Agenda and PacketAGENDA
Commissioners may add or delete items at this time.
Commission Procedures allow for presentations from the audience at this time. If a motion is
required, the item will be forwarded to the next available agenda to allow for publication and review
prior to consideration.
1.Approval of Minutes dated April 23, 2019
1.Introduction of 2019 Old National Bank Summer Concert Series
1.2019 Easter Egg Candy Hunt Review
2.2019 Lake Ann Park Summer Programs
3.2019 Summer Programs
AGENDAPARK AND RECREATION COMMISSIONWEDNESDAY, MAY 29, 2019CHANHASSEN CITY HALL, 7700 MARKET BOULEVARDA.5:30 PM REQUEST TO SPONSOR GRATITUDE TREE CITY HALL, SENIORCENTER ENTRANCEB.5:40 PM DEPART FOR LAKE ANN PARK EXPANSION PROPERTY TOUR CITYHALL, SENIOR CENTER ENTRANCEC.7:30 PM CALL TO ORDER COUNCIL CHAMBERSD.ROLL CALLE.APPROVAL OF AGENDACommissioners may add or delete items at this time.F.PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENTSG.VISITOR PRESENTATIONSCommission Procedures allow for presentations from the audience at this time. If a motion isrequired, the item will be forwarded to the next available agenda to allow for publication and reviewprior to consideration.H.APPROVAL OF MINUTES1.Approval of Minutes dated April 23, 2019I.NEW BUSINESS1.Introduction of 2019 Old National Bank Summer Concert SeriesJ.OLD BUSINESSK.REPORTS1.2019 Easter Egg Candy Hunt Review2.2019 Lake Ann Park Summer Programs3.2019 Summer Programs
1.Administrative Packet
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
Subject Approval of Minutes dated April 23, 2019
Prepared By Nann Opheim, City Recorder File No:
The Park and Recreation Commission approves minutes dated April 23, 2019.
Approval requires a simple majority vote of members present
APRIL 23, 2019
Acting Chair Boettcher called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.
MEMBERS PRESENT: Jim Boettcher, Meredith Petouvis, Joe Scanlon, Karl Tsuchiya, Matt
Kutz, Sandy Sweetser, and Haley Pemrick
STAFF PRESENT: Todd Hoffman, Park and Rec Director; Jerry Ruegemer, Recreation
Superintendent; and Audrey Swantz, Recreation Supervisor
Scanlon moved, Kutz seconded to nominate Jim Boettcher as Chair for the 2019/20 term.
All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 7 to 0.
Tsuchiya moved, Pemrick seconded to appoint Meredith Petouvis as Vice-Chair for the
2019/20 term. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 7 to 0.
APPROVAL OF AGENDA: Tsuchiya moved, Petouvis seconded to approve the agenda
with the addition of addressing the request by Nikki Hill about the Sunshine Gang Tree
under Commission Member Presentations. All voted in favor and the motion carried
unanimously with a vote of 7 to 0.
PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENTS: Jerry Ruegemer made the commission aware of the Red Bird
Rally on May 4th at the Chanhassen Legion from 6:00 to 9:00 which is the annual kick off to the
Chanhassen Red Birds baseball season.
APPROVAL OF MINUTES. Petouvis moved, Scanlon seconded to approve the verbatim
and summary Minutes of the Park and Recreation Commission meeting dated March 26,
2019 as presented. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 7
to 0.
Commission members introduced themselves and provided background information.
Park and Recreation Commission Summary – April 23 2019
Chairman Boettcher stated his take away from the meeting was the challenge by Mayor Ryan to
come up with unique ideas. Commissioner Petouvis asked that the commissioners tour the park
property on Lake Ann and asked for ideas on how to fill the two vacancies from the youth
commissioners. Commissioner Tsuchiya pointed out that Councilman McDonald asked the
commission to not forget Bandimere Park and discussed items on the master plan for that park.
Commissioner Sweetser discussed the council’s request to come up with ideas for new events.
REPORTS: 2019 ADULT SOFTBALL. Jerry Ruegemer presented the update on the
upcoming adult softball league set for Thursday nights at Lake Ann Park.
COMMISSION MEMBER PRESENTATIONS. Commission members discussed the
request from Nikki Hill about the Sunshine Gang Tree and asked staff to reach out to the City of
Edina for feedback on their gratitude tree in Centennial Lakes and bring the item back before the
commission in May.
ADMINISTRATIVE PACKET. Todd Hoffman pointed out the Arbor Day activities and tree
plantings at Rice Marsh Lake Park.
Petouvis moved, Kutz seconded to adjourn the meeting. All voted in favor and the motion
carried unanimously with a vote of 7 to 0. The Park and Recreation Commission meeting
was adjourned at 8:26 p.m.
Submitted by Todd Hoffman
Park and Rec Director
Prepared by Nann Opheim
APRIL 23, 2019
Acting Chair Boettcher called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.
MEMBERS PRESENT: Jim Boettcher, Meredith Petouvis, Joe Scanlon, Karl Tsuchiya, Matt
Kutz, Sandy Sweetser, and Haley Pemrick
STAFF PRESENT: Todd Hoffman, Park and Rec Director; Jerry Ruegemer, Recreation
Superintendent; and Audrey Swantz, Recreation Supervisor
Boettcher: First item on the agenda is going to be nomination and appointment of 2019/20 Chair
and Vice-Chair. So I’ll open up the nominations for Chair.
Scanlon: I will nominate Jim Boettcher for Chair.
Kutz: I’ll second.
Boettcher: Second. Any other nominations?
Scanlon moved, Kutz seconded to nominate Jim Boettcher as Chair for the 2019/20 term.
All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 7 to 0.
Boettcher: Thank you and I’ll look forward to doing the best job I can. Now for Vice-Chair I’ll
open up the nominations again.
Tsuchiya: I’ll nominate Meredith Petouvis.
Pemrick: Second.
Boettcher: And a second. Any other nominations?
Tsuchiya moved, Pemrick seconded to appoint Meredith Petouvis as Vice-Chair for the
2019/20 term. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 7 to 0.
Boettcher: Have you all had a chance to look at it? Any additions or deletions at this time?
Park and Recreation Commission – April 23, 2019
Hoffman: Chair Boettcher just to add the request from Nikki Hill about the Sunshine Gang
Tree. That can be added at commission member committee reports.
Boettcher: Under committee reports?
Hoffman: Or commission, let’s do on commission member presentations. Somebody can speak
to it and make a motion.
Boettcher: Okay.
Petouvis: Todd was there, did we need to add anything regarding the Mission Hills
neighborhood park?
Hoffman: Unless you believe something other than what was communicated.
Boettcher: Okay, motion to approve the agenda?
Tsuchiya: So moved.
Boettcher: Second?
Petouvis: Second.
Tsuchiya moved, Petouvis seconded to approve the agenda with the addition of addressing
the request by Nikki Hill about the Sunshine Gang Tree under Commission Member
Presentations. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 7 to 0.
Ruegemer: Chair Boettcher can I just interject for a quick moment?
Boettcher: Sure.
Ruegemer: Public announcements I just want to make the commission aware of the Red Bird
Rally that’s coming up May 4th at the Chanhassen Legion from 6:00 to 9:00 so that’s an annual
kind of a kick off to the Chanhassen Red Birds baseball season. We have a lot to celebrate.
They were the Class B State Champions last year so really looking forward to another great
season so it’s really a fun night. There’s raffles and different things and appetizers and you can
get your season tickets that night if you’d like to so it’s really a good way to kind of kick off the
season and connect with the coaching staff and players so I just would, I’d like to invite the
commission that night. May 4th at the Legion.
