1985 08 28 - PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES REGULAR MEETING AUGUST 28, 1985 Acting Chairman Conrad called the meeting to order at 7:37 p.m. MEMBERS PRESENT Jim Thompson, Tom Merz, Ladd Conrad, Howard Noziska and Mike Thompson. MEMBERS ABSENT Bill Ryan STAFF PRESENT Barbara Dacy, City Planner and Vicki Churchill, Secretary. PUBLIC HEARING Zoning Ordinance Amendment to Allow Churches as a Conditional Use in the P-l, Planned Residential Districts, Judy Siegle Public Present e Judith Siegle - applicant Nate Casteus Carroll Hanna 411 Highland Drive 7801 Great Plains Blvd. 400 Santa Fe Trail e Dacy stated that the applicant represents the Family of Christ Lutheran Church. She stated that they are proposing to construct a church on Outlot B of the Hidden Valley Estates P.R.D. She noted that the property is zoned P-l, Planned Residential Develop- ment which does not permit churches. She stated that the appli- cant is requesting the ordinance be amended to allow churches as a conditional use. She stated that churches are currently allowed as conditional uses in the R-l, R-la, R-2 through R-4 Districts. She noted that the R-la District requires the church to be within the MUSA boundary. She stated that since churches are required to go through the conditional use process in other residential districts, staff is recommending that churches in the P-l District should also be required to obtain a conditional use permit. She stated that this would allow the Planning Commission and City Council to review each proposal and determine if ade- quate parking, landscaping, etc. is being provided. She stated that this process will also require a public hearing to allow for input from the surrounding residences. She noted that two conditions of the conditional use permit should be that the church site lie within the MUSA line and be located on a collec- tor or arterial streets. She stated that a church is a more intense use in a residential area because it genreates a high amount of traffic at certain times. She stated that for this reason, it is important that a church abut a collector or major Planning Commission Minutes August 28, 1985 ~ Page 2 arterial so that it will not conflict with the normal traffic flows of the adjoining residential area. Chairman Conrad asked if the applicant had any more to add to the staff report. Judith Siegle stated that she wanted to clarify that the parcel they are going to be purchasing is closer to 3~ acres. M. Thompson moved seconded by Noziska, to close the public hearing. All voted in favor and the motion carried. M. Thompson moved, seconded by Noziska, to recommend approval of the Zoning Ordinance Amendment #85-3 to amend Section 14 as follows by adding: Section 14.12 Conditional Uses 1. Churches subject to the following conditions: ~ a. The church site must be served by a collector or major arterial street. b. The church site must be within the Metropolitan Urban Service Area. All voted in favor and the motion carried. PUBLIC HEARING Conditional Use Permit for General Retail, Professional Offices, Restaurant, and Grocery Store Uses in the former Instant Web facility on property zoned CBD, Central Business District, 581 West 78th Street, Gary Kirt, David C. Bell Investment Co. Public Present Bob Vanney (Representing applicant) Heise Vanney & Associates ~ Dacy explained that in the applicant's proposal he states that his portion of the Chanhassen Mall is to be developed into a retail center to contain tenant retail spaces, a 2,000 square foot restaurant, a 10,000 square foot grocery store and a small professional office portion to be located in the southeastern part of the building. She stated that Phase One will include upgrading the exterior by replacing damaged or rotted exterior materials and finishing them to match the existing exterior. She stated that the applicant has also stated that he will provide the necessary site improvements as shown on the development plan. She stated that this would include the installation of curbing and landscaping. She noted that the second phase will include connecting his portion of the development to the bowling center and the proposed area now retained by the city with an interior e e e Planning Commission Minutes August 28, 1985 Page 3 mall corridor. She noted that the applicant indicated that leasing the tenant spaces may extend over a period of one to two years. She stated that the city should, in the interest of assuring that the proposed uses are suitable for this reuse acti- vity, specify the types of uses to be located in the building and retain the authority to review and approve or deny a use not spe- cifically listed. She noted that the parking on the site plan accurately depicts the approved Plan B and Plan C for the entire site. She noted that the