1977 03 09
Mal MacAlpine called the meeting to order at 8:00 p.m. with the
following members present: Roman Roos, Les Bridger, Jerry Neher,
and Walter Thompson. Dick Dutcher came at 8:20. Hud Hollenback was
absent. Councilman Geving was present.
MINUTES: A motion was made by Jerry Neher and seconded by Les Bridger
to accept the February 23, 1977, Planning Commission minutes as
written. Motion unanimously approved.
HUNTINGTON PARK SUBDIVISION: Bill Huntington was present requesting
approval to re-subdivide portions of Lots 33, 34, 35, and 36,
Minnewashta Park into two Lots. The City Planner gave his report.
Sanitary sewer and water is available to the property. One lot has
a new home on it and will be 46,900 square feet.. The other lot will
be 48,200 square feet. The developer will have to provide drainage
and utility easements. The Planner recommended approval and order
a public hearing on the proposal.
The City Attorney reminded the Planning Commission that the location
of permanent structures and easements within the plat and to a
distance of 100 feet beyond are required on a preliminary plat.
Roman Roos moved to hold a public hearing on Wednesday, April 13,
1977, at 8:30 p.m. to consider the replat of Lots 33, 34, 35, and
36, Minnewashta Park into two lots with the stipulation that the
Planning Commission receive a revised plan showing adjacent structures
and utility easements. Motion seconded by Jerry Neher and unanimously
The Commission discussed the forthcoming
The City Attorney' will prepare a written
BOWLING CENTER: Gene Reilly, Ken Beiersdorf, Bill Baden, and Bill
Drouches were present. The City Attorney rendered an opinion that
bowling centers are a permitted use in a C-2 Use District under the
general heading of "general retail sales and services". This
petition will follow the site plan review as outlined in Ordinance 47.
The proposal is to build a 25,000 square foot bowling center on
Outlot 2, Chanhassen. The building includes 24 bowling lanes, a sit
down restaurant, lounge, nursery, and changing rooms. The City
Planner explained the steps necessary for approval of the plan.
Planning Commission Meeting March 9, 1977
The City Engineer stated that this property along with other property
south of Highway 5 will eventually gain access on a frontage road
to Highway 101. Any development south of Highway 5 should be ...
required to dedicate this roadway through their property and build ~.
the roadway adjacent to the developed part of the property.
HANSEN AND KLINGELHUTZPRD: Tom Klingelhutz and Jim Hawks were
present. This 20 acre parcel is located just north of the Chanhassen
Elementary School. Hansen and Klingelhutz propose single family
detached homes, single family attached homes and apartments. This
general concept is consistent with the plans submitted in 1969.
Primary access to the ptoperty will be via Laredo Drive and new
MSAS 101. -The City Planner feels the City should look positively
on this PUD and encourage the developer to proceed to preliminary
plat. In addition the Planner discussed the needs for a neighborhood
park in the community.
Members gave their comments on the proposal.
Mal MacAlpine - I like it. My primary concern with the development
in this area is basically one of parks and places
for the kids to play. You have the school ground.
Obviously there are going to be more kids in the
neighborhood. The two tennis courts isn't going to
be satisfactory. They are going to have to be a
place to play ball, etc. and I think that if we do
it with these things in mind, it's a darn good thing.
Jerry Neher - I don't think we can tie this park proposal to the ...
subject at hand tonight. It's a good idea to be ~
thinking about it and talking about it.
Mal MacAlpine - How can we convey that to the Council?
Bruce pankonin - They review your minutes every week. Two ways, just
off the cuff comments or in the form of a motion.
Something like; we feel there is a definite need,
there is not a need, there maybe a need, for a
neighborhood park plan in the Western Hills area.
Mal MacAlpine - I would like to have us consider that as a motion
because of the reason that much of the land that has
been dedicated is not suitable for active recreation
and if we don't take this action we are just not
going to have a park in this area. I would like
someone to put that in a motion that we -- That the
Council consider seriously the acquisition of land
for a park in conjunction with the land that has
already been dedicated as park land.
Roman Roos - I think we should get the Park and Recreation Commission
in this thing. I don't know how we could tie that in
and have them represent it to the Council.
Bruce Pankonin - Maybe something like this; recommend to the Council
that the Park and Recreation Commission study the
issue of neighborhood parks to serve the needs of
Western Hills, old part of town, and Carver Beach
areas. e
Planning Commission ~eeting ~arch 9, 1977
Walter Thompsqn - I am in favor of this as far as it has been
presented to us.
Les Bridger - I think it has been well planned. I like the entire
Roman Roos - I think the layout is good. I might be a little concerned
about the multiple dwellings that you are going to put
in later.
Dick Dutcher - Essentially the same comments as Roman's.
TOUR: Planning Commission members will organize a tour to take a
look at residential development patterns in the Twin City area.
Council members will be invited to go along.
A motion was made by Dick Dutcher and seconded by Roman Roos to
adjourn. Motion unanimously approved. Meeting adjourned at 10:45 p.m.
Don Ashworth
City Manager