Park and Recreation Commission – April 23, 2019
Boettcher: At the Legion okay.
Ruegemer: Thank you.
Boettcher: Was there an admission charge for general public?
Ruegemer: That’s a very good question. I believe it is $10.
Boettcher: It is at the door and then raffle tickets.
Ruegemer: Yep all that is you know silent auction and different baskets and different prizes that
you can bid on if you would like to.
Boettcher: And does this guarantee a winning year again?
Ruegemer: We sure hope so.
Boettcher: You hope so, okay.
Hoffman: Defending state champs.
Boettcher: Good to see that.
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Petouvis moved, Scanlon seconded to approve the verbatim
and summary Minutes of the Park and Recreation Commission meeting dated March 26,
2019 as presented. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 7
to 0.
Boettcher: Alright down to new business already. Number one recognize City Council
appointments to the commission. So we’ve got 3 out of 7 members that are new. Looking
forward to a great year. Learning curve. Learning curve for everybody because now those of us
that have been here, all at once we realized we’re the top. We’re the big dogs on the porch.
Terminology reserved for me. Commissioner Petouvis is not a dog. Karl’s barely a pup.
Hoffman: Jim just tell them where you’re from, they’ll understand.
Boettcher: Well that’s true. Why don’t we do that. Why don’t we just go around.
Commissioner Pemrick would you like to start? Just a little bit of background. I unfortunately I
wasn’t here the evening for the interviews so I didn’t get to meet each of you until our council
Park and Recreation Commission – April 23, 2019
meeting a couple weeks ago so shame on me but if we could start and just do an introduction.
Pemrick: Yeah. I don’t know how much detail I should go into. I have actually lived in
Chanhassen my entire life. Born and raised here. Bought a house here about 8 years ago and
yeah, was a big part of the Chanhassen Rotary Club and then helped start the new Chanhassen
Evening Rotary Club as well so I’m very active in the community service side.
Boettcher: What attracted you to this? Was this the only commission you were seeking?
Pemrick: This was the only commission I applied for. I love being out. Being active and so this
is kind of the best fit for me at that time and have a background in purchasing and math and
economics so I like to look at the numbers of things and understand budgetary constraints so
Boettcher: You are in the right place.
Pemrick: I thought it would be a good fit.
Boettcher: You are in the right place for budget constraints. We do what we can. Well good,
we look forward to it.
Hoffman: And Haley is also one of handful of siblings from, or excuse me children from a
previous commissioner.
Pemrick: Yes my mom was a commissioner 30 years ago.
Boettcher: Really?
Hoffman: Just a handful. There’s only a few.
Tsuchiya: Was she park and rec commission?
Pemrick: Park and rec commission yeah.
Boettcher: And being a Chanhassen native I’ve been 18 ½ years and lived in Chanhassen. I
don’t, there’s not a lot of people I’ve met that were born and raised here in Chanhassen.
Pemrick: Yeah, not too many early 20 people choose to buy a house here. Didn’t want to leave.
Wanted to be in the community more than anything.
Boettcher: That’s very good. Joe.
Park and Recreation Commission – April 23, 2019
Scanlon: Yeah I’m a life long Minnesotan. I haven’t been in Chanhassen that long. Grew up in
Richfield. Also a Twin Cities boy. Moved out here with my wife in 2015. We have since had
two kids so we’ve got a busy little household. We plan on being here for a long time. We love
Boettcher: So you just 4 years you’ve been here and this is the start of your second year on the
Scanlon: Yes.
Boettcher: So you made the jump pretty quick.
Scanlon: Yeah pretty quickly yeah. Yeah I wanted to get involved.
Boettcher: Karl.
Tsuchiya: Karl Tsuchiya. My wife and I moved out here late 2016. We were in Richfield for 11
years before that and then my wife and I both grew up in Minnetonka so we knew we wanted to
come back west. We have 3 children as of recently. We had a baby boy who’s about 2 ½
months old now so very busy but kids are active in sports. We live near Bandimere so we’re
there a lot and saw the advertisement in the Villager for the commission position shortly after
moving into the neighborhood so I applied a couple months later and was fortunate enough to be
picked so I have 2 years under my belt and just starting my third year on the commission.
Boettcher: Good. Meredith.
Petouvis: I’m Meredith Petouvis and I have been in Chanhassen for 12 years now. I’m an east
coast transplant. Someone who didn’t exactly know precisely where Minnesota was. I had a
general idea. I was a little surprised. My son is horrified because he loves geography. Yeah it’s
out there so, so we, even though and specifically when we were searching for houses we kept
driving and driving and where did we, where are we? But it was Martin Luther King weekend
so everything is white that time of year so we love it. We intend to stay. We have since
purchased a second home in Chanhassen and moved within the city so I use the parks mostly
with my kids when they were small. They’re 13 and 10 now and use the parks differently than
when I was chasing them around the playgrounds trying to make sure they didn’t break their
neck but I’m out as Todd knows, because he and Adam got an email from me on Friday as we
were walking through the park with the dog saying um the dock is floating so anyway we enjoy
the parks and I’m glad to be starting my third year on the commission.
Boettcher: I’m Jim Boettcher. This is the start of my eighth year on the commission. I grew up
south of St. Louis, Missouri. I was in the automotive industry. Started out as an engineer with
GM. Left them. Went to Ford which is pretty common. People bounce around but I lived in St.
Louis, Detroit, Orlando, Memphis and now here Minneapolis area I call it but this as far as every
Park and Recreation Commission – April 23, 2019
place that I’ve lived has been, especially when you look at the parks. I never saw a park in
Detroit. I did see one but I had to get away from it. I never saw any in Memphis. I mean to
have a park within a half mile of every house that’s just, that was unheard of and all the time
when I was working I was always traveling. I didn’t have time, you know we’ve been living
here almost 18 ½ years now but the first 10 or 11 years when I was working I was traveling 40,
45 weeks a year. You know I’d drive through a town here and I’d go eh okay. I’ve got to go.
I’ve got to do something but I always have enjoyed Lake Ann. Lake Ann Park. I live a half mile
away. Plus I’m a bass fisherman so I’m on Lake Ann. If you see a red bass boat out there 4 out
of 5 days a week in the summertime that’s me. Just wave. Bring food and water and call my
wife and tell I’ll be home by dark at some point so. But I’m like everyone else. I got here. I
really love it. My wife has been fighting me the whole time because she’s a Tennessee girl but
so far I’ve got my feet dug in so we’re still here.
Sweetser: She’d hate the humidity if she went back.
Boettcher: Yeah there’s a story about that I’ll have to tell sometime but really enjoy it here and
I’ve enjoyed all my years on the commission so looking forward to another, at least two so.
Sweetser: I’m Sandy Sweetser and I actually moved to Minnesota in 1989. I’m not originally
from here either. From Ohio and moved up here for a job. In ’92 my husband moved here
because we had dated long distance for a while and then in 2000 we built a home here so I’ve
actually been in Chanhassen since 2000. My kids, I’m kind of on the opposite spectrum of the
end down here. My kids, I have one in college in Cincinnati. University of Cincinnati. He went
back to my home town. Born and raised in Chan and then my daughter is a freshman at Chan
High School so you know my I think history with park and rec reall y was with my children and
we live very close to Bandimere as well and my son is still a crazy active kids even though he’s
19 and we spend a lot of times on the soccer fields at Bandimere and all of the basketball
programs. My daughter is a freshman and she’s in high school and she’s 6 foot tall so my kids
have always been, we’ve always been active in sports and the community. This home is the only
the second home I’ve ever lived in from the standpoint of a home. My family home. This home
and I think this will probably be my last home. My husband is a Marine brat. He’s moved about
20 times but so I’m happy to be on this commission. It seems like a wonderful group of people
and just want to give back to the community. That’s why I’m here.