location of retail and office uses in the southeast corner of Kirt's property will generate a parking demand in this part of the lot and will spillover into Mr. Bloomberg's property to the east. She stated that a cross ease- ment between the applicant and Mr. Bloomberg should be achieved assuring that access rights in the northwest corner of Bloomberg's site is available. She stated that this agreement would also include joint parking rights. She noted that site improvements on Plan B indicates the areas where curb and gutters should be installed as well as identifies on the landscaping plan where potential vegetation should be located. She stated that the applicant has indicated that curbing will be installed in conformance with the previously approved plan. She stated that a detailed landscape plan indicating proposed plantings should also be submitted prior to installation. She noted that as in other commercial/industrial developments, these site improvements should be installed before occupancy of the building. She stated that the applicant is proposing cosmetic improvements to the front portion of the building at this time, but stated that the applicant does not want to commit to an exterior improvement at the present time. She stated that the applicant does intend to upgrade the exterior when the tenant spaces are leased, espe- cially what is proposed as the grocery store area. She stated that the interior mall connection is to be located between the northern wall of the bowling center and the southern wall of Kirt's property. She stated that a twelve foot corridor has been reserved to extend from the western portion of the building east to the center of the building. She stated that it is difficult to predict its alignment and function at this time without knowing the proposed use the city owned space will have. She stated that the applicant should enter into negotiations with the city when consideration of the interior mall connection is made. She also stated that the applicant indicates that one pylon sign will be installed on the property as well as allowing indivdiual tenants to have wall signs. She stated that signage details will have to be sumitted in conjunction with the usually required sign permit application. Bob Vanney stated that the only concern the applicant had was the exterior facade of the building having to match the bowling center's. He stated that they did not want to be tied into an Planning Commission Minutes August 28, 1985 P ag e 4 e exterior plan because the tenant space was not leased yet. He did not want to be "locked in" to a certain plan, especially in the area of the grocery store. M. Thompson moved, seconded by Noziska, to close the public hearing. All voted in favor and the motion carried. M. Thompson moved, seconded by Noziska to recommend approval for Conditional Use Permit Request #85-11 based on the site develop- ment plan and text stamped "Received August 7, 1985" and subject to the following conditions: 1. Permitted uses in the subject area of the building are as follows: a. b. c. d. e. f. e g. h. i . j . k. l. m. n. o. Apparel sales Grocery store Medical clinics Restaurant Daycare center Financial institutions Home furnishings Newspaper office Business and general offices Professional offices Personal services including beauty and barber shops Print shops Specialty retail Book or music stores Any other uses to be reviewed and approved by the City Planner 2. Installation of curbing prior to building occupancy around the perimeter of the building, the loading area, entrances to the public street, and the island near the east property line as depicted on the approved Plans Band C dated April 15, 1985. 3. Submission of a detailed landscaping plan and installation of said landscaping in conjunction with other site improve- ments. 4. Execution of an access and joint parking cross easement with Mr. Bloomberg. 5. Signage on site shall be limited to a free standing pylon sign and tenant signs to be mounted on the building walls in conformance with the regulations of the Sign Ordinance. e 6. The applicant shall agree to enter negotiations with the city to develop an interior mall connection. - - e Planning Commission Minutes August 28, 1985 Page 5 7. Submission of detailed facade plans for the upgrading of the exterior of the building to be reviewed by the City Council. (The Planning Commission felt there was no need to review these plans.) All voted in favor and the motion carried. APPROVAL OF MINUTES J. Thompson moved, seconded by Conrad to approve the August 14, 1985 meeting minutes as written. J. Thompson, Conrad and M. Thompson voted in favor. Merz and Noziska abstained. Motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 8:30 p.m. Barbara Dacy, City Planner Prepared by Vicki Churchill September 3, 1985