1986 05 14
May 14, 19 8 6
~ Chairman Conrad called the meeting to order at 7:39 p.m.
Tim Erhart, Steven Emmings, Robert Siegel, Ladd Conrad and Mike
Bill Ryan and Howard Noziska
Barbara Dacy, City Planner and Bill Monk, City Engineer, Vicki
Churchill, Secretary and Nann Opheim, Secretary.
2. Zoning Ordinance Amendment request to amend section 19.03 of the
Zoning Ordinance (No. 47) to regulate corner lot setbacks, City of
Dacy: This was brought to the commission's attention at your
last regular meeting. Staff is requesting that a zoning ordinance
amendment be processed to change the corner lot setbacks as they apply
to residential properties. We found through recent variance
applications that three 30 foot setbacks, two 30 foot setbacks along
the street sides and remaining rear yard setback, has really
constricted buildable areas of corner lots. We did investigate the
commercial and industrial district as part of the our review but we
would recommend that the ordinance be amended only for residential lots
because the commercial and industrial districts have special setbacks
concerning corner lots especially as they abut to residential areas.
Legally, the existing ordinance should have a specific provision to
regulate corner lot setbacks and staff just feels uncomfortable as to
approving an administrative variance for some of these situations.
There is the need for a zoning ordinance amendment, so our recommended
language is contained on page two of your staff report.
Conrad: It is kind of confusing to me.
what you want.
There is a discrepency as to
Dacy: Some examples here maybe would be a better way to approach it.
For example, in Chanhassen Estates at the corner of Erie Spur and Erie
Avenue, we have a front yard setback of 30 feet here, 30 feet here and
another 30 foot setback in the rear. So you can see that there is
this amount of room for a house. Normally in an interior lot
situation where you wouldn't have this extra 30 feet, the lot would
Planning Commission Minutes
May 14, 1986
Page Two
be narrower and would allow for such improvements like decks, and
additions to single family homes and so on. Another example is the
variance we just processed in Colonial Grove. It is kind of an
odd shape lot but with this triangular shaped lot you have the odd
buildable area reducing the rear setback from 30 feet to 10 feet, this
will provide more flexibility for structures on corner lots and still
maintain an adequate distance between the next lot. Usually corner
lots abut the sideline of the adjacent lot so therefore, at a minimum
there will always be a 20 foot separation between the structures.
Conrad: Where in the wording in your recommendation does it take that
into consideration. I don't see a ten, I don't see numbers in your
Dacy: It doesn't say 10 feet specifically because, for example in the
R-1 it has a side yard setback of 10 feet, in the R-2, multiple family
area it is 25 feet, so this is just to allow staff, or whoever the
public, that on a corner lot you just have to meet the front yard
setbacks from the street side plus the two remaining lot lines will be
the side lot lines instead of the rear lot line. So we can't mess
with the numbers in parts of the ordinance.
Conrad: This is a public hearing, we will open it up for the public.
Is anybody here with anything to say in this situation? No comments.
Now is there a Motion to close public hearing.
Emmings made the Motion to close the public hearing, Thompson seconded
All voted in favor and the public hearing was closed.
Discussion followed.
Conrad: I have problems with the wording, would you clarify it for me.
Dacy: It is the same as proposed in the ou tl i nee
Conrad: I have no more questions.
Emmings made a Motion, and Thompson seconded, asking that the Planning
Commission recommends approval of Zoning Ordinance Amendment Request
#86-2 to amend Section 19.03 of Ordinance 47 as follows:
3. In all residential districts, the front yard setback
requirement shall be observed on each street side of a
corner lot; provid~d, however, that the remaining two
yards will meet the side yard setbacks.
4It All voted in favor and the Motion carried unanimously.
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May 14, 1986
Page Three
3. Preliminary Plat request to subdivide a 36,440 square foot parcel
into two single family lots of 18,212 and 18,228 square feet on
property zoned R-1, Single Family Residence and located at 7061
Shawnee Lane, James Agnew.
Public Present
James Agnew, Applicant
Dacy: The lot is located in Greenwood Shores on the corner
of Shawnee Lane and Redman Lane, and is zoned R-l, single family. The
request was brought to the attention of the City Council on the May 5th
meeting because the subdivision ordinance allows the metes and bounds
provision of the plat subject if certain conditions are met.
However, the council felt that the proposed metes and bounds
description was too lengthy and did not result in a simple east
half/west half legal description, therefore they recommended that the
property be platted instead. There was concern from the adjacent
property owners as to the proposed lot size even though each parcel
contains 18,000 feet. It meets the lot width requirements in the R-l
district buffer, adjacent property owners were concerned about the
proposed lot sizes as compared to some of the existing lot sizes in
the Greenwood Shores subdivision. Greenwood Shores was platted in the
late 50's prior to the installation of water and sewer service, then
water and sewer service was installed in the late 70's. So the
applicant has complied with the council's recommendation and prepared
a plat, and because the proposed split exceeds the minimum
requirements in our district, over 15,000 square feet, and has
appropriate frontage, we recommend approval based on the plat that is
in your packet.
Public hearing was opened up for comments. Conrad asked if there were
Thompson asked is the applicant was here. The applicant was present.
Motion by Seigel, seconded by Emmings to close public hearing. All
voted in favor of closing public hearing.
Motion by Seigel that the Planning Commission recommends approval of
Subdivision Request #86-8 as presented in the preliminary plat stamped
"Received April 21, 1986".
Thompson seconded the Motion. All voted in favor and the Motion
carried unanimously.
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May 14, 1986
Page Four
Conrad: When will this Motion go to City Council.
Oacy: June 2, 1986.
4. Final Plan Amendment request to subdivide 2.62 acres into six
single family lots on property zoned P-l, Planned Residential,
Development and located in the Pheasant Hill subdivision, north of
Lake Lucy Road, Tom Klingelhutz.
Public Present
Harry OeSantes
Mike Schmidt
Mrs. David Hughes
6440 Yosemite Avenue
6470 Yosemite Avenue
1780 Lake Lucy Road
Oacy: The proposed request is the final plan amendment as part
of the overall Pheasant Hills subdivision and PUO that was approved in
1984. The parcel was legally described at the time of platting as
outlot "0" and is located on the north side of Lake Lucy Road east of
Galpin Blvd. The proposed final plan amendment is to contain six
single family lots. The original sketch plan that was considered by
the city in late 1983 proposed seven lots basically in the same street
pattern on the proposed cul-de-sac into the area. Between the sketch
plan and the preliminary plat review it was reserved as an outlot
because at that time it was stated that the adjacent property owner
was interested in purchasing the property, so it was reserved as an
outlot. However,'that is not the case and the applicant is now
proposing development of the parcel. The average lot size of the
proposed subdivision is 17,020 square feet. The median lot size is
approximately 16,825 square feet. As far as the density affecting the
entire plat, it will 4ecrease the gross density of the Pheasant Hill
subdivision from 2.08 unit per acre to 1.97, and the net density from
2.61 to 2.79. The subdivision itself has a gross density of 2.3 units
per acre and a net density of 2.56 units per acre. Again, looking at
the particular lot design of the subdivision, staff was concerned
about the buildable area of Lot 4 at the end of the cul-de-sac. After
applying the required setbacks, it seemed to be too small and odd
shaped buildable area. Therefore, we are recommending that the cul-
de-sac be shortened by approximately 10 feet and this will allow
additional flexibility for a house design in that lot. Also,
two lots do abut Lake Lucy Road; The Subdivision ordinance does
require that double frontage lots require creation of a ten foot
landscape strip eaesment along the rear of the properties. This is
consistent with the condition passed by the Council with the overall
property to the west. Staff finds that the proposed final plan
amendment does not adversely affect the density of the subdivision and
Planning Commission Minutes
May 14, 1986
~ Page Five
is consistent with the original design anticipated. Therefore, we are
recommending approval as presented subject to that creation of the 10
foot landscape strip along the two lots abutting Lake Lucy Road,
shortening of the cul-de-sac by 10 feet, that all construction meet
urban design standards for utilities and finally, that the site grading be I
already developed property to the east.
The meeting was opened for public discussion.
Harry DeSantos: I live on Yosemite Avenue and I want to know what
was going to be done about the streets out there. They have torn them
down, now they just keep building more and more houses along there.
We used to have black top street on Yosemite, now we have got a dirt
street, our taxes are still alot, and I want to know you are going to
do about that.
Conrad: Is the applicant, Mark Koegler present, and if he would like
to address this question.
Mark Koegler: My involvement with the city goes back to about
1978. In that time period I guess I have experienced various types of
road servicing on Yosemite and various types of grading. I am aware
that the project's impact will be substantial. I think the question
is if municipal street improvements are desired. The question to the
engineers ia how that will be addressed. That is definitely off
site as far as this property goes. The fourth addition on the east
side ultimately mayor may not have access onto Yosemite. At this
point in time, this plat will be subject to tonights action.
Conrad asked if Bill had any comments.
Monk: As we look at the pheasant Hill subdivision as part of the plat
overall, I can give a general answer. One of the things the city was
striving for as we looked at this plan was not to hold with anyone
street with all the traffic on the subdivision knowing that a lot of
the surrounding land in this area was rural in nature and not subject
to urban type development. One of the things the city pushed for
while laying down the plan, was an easement be required so that
pheasant Drive could be extended out to Galpin. Again you take
some of the road off the eastern and southern areas of town, the city
has since done feasability studies and is hearing a public hearing
Monday to consider improvements to Lake Lucy Road already from County
Ro ad 11 7 0 ve r t 0 Co un t y R 0 a d 1 7 . I am a wa r e t hat Yo s em i t e f r om
approximate this location down to Lake Lucy Road is gravel at this
time. There are no plans to pave that road but again, no petition was
received to improve it or if the city found it impossible to maintain
its present condition as development occurs, I am sure the project
would be proposed. That was just an overall concept that was
recommended and is about the best answer I can give at this point.
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May 14, 1986
Page Six
Conrad: Does that answer your question. Basically the answer is that
nothing can be done at this point in time unless there is a petition
to do something to that.
Harry DeSantes: There is only two lanes that you can run that traffic
out and only if at all, down Yosemite Avenue it. seems like we
have more traffic there than we have downtown half of the time.
Conrad: That does present a fair number of new vehicles going down
tha t road.
Monk: There is no question that the traffic is increased
throughout the entire area. As I said, what you have really got is
~n urban development at the fringe of a rural area, and these types
of problems come up. The City is facing that as we look at improving
Lake Lucy Road. Many of the people have been there a long time and
aren't too keen, to say the least, on seeing it improved and see it
turned into more of a major roadway. But I guess that is some of
things that happens in these cities as it develops, and I am not sure
I can give an answer that is going to satisfy everybody.