Boettcher: Good. Matt.
Kutz: Matt Kutz. Moved to Chanhassen in 2006. Live in the Lake Susan Hills area. Bandimere
Park area. Two kids. Got a 6 year old and a 3 year old and I’m also on Chanhassen Fire. Been
on for 12 years now so I’ve a little bit of experience with the city. Just looking forward to
working with the park commission here and try to make sure that we’re doing the best we can
and trying to keep improving on what we have and just want to make an impact.
Park and Recreation Commission – April 23, 2019
Boettcher: So if you get a call in the evening you only have to run. You only have to drive.
Kutz: That would make our Chief happy. Good response time.
Boettcher: Well like I said I really look forward to it again we have 3 new members. I don’t
think I’ve ever remember more than 2 new members at once so this is a little bit different but it’s
not by any means a challenge. I mean the diversity is always great. That’s usually where you
get the best ideas from. Instead of just always everything is status quo. We get some new blood
in. Not that we’re picking on anybody but look forward to everyone to get a chance to actually
pick your brains. What do you think about this. Look at from more of I guess an outsider’s
perspective at this point in time so very looking forward to working with everyone. If we do
well it makes me look better. If not I’m not here next year.
Hoffman: I’ll make you look good.
Boettcher: There you go.
Tsuchiya: Item number one on the…
Boettcher: There will be cookies if you do.
Boettcher: The second item under new business was based on our meeting a couple of weeks
ago with City Council and again I know for the 3 new people that was something new but I’d
kind of like to get everyone’s read on what you felt. What was your impression coming out of
there. The one thing I guess I’ll go ahead and start is I got a little bit of a take away from the
Mayor when she said I want you to challenge yourself and do something different. Be unique.
You know come up with some ideas. Again nothing in relating to the fact that we’re going to
have any mind to do anything but what can we do at this point. This is something we’re not
going to be able to figure out this evening but just to think forward over the next 2-3 months or
whatever so the next time we meet with them we can say okay, we did this. We did this. We
looked out about Sandy with marketing stuff. You’ve got you know what type of ideas. Can we
do volunteer work? Can we do whatever? I think I take that as a challenge. That was the one
thing I always did in my career. Every year we would start over. We’d re-write our business
plan and that was our challenge for the year. We’ve got to meet these objectives. Even though
nothing was set out you know that we have to do this or have to do that but whenever you hear
something like that you know there’s an expectation from the person that said it. That’s not just
idle gossip or idle talk that someone’s talking about. She really has something in mind so I’d
love to be able to go back in, again not to make me look good but I’d love to be able to go back
the next time and say here’s what we did. We took this idea. We did this. We ran with it so just
something for all of us to keep in the back of our mind. You know think about when I’m out on
Park and Recreation Commission – April 23, 2019
Lake Ann and Todd and I are catching big bass you know think about something. Well we could
do this. We never did this before. Why don’t we try it. Again budget wise we don’t have a lot.
You’ll see that in CIP or you already know about what the number is at right now but just
something going forward. I think it’s kind of a challenge. Meredith you want to go with your
Petouvis: I had, I just made a couple of notes of take aways that we could maybe act on that
aren’t requiring budget. One, we talked about actually in our orientation session is when the
time comes when the land around, the new land around Lake Ann is officially deeded to the City
it would be great if we could all get out there. If we need to put garbage bags on our legs to get
across the creek we can do that but just to really get out and get, we have a sense on the map and
last year we were able to go out as part of our summer touring and actually, was it you Todd who
drove us across the, over the river and through the woods pretty much but we got sort of an over
the top view of probably, we were aware of where the houses are going to be built but it’d be
really nice to get in there and walk around and I think we would be able to do some of that
brainstorming and outside of the box thinking after really standing there so that would be my
request for a little field trip.
Hoffman: We’ll schedule that for May or June.
Tsuchiya: When the mosquitoes are out?
Hoffman: Yeah.
Petouvis: And then my other item, which is a complete shift of topic but it’s something that I
think we had spoken about before this council meeting but it certainly came up during the
meeting with the City Council. We have 2 empty chairs that could be filled by youth
commissioners and I think perhaps, I don’t know whether we want to open it for discussion
tonight or put it on a later agenda but it sure would be nice to fill those chairs because I think the
youth commissioners bring an important perspective. An important voice if they choose to use it
to the commission so I would love to talk about ideas for filling those seats sooner than later.
Boettcher: And I agree. Have we had, is it 5 youth commissioners we’ve had so far?
Hoffman: In total? Sounds about right yeah. And this is the second or the third stint that we’ve
had youth commissioners over my time here.
Boettcher: Yeah, the first one was Mayor Furlong, it was actually his idea.
Hoffman: Yep.
Boettcher: In 2013 or something.
Park and Recreation Commission – April 23, 2019
Hoffman: Yeah bring them back.
Boettcher: At one point we had 2 and then the rest of the time it’s always been one I believe but
yeah you’re exactly right. The input, we were discussing something, it wasn’t the skate park.
That was already open but whatever item we were discussing we said well do you use that and
all of a sudden this commissioner, youth commissioner opened up you know and it’s 15 minutes
later he’s still talking about it because everybody that he went to high school with that was their
thing. That was their hot thing right then so it was great to have that input so.
Sweetser: Have we typically just kind of use social media to let students know of the
Hoffman: The same advertisement process that you saw is what they would see and then I
would say most of the youth commissioners have been tapped on the shoulder by an existing
adult commissioner and said hey, wouldn’t this be something. They know the student from
somebody that they know from school or their son or daughter knows from school so that’s been
the most productive way I think to put people on those seats. They typically don’t answer ads
for park boards.
Sweetser: We certainly, we could reach out. We talked a little bit I think just in our meeting
earlier just about reaching out maybe to the high schools to you know some of the social study
teachers or you know there’s got to be some kids in government classes that might be interested
if you guys think that’s something.
Boettcher: …or something.
Sweetser: Yeah. Or just even for the contact.
Kutz: I’ll cultivate that and reach out…
Pemrick: And if we need to with us being in Minnetonka district if you need me to reach out.
Hoffman: Yeah.
Pemrick: Every parent once a week gets an email full of flyers about the easy way of getting the
word out.
Sweetser: Yeah the kids like we were saying the kids in speech classes, you know those have
got to be future politicians so you know there’s got to be some kids interested and that direct
outreach to the schools.
Boettcher: And I think you’re right with parents maybe being kind of a driving force because
one of the commissioners we had from Sandy from your neighborhood, his father is on the
Park and Recreation Commission – April 23, 2019
county park commissioner with me and the son was here as a city junior park commissioner so
Sweetser: Sure, right.
Tsuchiya: Todd out of curiosity, do the other commissions have youth commissioners or is it
just park and rec?
Hoffman: Just park and rec.
Boettcher: Just us. Anything else Meredith?
Petouvis: That was all.
Boettcher: Karl.
Tsuchiya: No, not too much. You guys have already covered it from the meeting. The only
thing is you know even though I know we don’t have the budget for it but just to make sure that I
think Councilmember Jerry McDonald wanted to make sure we didn’t forget Bandimere and you
know we all agree. I think everybody agrees. It’s not finished so it’s not that we’re you know
intentionally disregarding it but just knowing that there are other things that have to take priority
right now but that is something that we still hold up there as a project that needs to be completed
in some form I would say so not that we forgot it but we’re consciously putting it to the side right
Boettcher: And not as a slight on a council member but every time we went in there for the past
several years and we brought up Bandimere and what it was going to cost, it was always talked
down because of the cost.
