1986 04 09
APRIL 9, 1986
Chairman Ryan called the meeting to order at 7:35 p.m.
Steven Emmings, Howard Noziska, Bill Ryan and Tim Erhart.
Robert Siegel, Ladd Conrad and Mike Thompson
Jo Ann Olsen, Asst. City Planner; Bill Monk, City Engineer; and
Maxine Brown, Secretary.
Preliminary Plat Request to Subdivide Two Acres into Two Lots of
36,700 and 52,050 Square Feet on Property Zoned R-l and Located
at 790 Pleasant View Road, Gordon Schwartz.
Public Present
Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Schwartz
Olsen stated that the lot is located at 790 Pleasant View Road
and abuts Christmas Lake which is a recreational development
lake. The applicant is proposing to subdivide two acres into a
36,700 square foot lot and a 52,050 square foot lot. The area is
zoned R-l, which is single family residential. Olsen further
stated that since the property abuts Christmas Lake, each lot is
required to have at least 20,000 square feet, a 75 foot width at
the lakeshore and at least 90 feet of street frontage. The pro-
posed request meets all three ordinance requirements. Olsen
said that staff is recommending approval of the proposed sub-
division with the condition that the garage that will be located-
on the new lot be removed.
Kathy Schwartz requested that removing the garage not be a con-
dition of approval. She felt that it was obvious that the garage
would be removed when a new home was constructed as the home site
is very close to the existing garage. She would like the garage
to remain so that construction materials could be stored in it
while the home was being built.
Olsen stated that the condition could be amended so that the
garage would be removed within a certain timeframe after the lot
has been platted or sold. However, staff prefers that it be
removed prior to the sale. She stated that the garage would be a
principle use of the new lot which is not allowed by the Zoning
APRIL 9, 1986
Ryan asked if the applicant was going to move the garage to the
lot with the existing home. Schwartz stated that it would either
be moved or torn down.
Noziska moved, seconded by Emmings to close the Public Hearing.
All voted in favor and the motion carried.
Noziska asked what type of problem would be created by leaving
the garage on the lot and making it a condition of the sale.
Olsen stated that it would be preferable to have it removed
because a garage is an accessory structure and is not allowed as
a principle use by City ordinance.
Monk suggested that the condition state that the garage be
removed prior to the issuance of a building permit for the second
Erhart asked if it is permitted for someone to buy the lot and
build a house with a detached garage and use the existing garage.
Olsen stated that the existing garage is within the 10 foot set-
back and could possibly remain there. She stated that it could
be a problem if the lot was not sold for a long time or, if it
was sold and a home was not built for a long time.
Ryan asked if there is any concern, from an engineering stand-
point, with another driveway coming in on a curve.
Monk stated that it is a bad corner, but that in this particular
location there is fairly good sight distance in both directions.
Noziska moved, seconded by Erhart that the Planning Commission
recommends the City Council approve the Preliminary Plat request
#86-7 as shown on the plat stamped "Received March 19, 1986"
without staff's condition. All voted in favor and the motion
Request to Rezone 17 Acres of property Zoned R-la to C-3,
Commercial Service on property Located South of West 78th Street,
North of Highway 5 and East of Powers Blvd., B.C. Burdick.
Public Present:
B.C. Burdick
William F. Kelly
Attorney for Applicant
Olsen explained that the applicant is proposing to rezone 17
acres of land from R-la, Agricultural Residence District to C-3,
APRIL 9, 1986
Commercial Services. The site is bordered by Highway 5 to the
south, Powers Blvd. to the west, West 78th Street to the north,
and a commercial/industrial site to the east.
She stated that the site is designated as commercial on the
adopted Land Use Plan and that Mr. Burdick's request was con-
sistent with the intent of the Comprehensive Plan. The applicant
is proposing gasoline sales, grocery and dairy products store or
an off-sale liquor store as possible uses for the western portion
of the property; and a supermarket, motel, restaurant, retail tire
store or retail auto dealer as possible uses for the central and
eastern portion of the property. The C-3 District permits all of
the above uses either as permitted or conditional uses. Olsen
further stated that the C-3 District is designed to provide a
wide range of services and goods which might not otherwise be
compatible with uses permitted in retail business districts. She
further stated that staff is recommending approval of the
Noziska moved, seconded by Emmings to close the public hearing.