James VanLawrence: I live at 6371 Yosemite and I want to address that
same problem that Harry was talking about. The vehicles on Yosemite,
I have been there for 16 years almost now, and the traffic has
increased quite noticeably. Vehicles turning up 63rd Street are
coming along at a pretty good clip and they will miss the turn on 63rd
and all of a sudden I will hear brakes and wheels sliding as they go
by and they have to put it in reverse and back up the hill again to
get into the subdivision. I come out of my yard, which has always
been enclosed by evergreens, and I have to be cautious about the
traffic from years ago wasn't a serious problem. My wife and I over
the years have been hiking and jogging and riding bicycles around
Yosemite down Lake Lucy to 117 and back up Murry Hill and this last
week the traffic on Lake Lucy Road, we almost got run off the road by
somebody that was apparently trying to figure out how to get up to
that subdivision looking at a map and not watching the road. So we
are seeing a great increase in traffic in what used to be generally a
rural area and for us citizens that have been there for quite some
time, dumping alot of these people in here and then to even propose to
bring another road back onto Yosemite is completely unreasonable as
far as I am concerned. It is within a 100 yards of my property line.
I can sympthize with Mr. DeSantes over there.
Motion to close public hearing was made by Thompson, seconded by
Seigel. All voted in favor of closing public hearing.
Conrad asked what he thought about traffic. What do you think about
recommending to the Council?
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May 14, 1986
Page Seven
Thompson: I think the traffic has already been cleared up based upon
the approval of the subdivision, as an alteration to the subdivision.
The subdivision won't make that much difference as far as traffic. As
Bill says, this is an urban area bordering on a rural area.
Unfortunately there is going to be an increase in traffic. I live on
Pleasant View Road and there isn't anything immediately next to me
that is being developed because of a lot of stuff down on 101 but
traffic has tripled on Pleasant View Road. I think that this is part
of the problems you have when you have urbanization in a rural area.
Erhart: I agree with Mike that it is zoned for a subdivision as
part of the original plan and I think the conclusion to the traffic
problem is as Bill mentioned, to improve the streets in the area to
coincide with the development.
Conrad asked Bill, as a resident, what would you recommend to these
two gentlemen do to stimulate interest on doing a paving project in
that area.
Monk: Again, there are two ways it will occur. One is to
directly petition for it. The City would entertain a petition and
perhaps proceed with the project. The other is if the city can not
keep up with ma i ntenance as it happens on Lake Lucy Road, then the
city might have to initiate its own project. Those are the two ways
that improvements take place.
Motion by Thompson, seconded by Emmings that the Planning Commission
recommend approval of Final Plan Amendment Request 83-1 for platting
six single family lots in Outlot 0 as presented on the plans stamped
"Received April 24, 1986" and subject to the following conditions:
1. Creation of a 10 foot landscaped strip along the two lots abutting
Lake Lucy Road.
2. Shorten the cul-de-sac ten feet.
3. All construction meet urban design standards for utilties.
4. Site grading be required to route runoff away for the already
developed property to the east.
All voted in favor of the Motion and the Motion carried unanimously.
Conrad: This item will reach City Council on June 2nd and
for those two gentlemen who had comments I think it is valid if you
are concerned about Yosemite, I think you should do something now,
I think it would be valid to submit a petition of the neighborhood to
the city and I think they will listen to you. We are not going to
include it as part of what we are talking about here tonight but I
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May 14, 1986
Page Eight
think you have some valid concerns and if you want action quickly, or
at least if you want staff to consider it quickly, you should
submit a petition by the neighborhood. Thank you.
5. Tomac Development:
a. Request to rezone 5.4 acres of C-1, Office Building to C-2,
Commercial on property located at the southwest corner of
Hwy. 7 and 41.
b. Preliminary plat request to subdivide 7.9 acres into six lots
on property zoned R-1, Single Family Residence and C-l,
Office Building and located at the northeast corner of Hwy.
101 and Lake Drive East.
Public Present
Steve Ruegg
Sam Stern
Todd Thompson
Doug Arndt, Jr.
Doug Arndt, Sr.
Robert Vanhey
1610 So 6th St., Mpls
5401 Gamble Drive, #200, Mpls.
19705 Grandview, Excelsior
4225 Northern Road, Excelsior
17190 3rd Avenue No, Plymouth
Heise, Vanhey & Assoc-Architects
119 No. 4th Street, Mpls.
Heise, Vanhey & Assoc.
2204 Girard Avenue So., Mpls.
Land Design & Planning
Wm. R. Engelhardt Assoc.
5915 Galpin Lake Road
1780 Lake Lucy Road
6441 Oriole Avenue
6451 Oriole Avenue
6451 Oriole Avenue
6441 Oriole Avenue
6461 Oriole Avenue
2521 Orchard Lane
J.D. MacRae
Reed Becker
Stephen Sullivan
Dennis W. Saari
Robert Reutiman
Mrs. David Hughes
Dolores Ziegler
Fay Dudycha
Don Dudycha
Kenneth W. Ziegler
Sandy Lehmer
Gene Conner
Dacy: I would like to cover both the rezoning issue and the
preliminary plat request at once. Both myself and the city engineer
have small presentations.
The parcel is located at the corner of TH 7 and TH 41. As everyone
knows, there is a lot of history to this particular parcel. In your
packets we did attach all of the petition letters, correspondence
received and records to the 1985 request as well as previous history
. prior to that. As you recall, originally in 1983 Mr. Reutiman
Planning Commission Minutes
May 14, 1986
Page Nine
petitioned for a land use amendment for the area from low density
residential to commercial. That request was denied in 198~ Then
last year at approximately the same time, the planning commission and
the council considered the present applicant's land use plan amendment
zoning request and plat request. The Planning Commission as to the
land use plan amendment request from residential to commercial came to
a split vote at that meeting on page 5 of that meeting and it is
attached to your packet. No decision could be reached on the plan
amendment request and the minutes reflected each of the members
particular findings regarding the proposed request. The City Council
on June 3, 1985 did approve the land use request to commercial and did
move to rezone the property, except for the Reutiman house which is
legally part of the property, to C-l, Office Building District. The
preliminary plat application however, was tabled at the request of the
applicant. So now, the request, and just for the sake of clarity, the
last page of your packet should be the same transparency. Now the
applicant's request is to rezone the northeast corner of the "property
from C-l to C-2 leaving the western part of the property as C-l and
the Reutiman lot as R-l.
I would like to briefly review the differences as far as the uses
concerned between the C-l and the C-2 district. For permitted uses,
the C-l district is strictly administrative, medical, professional and
executive offices and also the C-l district permits financial institu-
tions. As a conditional use, C-l district will allow hospitals,
mortuaries, research facilities and single family and multi family
uses. The C-2 district is more intense. It will permit general
retail uses, financial institutions, offices, restaurants, theaters,
taverns, and I qualify tavern use because that is also governed by
liquor ordinance by the states regulations as far on-salejoff-sale
liquor, dry cleaning establishments, and civic institutions. As a
conditional use, it will a~low auto service stations, drive-in estab-
lishments, motels, hotels, parking ramps and private clubs and lodges.
The proposed transition is from the more intense C-2 use to the resi-
dential area. Now that the existing area is zoned C-l as Lots 2 and 5
develop during the site plan review procedure, screening will be
required between the residential area and the commercial area. As you
know, TH 41 and TH 7 are designated as arterials. Staff's position
remains the same from 1985 wherein the proposal is providing a transi-
tion of uses from the single family to the C-l office district into
the C-2 district. This part of the parcel is located at a major
intersection. We feel that the proposed C-2 zoning is appropriate at
the proposed location. I would like to move into the plat description
in a little more detail now.
The preliminary plat as you see before you proposes a set of
private streets as was the plan last year, but a right in only off of
TH 7, right in only off of TH 41 and an intersection on 64th street.
Also, different from last year's application was that Oriole Avenue is
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May 14, 1986
Page Ten
to remain open. To refresh your memory a little bit I will put up the
plat from last year's application. You can see this was labeled as
Option No.2. There were 5 options being considered at the time of
the plat review. However, because the plat was tabled there really
was no consensus or direction about the traffic pattern. This was the
proposed request last year which did close Oriole Avenue and provide a
connection from Oriole Avenue to a new intersection on TH 7 which
would have required median improvements and a right turn lane improvement
onto TH 7. So there is a switch in that the previous plan there was
a lot of emphasis on the impact onto TH 7 but in the proposed plan
that is lessened to a certain degree. As you know, the city is
participating in a Corridor Study of TH 7 corridor study with adjacent
communities and MnDot and the Metropolitan Council. The corridor
study is still in its preliminary stages. In fact, they did hold the
public hearing in April and more public hearings are scheduled for the
summer. possible completion at the end of the summer and maybe this
fall. But the intent of this study is to look at the function and
design of TH 7 as its function in the southwest area in a regional
context. Staff did meet with the consulting firm and forwarded the
information to BRW. The proposed plan is not contrary to anything
that is now being considered by the consultant. As I said, they are
now in the preliminary stages. The proposed plan has been considered
by MnDot. A letter is included in your packet in which they are in
general agreement with the proposed plan subject to certain design
requirements for the right hand turn off of TH 7 and 41. This is a
transparency of their attachment to their letter. As you can see,
they are recommending that certain design requirements for both of the
right turn movements. They had a concern about site signage on
site and wanted to make sure that the one way traffic in would not be
directed back out in the same direction that they came. So they also
had noted some sign requirements as well. Because of the concerns
raised at the last applicant during the last year, staff also
recommended that the applicate get a traffic analysis by a traffic
engineering firm. Thus included in your packet is the report from
Barton-Aschman Associates, Inc. Basically they have four findings
regarding proposed traffic planning.
1. The intersection can handle the proposed traffic generated under
the proposed zoning plan. However, they do have four
recommendations as far as traffic improvements.
a. That 64th Street from the intersection be improved as it
approaches TH 41 and the City Engineer will go into more
detail as to that;
b. That the traffic turning right from the interior access onto
64th Street be discouraged as much as possible. They
suggested a sign, for example saying "Local Traffic Only";
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May 14, 1986
Page Eleven
c. They state a concern that the right in only off of TH 7
should not conflict with access to Oriole Avenue, and
d. That the existing shoulder off of TH 41 act as a storge and
decleration area into the site.
I would like to go to the City Engineer who has more detail as far as
drainage is concerned and on the traffic.