Tsuchiya: Yes.
Boettcher: And now the word is well don’t forget about it. Well we evidently have never
forgotten about it. It’s just.
Tsuchiya: No. I mean we could always say.
Boettcher: We were never given a green light to do anything.
Tsuchiya: Yes. And we know we can always keep coming back and maybe public sentiment
will you know once the Galpin property is done and things are in there maybe there’s some
momentum that the commission can harness at that point to refocus such energy on finishing off
Bandimere in some capacity. Whether that’s in one fell swoop or in stages and you know these
things take time so start with an idea. Kick it around. Pass it up to the council. See what their
Park and Recreation Commission – April 23, 2019
feedback is and keep going back and forth and see if we keep moving the ball forward in some
Hoffman: For the new folks let’s talk about what’s remaining at Bandimere.
Tsuchiya: Oh yeah. Let’s see if memory serves me correct there is the, there’s a large area as
you pull in that I think the discussion was a sport court or a pickleball court.
Hoffman: Pickleball or tennis yeah.
Tsuchiya: Or tennis.
Hoffman: Or both.
Tsuchiya: Or both. There’s the area outside the playground area that kind of slopes where
there’s a big rock out there. A couple rocks my kids like to climb. Behind the baseball fields
and that area there’s discussion about kind of a structure.
Hoffman: Large shelter.
Tsuchiya: A large shelter with bathrooms. Permanent bathrooms in there. There was also
discussion about I think in the master plan it talked about the potential for a splash pad in the
Hoffman: And athletic field lighting.
Tsuchiya: Yep and then field lighting for some of the athletic fields. I mean I think the soccer
fields are probably top of the list but we’ll see you know what kind of input from the community
and what kind of guidance from the City Council and also what kind of funding comes in
because, for example for the new commissioners here is the Lake Susan Park lights that went in,
a large contribution came from the baseball association so because of the timing of that, that’s
why that project got done relatively quickly. So if there is something like that from a youth
association that comes through then those are opportunities where we would have to probably
request, make a faster request of the City Council.
Kutz: Probably like a permanent warming house there for the hockey arena I would say.
Tsuchiya: Possibly. That would have to be an evaluation because right now there’s a really
good relationship with, Jerry do you remember who, who are we contracting through? We
changed that or they just got bought out.
Ruegemer: For the?
Park and Recreation Commission – April 23, 2019
Tsuchiya: For the warming houses. Yeah we put the trailers right now.
Tietz: Will Scott. Previously it was Mod Space and they got purchased by Will Scott.
Tsuchiya: So yes, a possibility but then I don’t know. It’s like renting versus owning in a way.
So if you put a permanent structure there then you have long term costs of the structure and
things like that but maybe there’s a way to trade. Something to evaluate later on. Not by any
means ruling out but something to look at. Did I hit all the?
Kutz: The splash pad as well. That’s definitely something that needs to get put into the city
Tsuchiya: Yeah that’d be a wonderful add on. Just a matter of space and money.
Kutz: Well like the council said put the pressure on them. Let’s not put the pressure on
ourselves. Let’s push it to them and make them make the decision to say no. That’s what I want
to see from this group. I want us to give them a proposal and if they say no, that’s fine but I
want this council not to say oh we’re constrained by budget. I want us to go forward and make
them say no and I’m sure that’s what we’ve done in the past but I just want to make sure that we
continue to do that.
Boettcher: Exactly yep. Anything else Karl?
Tsuchiya: I don’t think so. I just double check. I think that hit all the points from the master
plan about Bandimere. I don’t know if I missed anything. If I did.
Hoffman: No.
Boettcher: Joe what did you come away with?
Scanlon: Yeah yeah. Just kind of echo everything that you guys have said. That’s one thing…I
wanted to bring that up too. Shouldn’t be difficult and I think it’s important to have at least one
voice from that demographic. And then yeah, just focus on the priorities that we’ve had for the
last year and maybe back two or more years. I think you know the City Council has a lot of
other stuff going on. They’re not…all different things on our plate that we’ve been working on
over time so entrust the priorities we have in place and just go with that.
Boettcher: Haley what kind of read did you get? What were your take aways?
Pemrick: Probably the biggest thing kind of to echo is Mayor Ryan’s push to think outside the
box and think of things, you know obviously not forgetting priorities but you know what are
creative ways we can go about getting to them.
Park and Recreation Commission – April 23, 2019
Boettcher: Good. Sandy.
Sweetser: I’m very much a list maker so I had 1, 2, 3, 4. 1, 2 and 3 have already been talked
about a little bit. The only other thing I had written down was I believe it was Councilperson
Coleman mentioned new events so that might just be something as you were kind of mentioning
a little bit earlier with the marketing side of things and you know what new events can we create
for the city and bring in to maybe it’s some of these spaces that we’re talking about so that was
the only other note that I kind of made and I don’t have any specific thoughts yet but.
Boettcher: Yeah and this is all just you know what we feel again then we’ll create some type of
a plan. Again keeping in mind we have the 2040 plan. A lot of people spent a lot of time was it
18 months I think it took in development. I don’t know 7 meetings. 8 meetings. Something like
that but a lot of work went into so we kind of have a little bit of a guideline there. Matt what else
did you come up with?
Kutz: Like I said just to challenge the council so I want to make sure that we do that like I talked
about and some of the other things you guys mentioned with your list. Good list and also the
youth thing I think that’s important so, those are things I took away from that.
Boettcher: Okay good. So yeah let’s, I’d say let’s do that. Everyone will anyway and maybe
we’ll put this on as an item in the June meeting. Give everyone a couple months. 60 days to
think about you know what can we do? What can we do outside the box? Be different. I used to
work for a manager I used to work for, we’d go in to visit at one of our dealerships and he would
walk right up to the service manager and said what are you going to do today that’s unique. The
service manager would say I’m going to get away from you. I don’t know what you’re talking
about. I mean when you hit somebody with something like that it takes them out of their comfort
zone immediately. I mean it’s not boiler plate you know. It’s not written here in black and
white. You actually have to go outside and think about it and again that’s where sometimes what
Todd showed us earlier, what the people did back in 1969. That wasn’t something that was
handed to them to say here, I need you to act on this. This was people that said I see this. This is
a vision. 50 years later where would we be if we wouldn’t have had that happen at that time so
big, big changes came about. Old business. Do we have anything?
Pemrick: Can I just add?
Boettcher: Sure.
Petouvis: I’m trying to formulate exactly what I want to say but I need to say something before
the agenda moves on. I want to kind of circle back to what Commissioner Kutz was talking
about challenging the council. And in my mind we walk a very thin tightrope. Maybe Jim you
can speak to previous. You know I’ve got this is my third meeting with the City Council but as
far as knowing that our park dedication fund which has funded a lot of the, at least currently
recent capital improvements with our program is dwindling and very much accounted for. We
Park and Recreation Commission – April 23, 2019
have Lake Ann which is a huge project on the horizon. I would caution us to be very, very
strategic about how we challenge the council and knowing what the City’s overall budget is.
What the tax comfort is within the city and the county. I would just make sure that we, any
challenge that we do we be very, very thoughtful about it. Thank you.
