1985 03 13
MARCH 13, 1985
Chairman Ryan called the meeting to order at 7:36 p.m.
Members Present
Tom Merz, Susan Albee, Ladd Conrad, Bill Ryan, Howard Noziska and
Mike Thompson.
Members Absent
Jim Thompson
Sketch Plan Review for commerical development on property zoned
R-l, Single Family Residential and located in the southwest
corner of Highway 7 and 41, Lot H, I, and part of J, Bardwell
Acres, Tomac Development, applicant
Dacy explained that this proposal was being brought before the
Planning Commission as a sketch plan to discuss again the
appropriateness of commercial uses in the southwest corner of the
Highway 7 and 41 intersection. She stated that staff advised the
applicant of the history of the previous application and also
stated that staff advised the applicant to meet with the
surrounding neighbors. She stated that the applicant indicated
that they have met with the Oriole Lane residents and others in
the neighborhood.
Dacy explained that this proposal contains 8.5 acres which
includes all of the land area from the single family residences
on the east side of Oriole Lane to Hwy. 41, and north of 64th
Street. She stated that the applicant is proposing offices, a
restaurant and a convenience store with fuel pumps. She stated
that the applicant has worked with MnDOT to separate commercial
traffic from the surrounding neighborhood. She noted that the
proposed plan connects Hwy. 7 to Hwy. 41 via an intersection on
64th Street. She also noted that the Oriole Lane and Orchard
Lane intersection will be moved easterly approximately 180 feet.
She stated that the proposed roadway design dictates that commer-
cial traffic from the site will have easy access to either Hwy.
41 to 7 without traveling through a residential neighborhood.
Dacy stated that commercial uses are appropriate at major inter-
sections and because of the existence of the neighborhood to the
west of the site, the parcel can act as a location for neigh-
borhood commercial uses. She noted however, that some of the
neighborhood uses will draw to some extent from the highway traf-
fic. She stated that the applicant is requesting a re-
evaluation of commercial uses at this site based on the proposed
roadway design and the proposed uses. She stated that staff
believes that neighborhood commercial uses are appropriate at
this location and a rezoning to either C-l or C-2 and submission
of subdivision plans would allow for detailed city review.
Planning Commission Minutes
March 13, 1985
Page 2
Todd Thompson (applicant) stated that they have put a10t of time
and effort into creating the plan and have had overwhelming sup-
port from the the state and the engineers. He stated that
surprisingly they have had support from the neighborhood groups.
He stated that they would like to get the C-2 zoning for this
Albee stated that she would like to see this designated as C-2
and felt that it is the most appropriate use for the property.
Conrad stated that the plan does not look bad, but is not sure
what the zoning should be.
Merz stated that he was in favor of the office complex but not in
favor of smaller retail type businesses (i.e. dry cleaning,
laundry, rear pick-up and deliveries, etc.) adjacent to the resi-
dential neighborhood.
Mike Thompson stated
appropriate for this
uses would survive.
property owenrs.
that multiple family uses would be more
area. He did not believe that commercial
He was also concerned about the surrounding
Todd Thompson reiterated that they have met with the property
~ owners on Oriole Lane and others.
Noziska stated he liked the plan but was sensitive to the
property owners.
Ryan stated that the previous application was very controversial
and also was concerned about the potential impacts of the pro-
posed uses.
Dacy recommended that the area to the north and east of the pro-
posed roadway be rezoned to C-2 and the area to the south and
west of the proposed roadway could be zoned C-1.
The Commissioners stated that they felt comfortable with this
recommendation to rezone the property to C-1 and C-2 as noted
above. The Commissioners also instructed the applicant to meet
with the surrounding property owners before reappearing in front
of the Commission for a public hearing.
Albee moved, seconded by Ryan, to approve the February 27, 1985
minutes as written. Albee, Ryan, Conrad, M. Thompson voted in
favor. Merz and Noziska abstained.
The Commission began review of the proposed zoning ordinance and
zoning map. The Commission discussed and recommended a minimum
Planning Commission Minutes
March 13, 1985
Page 3
unsewered lot area of five acres. Two members favored a ten acre
minimum. The Commission also recommended to eliminate the R-MH,
Manufactured Housing Districts as the ordinance provides for
standards for construction of manufactured housing in single
family districts.
The Commission recommended that the densities in the attached
housing districts be increased as follows:
from 7 to 8 units/acre
from 9 to 10 units/acre
from 12 to 15 units/acre
Peter Beck was present to discuss a potential buyer for the cam-
pus business site.
Noziska moved, seconded by Albee to adjourn the meeting. All
voted in favor and the motion carried.