Monk: I wanted to start by saying that I think everybody is pretty
familar with the setting so I will forego portions. To answer your
questions, I will attempt to answer them as they come out. As far as
access goes, this plan does rely upon two right ins. One from TH 7
and one from TH 41. Major reliance, not so much for an entrance but
for an exit, lies entirely upon 64th Street. Based on the findings of
the traffic study that was submitted which I agreed to in almost all
portions, did show that traffic levels at peak hours can be
tolerated as for residential streets and will not reduce or show a
warrant at this point based on the ultimate development numbers used
don't show a warrant for a traffic signal being needed on TH 41 which
is of interest to the city also. But there is no question that a
variance to a portion of west 64th Street would be required with the
exception of West 64th Street that would have to be improved far from
TH 41 down to the curb in the road which basically is where the entrance
goes into the commercial site. This is just for location purposes
just to give an overall view of existing streets in the area. I did a
free hand blow-up of that portion of the street to give you a rough
idea of what improvements would be needed. This is the same lines as
you saw on a previous map. TH 41 and 64th Street from point 1 into
the commercial entrance. The improvements to 64th Street would
include widening for two through lanes and then additional lanes for a
right into the commercial site and for a right turn onto TH 41 so
that traffic could be moved in conjunction with the recommendations
of the traffic study. Staff is recommending that those improvements
to 64th Street be included as any form of approval of this
I will switch into a discussion of the water and storm sewer. It is
kind of a busy drawing but it shows the contour on the site as they
were basically being developed. The plan that is being developed
right now is in accordance with city policy that says that the rate of
runoff of the site prior to development must be the same after
development, but developers have come in there with a series of ponds
around the exterior of the various lots that would release onto 64th
Street at the same rate that the site releases right now. In essence
the watershed district and the city requirements for drainage from
this study would be met and although there would be considerable
increase in volume of runoff, the rate would be controlled at the rate
Planning Commission Minutes
May 14, 1986
Page Twelve
that exists now. From the city's perspective I am not real excited
about the drainage plan because it does call for outletting water that
will run over the streets. There has been a drainage deficiency in
this area for some time. Again we go back to an old wall street map
of this area. Drainage from this site as well as_ some drainage from
the school and drainage from property to the south of the road, all
drain onto the street, drain westerly down the street to a low point
just before you get to water, at this point it moves off the road,
across basically two properties. This one here and the one over here.
There is no easement or anything, it is just a long standing drainage
way. The water carries across that area. If any development were to
occur here, whether it was commercial or residential, it would be an
increase in runoff and what I am proposing if this goes to City
Council, that the council give consideration to a minor storm sewer
improvement in this area that would include installation of catch
bases in this area requiring easements and a pipe that would direct
water down to this area to a better outlet and improve the handling of
the water. From that point, any development that would occur on this
site would, through the deletion of several ponds, would be allowed to
be piped down to that drainage way system for just an overall better
collection of water, not only for this site but for the entire
neighborhood, and I guess that is the concept that I will be taking to
City Council, but again the proposal as it has been made does adhere
to city requirements for control of the rate of runoff and the intent
for recommending that we get down to this low point, make some storn
sewer improvements where pipe could be run down to this development
would again allow us to or the developer to delete several of the
ponds in this area which I think would be to everyone's benefit and to
use some of the ponds to control the rate, but then to pipe the water
down to a better discharge point.
I am going to end it with that, I am sure there will be a lot of
questions on this, not only from a legality standpoint but also from
the dra inage and traffic prospecti ve but I guess I would just as soon
wait for questions at this time.
Doug Arndt Jr.: I am one of the partners in Tomac Development.
Thank you for your time tonight. The reason that we are here
requesting the C-2 zoning is that there is a need found through calls
and interest in the site. What we are proposing to develop on the
site, the southeast corner is a 28,000 foot high quality retail
service type center that would be of benefit to the neighborhood and
immediate area. Not just a plain old strip service center, but a very
nice upscale type project. The reason that we discovered the interest
in it is because close to 50% is verbally preleased. I wouldn't say
that we haven't entered into any leases until we get through the
various processes that we have to go through. We have preliminary
financing committed to the project, we are willing to enter into the
developers agreement the city engineers has recommended. We came back
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May 14, 1986
Page Thirteen
as opposed to what you recall we went through last year, with a
specific proposal and we tried to address some of the problems that
came up last year and solve them as best we can. We would like to ask
for your approval tonight. If I may, I would like to introduce our
architect, Bob Vanney and with your indulgence, to give him a couple
of minutes to quickly run through what we are proposing for the site.
Bob Vanney, of Heise, Vanney and Associates: I am Vice President of
the company and I brought with me our design team, the project
manager and J.D. MacRae from our office and if you will, give us a few
minutes we would like to explain to you and show you what type of
development we are proposing. (They then set up drawings of the
proposed development.) As Doug Arndt Jr. said we are proposing a
27,5lHJ square foot development and before we do get into that I would
like to take a minute to inform the commission and the other people.
We have also brought along some other members of our design team to
answer some questions if you have them, we have Steve Sullivan,
Landscape Architect, we have brought along Steve Ruegg from Barton-
Aschman, traffic consultant, we also have two representatives from Wm.
R. Engelhardt Associates, civil engineer, that being William
Engelhardt and Dennis Saari. If you have questions regarding those
matters we are prepared to answer them as well.
One of the things that the developers came to us with was a couple of
charges. First of all they came with to us with the charges that the
City Council and Planning Commission had given them last time and that
was to address traffic issues and to address appropriate development
of this site. Second of all they came to us with the charge of the
owners on this site. They are going to be here for a long time. They
are going to own the building, manage the building and they want the
neighbors in the area to support the building and retail development
within the building. As part of being a good neighbor they also
wan ted us to develop a qual i ty leve 1 with i n the cen ter tha t the
community would support and the commission and the city council. So
as you can see on these drawings, we tried to create, and we feel we
have done that, created a specialty retail center that would provide
upscale retail for the area. You can see in our planning that we
provided an interesting plan with landscaping, the appropriate amount
of parking, in fact we provided more parking then is required by the
city limits, and you can see in our rendering that an architectual
expression of an appropriate scale to the adjacent ne{ghbor and also
we have used residential type of elements to again, address the
appropriate scale and residential feeling. Also the height of the
building, and this is plus or minus, about 16 feet. Basically a one
story building. The other thing we included in this plan is again, a
change from the standard strip center and convenience group of stores,
and that is we have included an enclosed walkway. That enclosed
walkway upgrades the center from an occasional convenience, stop in,
jump out of the car, back out and off the site to more of a shoppers
Planning Commission Minutes
May 14, 1986
Page Fourteen
type of center to come to. Enclosed to be free from the elements and
encouraging flow through types of clientelle. As Doug had mentioned
earlier , the reason we were going to r eta i 1 at this site was that we
don't feel that the zoning for an office building is appropriate for
this site. The level of traffic that is on the site, or around the
site would support the retail. The area needs i retail center. We
just have gotten an enormous response for prospective tenants. We
also feel that an office use on this site would generate other spinoff
developments and this type of thing, in fact other type of things,
more convenience related retail, will start to generate because the
office workers and tenants there would demand that to the area. As
you can see on the plan, we have the retail center facing internally
in the site. We did that for a couple of different reasons. One of
the things that we were very concerned about is the outer expression
in the center. We did not want to impose onto the adjacent
properties. We felt that by turning inside we would be able to spur
development on the other outlots for the inside creating a developed
area that becomes an entity in itself. We are also addressing a grade
change along TH 41 as you go to the south. The grade is about 14 to
16 feet above the floor level of the center, so rather than facing
into the side of the hill you face into our development. I guess that
within the C-l zoning, we are not asking for any variances within that
zoning, we will not ask for any rezoning. We will not need any, we
would be able to conform very comfortably to all the compliances of
that zoning. I guess with that I would like to stop our portion of
the presentation and entertain any questions the commission may have
of us or our consultants.
Conrad: Does anyone have any questions of the developers or if you
have any specific things that you would like to clear up, I think we
can talk to them or else I will open it up for public hearing and we
can go in and follow up with more detailed questions later on. Okay
we will open the public hearing now that we have had the developers
presentation. Are there other comments that people would like to
make, that is if you have some comments, we would sure like you to
precede your comments with your name so that we have that for Our
Gene Conner: I have a couple of questions. They talk about the
intersection of 64th Street and the comment was made that their
traffic study at the present time did show that a signal would be
necessary at 64th Street. Assuming that this development did prove to
be successful and generated quite a bit of traffic and in addition to
which, the C-l portion of the property was developed and it generated
even more traffic, would the state even allow a signal at 64th Street.
When I talked to the State on the last go around, they indicated to me
that they would not consider a traffic signal that close to the
intersection of TH 7 and TH 41. Has the State been approached by the
Planning Commission Minutes
May 14, 1986
Page Fifteen
possibility of a signal there in the case of a necessity there in the
Monk: I have talked to MnDot and I guess I am surprised by
your comment because I talked personally to a couple of MnDot
representatives and was told by two that basically a signal could
be put there. They hope that the warrants never show it. The traffic
study does take into account estimates for full development. Not only
the C-2 but basically of the whole site. That doesn't mean that other
development from, I don't know if the owners would sell, but if they
were to develop their property too, and the whole place was developed,
the traffic study didn't warrant a signal. Two people from MnDot had
said that. I will check it again for those counts, but that is what
was said.
Gene Conner: The other concern I have from a traffic standpoint, and
I say "I" as opposed to saying "we", is you talked about a sign "Local
Traffic Only". Well as sometimes not too perhaps responsible of a
citizen, I have been known to ignore "Local Traffic Only" signs
thoroughly when it is more convenient for me to go that way then
another way. Do you really think a Local Traffic Only sign does any
good for people that use the area frequently and really know their way
I don't know whether another possibility would be a One Way
Only east on 64th street but that might pose other problems as far as
accidents are concerned for the neighborhood. I really don't know what
the solution to that problem is. I foresee a lot of traffic coming
out of that job once you go west on TH 7 coming down and going down,
not exiting on Oriole but going down Orchard Lane to the next exit so
rather than going east on 64th Street, trying to make a left turn
against traffic and then going west on TH 7. I see that as a
potential real problem.
Monk: Again I will go back to my free hand sketch. What Mr. Conners
is talking about is basically people coming out of the commercial site
and turning right, going through the development, using Oriole and
local streets basically to exit onto TH 7 is a concern. One of the
things I am looking at right now is that the proposal does include in
the second plan that just was submitted for a future meeting,
construction of this private road with a right hand turn lane to
almost make it easier for people to make a right hand turn and one of
the things I would probably recommend if that go through, that there
be no right hand turn lane but instead just one lane coming down so
people be required to wait that long so at that point they might just
make a left instead of going to the right. Another possiblity that we
did look at was to curb this around and basically make the through
movement into the commercial site and bring this into a "T" which
e would maybe make it a little bit easier for people to go out. The
Planning Commission Minutes
May 14, 1986
Page Sixteen
problem I have wi th that i s that I have never been i nvol vedw i th a
project where you run municipal street directly into a private street
and stop traffic on public street, but instead make the public street
a through street, so at this point I am not recommending that.
The thing you mentioned about the One Way only basically does not let
people coming into. the neighborhood use 64th Street, so we kind of
ruled that out. No Right Turn, basically what you get into is you
have a sign that says No Right Turn unless you live here. There is
the same possibility using-another sign for the same purpose but we
would definitely have to take a look at that. It would have to be
monitored. There is no questions that any proposal we are making
here that we probably would do traffic counts here and take a look at
what could be done. If it did get real bad we might get into No Right
Gene Conner: What would be enforceable and probably would be
acceptable to the neighborhood is a very low speed limit of 15-20 MPH.