Boettcher: And just, and I know I’ve said this before and I said it at our meeting with the
council, you know in the past what I saw it was always just so frustrating to go in with all these
grandiose plans but we weren’t biting the whole thing at a time. I’m talking about Bandimere in
particular. You know we had the lighting. We had the multi-use court. You know pickleball,
baseball, tennis, whatever. Athletic field lighting. The shelter. The splash pad and we said
here’s the way we want to lay it out and this and this and this and this and the total came out,
yeah it was a big number. If I remember it was $3.6 million but we were just looking for pieces
and you would come out of there and you got absolutely nothing. No approval. No go ahead or
whatever and you went back to the drawing board and you thought how many times can I do
this? You know you just get frustrated basically so again as Matt said earlier maybe a new tact.
Push all of it over there. Just here, this is our list. If you don’t do anything, I mean pointing
fingers in the other direction for a change. Maybe instead of going in with our hands out saying
here make this your idea. What would you do? Maybe we’d get a better response that way.
You know it’s something different to try so. Anything else on that topic?
Kutz: I just don’t want us to be afraid.
Boettcher: Right
Kutz: And I mean challenge might be a little bit of a strong word but I do want to go in there
giving them options and making sure that they have a choice to say whatever they need to say
regarding whatever we propose. I don’t want to, that’s all I want I guess add to that discussion.
Boettcher: No that’s good.
Petouvis: And I’m not opposed to a challenge. That’s not why I say this. You know when
we’re working within the environment within which we are operating when we choose to
challenge that it’s something that we need to make sure we utilize.
Kutz: Well we have to be united.
Petouvis: We need to be united and we need to be strategic and we need to understand that those
opportunities are rare.
Hoffman: And we’ll call it a recommendation.
Petouvis: Yeah exactly.
Park and Recreation Commission – April 23, 2019
Boettcher: Todd, schedule wise CIP is that June or May?
Hoffman: Typically June, July and August.
Boettcher: Okay.
Kutz: So if that’s coming up in June, July and August everybody on this board should have 2-3
items that they’re thinking about that they want to at least put on the, in that budget. I would
challenge everybody here to think of I don’t know if you want a park bench. I don’t know if you
want a skating rink in your area or whatever it is you should come up with something and we can
then discuss it at one of our next meetings and we can say you know maybe this isn’t the best
idea right now but this is what we’ve done in the past. Some of you guys have been on the board
you can tell us what you’ve done in the past and what’s worked and what hasn’t and we can go
from there.
Boettcher: No it’s all good ideas. I think we can get somewhere. Old business, anything there
Todd? Jerry?
Boettcher: Reports, we’ve got 2019 adult softball. I believe this is going to be Jerry.
Ruegemer: Yes it is, thank you Chair Boettcher. Just wanted to go through real quick. We have
one adult softball league here and that’s going to be played on Thursday nights out at Lake Ann
Park. The league format is a double header league so the teams will be playing 28 games out
there for 14 weeks so we have 12 teams signed up for that. We’re scheduled to start this coming
Thursday, April 25th and we will go til Thursday, August 1st with rain out’s coming up on the 8th
of August so all the games are played out at Lake Ann Park. Fields 4, 5 and 6 and we utilize the
lights. We play 4 games per field per night on Thursday nights up there so. The teams like the
double header leagues. They find that if they’re going to come out and dedicate the night they
might as well play a couple games and kind of get some exercise and socialize with their friends
and teammates so it’s a popular night with that so attached is the schedule if anybody cares to
look at that but that’s kind of it right now so we’re excited to start another season.
Kutz: I was going to ask, do we limit the number of teams or is that just how many asked to
participate this year?
Ruegemer: That is the maximum number of fields that we have is 12 with the double header
format. So if we played single games like we used to we could get more than the 12 teams.
Kutz: Do you think, how many teams do you think, is that typical 12 to fill out the schedule or
we’ve had more you think or did you have to turn any away?
Park and Recreation Commission – April 23, 2019
Ruegemer: I had to turn away at least 2.
Sweetser: What’s the financial model of the softball league? Is it a break even? Is it a money
maker for park and rec?
Ruegemer: It is a positive revenue positive after we pay umpires and sanctioning fees and you
know we don’t necessarily account for percentages of my time on it.
Sweetser: Sure right.
Ruegemer: But after it’s said and done then the revenue is more than the expenses.
Sweetser: Okay, wonderful.
Boettcher: Is it tough the last couple years when you have snow on the ground one week and 9
days later you’re going to play a game on it? I mean getting the fields prepped. Everything.
Ruegemer: That has been a little challenging.
Boettcher: I would say.
Ruegemer: That is for sure. Our April snowstorms have been challenging for everybody so.
Boettcher: So how many fields are resting this year?
Ruegemer: Softball fields not resting any.
Boettcher: Not any.
Ruegemer: Yeah typically we’ll take down a full size soccer field in the fall.
Boettcher: Right.
Ruegemer: Whether that’s Lake Ann or Bandimere so we try to kind of have a rotation for that
just to kind of keep them fresh.
Boettcher: Okay. Does anyone go? Have any of you gone to see any of the games?
Kutz: I’ve played in it in a couple of leagues.
Boettcher: Have you?
Kutz: I thought it was a Thursday night league. Maybe it was a Wednesday night.
Park and Recreation Commission – April 23, 2019
Ruegemer: I think you guys normally play fall now.
Kutz: The fire department has a fall team. This fall I think we’re doing. We didn’t do the
summer one this time. There’s a lot of people there.
Pemrick: It’s fun to watch yeah. Yeah a lot of people show up.
Boettcher: Yeah it is. You look at the park in there and all the signs that say no parking on grass
and cars all around them which is an issue I guess.
Hoffman: It’s always that transition when one game is finished and more people are coming and
it’s tough to find a spot.
Scanlon: Do we have a volleyball league that we do similar to the softball league?
Ruegemer: We do not currently.
Scanlon: I was just curious if we did or not.
Ruegemer: In the early 90’s we did sand volleyball but then that kind of tailed off over the
Hoffman: We really don’t have a venue right now. Single court at Lake Ann. A couple at Lake
Boettcher: Is this where you wanted to do the, from Nicole or from Nikki?
Hoffman: Yep. Nikki and the gang. If you read it somebody can take a stab at your thoughts
and see if the commission wants to go in with it.
Petouvis: Todd what are down sides? To allowing the gratitude tree.
Hoffman: I’m wondering if you guys have identified any. Just potential down side that I can
identify would be people are wondering who it is. What they sponsor. What it’s about.
Petouvis: Do we worry about damage to the tree?
Hoffman: Potentially but probably not a huge idea. Huge issue.
Park and Recreation Commission – April 23, 2019
Pemrick: …littering or the tags flying off.
Hoffman: They said they’re going to clean it up or keep, but I think the biggest thing why I
brought it to the commission is do you know anything about this? Did you look them up? These
trees are probably sponsored by a variety of people. Do you want to look them up or do you just
think it’s just not that big a deal and let them try it and see what happens?
Boettcher: Was it going to be one of the trees here, right here?
Hoffman: That’s what they talked about yeah.
Boettcher: Okay. You know I’m not that familiar with. I read through this. I clicked on the
website and looked at that but otherwise I really wasn’t familiar with it. I don’t know if anyone
else is. If you’ve seen it.
Sweetser: I had just done the same thing. Looked at the website. It seemed like kind of a
smaller you know type of an organization. That was one of my, I’m very much into gratitude.
That word means a lot to me as a person but there’s a lot of organizations out there I feel that you
know might have that same message and you know if it’s something that hey we’re willing to
look at multiple times it just seemed a little I don’t know. I don’t know what the word is but
kind of small potatoes in a way and how were they marketing it. It didn’t seem like there was a
lot of marketing behind the organization.
Boettcher: Right.
Sweetser: You know so then someone walks up, sees it. Will people understand it? I don’t, you
know it was just a, I think it’s a great concept. I’m just not sure if that, the actual
implementation of it.
