G-1. Recommend Award of Quote, Purchase of Picnic Shelters for Prairie Knoll Park, Sunset Ridge Park and Manchester ParkCITY OF CHANHASSEN - Chanhassen is a Community for Life - Providing for Today and Planning forTomorrow MEMORANDUM TO: Todd Hoffinan, Park & Recreation Director FROM: Adam Beers, Park Superintendent DATE: January 23, 2018 SUBJ: Recommend Award of Quote, purchase of shelters for Prairie Knoll Park, Sunset Ridge Park and Manchester Park. PROPOSED MOTION: "The Park and Recreation Commission recommends the City Council award the quote from Northland Recreation in the amount of $56,522, for the purchase of park shelters at Prairie Knoll Park, Sunset Ridge Park, and Manchester Park. Approval requires a simple majority vote of the Park and Recreation Commission. BACKGROUND This _year's park and trail capital improvement budget contains $80,000 for the installation of covered shelters in two parks and $125,000 for the construction of Manchester Park. These budgets will include the purchase of the shelters, installation, concrete foundations/sidewalks and playground equipment for Manchester Park. The structures will serve as central gathering locations for organized activities and events and provide shelter from inclement weather. The addition of these shelters will fill a void in the city's park and recreation infrastructure to help ensure that our park system remains a strong element in our mission to provide for today while planning for the future. These improvements are scheduled to be completed by early summer. The following quotes were received, and are within the anticipated capital improvement budget. Bidder Total Cost Northland Recreation $56,522 Midwest Playscapes $56,876 Minnesota Wisconsin Playground Inc. No Response PH 952.227.1100 • www.ci.chanhassen.mn.us • FX952.227.1110 7700 MARKET BOULEVARD • PO BOX 147 • CHANHASSEN • MINNESOTA 55317