All voted in favor and the motion carried.
Ryan asked if this proposal was consistent with the proposed zoning
ordinance. Olsen stated yes and that the C-3 district was
tit slightly less restrictive than the B-4 District.
Emmings moved, seconded by Noziska that the Planning Commission
recommends that the City Council approve Rezoning Request #86-2
to rezone 17 acres of property from R-la, Agricultural Residence
to C-3, Commercial Services District. All voted in favor and the
motion carried.
Request to Subdivide 17 Acres into Three Lots of 3 Acres, 2.7
Acres and 11.2 Acres, B.C. Burdick, Applicant.
Olsen stated that this request is on the same site as the pre-
vious rezoning request. The applicant is proposing to subdivide
17 acres into three lots of 3 acres, 2.7 acres and 11.2 acres.
She stated that MnDOT is proposing to widen Highway 5 which will
reduce the usable area of the site, but still allows adequate
area for each of the proposed lots.
Olsen explained that sanitary sewer is available to the property,
but that a long extension from the south will be required. There
are two gravity sewer alternatives available to the site and the
applicant will have to submit a final plan denoting which alter-
native will be used. Water is available to the site from the
north side of West 78th Street. The site receives drainage from
West 78th Street and then continues under Highway 5 towards Lake
Olsen further stated that street access will be gained from West
78th Street. In order to minimize accesses onto West 78th
APRIL 9, 1986
Street, staff is recommending that Lots 1 and 2 share a driveway
and that Lot 3 have one access to West 78th Street and possibly
connect to picha Drive.
Olsen also stated that the City is studying a realignment of West
78th street to the north to allow more stacking at the intersec-
tion of Powers Blvd. and Highway 5. If this relocation is
approved, it could take away street frontage from the Burdick
property and driveway easements would be necessary to the new
West 78th Street. Staff has asked Fred Hoisington to review the
intersection and develop several alternatives.
Noziska asked Monk why he recommended two lots share one driveway
access. Monk stated that the reason was to pull the driveway
back away from County 17. Monk does not feel it would be safe to
allow an access into Lot 1 at that location and that a combined
access should be moved further east.
Ryan asked Monk what Carver County's plans were for this
intersection. Monk stated that the County is very concerned
about controlling accesses onto County Road 17, but their posi-
tion with County Road 16 is that it is more of a local collector
street. They have not taken a further position on County Road 16
as long as we maintain a safe distance between driveways.
Ryan asked what procedure is used in re-routing a County Highway.
Monk stated that this item will require a lot of work with the
developer to the north. After reviewing the preliminary plan,
staff still believes that the Burdick site can be serviced quite
easily even if that road is realigned. He further stated that we
have not yet looked at all the details to determine what type of
city/county items will be involved.
Erhart questioned if driveway placement was part of the final
site plan. Monk stated yes and that the Commission may want to
hold their final conditions until the site plan comes before
the Commission.
Ryan questioned the two sewer alignment alternatives. Monk
stated that he felt Route A was the best route as it services all
the property in this area (Brose, Burdick and Dunn and Curry
properties). Route B would service only the Brose and Burdick
pieces and only a small portion of the Dunn and Curry property
due to elevation problems. Resolution of this item would have to
occur before approval of the final plat. Ryan asked if the
Burdick and Brose parcels would share in the cost of Route Band
Monk stated yes. Monk stated that the project would cost between
$200,000 and $300,000.
William Kelly, attorney for the applicant stated that his client
would be able to comply with the recommendations of staff con-
cerning the sanitary sewer item and that they do not anticipate
APRIL 9, 1986
any difficulty in working out the location of the line. However,
Mr. Burdick feels that only allowing one combined access for two
lots would not be feasible from both a practical standpoint as
well as a legal standpoint of allowing two fee owners only one
access. The applicant felt that additional study should occur on
the access issue before the combined access condition is approved
as a part of the request.