Boettcher: That’s what kind of was my take away. Great idea but the implementation. I mean
having a pen and some paper tags there and do they even understand what they’re doing?
There’s nothing formalized as such.
Sweetser: Right.
Boettcher: I mean you hang it, it is like you said it’s a great act. Gratitude is but you kind of
lose it. Is this really, is he going to get a bang for the buck?
Sweetser: I went to the website thinking maybe it was tied into a bigger day of some sort. You
know Day of Gratitude. International Day or National Day, something like that and I didn’t find
that unless I missed it but so I just think it’s a little bit of a disconnect personally.
Park and Recreation Commission – April 23, 2019
Pemrick: She had said they’re doing it for a second time over what by Centennial Lakes?
Sweetser: Yeah they had done it I think.
Boettcher: That’s in Edina.
Pemrick: Edina?
Hoffman: Fifth season.
Pemrick: Oh fifth? Huh. I’d just be almost intrigued to hear someone in Edina’s thoughts on it.
Sweetser: Yeah.
Pemrick: To you know just get a little more information on it from someone who’s actively,
who’s been a part of it you know and see what their residents feel like and if people are engaging
with it or not.
Boettcher: If it’s where I think it is that’s where Ford, where we had our regional office was
right there in Centennial Park. So there’d be, I know there’s a lot of traffic there. Probably I’m
not saying there isn’t traffic here but a lot more because you’ve got office buildings here, here,
here and here and the big pond in the center. People are walking there at lunch every day before
work. After work so I would kind of be curious to see what type of participation they had.
Tsuchiya: Could we in this case is it Todd could we ask you to reach out to Edina’s park
department and see if they have any feedback and email and let us know what the response is?
Hoffman: Be glad to, yep.
Petouvis: Another question just trying to fully think through this is would we be setting any type
of precedence if perhaps we do not want to set by going forward with this particular tree would
be then?
Hoffman: Always. Always.
Tsuchiya: Everything we do is precedent setting.
Boettcher: Right. You did it for me. You did it for them. You’ve got to do it for me type of
Tsuchiya: And Todd if you could, if anybody else has specific questions but this just the
attorney in me thinking is I specifically want to know if Edina has any feedback or reports about
Park and Recreation Commission – April 23, 2019
I’ll just say inappropriate messages left on the tree. I just, you know I don’t want to get into a
First Amendment issue on something like this so.
Hoffman: Okay.
Tsuchiya: I don’t want to create some sort of forum where we’re either condoning but yeah
something like that.
Sweetser: Yeah.
Hoffman: The one I saw in, where was I visiting? Northfield. Yeah it was on private property.
Sweetser: That’s what I was wondering too. They have a connection obviously to the Dinner
Theater. You know is there something they could work with the Dinner Theater to do on site?
You know where they could almost explain it better to the guests that are coming there which I
know we don’t control but.
Hoffman: Another way to look at this is most times somebody wants to do something in a public
space, they want to pick City Center Park because they know it’s the most visited park in the city
so anytime they want to bring their idea to you they want to do it right here and there’s a little bit
of a precedence set with that many people believe that this space is for the veterans. At least that
portion of that location that that’s the veterans monument and that that place is somewhat
reserved for the veterans monument and any action that is incorporated with that. There’s other
parts of the park. You have the entertainment stage and you have the library promenade but
that’s just kind of the history and anytime anybody has their good idea they want it to take place
here in this park. So you have, it’s good to be cautious.
Boettcher: So we’ll just wait to make a decision until Todd can get some feedback from the City
of Edina.
Hoffman: I’ll bring you more information in May and I’ll let Nikki know that we’re
accumulating that information to bring it back to you.
Boettcher: Good. So we’ll just do it as an agenda item next month.
Hoffman: Sure.
Boettcher: Administrative packet. Anything there you want to, I see there’s several, six
different items here.
Park and Recreation Commission – April 23, 2019
Hoffman: I really want to focus on the Arbor Day planning. So this is coordinated by Jill
Sinclair who is the City’s arborist working in our planning division but does take place in a city
park. This year Rice Marsh Lake Park and so if you can be there to represent the commission
she appreciates that. I’ll be there that morning as well. I think we’re planting 16 or 19 trees in
the park and we’ve been around. Lake Ann Park. North Lotus Lake Park. Last year was, where
were we at, Power Hill Park so really great project that Jill has undertaken and to show our
appreciation it’s nice to have a few commissioners around to help plant.
Petouvis: It’s a terrific event. My kids they’re devastated when they’re not able to go so yes I
have an older one who’s upset and a younger one yes, I get to go so I highly recommend this
event. It’s fun. I mean literally all the hard work is done. You know we’re putting some dirt
back in the hole and the trees are already in them so I highly recommend that one.
Boettcher: Is this picture from last year?
Hoffman: It is. Yeah it’s a large group. Haley’s probably in that picture.
Pemrick: I am in that picture yeah from last year.
Boettcher: Where’s Waldo yeah.
Pemrick: I’m right in front of the really tall guy…Blue shirt yeah.
Hoffman: And I won’t be in there because I think I took it.
Tsuchiya: You didn’t have a selfie stick?
Hoffman: No not that long. Not that large. And for the new people administrative packet is
information that comes across our desk that we provide to you so you can just be informed. A
few times it’s going to be after the date. Most of the time it’s not. It’s going to be forward
looking and you can attend. You can participate but mostly it’s for your information so the
things that we’re seeing that we think is interesting that we’re providing to you.
Petouvis: Before we seek adjournment I would just like to give kudos to Jerry and Audrey and
everyone who was involved in the egg hunt. I think it’s a little miss named. I think it should be
the egg free for all.
Hoffman: Ah yes, I think you’re right.
Petouvis: We worked really hard to distribute evenly across the field and man those kids, if they
could clean their rooms like that. I mean 15 seconds and there’s not a scrap. Oh my gosh I
know so it was a gorgeous day. Gorgeous day.
Park and Recreation Commission – April 23, 2019
Kutz: Much better than the past couple.
Hoffman: Last year we froze.
Petouvis: Yeah I was trying to think. I did not make it to last year’s. I’m not sorry to be honest
but as I was out there I was thinking how on earth do you do this in snow and muck and yuck
because that’s quite the undertaking. It’s an undertaking in beautiful weather but.
Hoffman: They swept all the snow off for you last year.
Petouvis: So another job well done.
Boettcher: Do you have any idea attendance wise what the number was at?
Ruegemer: Yeah you know we had roughly about 475 kids register plus parents and
grandparents so we were well over 1,000 people there that morning so.
Boettcher: Where does everybody park?
Ruegemer: All over.
Hoffman: It’s like the 4th of July.
Tsuchiya: Yes, wherever there’s space.
Ruegemer: Yeah it was a beautiful morning and so we just thank everybody for being there and
everybody was pretty well behaved so.
Petouvis: Yeah I did have to shoo a few kids off the field. You know how kids creep? You
know like I’m not moving. So it was super cute. Everybody was having a good time.
Kutz: Next year you’ve got to put the golden egg in a different egg though because once they
spotted it they all beelined right to that one. Put it inside one of the other eggs then.
Petouvis: Yeah because I was in charge of putting it on the 5 to 8 field. Well how do I because
there are literally probably 300 plus sets of eyes watching so I tried to be all, you know put it in a
handful of other eggs and throw them all at once but yeah.
