1977 09 28
Mal MacAlpine called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. with the following members
present: Hud Hollenback, Roman Roos, Di ck Dutcher, Jerry Neher, Wa1 ter Thompson, and
Les Bridger. Bruce Pankonin and Craig Mertz were present.
MINUTES: Hud Hollenback moved to approve the September 14, 1977, Planning
Commission minutes as presented. Motion seconded by Les Bridger and unanimously
METROPOLITAN COUNCIL BICYCLE CORRIDOR PLAN: The Metropolitan Council held a public
hearing September 8, 1977, to consider public input on the Bicycle and Pedestrian
Travel Systems Amendment to the Transportation Development Guide/Policy Plan. Staff
prepared a letter recommending the transportation plan be amended to more closely
resemble Chanhassen's linear open space corridor as shown in the city plan. City
Staff proposed that these corridors generally follow the alignment of existing
and future streets in the city. The proposed corridors would allow for movement in
and throughout the city to places of activity such as downtown, future employment,
(etc.), and recreation areas. The proposed corridors are:
Hi ghway 7,
Minnewashta Parkway,
Highway 41 through the Arboretum to connect to Chaska's plan,
Coun ty Road 17,
Highway 101,
Hi ghway 5 and onto Lake Ann Interceptor r;ght.....of...way,
Lyman Blvd.
A corridor along the Minnesota River, and
A corridor from the proposed Minnewashta Regional Park east to Eden Prairie.
Members discussed the proposed system and commented on it.
Roman Roos - If it's tied with the trai1way system, which it is, I think from a
prep1anning point of view it's a good thing. At least it's down on paper. As
long as it ties in with our trailway system, I think that's important. Whether
it be a mode of transportation in the year 2000, I can't say. I think staff has
done their part as far as response to the Met. Council. I see nothing wrong with
it at all.
Mal MacAlpine - I compliment you on it, Bruce. I think the concept is very fine.
Dick Dutcher - There is something else, too, and that's one of consistency.
Everything that has been done is supportive of everything else.
Les Bridger - I think it's a good idea.
METROPOLITAN SIGNIFICANCE REGULATIONS: These regulations put Chanhassen as an
agricultural community. The City Planner felt that the City can build some strong
arguments against that classification for the whole city. The area of the city not
anticipated to be served with sanitary sewer between now and 1990 could be considered
as agricultural.
HOUSING GOALS: Members discussed the goals as stated in a March 1968 report from
Nason, Wehrman, Knight, and Chapman, Inc. These will be refined as the commission
completes the comprehensive city plan.
PRELIMINARY PLAT - ALLEN1S ALLEY: John Cosmos, Allen Gray, and Tom Hoskins were
present. The City Planner gave the Engineer's report. Sanitary sewer is being
installed to the area. The street horizontal and vertical alignments are acceptable.
The street widths are adequate if no parking is permitted on the 24-foot wide,
two-way segment. Because watermain will be installed in the future, the Engineer
suggested a 12 inch crushed rock base and seal coat restoration be put on the road.
A 6-inch concrete driveover curb and gutter must be installed with runoff directed
to the utility easement between Lots 7 and 8 if a storm sewer is not installed.
Planning Commission Meeting September 28, 1977
A gras.s swal~ ten feet w\de ('l,nd one fOQt deep w"lll be a,dequate t? contain the
normal design rainfall. The future wcitermain should be located ln the ~enter
of the right~of~way to avoid disturbance of the concrete curb. The Englneer ~
recommended approval of Allen's Alley preliminary plat. ~
Off street parking is being provided in the dr~ve~ays and separat~ parki~g areas.
The City Planner recommended the Planning CommlSSlon order a publlC hearlng for
October 26 to test neighborhood sentiment.
John Cosmos explained that they are looking into costs for in~talling dry w~ter
lines at this time. They are proposing a beach lot on Lake Rlley. .There w~ll be
no boat launching other than canoes and sailboats. The be~ch lot wlll requlre a
conditional use permit. Specific plans have not been submltted for the beanh lot.
Dick Dutcher moved to hold a public hearing on November 9, 1977, at 7:~O p.m. to
consider the proposed subdivision and rezoning for Allen's Alley. Motlon
seconded by Les Bridger and unanimously approved.
ESTATE DEVELOPMENT~; Members dtscussed the inconsistencies of exis ting ordinances,
namely Ordinance'~5~ Subdivision Ordinance 33, and the county recording procedure
for filing metes and bounds property. The County Recorder does not contact the
city about a proposed subdivisions consistency with city standards.
Don Ashworth, City Manager, was present.
Dick Dutcher moved that generally the concensus of the Commission is that leap
froging development should not be continued. Motion seconded by Hud Hollenback
and unanimously approved.
RESIGNATION: Dick Dutcher submitted his resignation from the Planning Commission
effective the end of November or until a replacement is found.
HANSEN AND KLINGELHUTZ: H. & K. asked the City Planner to ask the Planning
Commission if the commission would consider ordering a public hearing to consider
their plans for an apartment project north of Chanhassen Elementary School prior
to examining the plans.
Members felt this would be setting a precedence and is contrary to city policy,
therefore they deny the request.
Hud Hollenback moved to adjourn. Motion seconded by Walter Thompson and
unanimously approved. Meeting adjourned at 11:10 p.m.
Don Ashworth
City Manager