1977 02 23
Mal MacAlpine called the meeting to order at 8:00 p.m. with the
following members present: Dick Dutcher, Walter Thompson, Les Bridger,
and Jerry Neher. Roman Roos and Hud Hollenback"'were absent. Craig
Mertz, Assistant City Attorney, was present. Stan Hillier was
MINUTES: A motion was made by Dick Dutcher and seconded by Walter
Thompson to approve the January 26, 1977, Planning Commission minutes.
Motion unanimously approved.
PLANNING COMMISSION APPOINTMENT: A motion was made by Mal MacAlpine
and seconded by Les Bridger to recommend the Council appoint Hud
Hollenback to a new three year term on the Planning Commission'.
Motion unanimously approved.
requests to construct two kitchens in a single family dwelling so
that relatives can reside in the same dwelling. This is not a~lowed
under the Zoning Ordinance. The City Planner recommended amending
the ordinance to allow "mother-in-law" apartments as an accessory
use in the R-l Use District. A public hearing is necessary td amend
the ordinance.
The Chairman asked for comments from the commission on the proposal.
Walter Thompson - I think that it is rather common place to have
two kitchens in some of the more expensive dwellings.
I don't think there should be any restriction;
and I would have no objections to "mother-in-law"
type apartments'.
Mal MacAlpine - How do you feel about if the mother-in-law were to
move out and someone wanted to rent that portion?
Walter Thompson - I don't think I wOuld be opposed to that fra?kly.
Jerry Neher - I feel we would have to have restrictions on it. I
know we have had problems in the city before. I am
in favor of "mother-in-law" apartments.
Les Bridger - I tend to go along with Jerry. I think we do have to
have some kind of restrictions set up, not just for the
sake of restricting but because I think it's a
necessity. I think it will become a problem in the
future. It is something we have to cope with now. I
think if we can define "mother-in-law" apartments and
define affinity who may be able to reside and use the
double facility.
Dick Dutcher
I think one of the primary concerns is that we should
do everything we can to maintain the integrity of the
zoning that is appropriate for that location. If it's
zoned as a duplex then fine, that use should be permitted.
If it's zoned as a single family area then any regulation
or change in regulation should go as far as practicable
to reinforce that. However, I have got some problems
with legislating peoples lifestyles and things like
this. I think that if different lifestyles become
acceptable to society I don't think we should put
Planning Commission Meeting February 23, 1977
ourselves in a position where we are legislating
morality. We should be as flexible as possible and ~
yet still maintain the integrity of the neighborhood. ..,
I have got kind of mixed emotions about it. I would
feel more comfortable with perhaps more refining of
what a duplex is, and what a single family home is.
A motion was made by Jerry Neher and seconded by
a public hearing to consider redefining dwelling
of Ordinance 47 on March 23, 1977, at 8:00 p.m~
ESTATE TYPE DEVELOP~~ENTS: In developing estate standards the Planner
felt the Planning Commission should consider the following points:
1. Rational land use patterns. There should be some semblance of
order when dividing land. If unsewered land is to be divided
we have to make sure that it's logical, orderly, and rational.
2. The effect on the city debt. .-
3. provision for future linear easements, namely future sewers,
~uture water lines, future transmission lines, future roads.
4. Access problems to the property.
5. Changing social patterns of the area.
6. The subdivisions affect on the natural environment.
a. Septic tanks - Are they adequate? Where should they be?
b. Water sources. '11
c. Disruption of natural vegetation and natur.al drainage ways.
7. School transportation costs.
Dick Dutcher' 'to hold
units on pager 4
Hotion unanimously
Members discussed estate type 'developments and decided to discuss
this with developers and realtors who do not have an interest in
Chanhassen at the next Planning Commission meeting.
ECOLOGICAL COMMITTEE: Exhibits A and B of the January 13 Ecological
Committee minutes will be discussed at the next Planning Commission
A motion was made by Jerry Neher and seconded by Les Bridger to
adjourn. Motion unanimously approved. Meeting adjourned at 10:10 p.m.
Don Ashworth
City Manager