Boettcher: Is that like when at Christmas the tree lighting when Santa would be in the little
shack and the little kids pulling on the door. I know Santa’s in there. He can’t fool anyone that
Hoffman: He wasn’t dressed yet…
Park and Recreation Commission – April 23, 2019
Sweetser: We used to have an Easter Egg hunt in Bandimere before you moved there. Well
maybe they’ve had it the last couple years but they didn’t have it this year. Anyway when my
kids were little the Easter Bunny drove up one day we’re right by the park so my son goes
bunny, the Easter Bunny just drove up and I look out the window and the Easter Bunny got out
of his Ford whatever. Walked to the park. Hysterical so. So cute. But he drove with his head
on. You know he had his head on. Not that his head comes off but.
Boettcher: Any other items of discussion?
Petouvis moved, Kutz seconded to adjourn the meeting. All voted in favor and the motion
carried unanimously with a vote of 7 to 0. The Park and Recreation Commission meeting
was adjourned at 8:26 p.m.
Submitted by Todd Hoffman
Park and Rec Director
Prepared by Nann Opheim
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
Subject Introduction of 2019 Old National Bank Summer Concert Series
Section NEW BUSINESS Item No: G.1.
Prepared By Audrey Swantz, Parks and Recreation,
Recreation Supervisor
File No:
The City of Chanhassen is proud to present the 2019 Old National Bank Summer Concert Series at City Center Park
Plaza. The concert series is in its fifteenth year and will feature nine performances throughout the summer. The first
concert will be Thursday, June 13 at 7pm and continues every Thursday until August 8th. There is one daytime
performance geared toward children and families that will begin at 11am on Thursday, August 1. For each of the
performances, the city will be selling concessions including fresh popcorn, candy, and cold beverages.
Old National Bank (formerly KleinBank) of Chanhassen has again agreed to be the title sponsor of the series. Their
sponsorship of $3,000 is greatly appreciated and helps offset expenses for this program. Old National Bank will also
be providing free water to the audience for each of the performances. For the children's performance, they will be
distributing balloons for kids. Staff is pleased with our relationship with Old National Bank and appreciates all they
have done for this program.
Staff continues to explore creative and innovative marketing strategies to promote each performance. Promotional
magnets were purchased and will be distributed to spectators at the first few concerts of the season. Posters were also
distributed to local businesses in the community for increased exposure.
2019 Summer Concert Series Flyer
Tumblin’ Dice
MN Valley Community Band
The Federales
Jolly Pops
Tuxedo Band
Bernie King and the
Guilty Pleasures BLUEGRASS
Concert Series
FUN for the
Whole Family!
Westwind Swing Band
Memories of Elvis
Fattenin’ Frogs
Concert Series
Attendees are welcome to b
to the concert series. Beer a
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
Subject 2019 Easter Egg Candy Hunt Review
Section REPORTS Item No: I.1.
Prepared By Audrey Swantz, Recreation Supervisor File No:
The 36th Annual Easter Egg Candy Hunt was held on Saturday, April 20 at City Center Park. Four hundred and
seventyone (471) kids registered, which was much higher than last year; there were 247 participants in 2018. There
were 230 preregistered participants and 241 dayof registrations. Staff believes the weather played a large role in the
increased participation this year; it was in the upper 50s and sunny on Saturday morning. With over 1,000 people in
attendance, staff considers this to be a very successful event.
All participants received a candy bag with a door prize ticket stapled to it and some small prizes. Kids were divided
into three age groups for the candy hunt: 4 and under, 58, and 912. Each age group had its own designated area for
hunting candy, which created an environment that was safe for all participants.
Upon completion of the candy hunt, all participants gathered for the door prize drawings. A total of 17 prizes, valued
at over $500, were given away. Prizes included toy baskets and gift certificates donated by the 2019 Community
Event Sponsors.
A total of 140 coloring contest entries were submitted, which were judged and awarded prizes by each age group.
Each winner was awarded a gift basket courtesy of ABC & Toy Zone of Chanhassen. This continues to be an
attractive part of the event for many participants.
To help market the event, flyers and coloring sheets were inserted into the Chanhassen Villager and available at City
Hall and the Recreation Center.
Like all community events, volunteers were vital to the Easter Egg Candy Hunt’s success. School groups from
Chanhassen, Chaska, and Minnetonka High Schools and members of the Chanhassen Fire Department were a
tremendous help with candy distribution, wearing the bunny costume, and clean up. Volunteers truly make the
community events special for everyone.
Recommendations for 2020
Continue a relationship with the Chanhassen Fire Department.
Continue reaching out to community sponsors to volunteer at this event.
Investigate the merits of making it a free event with a few title sponsors.
PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION STAFF REPORTWednesday, May 29, 2019Subject2019 Easter Egg Candy Hunt ReviewSectionREPORTS Item No: I.1.Prepared By Audrey Swantz, Recreation Supervisor File No: SUMMARYThe 36th Annual Easter Egg Candy Hunt was held on Saturday, April 20 at City Center Park. Four hundred andseventyone (471) kids registered, which was much higher than last year; there were 247 participants in 2018. Therewere 230 preregistered participants and 241 dayof registrations. Staff believes the weather played a large role in theincreased participation this year; it was in the upper 50s and sunny on Saturday morning. With over 1,000 people inattendance, staff considers this to be a very successful event. All participants received a candy bag with a door prize ticket stapled to it and some small prizes. Kids were dividedinto three age groups for the candy hunt: 4 and under, 58, and 912. Each age group had its own designated area forhunting candy, which created an environment that was safe for all participants.Upon completion of the candy hunt, all participants gathered for the door prize drawings. A total of 17 prizes, valuedat over $500, were given away. Prizes included toy baskets and gift certificates donated by the 2019 CommunityEvent Sponsors.A total of 140 coloring contest entries were submitted, which were judged and awarded prizes by each age group.Each winner was awarded a gift basket courtesy of ABC & Toy Zone of Chanhassen. This continues to be anattractive part of the event for many participants.To help market the event, flyers and coloring sheets were inserted into the Chanhassen Villager and available at CityHall and the Recreation Center.Like all community events, volunteers were vital to the Easter Egg Candy Hunt’s success. School groups fromChanhassen, Chaska, and Minnetonka High Schools and members of the Chanhassen Fire Department were atremendous help with candy distribution, wearing the bunny costume, and clean up. Volunteers truly make thecommunity events special for everyone.Recommendations for 2020Continue a relationship with the Chanhassen Fire Department.
Continue reaching out to community sponsors to volunteer at this event.
Investigate the merits of making it a free event with a few title sponsors.
1. Expense Report
2019 Easter Egg Candy Hunt
Revenue & Expenditure Report
Pre-registrations: 230 participants x $5 $ 1,150.00
Day of Registrations:241 participants x $5 $ 1,205.00
Total $ 2,355.00
101–1612–4130 (Budget: $2,000)
Target: Candy $ 807.35
American Carnival: Pre-filled Eggs $ 247.50
Fun Express: Prizes $ 380.42
Pilgrim Cleaners: Clean Bunny Suit $ 27.49
Total $ 1,462.76
101–1612-4340 (Budget: $300)
Southwest Publishing: Villager Inserts est. Total $ 263.20
Total Revenues $2,355.00
Total Expenses $1,725.96
BALANCE $ 629.04
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
Subject 2019 Lake Ann Park Summer Programs
Section REPORTS Item No: I.2.
Prepared By Jerry Ruegemer, Recreation
File No:
The summer of 2019 is upon us and brings a sense of excitement along with it. Lake Ann Park plays a vital role in that
The concession/watercraft rental building will be open between Saturday, May 25 and Sunday August 18, seven days
per week between the hours of 11:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m.
The concession manager will coordinate work schedules, order supplies, and take care of the daytoday operations.
The revenues from the 2018 season were very strong and it is staff’s goal to continue that momentum.