Monk: You could do that, but keep in mind, I am not trying
to find fault with this, but these things have been tried before. If
you get a ticket for less than 30 MPH you have to have that speed
limit approved by the State. I can try to get it approved by the
State but they send their experts out, look for vertical curves,
horizontal curves and if it doesn't warrant a reduced speed, they
wouldn't approve it, because everybody wants their streets to have 15
MPH and they could get thousand requests a year. We could do that. A
lot of cities sign their street down but it does become an enforcement
problem because somebody fights the ticket. You can't uphold in
Court. There are a lot of possibilities ! guess that go through my
mind on what we might do and I haven't made a decison at this point
and I am not making a recommendation on how that would be signed or
even how it would be constructed. We get more into that as any
specific site plan 'would come in and as I said one is in right now for
this portion of the property and then we will have to make some
decisions about traffic iSlands, and turn lanes and a10t of those
other things. But this is the basic alignment and we will have to
take a look at this because the big failing is in that right turn.
This is not an answer so much as it is an acknowledgment of the
Gene Conner: The first gentlemen said there was a Reed for C-
2 zoning. I hope nobody will object too greatly if I retranslated
that as I heard it to if we are going to be able to do anything with
the property we can't do it as C-l. I see that as their need, not
necessarily as our need, the City of Chanhassen's need. The architect
said that the City Council gave them a format, a charter they
could have an appropriate plan. As I recall the City Council's action
on the last go around, what city council gave them was a direction
that if the property was to be developed it would be within the C-l
Planning Commission Minutes
May 14, 1996
Page Seventeen
concept, and I view this, and please don't misunderstand this becaupe
I think the plan they have today is infinitely better than what they
had before, but my intitia1 reaction was well here we go again.
Even though I see this as a lot better, I don't think I speak just for
myself, in the previous go around I have to admit that I had great
concern with the concept of creeping toward commercialism. The rest
of the property will remain zoned C-I for the present time. If it
doesn't develop as C-l, then they will come back and ask for C-2 for
the rest of the property. I think that bothers us.
Conrad: I understand your concern.
Dolores Ziegler: I 1i ve right next to the property. I think it
should be go back to residential again.
Conrad: Where do you live?
Dolores Ziegler: I live next door, on the west side.
Conner: Bob Wagner and I discussed to make a specific proposal that it
be rezoned residential.
Mrs. Ziegler: That was discussed last time. Why should we keep going
higher and higher because you have to live there. One more thing, fast
food and Hardees wasn't even brought up in the meeting.
Dacy: I think the map you are referring to is enclosed in the traffic
analysis report. Yes, exactly right. What the applicants need to do
first is apply for a rezoning and get the plat approved before uses
can be b~ilt and proposed on the site, and that is the basis for the
whole rezoning request. What the commission and council has to
decide, is the C-2 district fo~ those three lots appropriate with the
understanding that the C-2 district will allow fast food, standard
restaurants, and the pommercial center that the applicant has now
shown you tonight. So the action tonight is for the rezoning request.
If the council denies the C-2 rezoning request, then obviously those
uses can not be located on the site so they are starting allover
aga in I guess.
Jay Johnson: 9496 Saratoga Drive. What kind of shops or whatever
are going in generality are we talking here. Are we talking a Hardees
will be inside here or Brauns Fashions or what type. What are we
looking at for this type of building?
Doug Arndt Jr.:L The types of tenants that would fit within
this specialty retail, as we call it, and I will give you general
catagories because it wouldn't be appropriate at this time to mention
any specific stores, but I think from this list and their description
I think you can get the general idea. The specialty groce~y store,
Planning Commission Minutes
May 14, 1986
Page Eighteen
specialty hardware, boat accessories, wome~'s sportswear, mens
sportswear, men and womens shoes, hobby store, a medium range to
high range liquor store, not a discount liquor store. Those are
the types of tenants that we are looking for and that the development
is pursuing and have had interest in a great deal.
Jay Johnson: What is the back of the property supposed to be
looking at? You have drawings of the front of the property, the
bacl of the property would be toward the highway. Is that concealed
by hills and shrubbery or are the residents looking at backdoors and
garbage cans?
Doug Arndt Jr.: Two things. There will be no garbage cans on
the site obviously. We wil 1 meet all city ordinances for
concealed trash containers which is built into our site plan. We
have got an expensive and extensive landscaping plan proposed.
Motion to close public hearing by Emming, seconded by Siegel. All
voted in favor of closing public hearing, and motion carried.
Conrad: For some of us this has been important, for some of
you I don't know if you have been around to hear some of the past,
hopefully you have read some of the history, there has been a little
bit of history to this and I hope that you have toured the site. That
helps a little bit. Mike you have been here before, I am going to
start with you as far as comments or questions to the developer and
comments on the rezoning. .
Thompson: Where on the drawing does the three lots show just
where the center layout is. The one that they have up here.
Dacy showed where the three lots were located on the map.
Thompson: The layout we are looking at would actually have two
lots above that would be C-2. This was zoned by the council right?
Dacy: That is correct.
Planning Commission Minutes
May 14, 1986
Page Nineteen
Thompson: For some reason this was just a guide plan but I guess
maybe it wasn't. You seem to refer to the fact that when it was here
before we didn't have a consensus, and I guess looking at the minutes
I would have to agree with you, but my recollection of that meeting
was that we did have some consensus as this issue departed from the
Planning Commission. I sort of felt that at that time the problem was
that what we were dealing with was whether it was going to be
residential or commercial and I think that we all agreed that maybe it
wasn't a single family location but there was some other residential
uses or if it were commercial we were looking for a less intense
commercial use and at that time the C-2 was described to us versus C-l
we chose C-1 because we thought that maybe C-1 was more compatible
because we were introducing into a residential neighborhood a
commercial use. I thought the majority of us felt that C-l would
work, now maybe I am wrong. Obviously it went to council and that is
what happened, am I correct?
Dacy: This is correct.
Thompson: Then it came back and then th i s was zoned a yea r ago?
Dacy: Yes.
Thompson: At that point the developer dropped his request for final
approval or what?
Dacy: They acted on land use plan amendment first then the rezoning
to C-l and then at the request of the applicant, the preliminary plat
application was tabled. So there was no action on the plat.
Thompson: If there was any specific request at that time for the
use of the property that they had specific uses that they were
proposing for that rezoning?
Dacy: Do you mean the applicant's specific use?
Thompson: Yes.
Dacy: Not that I recall.
Thompson: Is it to our benefit to zone property without a particular
use in an area as sensitive as this area?
Dacy: I think in your evaluation of the zoning case, you have to
look at what a C-2 district is going to allow. You have to feel
comfortable with the uses proposed in that they can locate them
without any adverse impact because once it is zoned, as you well know,
then uses that are permitted by right do have the legal right to
locate on this parcel.
Planning Commission Minutes
May 14, 1986
Page Twenty
Thompson: For instance, lets say that we looked at this on a
favorable basis, and right before us we have nothing other than what
we have shown. You haven't presented us with a plan have you?
Dacy: No.
Thompson: Unless I am overlooking something, I have no plan in my
packet for that property. All I have is a piece of property that they
want to go C-2 and in that particular plan we don't even show what the
other two lots would be, so they could be any use tha t C- 2 would allow
at this point.
Dacy: That is correct.
Thompson: In some instances that isn't always necessarily to our
advantage or the city' advantage to go ahead and zone something
without a request particularly when we are changing the zoning and
particularily when the zoning of the property at this point is
probably acceptable.
Dacy: I think it is a double edged sword. If they did come
in with a specific site plan for a commercial building and two
restaurants on the out sites, everything is approved at once, but lets
say that the three proposals are dropped by the three proposal owners,
you still have the property zoned C-2 and then anything can go in
Thompson: You could make it a condition of that zoning, couldn't
you? I know that some communities for instance, they impose a PUD
ordinance based on a specific plan, saying that this particular piece
of property can have this type of use based on a PUD which has to be
approved specifically and that specific plan has to be approved and if
it isn't there, then that use isn't allowed.
Dacy: Once the property is zoned C-2 then the City has authorized any
permitted use in that district to locate on that property and to
condition a rezoning for a specific use, I am confident that the City
At torney would come back and say tha t tha t would not be proper. Tha t
would be referred to as contract zoning for a specific use.
Thompson: You would agree that this particular piece of property
though is a fairly sensitive area based on the residential opposition
that we have had in the past on this?
Dacy: That is why staff felt that it was imperative to keep the
C-l buffer between the residential areas. From the previous plan the
C-2 area would touch the corner of the Reutiman prope.rty and Ziegler
property, however, under this proposed traffic plan, what is being
proposed is a reservation of at least another strip of buffer there.
Planning Commission Minutes
May 14, 1986
Page Twenty One
Thompson: I take it that since there is not a large group of people
like there usually is, that the developer has had neighborhood
meetings with all the neighborhoods over there and removed all of the
opposition to the project.
Dacy: There was a meeting on Saturday out at the site for planning
commission members as well as the homeowners.
Thompson: Does it show on the public hearing notice as to who was
notified based on this?
Dacy: Yes. Approximately 40-50 people were notified.
Thompson: Did all of those people received those notices about 10
days before the meeting?
Dacy: Yes, I have an Affidavit of Mailing.
Thompson: To make some additional comments in relation to this,
I would like to point out that some people don't consider the shopping
center across the street as a successful shopping center, if you would
at least this point of the stage. I have heard them say that. I
don't know if that has changed in the past couple of years. I guess I
would like to hear some other comments before I decide.
Siegel: The only thing I have to say, that it seems to me that this
is a very nice plan for the center location. I am concerned that the
C-l designation here would be eventually changed to C-2 also would be
for the citizens benefit have to come before the Planning Commission
again or if approved, that would be a serious concern. Other than the
express comments from the public and engineer about the traffic
problems, I think it is appropriate use.
Emmings: I tend toward, yes, I think the C-l is very appropriate and
the C-2 is very questionable on this site and I think that I read the
stuff in the packet and yes, I am firmly convinced that traffic is a
terrible problem and I know, that there is no doubt in my mind that
traffic is going to go down Oriole to get up to TH 7, there is just no
doubt in my mind at all. That is the way I think I would go no matter
what sign was up there. I guess I am troubled by the order of
development too. They wanted commercial use and they got that last
year and now they want to go C-2 because they don't have the demand
for C-l. C-l is supposed to be the transition between the C-2 and
neighborhood and there doesn't seem to be enough demand for them to be
building it. It makes me wonder if that transition is anything that
is ever going to be real. Maybe the presence of the shopping center,
which I think is a very nice plan, I really like it, I really have no
trouble with it at all, but what if the C-l is never built. What if
there is never a demand for C-l, then we have lost the transitional
Planning Commission Minutes
May 14, 1986
Page Twenty Two
use between the properties and I think that is very important, that
transition. I would be a lot happier if the order of development were
different and C-l were being built now and the C-2 later. That is a
huge parking lot out there in front of this place and it has got to be
well lit and all of that light is going to be washing into the neighbors,
a lot of people are shaking their heads, I guess I am wrong about
that, if you want to address that, but I would certainly be in favor
of hearing about that, and yet the C-l would be awkard for that light
and I don't see the C-l being built. I guess I wonder do they think
the presence of the shopping center would bring in more interest in
the office type development?
