1986 02 26
FEBRUARY 26, 1986
Vice-Chairman Conrad called the meeting to order at 7:40 p.m.
Tim Erhart, Steven Emmings, Robert Siegel, Ladd Conrad, Howard
Noziska and Mike Thompson.
Bill Ryan
Jo Ann Olsen, Asst. City planner and vicki Churchill, Secretary.
Conditional Use Permit for a recreational beachlot and to
construct a storage building on 5,500 square feet of property
zoned R-l and located at 9241 Lake Riley Boulevard, sunnyslope
Homeowner's Association, applicant
Public Present
Steve Burke
Bill Boyt
Eunice Kottke
Rudy & Lucille Remus
Mairan Dewitt
Paul & Suzanne Olson
Joy Tanner
Don sitter
7204 Kiowa Circle
9221 Lake Riley Blvd.
9245 Lake Riley Blvd.
9225 Lake Riley Blvd.
9239 Lake Riley Blvd.
9243 Lake Riley Blvd.
9249 Lake Riley Blvd.
Olsen stated that the Sunny Slope Homeowner's Association pre-
viously applied for a conditional use permit to allow the lot to
become a recreational beach lot and have an existing dock comply
with the zoning Ordinance. The Planning Commission considered
the request on August 8, 1984 for the beachlot which also
requested permission to:
1. Install a seasonal dock.
2. Install two canoe racks.
3. Install a privacy fence.
4. Allow overnight storage of four watercraft.
Olsen stated that the request required variances to the
Recreational Beachlot Ordinance to allow overnight storage of
four watercraft and a dock on a lot with less than 100 feet in
width. She stated that the Planning Commission voted 5 to 1 to
deny the conditional use permit request for a recreational beach-
Planning Commission Minutes
February 26, 1986
Page 2
She stated that the conditional use permit and variance requests
were withdrawn by the applicant before it was reviewed by the
Board of Adjustments and Appeals and the City Council. She
stated that the applicant stated that DNR allowed the dock, for
storage of four watercraft, without the need of a permit. She
stated that the City replied that a dock could not be a principle
use of a property and ordered the dock removed.
Olsen stated that the applicant is again requesting a conditional
use permit for a recreational beachlot with the following
1. One 32 foot dock.
2. Overnight storage of four watercraft.
3. Two canoe racks (6 canoes each).
4. Front and side yard fencing.
5. A 20 foot sand blanket.
6. A 12' x 21' storage building.
Olsen stated that the zoning Ordinance states that a recreational
beachlot must have at least four lineal feet for each dwelling
unit that has access to the recreational beachlot. She stated
that Sunny Slope Addition has 12 dwelling units which results in
a minimum requirement of 48 feet for a recreational beachlot.
She stated that the ordinance also states that there must be at
least 100 feet at the ordinary high water mark and at a point 100
feet landward for a recreational beachlot to have a seasonal
dock. She explained that the lot has enough width to be used as
a beachlot, but 100 feet is required for a seasonal dock and thus
the need for a variance.
Olsen also explained that the applicant is proposing to construct
a 12' x 21' storage building, approximately 70 feet from the
ordinary high water mark. She stated that Section 7.04 (9 [A])
states that no structure shall be erected on a recreational
beachlot and again a variance will be required for the storage
Olsen explained that a third variance is required for the over-
night storage of four watercraft in which section 7.04 (9[D])
prohibits the overnight storage of watercraft. She stated that
the same section does allow the storage of canoes.
Olsen stated that these variances are scheduled for review by the
Board of Adjustments and Appeals and City Council on March 17,
Olsen explained that the proposed sand blanket is regulated by
the DNR and the applicant will have to receive DNR approval.