Noziska asked the applicant if he has had an opportunity to
review the road realignment. Kelly stated that it would be
premature to comment on that issue at this point as the City is
not sure where the alignment will go at this time.
Ryan gave a brief history of why the City is looking to realign
West 78th Street. He stated that the Dunn and Curry property
will be zoned to a general business use with the adoption of the
new zoning ordinance and that the City does not want access off
of Highway 5. A road would be constructed, hopefully from Lake
Ann Park through the business district to County Road 17, serving
as a frontage road for the businesses in that area and also to
gain access to Lake Ann Park without going onto Highway 5. The
frontage road must connect with County Road 17 somewhere and will
probably be further back from where West 78th Street intersects
now. West 78th Street would then continue on across County Road
__ 17 that becomes a frontage road that goes out to Lake Ann Park.
Noziska moved, seconded Emmings that the public hearing be
closed. All voted in favor and the motion carried.
Noziska stated that he agreed with the applicant that further
study of the road realignment was necessary and that this was not
the time to set restrictions on the proposal. He also agreed that
the sanitary sewer line should be finalized before final plat
Erhart agreed with Noziska's comments.
Emmings moved, seconded by Noziska that the Planning Commission
recommend that the City Council approve Subdivision No. 86-6 as
shown on the preliminary plat stamped "Received March 17, 1986"
with the condition that sanitary sewer plans be submitted and
approved prior to final plat approval. All voted in favor and
the motion carried.
Ryan asked Monk if we satisfied all public notice requirements.
Monk stated that the Commission was setting up an additional pro-
cedure as a condition of approval. He said that an improvement
hearing would have to be held and all affected property owners
~ The commissioners felt that the access issues were not necessary
at this time and could wait until the site plan review process.
April 9, 1986
Page 6
Sketch Plan Review to develop a planned residential development
of 126 single family units on 70 acres of property zoned R-la and
located east of Kerber Boulevard, approximately t mile north of
West 78th Street, Enterprise properties
Olsen stated that the applicant is proposing 126 single family
lots on 70 acres of property which is zoned R-la, Agricultural
Residence. She stated that the land is designated as residential
low density and parks and open space in the Land Use Plan. She
noted that the site is located just south of the recently
approved Chaparral 4th Addition P.U.D. and west of an existing
residential development. She stated that the site has two Class
A wetlands and steep topography along the northern edge of the
property and around the large wetland.
Olsen stated that the lot sizes range from 11,700 to 59,500
square feet with a median of 13,850 square feet. She stated that
the average lot size is 16,368 square feet. She also stated that
the development is split into two areas by the large pond
Olsen stated that the southerly section has 35 single family lots
and connects the subdivision to the east with Kerber Boulevard.
She stated that the lots are arranged around three cul-de-sacs
and along Santa Vera. She stated that several of the lots are
located along a steep ridge line around the wetland area.
Olsen stated that the northerly section has 91 single family lots
and are arranged around three streets and four cul-de-sacs. She
stated that several of the lots are located along the steep slo-
pes around the large wetland and the creek to the north. She
stated that Lots 5 through 12, Block 6 are double frontage lots.
and noted that staff is recommending that the applicant submit a
landscaping plan in conjunction with the preliminary plat to show
plantings and berming where needed on these lots.
Olsen noted that some of the proposed lots are triangular in
shape and are difficult to regulate for setbacks and often
required variances. She stated that the City does not prohibit
triangular lots, but staff would prefer that they be replaced
with standard four sided lots.
Olsen stated to help preserve slope areas and vegetation, the
applicant is proposing a 25 foot front yard setback rather than
the standard 30 feet. Staff agrees that a 25 foot front yard
setback would be beneficial to this site and recommends approval
of this request.
Olsen stated that the gross density of the proposal is 1.84
units per acre and is within the the guidelines of the ordinance.
She noted that the net density is 3.0 units/acre.
April 9, 1986
Page 7
Olsen stated that the proposed street alignment extends Santa
Vera (shown as Saratoga on the plat) and Frontier Trail to Kerber
Boulevard. She stated that although these extensions are not
favorable to the established neighborhoods to the east, the City
had planned on these areas being connected to Kerber Boulevard.