Doug Arndt Sr.: I would like to speak for the whole group. I have
been a developer for my whole life, and am currently with the Krause-
Anderson Company and I am responsible for the shopping center
developments for Krause-Anderson. We are not perfect by a long shot
but we work very hard at it and I think we do, on the average, a good
job. To answer your question, and I guess I can speak to this not
about this property, but just in general because we do have over 40
shopping centers, that office use is usually a result of a commercial
development first. I can't tell you that there aren't always
exceptions to this, but I can show you quite a few of them where we
have put a center in to an area specifically, pioneer Village up in
Blaine, and until we put the shopping center in there, there was no
activity and now we are getting the office, now they are getting some
nice residential that goes along with it. It just happens to be the
example, I not saying that is good or bad, but seems to follow that
kind of a pattern. The office business, and I guess we build those
too, seems to me that sometimes offices are built to be built without
having good justification. To answer the question also that you
raised relative to the buffer, you have an ideal buffer just having
raw land without a building. So your transition retains itself so the
only thing that can be built there eventually would be an office
without coming back and requesting a change of zoning for that area.
I hope that answers that for you.
Emmings: You were one of the people who shook their heads when I was
talking about the lights in the parking lot.
Doug Arndt Sr.: The lighting that is used today in Shopping
center lots does not spray itself out. It is contained lighting, and
as a matter of fact, there is usually a complaint that it doesn't
light up the neighbors back yard quite as well as they would like to
have it lighted, and that happens occasionally. The shopping center
lighting today is really contained lighting and it doesn't spread
itself too far. You can set it and stop it and start it just about
wherever you like. That was the only reason I shook my head. It can
be controlled.
Planning Commiss ion Minutes
May 14, 1986
Page Twenty Three
Conrad: Your comment about transition, open space is a good
transition. I really have a problem with that.
Doug Arndt Sr.: In this particular case, I comment to that
because the only alternative would be the C-2 office building and so
what if from a transition standpoint, it is awfully nice to have a
nice big field between you and anything, regardless of what it is.
Conrad: What we are looking at are residential neighbors that
back up and have empty space unti 1 we get to the shopping center, and
based on elevation and what have you of the property, I'm not sure
that open space would apply to this transition.
Doug Arndt Sr.: I really can't speak for them, but I would assume
that their landscaping program would deal with that.
Emmings: The only other thing I was wondering about with this
shopping center drawing you have out here, how do deliveries get made
to these places? Apparently you don't go behind the building.
Doug Arndt Jr.: How it is going to work is that most of the
uses that we are talking about going in are generally front end
loading type businesses that don't have a need for high volume
deliveries of a semi pulling up or a large truck pulling up. The
doors will be adequate for them, and with the ample parking we have
got, it will be enough to accommodate.
Emmings: My comment would be that if, at the most I think,
changing this one lot, Lot 6, to C-2 for this particular project
doesn't bother me much. I don't see any reason at all to rezone Lot 3
and 4 at this time for a lot of reasons that might be expressed. I
think one of the big problems is traffic and even though he says he
doesn't think it is, I think even to bring 64th Street into the project
more so that 64th will no longer be going west will come out later after
they have already made that corner and they are already heading out on
TH 41 would be better. That corner needs a lot of work and another
thing, if that whole thing were developed putting all that traffic out
onto TH 41, I don't see how it works.
The other thing that bothers me is rezoning Lot 6, g~ving them the C-2
on Lot 6 and seeing this project turn into a gas station and Burger
King or whatever. I don't want to see that. I don't think that is
appropriate in that area.
Erhart stated that regarding the problem with traffic, it appears that
the real concern is that people will go west on 64th Street, go toward
TH 7 try to take a left. Why can't you turn left on TH 7?
Planning Commission Minutes
May 14, 1986
Page Twenty Four
Monk: tha t cou ld be done but tha tal so pr oh ib i ts people who live
in the area from doing the same thing.
Couldn't you go through a service road?
Monk: I'm not suggesting that might be something you couldn't
get, that seems to be the real issue, that people wanting to go west
on TH 7.
Erhart: Regarding the plan, regarding how we got to this
plan, I don't think any of us will say that the city has infinite
wisdom in planning or that the developers do, so I don't have a
problem if we take the time to say that here is a proposal that looks
great and we ought to make some changes to respond to that. The
concern I would have to that is, if we change this to C-2 at this
point, what guarantee is there that this building is going to be
built. What if the developer changes his mind and decides to put a
Burger King in?
Dacy: Yes, that is correct. The applicant has filed a site
plan application for the proposed building but once it is zoned then
any use in that district can occur on that lot. Ownership can change,
new proposals can come in.
e Erhart: I tihnk it was a great proposal. I tend to believe in the
market, and if you guys think you want to spend the money to put a
very nice building that fits into the neighborhood and landscape it
very nice, then that tells me that probably somebody wants it there.
But my concern would be, and this probably is not related to just to
traffic so much, if we rezone things to more aggressive
commercialization, are we losing the ability to allow these people to
know what they are really going to get. Is there any way to get
assurances to that?
Conrad: Once you put the C-2 stamp on that they have the right to
put in anything but we would have the right to reject based on some
other principals. Still they sure have the right, we're talking
Burger Ki ng.
Erhart: There is nothing wrong with Burger King, but I
think if you are going to change it to C-2 you need a center
attraction that is nice and well landscaped.
Conrad: There is no way to guarantee that.
Planning Commission Minutes
May 14, 1986
Page Twenty Five
Erhart: Other than that I agree that, or emphasize in our
comments here that these Lots 2 and 5 should be C-l.
Conrad: Overall, except for the rezoning and the plan request, it
sure is better than what we saw before and I agree with the neighbors,
it is a whole lot better. I had some concerns. I think the traffic
concerns can be resolved. I am real uncomfortable with neighborhood
transition. We talked neighborhood transition a year ago and that was
our C-l but that is blank right now and that is my transition area to
the back yards. We don't know when that is going to be developed and we
don't know if it ever will and therefore, I feel I am loosing a
transitional area and in planning that is rather important. In this
case I don't see that space as being the right transition. That
bothers me and the reason it bothers me is that I don't know if there
is enough space there when something goes in to provide the right
transitional area to back yards or what have you. I don't know what I
want there but I don't know what is going in, therefore I don't know
if that configuration is appropriate. If the road is at the right
location because I don't know what the transitional use is going
there. If it is office building, we just assume the office building
is a transition in itself and needs nothing to separate office from
neighbors. That worries me, that bothers me and that tells me that I
am concerned about the C-2 use because I'm not sure what happens in
the C-l area. The other thing that bothers me is the drainage, and I
would never, and I'm not sure what our city standards are, to
basically be able to contain the same runoff, but I would never allow
the project to go forward unless we felt real good with the storm
water management that you are proposing, Bill. Don't we take
opportunities like this to improve situations rather than to maintain,
maybe a poor one?
Monk: Yes. It becomes extremely difficult when you are talking about
off site and ground stream improvements that bog your area. You
really can't put a condition on this plan that go in a fully improved
drainage system all the way down to the lake when its not even a good
one. So what I am looking at proposing to the council is a joint
venture where we would do the down stream improvements and the
developer would do the up stream improvements and tie into the system,
and through a joint effort you would be able to do area wide storm
work improvements that would benefit a lot of people without requiring
assessments, and I guess I see this as a combined effort, but there
are real legal limits to what we can require as far as off site
improvements go. If they are not fully generating the problem and
they are not. Right now you have got drainage that comes down Oriole
down to tJiis location from the properties in this area and you have
got basically this entire area that drains out here and outlets at
this point. I believe that some of the school property even comes
this way and the other goes to the pond in this direction. There is a
tremendous amount of flow across the site and comes onto the road at
Planning Commission Minutes
May 14, 1986
Page Twenty Six
this location. That is all in addition to what is being generated on
this site and generated by the State Highway. Now, from a legal
standpoint, impossible to require that a developer make off site
improvements when there is so much other benefiting property and I
guess I have come to grips with if we can1t cooperate this point, then
I think we can come up with a better drainage scheme and get rid of
some of the ponds and so on, but if the council baulks at the
improvement project, we would have a very difficult time zoning this
portion saying that this plan didn1t meet our standards because they
are patrolling the rate. Therefore, it is a very complicated issue
and I am hoping that the council will consider these improvements
because this area has been a problem for a long time.
Erhart asked Monk what he had against ponds.
Monk: I don1t have anything against ponds, the problem is based on our
way of thinking, closing four ponds, one is a low area in this
location, one is a low area in this location, they are taking what is
already low water terrain and basically sinking. I guess when you do
that next to parking lots and next to roads, you are basically forcing
the ground in this area to retain moisture and water that it wouldn't
normally retain and I guess creating these multiple ponds here that
will need to periodically be dredged and cleaned out before sediment will
go in them, I am just not convinced that this is the best system and I
think a combined system with several ponds and then a more contained
pipe system is the way to go.
Erhart: What is the problem with having the ground retain the moisture?
Monk: Again, you keep moisture under the ground and then as the
freeze/thaw happens every year, eventually will take its toll.
Creating ponds next to roadways where they would not naturally be, I
don1t see as terribly beneficial to everybody involved.
Erhart: I don't want'to turn this into a pond issue, but if you try
to reduce the rate of runnoff, if you were to put a pipe in, you are
going to get all the runoff at once, where these ponds will delay the
runoff until such time as that over flows and runs off.
Gene Conner: For those of you who don't drive it all the time, even in
very dry weather, I don't mean desert type, but even in normal
weather, there is usually water running down 64th Street most of the
time, not just after a rain. Its almost a creek.
Erhart: Anyway, I think the issue here is the rezoning and I guess
if someone could give me a comment again on what commitments have been
made to actually going through with if it is rezoned.
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May 14, 1986
Page Twenty Seven
Doug Arndt Jr.: What we are doing is, like I said, we have roughly
50% of it preleased for potential tenants like Bob outlined to go into
the project. Obviously I am going to have a hard time coming back in
here telling we are going to build something different. We are not
going to do that. We are going to the site plan review with this
project because this is what we want to build, this is what will work
on the site for us. We are fully intending to enter into development
of this agreement which will contractually bind us to this city to
perform exactly as we said we are going to perform.
Erhart: When would you start construction?
Doug Arndt Jr.: We would like to start construction in July and have
the center open in November, possibly earlier.
Conrad: Any other comments that we didn't make. I guess as the
bottom line, I still am nervous about it and I find that distressing
because I do like what I see there on the plan, I think that is
appropriate. I am nervous about the surrounding areas. I have a
tough time not knowing about that transition area, also rezoning to C-
2 gives more development potential which I don't think is appropriate
for that parcel.
~ Doug Arndt Jr.: What we are proposing with the landscaping, we also
talked about doing some landscaping on the C-l border transition area
that is of concern to you. We have our landscape architect engineer
can give insight into that if you like.
Conrad: Sure, if you can talk about C-l area.
Doug Arndt Jr.: We are certainly willing to address that.