Planning Commission Minutes
February 26, 1986
Page 3
She stated that details of the proposed fencing have not been
submitted, but staff is recommending that it not exceed six feet
in height to reduce screening the view of the lake from adjacent
Steve Burke stated that the Homeowner's Association is attempting
to develop its lot into a recreational beachlot. He stated that
they have looked at this in a number of ways with their attorney
and their attorney indicates that they should request one more
time from the City, to have the lot designated as a recreational
beachlot with the improvements indicated which are slightly dif-
ferent from the previous request. He stated that the Homeowner's
Association has attempted to look into the future and ask for
what they feel will accommodate them at that time. He stated
without access to the lake, the lot holds very little value to
them. He stated that their attorney has told them that they have
a couple of options. He stated that one is to come back and see
if they can get the recreational beachlot as submitted. He
stated that if they can not get approval of the request, the
other option would be to build a single family home on the pro-
perty. He stated that the lots next to the subject lot received
variances to construct a single family residence and felt that
they could also receive those variances. He stated that if they
built a single family home on the lot, they would automatically
be allowed a dock with up to five boats to be stored overnight.
He stated that what he is looking for is feedback from the neigh-
bors that are present tonight to find out if their preference
would be to construct a home on the property. He stated that the
lot, even though it is undersized, has the riparian right to
install one dock and keep five boats overnight on it. He stated
they intend to obtain that and start using that. He stated that
at this point they want to get input from the City and neighbors
and determine if a single family home or if they should go with
the recreational beachlot with the improvements.
Joy Tanner stated that she is located on the opposite side of the
lot from the Olson's. She stated that she is opposed to the
recreational beachlot. She stated that based on the ordinance,
everything they are proposing is contradictory to the spirit of
the R-l zoning. She stated that she thought she was assured in
1978 when Allen Gray requested a beachlot, that the because of
the R-l zoning and because of the ordinances, there would be no
chance 'that anything but canoes would be used, no motorized traf-
fic over the lot, no RV'S, no trailers, no snowmobiles and no
overnight boat storage. She stated that last year when the dock
was in the water, there were boats stored overnight. She stated
that boats were launched from the lot. She asked Mr. Burke if he
could see the lot from his home?
e Mr. Burke stated that he could but not very well.
Planning Commission Minutes
February 26, 1986
Page 4
Joy Kanner stated that it would be very difficult to monitor the
lot and she has seen people driving by the area looking for a
place to launch their boat.
Mr. Burke stated that they did have a dock on the lot for a while
until we got a notice from the city. He stated that the lot is
zoned R-l, and it allows for a dock, boats, the launch of boats
and motorzied vehicle parking on the lot. He stated that
everything'they were doing did not apply at the time the City
sent the notice. He stated that they understand that if the
request is approved for a recreational beachlot and improvements,
they will not be able to launch boats over the lot. He stated
that when the city indicated in their letter to them that until
such time that proper use of the lot, which would be a home, the
dock can not be put out. He stated that they did not say a dock
could not be there. He stated to the neighbors that once the
homeowner's assocation has put up a house, they can put their
dock out, put their boats out, park the trailers on the property,
drive across and launch the boats as the lakeshore property
owners can. He stated that he would hope that they understand
the benefits of making it a recreational beachlot instead of
having a home constructed on the lot.
Don sitter stated that he lives a few blocks down from the lot in
question and wondered how the Planning Commission feels because
Mr. Burke has been honest and stated that if he does not get the
beachlot, they will construct a home on the lot? He asked what
the Planning Commission's opinion was on building a home there
owned by an organization, a communi table property home? He asked
if there were ordinances or are there precedents?
steve Burke stated that he thinks the answer to that is in the
ordinances as a definition of a person. He stated that a defini-
tion of a person is an individual, a corporation, partnership,
trustee, a homeowner's association, and a person has the right to
construct a home.
Conrad stated that he is not going to ask the Planning Commission
to directly respond to that; however, you will hear their
thoughts after the public hearing is closed. He stated that we
are to react to the request. He stated that it is the appli-
cant's property and he can do whatever he gets permission to do.
He stated that the applicant wants to see if the city is going to
grant variances to do that. He stated that he is correct in
saying that if he receives variances to build a home, he can put
out five boats, however, those boats are not typically owned by
anyone other than who lives in the home. He stated that owners
of lakeshore typically use one boat at a time.
Paul Olson stated that he lives next door to the lot. He stated
that he is opposed to it mostly because he does not see how the
city can allow more people on the lake in these instances while
Planning Commission Minutes
February 26, 1986
Page 5
they are holding them off at the launches everywhere else. He
stated that the idea of four boats on 50 feet, there is not going
to be much more room to move. He stated that they will be moving
over into my area or my neighbors beach area. He stated that he
is opposed to the safety outlook because there is not room for
four boats on the lot.