She stated that the impact of these extensions on the existing
neighborhoods can be minimized through the use of stop signs and
enforcing speed limits. She noted that the majority of traffic
using Santa Vera and Frontier Trail will be coming from the east
to Kerber Boulevard. She stated that the internal street system
works with the site and limits the number of accesses onto Kerber
Boulevard to three.
Olsen noted that sanitary sewer is available to the site from a
connection to existing laterals and trunks. She stated that
details on sewer connections and the required easement will be
submitted during the preliminary plat review. She stated that
water will be extended from the north along Kerber Boulevard to
service the northern parcel and from Santa Vera to service the
southern parcel.
Olsen stated that the conditions of the site include steep slopes
along the creek to the north and around the large pond area. She
noted that these are sensitive areas and the proposal should
minimize any alteration of the slopes and vegetation. She noted
that Lots 5 and 6, Block 10, at the north end of the Sierra Lane
cul-de-sac will require extensive grading and removal of vegeta-
tion and such grading will impact the creek to the north. Staff
is recommending that the Sierra Lane cul-de-sac be shortened to
allow for a more level building site and the retention of
existing vegetation. She noted that Lots 12 and 13, Block 4,
will also require extensive grading and the slope in that area
is already showing physical evidence of erosion. Staff is recom-
mending that Santa Vera (shown as Saratoga) be shifted to the
south to move the building sites from the slope area.
Olsen stated that currently runoff from the site flows into the
large pond area, the small wetland and the creek to the north.
She stated that the proposed development will use these same
areas for drainage. She stated that final drainage plans for
both the creek and pond area must receive city and watershed
district approval and these plans must include means of
controlling direct runoff into the pond and creek with sedimen-
tation control and stabilization of the creekbed and pond where
the drainage enters.
The Park and Recreation Commmission reviewed this proposal on
April 1, 1986. She stated that the Park and Recreation Commission
is considering a trail around the pond and trailways through the
April 9, 1986
_ Page 8
development to access the pond and park area. She stated that
the Park and Recreation Commission will be visiting the site
before giving their final recommendation. She stated that the
applicant is proposing to maintain open space along the 950 foot
elevation around the pond and also is proposing several outlots
to be used as connections to the pond and surrounding areas.
She stated that Outlot A will connect the development with
Chanhassen Elementary and Outlot B will connect the southerly
portion with the pond. She noted that an outlot off of Teton
Trail will connect the northerly portion with the pond and Outlot
C will connect the development with the creek area.
Olsen stated that there are two Class A wetlands located on the
site and the pond area is a Class A protected wetlands protected
by DNR. She stated that the smaller wetland is approximately one
acre in size and is not protected by DNR.
Olsen stated that the Wetland Ordinance requires a wetland
alteration permit for any development in or within 200 feet of a
Class A wetland. She stated that the applicant must therefore
receive such a permit from the city. She stated that the appli-
cant must submit details concerning the amount of runoff and
sedimentation which will be entering the wetlands and how it will
be controlled. She noted that the data will be part of the final
drainage plans.
Olsen noted that the applicant is required to prepare an environ-
mental assessment worksheet because single family developments in
excess of 100 units must be reviewed by the Environmental Quality
Board prior to approval by the local community.
Olsen stated that the proposal, under current regulations,
requires review as a planned residential development since it
contains more than 25 single family lots. She noted that
ideally, the PUD concept promotes the clustering of residences to
preserve the existing features which need to be preserved such
as the two wetland areas, the creek and the slope areas.
Olsen stated that the Sketch Plan Review process is an oppor-
tunity for the Planning Commission and City Council to identify
concerns that should be addressed before making application for
the preliminary plat. Concerns regarding density, lot size,
traffic, land use and design should be conveyed to the developer.
Staff's initial recommendations are as follows:
1. Submit a landscape plan for the double frontage lots along
Kerber Boulevard.
April 9, 1986
Page 9
2. Rearrange proposed triangular lots into a more standard four
sided lot.
3. Shorten Sierra Lane cul-de-sac.
4. Realign Santa Vera to the south.
5. The applicant should work with the developer to the north on
overall drainage plans for the creek.