Steve Sullivan: I am the landscape architect that has been involved
with the project that we've done with the design here. What can be
done to replicate this section across the side lines are, what people
are going to be viewing from the back of their homes, based on those
side lines, we could determine where strategically to place plant
materials, within the C-l parcel and try to mitigate any sight lines
that would be in the best interest of those residents. That is what
we are planning to build and that will become part of .the site plan
Erhart: I think my reaction to
the recommendation to landscape
the viewing problems particular
building is built.
that is that ought to be included in
the west side of that in response to
because it will be years before any
Planning Commission Minutes
May 14, 1986
e Page Twenty Eight
Conrad: Yes, it sure could be. I think the first thing I would like
a Motion on is a Motion on the rezoning if somebody would like to
tackle the rezoning issue.
Erhart made the following Motion and Seigel seconded:
1. That the Planning Commissionio~ recommend that the City
Council approve rezoning request #85-2 for the rezoning
of Lots 3, 4 and 6, Block 1 proposed on the preliminary
plat stamped "Received April 23, 1986" to C-2 Commercial
2. The Planning Commission recommends that the City Council
approve Subdivision Request #85-7 as depicted on the
plan stamped "Received April 23, 1986" with the
following conditions:
a. Developer execute a development contract for owner
installation of utility lines with City approval of
final design.
Street improvements to West 64th Street between TH
41 and the site entrance be required as a part of
the development contract with City approval of the
final design.
c. Approval by and compliance with MnDot conditions
for the highway access and drainage system permits.
d. Approval of the final drainage plan by the city and
Watershed District.
e. Tnat landscaping include provisions to mask off the
area between the residents to the west that would
meet staff's approval.
Dacy: Just a note, as site plans would be processed for those
individual lots that screening landscaping, etc. would be required at
that time as well. So your intent is to make it part of the plat
approval so that future site plan reviews shall contain adequate
screening between the residential area and lots 2 and 5.
Emming: I want to know why we 'want to rezone Lots 3 and 4 at this
time? I am not going to be able to vote for your Motion if it
incl udes Lots 3 and 4, I don't see any reason to do that at thi s time.
Otherwise I am basically in agreement. Would you be willing to amend
your Motion to exclude the rezoning of Lots 3 and 4? I would just to
Planning Commission Minutes
May 14, 1986
tit Page Twenty Nine
see that taken one step at a time.
C-l here, I have problems building
C-l as long as we can, I feel that
If they are C-2 they can be as fast
in, without going through us?
I don't have any problem building
C-2 and maybe if we can hold on to
can give us an element of control.
food or whatever they want to put
Dacy: For the rezoning of those two lots? yes.
Emmings: No, if we rezone those and they want to put in anything
under C-2, they don't come back here.
Dacy: If they are a conditional use, and an auto service station is a
conditional use and that does require a public hearing so yes,
you will see them again.
Emmings: But any permitted use under C-2 they don't have to come
Dacy: For a site plan review but the use is not the issue.
Emming: Because this is a sensitive area and because of the
neighborhood concern, I think we ought to keep a greater element of
control on the lots. I would like to see Lots 3 and 4 be withdrawn
from the Motion to rezone.
Seigel: Seems to me that Lots 3 and 4 are more conducive to C-2 than
possible Lot 6. I have less of a problem there possibly than with the
lot designation bordering R-l than with Lot 6 bordering the highway
than Lots 3 and 4.
Erhart: I guess my response would be that I would like to proceed
with it and try another shot at it.
Okay, a motion has been made and seconded.
Motion failed.
Conrad: Do you want to make a Motion Steve?
Emmings: Yes, I would move that the Planning Commission recommend to
the City Council to approve for rezoning for Lot 6, Block 1 proposed on
the preliminary plat stamped "Received April 23, 1986" to C-2
commercial and that we recommend the subdivision request with the
Planning Commission Minutes
May 14, 1986
Page Thirty
conditions as stated by Staff plus the (e) that was previously added
to get the screening onto the C-l area so that we have the C-2 well
screened from the neighbors on the west:
(e) That screening and landscaping be installed along Lots 2
and 5 to adequately screen the C-2-area.
Erhart seconded the Motion.
Erhart Aye
Emmings Aye
Seigel Aye
Conrad Nay
Thompson Nay
Motion Passes.
Conrad: Michael, your reasons for opposing the Motion.
Conrad: Thank you all for attending tonight. We appreciate your
Public Hearing
6. Blue Circle Association:
a. preliminary Plat request to subdivide 1.93 acres into two
commercial lots of 1.35 and .58 acres on property zoned C-2,
Commercial and located at the northeast corner of Hwy 101 and
Lake Drive East.
b. Conditional Use Permit request for gasoline sales on property
zoned C-2, Commercial and located at the northeast corner of
Hwy 101 and Lake Drive East.
Planning Commission Minutes
May 14, 1986
Page Thirty One
public present
Jim and Sue Lawrence
6841 penamint Lane
Dacy: If you don't mind I can cover all three issues at once. The
site is south of the American Legion property, north of the new Lake
Drive East coming from Hwy 101 over into Chanhassen Estates. It was
zoned as part of the Hidden Valley PUD last summer to C-2. The plat
request is basically to split the property so that the second building
that you see on your site plan can be conveyed in separate ownership.
As far as setbacks are concerned, the C-2 district allows buildings
and parking to come up right to the lot line if the adjacent lot is
zoned C-2, so there should be no problems from the setback point of
view. However, we are requiring that Lot 2 should share the access as
proposed on the Lake Drive East.
Thompson: This is the first issue, correct?
Dacy: That is correct. The second issue is the conditional use
permit for gasoline sales. This is the proposed site plan that should
be in your packet. The gas pumps are located in the southwest corner
of the property proposed in conjunction with a Q convenient store on
the western end of the proposal. The site plan review request is just
for the commercial uses itself. This conditional use permit is for the
gasoline sales. We had our public safety director review this site
plan and he advised us that the appropriate permits have to be
obtained by the State for the underground installation of gas tanks.
Also, proposed in conjunction with this are 17 foot 10 inch gas pump
canopy. There is signage proposed on the canopy. Past history in the
City of Chanhassen for signage on gas pump canopys are for example,
the Holiday Station was not granted signage on the canopy. The older
members will recall that the site plan was approved on 169 for Lincoln
Properties to redo the Mobile Station site. One of the conditions of
approval there was that there be no gas canopy signage. Depending on
what the City feels as to continue that policy or to relax that
policy, in this case Staff is recommending that at least signage be
restricted from the south and east sides because that faces the
neighborhood area to the south. As far as the conditional use permit
is concerned for gasoline sales, we are recommending approval subject
to the storage tanks being in compliance with the uniform fire code
and requiring permits obtained and then that signage can only located
along the north and west facia of the canopy then approval of the site
plan request.
The third request, the site plan review request is for a
9,090 square foot shopping center on Lot 1 and 4,000 square foot
commerecial building on Lot 2. The proposed parking requirements that
are based on a ratio of one space for 200 square feet of retail store
Planning Commission Minutes
May 14, 1986
page Thirty Two
area, these are attachments the applicant has outlined exactly how
much retail floor area is going to be used in the shopping center.
The proposed parking does meet the code requirements. utility service
and drainage improvements to the site were addressed during the
original plat process for Hidden Valley. The next issue is traffic
issue and as you note in your report, MnDot was to meet with the.
developer on Monday morning of this week regarding the one way in and
the one way out onto TH HH. At this point I would like to switch to
the City Engineer, he has prepared another condition of approval for
the site plan and when he is completed with that I would like to
follow up with a last few comments.
Monk: As Barbara has noted, the sanitary sewer and water matters were
issued or were resolved as part of the Hidden Valley proposal.
Subsequent runoff will run into the site to service all three utility
items and if there are questions about how exactly this is being done
I can answer those questions as discussion takes place. One of the
issues with this site was its traffic in and out and access. Several
of the things that have been done with the leading entrance and exit
into the sitehas been lined up with Marsh Drive, the access into
Hidden Valley will help eliminate conflicts associated with offset
access and so on. It was very important to staff that any building
proposed on this site basically use that access and developer has been
good about providing that as a major access. Because of the shortness
of the throat in this area, ingrade the access or anything to the
property, we have recommended that the applicants come in for
basically a double exit movement so that right hand turns can be
allowed while people wanting to go straight or turn left can be
accomodated in a separate motion and I think that is very important
again. I am recommending that this island be extended to the north
slightly just to allow for a little bit more satin on the exit mode
and to restrict the entrance movement from cutting the corner and
causing potential conflicts with people trying to get out. The other
issue is, of course, access onto TH 101. Discussion started with the
developer we were talking about whole access on that road and quickly
came down to the everyone realized that that close to Lake Drive East,
another full access just could not tolerate it, and it was a safety
hazard. We started to overtune the right in, right out proposal and I
think did come to agreement on its placement and how to construct it.
In meeting with MnDot, I don't want to get into this too much, but the
proposal is in this location. MnDot started to look at this in terms
of what would happen with the Legion site. There is on question that
their existing access in this location would have to be maintained
until such time as they developed, but what MnDot relations back to is
they would like to see a consolidated access either descending this
property line as Hwy 5 and the Legion develops and ultimate
development in this area takes place. We basically came up with that
it would be very difficult to construct that access in this location
Planning Commission Minutes
May 14, 1986
Page Thirty Three
now because now we are closer to the existing Legion entrance.
Instead we carne up with a proposal condition No. 12 which staff
recommends that the access into this site be allowed as an interim
use. We don't like to use the work temporary or interim, but it be
allowed as a interim use. At such time as the Legion site is
developed, there is no question in my mind that, not only will
the Legion want to maintain some access on the one lane, you will
remember they were platted a separate right of way on the very eastern
edge of the parcel you are looking right now. The full development of
the Legion's property, we did require the developer in Hidden Valley
plot a 613 foot right of way as the major entrance into this Legion
property ultimately. But there is no question that they will want to
maintain also some access onto TH 1131, be it right in or right out,
which is probably what they will get after their plat is approved.
Based on that we put a condition in, the condition no. 12 basically
states that as the Legion site would be developed, we are anticipating
that this is the perferred location for the right in, right out. They
will be constructing that as a part of this site. If that occurs we
are basically saying that the entrance we provided for it now would be
interim and city would have the right to close that entrance and
require access into this right in and right out would be constructed
here, as long as the city is successful in gating the right for that
access, which I think we can condition develop of the Legion property,
we can include that as a condition of their approval. Just because of
the timing difficulty involved when one parcel wants development and
other does not. I would recommend that in addition to the conditions
that the Commission looks at tonight, that they also consider some
form of condition number, I think it is number 12, concerning this
access location. Again, very briefly as I explained, as the
Commission enters into discussion.
Thompson: Bill, did you talk to the applicant about that? Is that an
acceptable solution?
Monk: Yes, they agreed that although my wording may not be perfect on
the condition, I have stated on the condition general comments of
MnDot and if we can work out the details of that access in the future,
that would be agreed. They would have to change the site plan
slightly to accomodate that access but it can be done.
Thompson: This all happened in the past couple of days?