Marian DeWitt stated that she is opposed to it in that if access
is granted to the lake for Sunny Slope right between two homes,
all of the protection and security of the R-l zoning is lost.
She stated that all the problems and traffic with a group of
people would have to be contended with instead of just one family
for which it is zoned. She wanted to read from the zoning
department standards for the granting of conditional use permits,
which she said some are debateable; however, one just hits it.
"That the conditional use will not be injurious to the use and
enjoyment of other property in the immediate vicinity for the
purposes already permitted. Not to essentially diminish and
impair property values within the neighborhood. II She stated that
there was no doubt in her mind that it has already happened to
the neighbors on either side of the lot have had their enjoyment
impaired. She stated that she felt if they were to try and sell
their property should the conditional use permit be granted,
there would be marked loss in property value. She stated that
when granting conditional use permits, the Commission should keep
in mind that the permit goes with the property, not the indivi-
duals, and once granted it is there for life. She asked about
what would happen if the homeowner's association sold the lot to
a big corporation from Chicago. She stated that they could rent
it out or do anything within the regulations, and then the city
has lost control. She stated that conditional use permits should
be handed out very carefully. She stated that as for the argu-
ment about the one family home and having five boats, she stated
that they will meet that when it comes. She stated that she
would not object to a single family home, but with a number of
owners of one home, yes she would object.
M. Thompson moved, seconded by Emmings, to close the public
hearing. All voted in favor and the motion carried.
M. Thompson stated that some of the members on the Planning
Commission established the Beachlot Ordinance to control what
property owners who did not live on the lake could do on the lake
with a beachlot. He stated that the idea was not to necessarily
allow unconditionally people that lived off of the lake but had
some access or common lot. He stated that the Planning
Commission has abided by the ordinance as written. He stated
that there were amendments proposed to the ordinance and they
were denied by both the Planning Commission and City Council. He
stated that he does not see the Commission swaying from the deci-
sion of one year ago.
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February 26, 1986
Page 6
Tim Erhart stated that he did not feel steve Burke was making a
threat. He stated in reading what was presented, they are
currently paying taxes. He asked what the sizes of the lots next
to the subject lot were.
Olsen stated that she did not have the sizes; however, thought
they were approximately the same size. She stated that they
both received variances to build a home.
Erhart said to the applicant that he did not hear him say that
if a home was built the title would be owned by the homeowners.
Burke stated that the title of property would probably remain in
the name of Sunny Slope Homeowner's Association.
Ernrnings asked how many lots were in there and how many homes?
Burke stated that presently there are seven and one will be
constructed in the spring. He stated that he does not know of
the plans for the other lots.
Ernrnings stated that the use of that lot by twelve households and
their friends and acquaintances on any given day is much too much
use of that small of a piece land. He stated that he was
persuaded most by the people who live close by the beachlot that
would be opposed.
Siegel stated that he also feels there will be an over usage of
the area. He stated that the association would possibly seek
to do something else with the property as far as its investment
as an association and seek other methods of use.
Conrad stated that he still feels that the ordinance is valid.
He stated that the lot could be used as a recreational beachlot
could under certain circumstances. He does not see this request
as being appropriate. He stated that he feels there is good
rationale in the ordinance and does not see anything to persuade
him to see it differently. He felt that the request as presented
would be an overuse of the parcel.
Ernrnings moved, seconded by M. Thompson, to recommend denial of the
conditional use permit as proposed. All voted in favor and the
motion carried.
Ernrnings felt that should the City Council approve the conditional
use permit, they should take the following points into account:
1. The canoe rack and sand blanket should be allowed as long as
it meets the DNR requirements.
2. They should not be allowed to have a dock, or overnight
storage of watercraft, or a building on the lot.
Planning Commission MInutes
February 26, 1986
Page 7
3. He also stated that there should be some negotiations with
the neighbors and city staff on fencing as far as materials
and size.
Barbara Dacy
Ci ty Planner
Prepared by Vicki Churchill
March 3, 1986