1977 04 20
Mal MacAlpine called the meeting to order at 8:00 p.m. with the
following members present: Jerry Neher, Walter Thompson, Hud Hollenback,
Roman Roos, Dick Dutcher, and Les Bridger. In addition to Planning
Commission members, the following individuals were also present:
Bruce Pankonin, City Planner, Craig Mertz, Assistant City Attorney,
Adolph Tessness, Realtor representing Century 21 Real Estate, Robert
MacDonald, representing Morehouse MacDonald, Inc., Fred Plocher,
representing Streeter-Andrus Realty, and Al Klingelhutz, representing
Cravens-Klingelhutz Real Estate, Inc.
MINUTES: Hud Hollenback moved to amend the April 13, 1977, Regular
Planning Commission minutes by adding the following statement under
"COUNTRY CLEAN LANDSCAPE PLAN:" Don McCarville, City Staff, Planning
Commission and City Council mutually agree that Mr. McCarville will
complete said landscaping and screening by May 15, 1977. Motion
seconded by Walter Thompson. The following voted in favor: Roman Roos,
Mal MacAlpine, Jerry Neher, Walter Thompson, and Hud-Hollenback. Dick
Dutcher and Les Bridger abstained.- Motion carried.
Hud Hollenback moved to approve the April 13, 1977, Public Hearing
minutes for "Huntington Park Subdivision." Motion seconded by Walter
Thompson. The following voted in favor: Roman Roos, Mal MacAlpine,
Jerry Neher, Walter Thompson, and Hud Hollenback. Dick Dutcher and
Les Bridger abstained. Motion carried.
Hud Hollenback moved to approve the April 13, 1977, Regular Planning
Commission minutes as amended. Walter Thompson seconded the motion.
The following voted in favor: Roman Roos, Mal MacAlpine, Jerry Neher,
Walter Thompson, and Hud Hollenback. Dick Dutcher and Les Bridger
abstained. Motion carried.
ESTATE DEVELOPMENT DISCUSSION: The Planning Commission entered into
a meaningful dialogue with the above identified realtors regarding the
potential for "estate-types" of developments in.the unsewered portion
of the City of Chanhassen. The Planning Commission specifically wanted
to find if a positive market existed for estate types of developments;
demographic profile of people moving into the agricultural economy
and environment; and the type of amenity package desired by those
seeking a rural setting for their home. After an hour and a half
discussion, the realtors generally agreed the following to be true
regarding estate developments: people who desire estate living are
typically at the higher end of the economic spectrum. Individuals
desire sites with a high amenity package (rolling, wooded); individuals
are primarily horse oriented; sites should range in size from 2~ to 5
acres; productive agricultural land should be preserved; and the affects
of Ordinance 33-B (provision for metes and bounds description of five
acre parcels) should be eliminated and all subdividers should be required
to follow the City Subdivision Ordinance.
of the Chanhassen Ecological Committee, discussed the committee's
recommended general goals for management of the City's lakes, shoreline
and flood plain-areas. After considerable discussion,a motion was made
by Les Bridger and seconded by Hud Hollenback to adopt the Ecological
Committee's general goals for management of the City's lakes, shoreland
and flood plain areas. Specifically these goals are outlined in the
Planning Commission Meeting April 20, 1977
Committee's revised draft dated December 9, 1976, attached to and made
a part of these minutes. The following voted in favor: Roman Roos, .
Mal MacAlpine, Jerry Neher, Walter Thompson, Hud Hollenback, Les Brid~ ,
and Dick Dutcher. Motion carried.
The Planning Commission, at its May 26, 1977, meeting will continue
the discussion of the Ecological Committee's recommended goals for
Lotus Lake.
SKETCH PLAN DISCUSSION: City Planner, Bruce Pankonin, has assembled
and graphically portrayed the existing land use goals as discussed
by the Chanhassen Planning Commission. This graphic portrayal was
manifests in the sketch plan dated April 13, 1977. A copy of said sketch
plan is available for inspection in the Planner's office.