Dacy: Just a couple more thoughts. Just after what Bill has gone
through on the access on the proposed connection possibly in the
future to the Legion property, one of our conditions on the
landscaping plan was to bring landscaping around to the edge of the
building so that it would have a planted area to contain parking on
this corner. I guess at this point that I don't know if the condition
needs to be modified, but our intent would be, obviously we don't want
Planning Commission Minutes
May 14, 1986
Page Thirty Four
to plant any trees, etc. in the way of possible connections so we are
just looking for a modification to bring landscaping around a little
bit to dress up the rear of the building. Very minor correction.
Signage, what is being proposed is a pylon sign in the northwestern
corner of the site and long Lake Drive East. The sign along Lake
Drive East, we would encourage that the applicant install a ground
profile sign instead of a pylon sign to again, minimize impact against
the residential area to the south. As you recall from the Hidden
Valley plat directly across the street from Lake Drive East, is, I
believe a 6 to 8 foot berm along the entire length of Lake Drive East
so that will screen out alot of the activity occuring in the
commercial area here, however, as far as light from the sign, etc. we
would recommend that a ground profile sign would be best in that
location. Trash enclosures and rool top structures are to be screened
as depicted in your sight plan materials. The fire marshall has also
asked that an additional hydrant be located at the entrance to the
site on Lake Drive East to ensure water supply capacity. Also, at
the time of building permit application that one of the parking spaces
may have to be eliminated for proper fire lane access to the building.
This loss of the parking space will not affect ability to provide
adequate parking on site. We are recommending approval of the site
plan review request subject to the twelve conditions contained in the
staff report.
Bob Froemming, Developer: We have gone through and read her comments
to you tonight and we are in agreement to do all those things that
they are recommending.
Conrad: Any other comments.
Thompson moved to close public hearing, Emming seconded.
All voted in favor.
Erhart: What is going to happen to the Legion site? It's for sale
isn't it?
Dacy: It is zoned C-2 for commercial.
Erhart: The Legion site is for sale, I just wanted to. make sure I
wasn't saying something that wasn't true. That's a beautiful site in
our City of Chanhassen, that whole area in between Lake Drive East
and Hwy 5 and Hwy 101 in there, and!. realize that you guys have a
major investment In this thing and want to proceed with something and
you should be allowed to do that. I guess overall from a planning
standpoint I would like to see how, to see if there is anyway to sit
back and look at this thing as a whole site and make sure that we do
as many things as we can today to make it better for all of us down
the road. If you are thinking that someday you might put a road
Planning Commission Minutes
May 14, 1986
Page Thirty Five
across the north the back of the building ever being proposed.
Dacy: The north lot line is the rear of the shopping center.
Thompson: Maybe they don't understand why that Lake Drive is
proposed, I don't know if they understand that concept. These
gentlemen down at the end.
Monk: The development plan shows existing Chanhassen Estates all in
this area and Hidden Valley plot and the Legion property. Right now
the council will be looking at plans and specs for construction of
this entire point road to cope within the next 45 days, so that is
what we anticipate at this point. The first half of this development
is basically in progress right now and is anticipated to be finished
with year with the second half starting later this year or next year.
In looking at the Legion site we did do quite a bit of work in
providing for this access at this location between these two sites in
Hidden Valley. Getting that 60 foot lighted way so that ultimate
development of the Legion could eventually take place while the
building was orientated in this direction, with the parking and
access, directed down to Lake Drive. There is another reason for
the burm and the large land on these lots was to separate these
potential uses. Condition number 12, you know we aren't trying to
over burden this development with conditions, but that is being put in
there because we are concerned about the number of access points
between Lake Drive East and TH 5. As TH 5 gets widen to four lanes,
chances are that there will be median strip going from Lake Drive East
up to TH 5 so the through movements would not be allowed and
consolidation of these access points at that point would be very
desirable. As far as the access into the site goes, one of the things
that we did look at, and we will look at the MnDot drawing. One of
the things we did looked at as this lane comes in, chances are this
will stay. This is the problem, it would stay in at this location but
as soon as you got there you would probably end up at the Legion site
leaving an area here where the back of this building could be
buffered. This is not proposed to be a street all the way through
here. Anything can happen. There is a 10 foot separation now with
the potential for more, but again I think it is good that the chance
that the line would bend in and the reason for this condition is just
to try and provide for the best planning possible as far as access
goes here. It will have a definite effect on these people but the
reasons being put on there is that we are trying to look at the
overall picture.
Erhart: You are proposing that the driveway into the entrance from
this plan up north.
Monk: Eventually, yes, on the plan as it is shown we are recommending
that it be placed as shown and in the future that the access as it is
Planning Commission Minutes
May 14, 1986
Page Thirty Six
planned could be closed and that condition would be viable. The
access at this point would come in off of TH 101 in here. In the
future we recommending again as the Legion Post develops as we
anticipate, they put an access down here but then this site would
access to that. We would make that a condition of the Legion site.
If that occurs this one would be closed. So again, interim and
temporary access is not recommended by any stretch of the imagination
but because of timing problems, sometimes you do get into them. But
these developers are at least provided access to TH 101, which is
Seigel: Just one question to clarify that access to TH 101. Is that
access coming from the south only on TH 101 into the service station
Monk: It would be right in, right out so you would be able to get into
the subdivision coming northbond on TH 101 and get back on going from
the south.
Seigel: But you can't turn from the north.
Monk: You have to use Lake Drive East.
Seigel: I would just question why anybody coming heading north would
not take Lake Drive East into the same thing and exit.
Monk: You could probably take a look at closing off the right in and
you know the proposal could survive with the right out. I guess the
question might come from a good developer. They would like two ways
into the site. We don't see a lot of traffic using the right in at
this point in time but eventually as TH 101 gears up, it will become a
more prevelent movement, especially with some of the subdivisions that
you will be seeing south of Lake Susan and so on.
Seigel: I guess my point is if you are going to eventually move that
north to the share of 2-way entry with the Legion property, then it
would become more likely that anybody heading north would use Lake
Drive East entrance into the facility.
Monk: Again, I think the question might be better with the developer
in terms of what they are expecting the flow of traffic to come into.
Emmings: Have you done any studies on that. It seems a little
redundant to have. that entrance into that facility.
Froemming: As I understand the proposal once the access moves to the
north, it will not be a two way access. There will also be a right in
r i gh t ou t access so it would be the same type 0 f access on ly 1 oca ted
__ to the north. I would expect that the right in would work very
Planning Commission Minutes
May 14, 1986
Page Thirty Seven
extensively with our major tenant on it. They know peoples habits
coming in and out of their stores and stations. Their major concern
is that people coming from the south, by the time they usually see and
react to Lake Drive East to make the right turn to go in there, then
if you pass it, once you see it, you are there, you can still get in.
If you miss that second chance at coming in, then they are gone and
you have lost them.
Seigel: Do you plan not to have a two way entrance into the property
at the Legion Hall?
Monk: The TH 101 access between Lake Drive East and TH 5, no matter
where it is or what side, would be right in right out only. There is
no way that another four corner intersection could ever be designed.
The distances are just too short so even if it is moved up to the
Legion property, in the future it will just be right in right out
Seigel: You say that the road into the Legion property is not going
to connect with Lake Drive East straight across, it is going to go
inside that property?
e Monk: Basically what you have happening is a right in right out off
of Hwy 101 would be a private access and it would access into a
parking lot or whatever. Not necessarily into a frontage road because
we are thinking the Legion might develop into one large use. Full
access for the Legion would be provided by Lake Drive East on the
other corner. This would only be a back door along TH 101 but we are
sure that the Legion is going to request that.
Conrad: Okay, then there is a connection between Lake Drive East on
the other side of the Legion.
Monk: Yes there is.
Conrad: Well I understood that would dead end but as a separate
Monk: It is a separate entrance. Again, I didn't do a separate
exhibit. I should have for that.
Conrad: Do we have any indication of what else would be involved or
would be included in the shopping mall. What kind of stor'es, tenants?
Bob Froemming: Different types of things. Gas and goods, restaurant,
take out restaurant such as pizza, dentist, dry cleaning, typical
service type of center. Those type of stores. Typical service kind
of tenants from surveying a neighborhood district. These stores, with
the exception of the gas and goods, will be from about 1,000 square
Planning Commission Minutas
May 14, 1986
Page Thirty Eight
foot to 2,000 square foot. They are quite small.
Conrad: It would be quite a heavily traveled area with a lot of short
term people going in and out. They are not going to be spending hours
at this mall.
Bob Froemming: No it is not that large that they would spend hours at
there. It is maybe a gas and goods, if you stop and buy gas you also
pick up some food or something, like a modern Kenney's.
Thompson moved to close public hearing, Emmings seconded it.
All voted in favor and the motion carried.
Thompson moved to recommend approval of Subdivision Request 86-8 as
depicted on the plat stamped "Received April 24, 1986" and subject to
an access easement across Lot 1 being recorded in conjunction with
filing the plat to insure permanent access for Lot 2.
Emmings seconded. All voted in favor and the motion carried.
Seigel made a Motion, Thompson seconded, to recommend approval of the
Conditional Use Permit Request #86-2 for installation of gasoline
pumps as depicted on the Site Plan stamped "Received April 24, 1986"
subject to the following conditions:
1. Gasoline tank storage shall be in compliance with the
Uniform Fire Code and a permit must be obtained from the
State Fire Marshall.
2. Gas pump canopy signage shall only be located along the
north and west facis of the canopy.
3. Approval of Site Plan Request #86-1.
All voted in favor and the motion carried.
Thompson made a motion, Emmings seconded, to recommend approval of
Site Plan Review Request #86-1 as depicted on the site plan stamped
"Received April 24, 1986" and subject to the following conditions:
1. The free-standing sign along Lake Drive.East shall be a
ground profile sign.
2. Additional landscaping shall be installed in the
northwest corner of the site. A landscaping plan shall
be submitted in conjunction with the building permit
application for Lot 2 which would include installation
Planning Commission Minutes
May 14, 1986
Page Thirty Nine
of a 2 foot berm along Lake Drive East and installation
of plantings consistent with those that are depicted for
Lot 1.
All site drainage be directed to on-site catch basins
and not to Lake Drive East.
The access island on Lake Drive East be lengthened 10
feet to the north to assist with traffic channelization.
5. The exit lines to Lake Drive East be clearly signed and
striped to designate proper turning and directional
movements. A detailed plan be submitted with the
building permit denoting signage and stripage of the
access area.
6. The developer acquire a permit from MnDot for the TH 101
access and adhere to all conditions of said permit
including maintaining ditch drainage.
7. All bituminous areas shall be lined with concrete curb,
including the islands at both access points.
Roof-top equipment and trash enclosures shall be
screened as depicted on the plan stamped "Received April
24, 1986".
9. Installation of landscaping as depicted on the plan
stamped "April 24, 1986".
10. An additional fire hydrant will be located on Lake Drive
East. This will insure proper water supply and
availability for fire aparatus.
11. Fire lane access will be provided in the front of the
building. The specific location to be determined after
final building plans are submitted.
