, Conrad and
M. Thompson voted in favor. Albee and Noziska abstained.
Open Discussion
The Planning Commission directed staff to make a recommendation
on how to proceed with the Carlson Conditional Use Permit case.
Zoning Ordinance
Staff indicated that the draft of the zoning Ordinance will hope-
fully be made available at the end of the week. The Planning
Commission wanted at least a week to review it before placing it
on the agenda.