1977 04 13
Mal MacAlpine called the meeting to order at 8:00 p.m. with the following
members present: Jerry Neher, Walter Thompson, Hud Hollenback, and Roman
Roos. Dick Dutcher came at 8:15. Les Bridger was absent.
MINUTES: Jerry Neher moved to approve the March 9, 1977, Planning
Commission minutes. Motion seconded by Walter Thompson. The following
voted in favor: Roman Roos, Mal MacAlpine, Jerry Neher, and Walter
Thompson. Hud Hollenback abstained. Motion carried.
COUNTRY CLEAN LANDSCAPE PLAN: Don McCarville was present with a
landscape plan showing a six foot rough sawn cedar fence to be
constructed on three sides of the storage building with landscape plantings
on the north and west sides of the fence. The City Planner recommended
approval of the landscape plan.
A motion was made by Roman Roos and seconded by Jerry Neher that the
Planning Commission has reviewed the plans with Mr. McCarville and
approved the plans as presented. Motion unanimously approved.
Dick Dutcher came at this point.
TOUR: Members scheduled the tour of residential developments for April
30, at 8:00 a.m. Council, Park and Recreation Commission, and
Ecological Committee members will be invited to go along.
PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING: The next Planning Commission meeting will
be held April 20 instead of April 27.
MOTHER..,.IN-LAW APARTMENTS: A motion was made by DickD1.ltcher and seconded
by Hud Hollenback to reschedule a public hearing to consider redefining
dwelling units on page 4 of Ordinance 47 on May 11, 1977, at 8:30 p.m.
Motion unanimously approved.
APRIL 13, 1977, AT 8:30 P.M.
Mal MacAlpine called the public hearing to order with the following
persons present:
William Huntington, Route #3, Box 93, Maple Plain
Doug Hansen, 17001 Stodola Road, Minnetonka
Marcia Will, 325 George Street, Excelsior
Mr. and Mrs. Orner Nemitz, 665 Pleasant View Road, Excelsior
Bill Brezinsky
Russell Larson
The City Planner read the official notice as published in the Carver
County Herald. Notices were mailed to adjacent property owners within
350 feet of the subject property..
This property consists of parts of Lots 33, 34, 35, and 36 Minnewashta
Park and is approximately two acres in size. Sanitary sewer and water
are available to the property. The land is zoned R-l. The City Plan
shows the area to be low density single family. Both lots to be created
exceed the minimum requirements of the R-l Use District. A home has been
built on proposed Lot A. The City Planner recommended approval of the
subdivision and suggested that Mr. Huntington keep the future structure
Planning Commission Meeting April 13, 1977
to be constructed on Lot B as close to Orchard as pos~ible. This would
allow the back of the parcel to be redivided sometime in the future
~f and when the properties to the east desire to redivide and put a road...
~n. ~
A motion was made by Hud Hollenback and seconded by Dick Dutcher to
close the public hearing. Motion unanimously approved. Hearing closed
at 8:40 p.m.
Don Ashworth
City Manager
HUNTINGTON PARK SUBDIVISION: Dick Dutcher moved to recommend to the
Council that the subdivision be approved. Motion seconded by Jerry Neher.
Motion unanimously approved.
BARNES!WILCH SITE PLAN: Jack Barnes and Ed Wilch were present with plans
to convert an existing duplex at 7811 Great Plains Blvd. to retail sales
on the first floor and office space on the second floor. The Central
Business District Committee recommended the City issue the appropriate
permits for this building. The off street parking as shown on the plan
will sufficiently handle the parking needs. The City Planner suggested
that a bond be posted to insure the parking lot is put in.
A motion was made by Hud Hollenback and seconded by Walter Thompson to
recommend approval of the plan subject to the owners installing an asphalt
driveway and parking area prior to October 1, 1977, and further that ...
they post an escrow deposit or surety bond with the City guaranteeing ~
construction of said asphalt surface. The amount of said deposit should
be determined by the City Engineer and posted with the City prior to
the issuance of a building permit. Motion unanimously approved.