12. The TH 101 access is approved as an interim
entrance/exit with closure required upon the
construction of an access along the north property line
at a future date. Such closure shall be-required only
upon the legal right of Lot 1, Hidden Valley 2nd
Addition to use said access. Also, site plan revisions
to allow for this access shift shall be approved by the
City to insure proper vehicular movements.
All voted in favor except Erhart who opposed. Erhart stated that a
better layout of structures could be achieved in relation to
e surrounding properties.
Planning Commission Minutes
May 14, 1986
Page Forty
New Business
8. Sign Variance request for a 96 square foot temporary real estate
sign and an off premise directional sign at the estate sign and an
off premise directional sign at the Hidden Valley subdivision
site, Hemphill Northen, Inc.
NOTE: Tape change occurred at this point. Dacy presented Staff
Thompson: In the past, recently we have had a couple of signs that
have come up. How did they fare when they went to council.
Dacy: The council approved those requests.
Thompson: As we sent them through?
Dacy: Yes.
Thompson: What you are doing is following the ordinance as I
understand it.
Dacy: Yes, that is correct. I was going to go back and check the
size of the Lundgren Brother sign that they had proposed, but I forgot
to do that and I can't remember how large that was.
Conrad: Is the developer here? Do you have any questions to persuade
us to correct the ordinance for any particular reason.
Tom Bracher: First of all, I will give you a little background.
Hemphill Northern isgoing to bedoing a joint venture now with the
United Mortgage Company who is the developer of the Hidden Valley
site, and our plan is to, right now there are 54 lots that are
developed and we hope to be marketing those in 1986 and then as Bill
had mentioned eariler, the remaining 55 lots we hope to develop this
fall or at the latest next spring and market those in 1987, and
complete the development in 1988. Hemphill is a builqer from Chicago,
the present time we are also doing or working with Lundgren Brothers
in their development two miles north of here near Mountain project. As
Barbara had mentioned, to help us in the marketing of that
subdivision, there is a problem with that subdivision lying
approximately three blocks to the south of TH 5. With the higher
elevation there, it is difficult for customers to get to the
development and being the large amount of traffic, approximately
l5,llHHJ cars a day that use TH 5, we would like to have some type
exposure on TH 5 so that the people can get to our subdivision.
we would like to do is, Barbara had mentioned the 32 square foot
Planning Commission Minutes
May 14, 1986
Page Forty One
we would like to try and keep it in a ratio of 2 to 3. The 96 square
foot sign, the 8 foot high by 12 foot wide, if that wasn't
acceptable, we are looking for something possibly 6 feet high by 9
feet long. Again, in that 2 to 3 ratio. However, the 32 square foot
size would meet our requirements if that is what the Planning
Commission and the City Council desire. That would be fine too. The
reason we were requesting two signs is we would like the double faced
sign, a larger sign along that commercial property to help at least
attract attention, and then the sign at the Legion site would be a
directional sign indicating for the people to turn at that particular
location. Where the other sign was more to get the people's awareness
that the area is approximately just south of that intersection. Now
we are proposed to rename that area Brook Hill, as you may have seen
in the literature. It still would be the Hidden Valley subdivision,
but we were proposing for the marketing purposes, to rename that Brook
Hill, and I think you had a sketch of that sign in your packet. Seems
to me we had a color sketch of what that sign would look like which we
didn't have available at the time and it would look something like
this. Any that is all the comments I have at this time. Thank you.
Erhart: I don't know what the proper size of the sign is. It is
certinaly to our advantage to try to, within certain limitations, help
these developers sell their lots. I guess the question is what is
appropriate. Obviously we have made exceptions in the past. I don't
think we've adhered strictly to the sign ordinance in these cases.
Conrad: We haven't made many exceptions.
Erhart: No. We haven't had many requests. Is there a time limit on
these signs.
Monk: Yes, that would be two years.
Erhart: Is that what we have done in the past, two years?
Conrad: Two years or a certain percentage or something.
Erhart: That seems like a long time.
Thompson: You see he has two developments going up. I would imagine
right now with the single family market heating up, your lots, there
is probably a pretty good demand for them.
Tom Bracher: Oh yes. We are just in the very early stages of starting
our models last week. We expect the name to there and our sales to be
very strong throughout the rest of the year.
Thompson: Where abouts are you in relation to Ponds development on
the other side?
Planning Commission Minutes
May 14, 1986
Page Forty Two
Torn Bracher: We are in Trappers Pass which is his higher bracket
Thompson: You have the two or three houses built at the end there?
Torn Bracher: Well, two are ours and two are Lundgrens.
Conrad: I take it you have a different product for this market.
Torn Bracher: Yes, the price range of this product would be $90,000.00
to $130,000.00.
Emmings: I am not clear where the signs are going to be, and it is
probably right here in front of me.
Dacy: Somewhere on the property on the south side of TH 5 in a
commercial area and that is one of the options they could have.
Staff is proposing two signs on the south side of TH 5 or one on TH 5
and one on TH 101.
Thompson: A 6 foot square sign really isn't adequate.
Dacy: We are recommending against the off premise directional sign.
Emm ings: I agree exactly with wha t Mi ke sa id that it really doesn't
get us anywhere. You ought to have a large enough to build himself a
project and I have no idea how big that is.
Conrad: It says 32 square feet.
Emmings: That strikes me as being too small to do what he needs to
get done.
Conrad: As soon as you grant this ordinance then every developer has
the right.
Thompson: We did it before.
Conrad: No we didn't.
Thompson: Yes we did, we did it twice.
Conrad: And that was on the basis of a humugous piece of property,
Thompson: The second one was, you're right. The first one wasn't.
Seigel: The sign questions is starting to corne up more and more
frequently on TH 5. I think we have to try to maintain consistancy
Planning Commission Minutes
May 14, 1986
Page Forty Three
here. As I recall, I agree with Mike's position. On the previous one
or two, that isn't to say isolating this based on where it is going to
be located and where the other one is going to be located.
Conrad: So you believe in a 96 square foot sign?
Seigel: Well, I don't think necessarily 96, it would be 60 or 54 or
something like that.
Conrad: Where was that one where staff had given 64 square feet of
signage and they were two signs.
Thompson: Staff is following the ordinance on this and they did the
other times too.
Conrad: I am trying to be consistent here and I got off by voting for
the change to begin with. Now I feel a little bit misgiving about not
approving a similar type of application for another petitioner. I
can't remember exactly what we approved before for variance sign from
that other developer? Barb can you.
Dacy: Is that the Lundgren sign?
I can look. I don't know right
Conrad: I don't remember the size we said that was a conditional use.
Dacy: I t was a sign var i ance.
Conrad: It was a sign variance. Double face sign right? Was it a
conditional use because of the location?
It was processed as a variance.
Thompson: How long would it take you to find out.
Conrad: A motion could be made to use the square footage of the
Lundgren sign.
Dacy: Do you want to go up and verify that now.
Thompson: You don't have to now.
Conrad: No. I just want to maintain some type of consistency here as
a planning commission I know a lot of things will develop, but I feel
a little guilty not approving something like this in the same light
that we approved something before and that is why I think we should be
justifying these things based on some sort of previous record.
Planning Commission Minutes
May 14, 1986
~ Page Forty Four
Dacy: The property I mentioned earlier, the Near Mountain site, is
significantly larger. It has three roadways, Townline Road, TH 101
and Pleasant View. This is a different situation so if you are
concerned about a precedent I can understand that but then again this
is an entirely different location.
Conrad: Yes, I think this location probably bears having a larger
sign on it than on TH 101 because the traffic conditions, the higher
speeds, the notice of a sign is going to be less. I think
justification of a larger sign would be appropriate here but I think
if the petitioner is willing to accept a 48 square foot sign why not
say 48 square foot, or whatever you said before.
Thompson: 54 square feet, 6 feet by 9 feet.
Conrad: I am comfortable with a 6 by 9 foot sign out there. I am not
comfortable with the off premise directional sign. Anybody want to
make a motion?
Thompson: I'll make a motion that we allow the applicant to have a 6
foot by 9 foot sign, 54 square foot sign east of TH 101 on
commercial zoned property of Hidden Valley subdivision for a two year
period of time.
Dacy: Just one sign? Nothing on TH l01?
Thompson: He wanted to do it in two parts, so I thought I would get
that portion of the Motion done and passed.
Emming seconded it.
All voted in favor and the Motion carried.
Thompson: Now the next question is the off premise sign.
think that if the off premise sign is small enough, in this
there might be some justification for an off premise sign.
to a church here not too long ago.
Don't you
case, that
We gave it
Conrad: That is right.
Dacy: My only comment on the off premise sign is, you would have to
allow all subdivisions that are located throughout the city
to have these requests for six square foot off premise directional
Thompson: You know what, going down Pleasant View Road today there
are six off premise signs right today.
Conrad: We can get rid of them if we want.
Planning Commission Minutes
May 14, 1986
Page Forty Five
Dacy: By the same token too, the Near Mountain site, they did have an
illegal sign out on TH 101 and we did remove that, they had it nailed
to a tree or something.
Thompson: But there are off premise signs. You look at the corner of
TH 101 and Vine Hill. There are a bunch of them there.
I can't believe the council will approve it.
Erhart: If we were to permit an off premise sign that would be more
professionally done that these black market.
Thompson: Whatever the name of that development next to me is? Fox
Chase. They have a off premise sign.
Conrad: You should have somebody revise the ordinance, there is
nothing unique about this.
Thompson: Does New Horizon have off premise signs?
Dacy: They were approved one in the late 70's, but now it has been
taken down.
I haven't been by for a month. It was there a month ago.
Dacy: It should be down now. Staff's whole contention is off
premise. No matter if it is leasing signs or Mr. Korzonowski's sign,
our intent, off premise means off premise and we should be consistent.
Seigel: I just want to clarify if there is no motion made it is the
same as denying it.
Dacy: You should make a Motion, unless you are just going to pass it
Erhart made a motion that a SlX square foot off premise directional
sign be approved. Seigel seconded it.
Tim Erhart
Bob Seigel
Steve Emmings
Ladd Conrad
Mike Thompson
Dacy: Just to make sure that I have it right on the first Motion. It
was for one 54 square foot sign on TH 5.
Conrad: One double faced.
Planning Commission Minutes
May 14, 1986
Page Forty Six
Thompson made a motion to amend the Minutes of the April 23, 1986 meeting
with the following amendment on page 16:
Substation was not in the proper place and sites to the north
adjacent to the railroad should be evaluated. No options
were submitted to review for the substation.
Emmings seconded the motion.
All voted in favor of amended the minutes as stated and the motion
Dacy: We just wanted to notify you that next Monday the council
members will be hear to listen to elected officials from the southwest
communities about the development framework. If any of you
are interested in coming, you are more than welcomed to attend. To
keep you posted about the progress, attached are some comments
prepared by the communities. They have increased our population by
about 500 but we are still maintaining that it not up to par.
Emmings moved that the Planning Commission meeting be adjourned
and Seigel seconded it.
Meeting was adjourned at 11:00 p.m.
Submitted by Barbara Dacy, City Planner.
Prepared by Nann Opheim
May 21, 1986