6. Shorten Teton Trail.
7. Rearrange Lots 10 and 11, Block 8 to allow for the 75 foot
setback from the wetland.
8. Submit a revised Environmental Assessment Worksheet.
Bill Monk stated that sanitary sewer trunk exists along the creek
on the north edge of the property and extensions will service the
northern half of the property. He stated sanitary sewer exists
in Saratoga and it does have to be extended across one lot, but
that extension will service the southern portion of the site. He
stated that watermain exists at the northwest corner of site and
is proposing that the trunk be extended as part of the project to
finalize the loop down to Sierra and Frontier Trail and that the
City handle that through the development contract stage and work
with the developer to reduce trunk fees. He stated that the city
is interested in eventually having that trunk extend down to West
78th Street.
Greg Frank, from McCombs Knutson and Associates, the Planners and
Engineers of the project, stated that he is available to answer
questions. He stated that the developers have on three
occasions met with homeowners in the area on this project. He
stated that as a result of those meetings with the neighbors and
with staff, he felt the plans have been improved from the original
plan they had proposed. He stated that their project is very
closely related to the Chaparral 4th Addition which is adjacent to
their project. He stated that they recognized the slopes and
existing trees and in trying to preserve them, have come up with
the proposed layout.
Jay Johnson, Saratoga Drive, stated that their concerns in the
petition was based on the preliminary plat before the small
wetlands was discovered and the applicant changed their plan. He
stated that Saratoga Drive has a problem with drainage with water
running down the street and freezing and some lots flooding. He
stated that the developer should develop a swale or catch basin to
help minimize the impact on Saratoga. He wanted to make sure that
e the homes in the development drain toward the street instead of
April 9, 1986
Page 10
toward their neighborhood. He stated that there is a swale in the
developers drainage plan that currently goes up hill and into the
school property. He feels that it needs to be looked at again.
He stated that he walked by the area and there is an existing
swale. He stated that in order for the developer put in the
swale as proposed, they will have to go across private property or
somehow cut through the school. He felt that more traffic would
be using their streets as cut throughs instead of going down West
78th Street and up to Kerber or County Road 17. He asked the city
to put up a dead end sign to help traffic safety. He also asked
that a four way stop sign be placed at Cascade Trail and Santa
Vera and the realignment of Santa Vera as the City Engineer is
proposing would make the curve sharper and slow down traffic. He
wanted to be assured that they would not have construction traffic
going down their street. He stated that they do not want
construction workers parking on Santa Vera and suggested they
place a parking area next to Kerber Boulevard for them. He stated
that the developer has stated in the EAW that there will be air
pollution, dust and noise controls and asked the City to enforce
these. He stated that their neighborhood is concerned with the
trend of smaller lots and the triangular lots and the appearance
of the homes on the lot. He stated that the developer should pro-
vide some justification on the smaller size lots. He feels that
20 feet is not enough room to have a walkway and still screen the
people from the wildlife habitat in the ponding area. He stated
that they fully support the Park and Recreation Commission's
recommendation for more park area. He stated that they are con-
cerned about the sedimentation turning the pond into cattails and
Jack Prill stated that his primary concern is the integrity of
the neighborhood, primarily lot sizes and property values and the
image the proposed subdivision is projecting for the community.
He stated that they have also submitted a petition with 70 signa-
tures. He stated that they would like the subdivision to
resemble their neighborhood. He stated that the neighborhood
feels the minimum lot size should be 15,000 square feet. He
stated that they would like to see the homes similar in value to
their neighborhood.
Rick Friedlander stated that he is representing people in Sunrise
Hills. He stated that the traffic is a real concern to them. He
stated that they moved to a deadend street to avoid traffic. He
stated that a straight through street is inviting people to just
drive on through and look at the lake and so on. He stated that
people touring through is one thing but people hurrying through
is another. He stated that the developer has been very good in
working with the neighbors especially for offering the double
cul-de-sacs. He suggested putting back to back cul-de-sacs with
some green area in between. He stated emergency vehicles could
April 9, 1986
Page 11
get through there if they had to however, it would be an effec-
tive barrier to the casual traffic. He had pictures of the
street with the sharp curve and had concerns of people who did
not know the area. He urged that the Commission recommend
leaving Frontier Trail a deadend street.