ECOLOGICAL COMMITTEE: Dick Dutcher discussed the results of the
Ecological Committee questionnaire. A more detailed summary will be
REICHERT SUBDIVISION PLAN: Bob Reichert was present. The property is
located on the north shore of Lotus Lake and across Pleasant View Road.
It is zoned R-lA. Sanitary sewer is currently being installed in the
area. There are no buildable lots on the lake side of the property.
Mr. Reichert proposes these unbuildable lots to be outlots, several of
which would be sold with proposed lots across Pleasant View. Two outlots
would be sold to existing neighbors to square off their property. One
outlot would be managed by a homeowners association. Mr. Reichert will
place deed restrictions on the outlots.
A motion was made by Hud Hollenback and seconded by Walter Thompson to
hold a public hearing on May 11, 1977, at 9:00 p.m. to consider rezoning
this property to R-l and to consider subdividing the subject property
into nine lots and seven outlots. Mr. Reichert will prepare restrictive
covenants prior to the public hearing. Motion unanimously approved.
Planning Commission Meeting April 13, 1977
Mr. and Mrs. Nemitz expressed concern about the public using the outlots
as a way to the lake.
Doug Hansen, Tom Klingelhutz, and Jim Hawks were present. The lot layout
is consistent with Hansen and Klingelhutz's overall PUD. The City
Planner suggested the Planning Commission look favorably on this request
and instruct the developer to incorporate the concerns as outlined in
the City Engineer's memorandum of April 6, 1977.
Bill Brezinsky gave a report. There will be two accesses to the proposed
plat. One will be from Laredo Drive and the second from proposed MSAS
101. The right-of-way width by ordinance is 50 feet. A 60 foot width
is shown for the entrance from Laredo Drive to Saratoga Circle and for
the street extending westward. These could be reduced to 50 feet. The
ordinance requires a 60 foot radius for cul-de-sacs. The cul-de-sacs are
shown at 50 feet. The northerly cul-de-sac is 1,080 feet long compared
to a 500 foot maximum required by ordinance. The Engineer does not
consider this to be a significant problem. The radius of the two curves
on the long cul-de-sac should be increased to 100 feet to conform to the
Jim Hawks - The 50 foot right-of-way of the 28 foot recommended improved
surface leaves an 11 foot boulevard on each side. A 100 foot
turn around with an 80 foot improved right-of-way leaves ten
feet on each side. We would have to increase that from 100
to 120 feet. It takes a much larger area would have to be
leveled off in order to conform to the grades of the streets
and it tends to push the houses back. I didn't see the
logic of it. This way to bring it up, it's an eleven foot
boulevard along the street then a ten foot on the cul-de-sacs
would also be reasonable.
The 100 foot on the curves is not a problem. It will move
the roads in.
Bill Brezinsky - A 40 foot paved radius is adequate for snow plowing
equipment. Probably the ordinance is a little bit
inconsistent where you allow a 20 foot boulevard on
a cul-de-sac and where you only allow eleven feet on
each side of a straight roadway. That much more really
isn't necessary on a cul-de-sac. The cul-de-sac right-
of-way has been varied on several occasions if the
developer can show a good reason. The most recent one
was in Laredo Lane where it would have worked real
ha~dship on development of that piece of property.
The City Attorney was asked to research why a decision was made to have
a 60 foot radius instead of a 50 foot radius for cul-de-sacs and report
back at the public hearing. The Planning Commission would also like
comments from the maintenance department whether it would cause a
A motion was made by Dick Dutcher and seconded by Hud Hollenback to
hold a public hearing on May 11, 1977, at 9:30 p.m. to consider the
Saratoga Lane Preliminary Development Plan. Motion unanimously approved.
Planning Commission Meeting April 13, 1977
MINUTES: The Ecological Committee has requested a response from the
Planning Commission regarding Exhibits A and B of their minutes. This
will be discussed at the next Planning Commission meeting.
d' ~
A motion was made by Mal MacAlpine and seconded by Jerry Neher to a ]ourn.
Motion unanimously approved. Meeting adjourned at 11:00 p.m.
Don Ashworth
City Manager