A motion was made by Les Bridger and seconded by Walter Thompson to
adjourn. Motion unanimously approved. Meeting adjourned at 11:15 p.m.
Don Ashworth
City Manager
Revised 12-9-76
Resource Management
The committee recommend~ 1:;h~t the. city continue its present
policy of restricting development of non-Sle.were<:l (;ireas
be installed as soon as is practicallypqss~bl,on J~l
where development already exists in order to cllt<)l.qwnoll t.heper-
colation of nutrients into the City's lakes and its fl~od plain
A continuing educational progra~ is recommended to inform
e residents as to the facilities, managlement. problems, etc. of the
City's lake and shoreline management areas. Media such as the city
newsletter and local newspapers cou14 be used for this purpose.
Adequate enforcement of exiSiting laws is basic to prderly lake'
usage; we recommend that additional financial resourqes be allocated
for improvement in this area.
We also recommend that increasedpuP1ic and 'private efforts
be made to keep the city's lake and shoreline areas free of debris,
and where construction is in process, every effort be made to prevent
Because there area large number of American Elm in the City,
adequate resources are needed tocorittol the curren:~ sPl:"ead of
Dutch Elm Disease. Immediate' reforestJ;;'ation of al:"ea:sWhere trees
have been removed should beencpuraged. ,
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Additional continuing water quality and turbidi.ty tests to
supplement Watershed District testi.ng should be performed so
an informed basis can be provideq for future management decisions
affecting the city's water reso~rces.
The Department of Natural Resources should be formally asked
by the city to continue essential lake services such as rough fish
removal, oxygen determinations, spawning bed marking, re,stocking
and other DNR services. Special emphasis should be on rOugh fish
removal because of their contribution to turbidity and to the gener~l
deterioration of acquaticvegetation.
The committee believes that al~ citizens have a right to enjoy
the city's natural resources and recommends that usable PUblic access
be provided to all of the lake,S whicnlie (in whole or part) within
the city.
The committee believes that with increased shoreline development
and recreational water usage, howev~r, conflicts between different
types of use and/or unsafe or environmentally aamaging conditions
will probably increase as well. Since increased development and
usage appear emminent, investigating the feasibility of reasonable
regulations for water and shoreline use is recommended. The aim of
these regulations would be to provide a quality recreational experience
for lake and shoreline users without permitting activities that would
unduly harm the area's environment or upset its ecology:
Shoreline regulations -the recently enacted State Management
of Municipal Shoreline Areas (N .R. 82) appears to provide
adequate general environmental safeguards. Refinement of
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these safeguards to s\lgge~t specific protection i:o, ecologipaliy
sensitive areas, for example the rare lotus lily. vegetatigl1
in the Purgatory Creek area of Lotus Lake, isa goal of thi~
Water Use Regulations - It is not the intention of this committee'
to suggest regulation for regulation's sake. However, the
committee anticipates that the increased urbanization of
Chanhassen may require inqreased control over water usage,
but probably not to the degree as now exists in Minneapolis
and St. Paul. We believe that input 'from theres;j..dents as
well as public agencies of our City is imperative in order
to determine whether:
(1) regulation is needed, and
(2) if needed, what form it should take. Toward that end,
the committee, with the aid a,nd cooperation of the Planning
and Park and Recreation Commissions, has created a questionnaire
to be sent to the city's residents asking for theiropinioris.
A copy of that questionnaire is an exhibit of this recommended
policy statement. It is the committee's intent to further
seek public input in this area via public hearings, the
media, and perhaps -refinement of tl1e questionnaire mode
as experience is gained.
General Land Development Policy
The committee believes that what happens to all land areas in
each lake's watershed can have a significant effect on the water
quality and ecology of those lakes. Nutrient-rich and silt-laden
runoff from disturbed areas in a lake's Wg.:tershedencourag-es
e algal growth and accelerates the eutrothicationof that lake.
of land management
encouraged by
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Fu~ther, reclamation is an expensiveprocE;)'?s. The type
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urbanization requirements. In short, the need to protect and
conserve should be balanced with the need to use and enjoy out:"
finite natural resources.