Don King stated that every year they have a swimming pool and
river that flows by from the swamp area. He stated that he is
concerned about the marsh area. He stated that there is going to
be considerably more drainage running into the marsh. He stated
that his sump pump runs continuously now at this time of the
year. He feels the increased drainage will compound the problem
that now exists. He stated that there is drainage now going in
between his lot and the one next door and at such an excess the
storm sewer does not have the capability to handle it and then
flows across into Lot 5 and continues down into Lotus Lake. He
stated that the developer has made an effort to work with us and
has made some changes to the plan and they appreciate it.
Greg Frank stated that he feels with storm sewer improvements as
well as the streets, a lot of the drainage that goes from this
project to the east will be intercepted and improved with the
proposed plan.
Tom Henderson, Saratoga Drive, stated that he is concerned with
the drainage and runoff at the back of the proposed site to their
property lines so that they don't get anymore in their area.
Ryan stated that the developer has an obligation to drainage that
is created on his property and does not have any obligation to
reduce the amount that is currently there. He stated that if it
is draining on his property now, it could continue to do so.
? asked if the trail systems goes along the streets, would
they be widened?
Bill Monk stated that yes if that is the route the city takes,
there could be a recommendation to widen Frontier from 28 to 32
feet. He stated that he still needs to look at that and as the
proposal moves to preliminary plat that may be the recommen-
? stated that she wanted to state that they moved to Kiowa
a year ago knowing that it was a deadend and really liked that
aspect of it. She feels that the 70 people that signed the
petition feel the same way.
Ryan asked Olsen if she could comment on as far as public safety
and the length of a deadend street?
April 9, 1986
Page 12
Olsen stated that the Fire and Safety Director reviewed the plan
and had no comments. She stated that cul-de-sacs are g~nerally
limited to 1000 feet.
Larry Olson, Frontier Trail, stated that he wanted to a~dress the
cul-de-sac versus the through street. He stated that the only
reference that would dictate continuing Frontier Trail through
was that the master plan called for it to continue thro~gh
several years ago. He stated that there would be very little
benefit to the new community as far as convenience. He!stated
that as far as the old neighborhood, they would rather ~ave it
remain as a cul-de-sac. He stated that as far as the s~fety,
before making it a through street just for safety reasobs, feels
some statistics as far as what kind of catastrophe coul~ ever be
so severe that would dictate that for a through street.!
Tom Fiebiger, Saratoga, stated that the developer shoul~ take
into consideration some of the excess runoff that is going to
occur off of the new homes that will be coming in behin~ his
property. He also wanted to make sure that after the d~velopment
was in they don't get a letter stating that some draina~e
improvements needs to be done and get assessed. .
Ryan stated that a PUD is a procedure to allow the devetoper to
come in with some unique proposals to offer the city an~ in return
for permission to deviate from accepted subdivision sta~dards.
Erhart stated that he favors the through streets and would
encourage using a combination of methods to slow down ttaffic
through the area. He stated that he would like to see the
developer get involved and preserve and maintain the wildlife on
the pond by possibly giving additional land for park.
Emmings stated that he also favors through streets. He was not
concerned with the smaller lots in the plan.
Ryan stated that the drainage is an obvious concern of ~veryone
and the city has made it policy to require, if there isi a wetland
that needs protecting, a desilting basin to be put in a~ead of
the wetland. He stated that if the drainage is in facti looping
around and going back into the pond he recommends some type of
silting basin ahead of the pond in the flat area. He ipformed
the neighbors that if they wanted signage on their stre~t, such
as a deaden sign for Saratoga, they should come in and ~equest
it. He felt the suggestion to close Santa Vera to the construction
traffic was a good idea. He also felt that by giving mbre park
land the developer should be aware that the density of ~he overall
development would increase and he should adjust accordipgly.
Noziska moved, seconded by Erhart, to approve the March 26, 1986
minutes with the minor change noted and corrected. All voted in
favor and the motion carried.