Staff is happy to announce that paddleboards will be available for rent again this summer. The city and Twin City
Paddleboard will continue our partnership to provide eight paddleboards. City staff will coordinate all rentals and
generated revenue will be shared.
Staff has been busy processing picnic requests and many weekends are already booked, however, some openings
remain. It is projected that approximately 120+ picnics will be scheduled, which will generate over $16,000 in
revenue. The covered shelters at Lake Ann and Lake Susan remain popular.
The beach at Lake Ann is open to the public all summer long between 6:00 a.m. and 10:00 p.m. daily. Lifeguards
are scheduled starting on Saturday, June 1. Lifeguards will be on duty between the hours of 11:00 am until 6:00 pm,
weather permitting, until August 11th. The city is contracting with Minnetonka Aquatics again this year for the lifeguard
Lake Ann Park will be a busy place again this summer. Considering all of its amenities, staff is looking forward to
providing a firstrate operation, but if there are any suggestions to improve how services are provided, please let me
Lake Ann Concession Menu & Boat Rental Prices 2019
Lake Ann Concession Menu & Boat Rental Prices
Candy – ($1.25) Chips/Pretzel Cups – ($2.00, $.75, $2.50)
Britecrawlers Nacho Chips/Cheese
M & M – Plain Bags (small) Doritos
Skittles Cheetos
Snicker Bar Lays – Reg/BBQ
Starburst Von Hanson’s Flavored Pretzel Cups – Parmesan, Dill Ranch
Twix Popcorn-($1.50, $1.00)
Granola Bar Large Bag
Pop/Water – ($2.00) Small Bag
Coke Hot Dogs – ($2.00)
Diet Coke Boat Rental - $12.00/$16.00 Per Hour
Sprite Canoes/Row Boat
Minute Maid Pink Lemonade Paddleboats
Fanta Orange Row Boats W/Trolling Motor
Dasani Water Kayak
Power Ade Mt. Blast/Fruit Punch Stand Up Paddleboard
Ice Cream ($2.00)
Choco Taco
King Cone
Giant Vanilla Sandwich
Lick A Color
Rainbow Pop
Minions Bar
Sponge Bob Bar
Cookie Sandwich
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
Subject 2019 Summer Programs
Section REPORTS Item No: I.3.
Prepared By Audrey Swantz, Recreation Supervisor File No:
The following is a list of upcoming preschool, youth, and family programs offered this summer by the Chanhassen
Parks & Recreation Department. More information can be found on the city's website or in the 2019 Summer
Preschool Programs (ages 36)
Rec Center Sports: Super Small Fry (Ages 34)
Soccer (2 sessions)
TBall (3 sessions)
Rec Center Sports: Small Fry Sports (Ages 34)
Track & Field (3 sessions)
TBall (3 sessions)
Sports Sampler Camp
Rec Center Sports: Lil' Star Sports (Ages 56)
Indoor Soccer (2 sessions)
TBall (4 sessions)
Sports Sampler Camp (2 sessions)
Clowning Around for Kids
Penny Carnival
Bingo in the Park
Exploring Science Camp (2 sessions)
PintSize Picassos
Little Tigers SelfDefense Camp
Tot Time
Music Together Lakeside (2 sessions)
Go Gymnastics: Tiny's (Ages 18mos3) (2 sessions)
Go Gymnastics: Mini's: (Ages 35) (2 sessions)
Go Gymnastics: Little's: (Ages 57) (2 sessions)
Kidcreate Studio: Our Littlest Fan's Favorites Art Camp
Kidcreate Studio: PAW Patrol Chase
Skyhawks: Tennis With Quick Start (Ages 57)
Skyhawks: Basketball Camp (Ages 612)
Skyhawks: Beginning Golf Camp (Ages 58)
Summer Discovery Playground (14 sessions)
Dance For Fun
PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION STAFF REPORTWednesday, May 29, 2019Subject2019 Summer ProgramsSectionREPORTS Item No: I.3.Prepared By Audrey Swantz, Recreation Supervisor File No: SUMMARYThe following is a list of upcoming preschool, youth, and family programs offered this summer by the ChanhassenParks & Recreation Department. More information can be found on the city's website or in the 2019 SummerConnection.Preschool Programs (ages 36)Rec Center Sports: Super Small Fry (Ages 34)Soccer (2 sessions)TBall (3 sessions)Rec Center Sports: Small Fry Sports (Ages 34)Track & Field (3 sessions)TBall (3 sessions)Sports Sampler CampRec Center Sports: Lil' Star Sports (Ages 56)Indoor Soccer (2 sessions)TBall (4 sessions)Sports Sampler Camp (2 sessions)Clowning Around for KidsPenny CarnivalBingo in the ParkExploring Science Camp (2 sessions)PintSize PicassosLittle Tigers SelfDefense CampTot TimeMusic Together Lakeside (2 sessions)Go Gymnastics: Tiny's (Ages 18mos3) (2 sessions)Go Gymnastics: Mini's: (Ages 35) (2 sessions)Go Gymnastics: Little's: (Ages 57) (2 sessions)Kidcreate Studio: Our Littlest Fan's Favorites Art CampKidcreate Studio: PAW Patrol ChaseSkyhawks: Tennis With Quick Start (Ages 57)Skyhawks: Basketball Camp (Ages 612)Skyhawks: Beginning Golf Camp (Ages 58)
Summer Discovery Playground (14 sessions)
Dance For Fun
Jumps and Jazz (2 sessions)
Princess Time Ballet (2 sessions)
Ballet & Creative Movement
Jazz/Hip Hop
Youth Programs (ages 7 16)
Rec Center Sports: After School All Stars (Ages 711)
Sports Sampler
Flag Football
Ultimate Frisbee & Kickball
Magic/Balloons/Juggling Camp for Kids
Penny Carnival
Skyhawks: Tennis Camp (Ages 811)
Lake Ann Adventure Camp (2 sessions)
Summer Discovery Playground (14 sessions)
Dance For Fun
Flexibility, Tricks, & Turns (2 sessions)
Leaps, Jumps, & Conditioning (2 sessions)
Ballet/Tap/Jazz (2 sessions)
Jazz/Hip Hop/Lyrical
Flexibility & Conditioning
Competition Team Classes
Minnesota Twins Baseball Clinic (2 sessions)
Red Birds Baseball Camp (2 sessions)
SafeKids 101 (3 sessions)
Babysitting Safety Training (3 sessions)
Tae Kwon Do Junior (2 sessions)
Travelling Archery Camp
Artemis Camp
Beginner Archery Camp
Outdoor Extravaganza
Teen Volunteer Program
Family Programs
36th Annual 4 th of July Celebration
Old National Bank Summer Concert Series
If commissioners have ideas for future programs, please identify them during our discussion.
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
Subject Administrative Packet
Prepared By Annie Lundell, Administrative Support
File No:
1. KwikTrip Pickleball Tournament Sign
2. Letter from Lotus Lake Conservation Alliance Re:AIS wastercraft inspection program
3. Mill Street Trail Feasability Study Flyer
4. 2018 Ball Field Lighting Power Consumption Report
JUNE 4-6, 9AM-5PM
Join us for an un-officiated, double elimination tournament. Each division is limited to
12 teams of 2 (only 1 person per team will register). The games will be timed with prizes
awarded to the winners in each category. Schedules will be emailed to participants
before the tournament.
Mixed Doubles
Women’s Doubles
Men’s Doubles
Tuesday, June 4
Wednesday, June 5
Thursday, June 6
Code No. 4193.114
Code No. 4193.115
Code No. 4193.116
Register at City Hall,
the Rec Center,
or use the QR code
to register.