Agenda and PacketAGENDA
Commissioners may add or delete items at this time.
Commission Procedures allow for presentations from the audience at this time. If a motion is
required, the item will be forwarded to the next available agenda to allow for publication and review
prior to consideration.
1.Approve Park & Recreation Minutes dated February 26, 2020
1.Receive 2019 Park and Recreation Department Annual Report
2.Appointment of Chair and Vice Chair
1.Chanhassen Recreation Center Quarterly Update
2.Park Maintenance Quarterly Update
3.2019/2020 Ice Rink Season Evaluation
4.Senior Center Quarterly Report
5.Recreation Program Updates
6.Senior Center Update
AGENDAPARK AND RECREATION COMMISSIONWEDNESDAY, MAY 27, 2020CHANHASSEN CITY HALL, 7700 MARKET BOULEVARDA.CALL TO ORDERB.ROLL CALLC.APPROVAL OF AGENDACommissioners may add or delete items at this time.D.PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENTSE.VISITOR PRESENTATIONSCommission Procedures allow for presentations from the audience at this time. If a motion isrequired, the item will be forwarded to the next available agenda to allow for publication and reviewprior to consideration.F.APPROVAL OF MINUTES1.Approve Park & Recreation Minutes dated February 26, 2020G.NEW BUSINESS1.Receive 2019 Park and Recreation Department Annual Report2.Appointment of Chair and Vice ChairH.OLD BUSINESSI.REPORTS1.Chanhassen Recreation Center Quarterly Update2.Park Maintenance Quarterly Update3.2019/2020 Ice Rink Season Evaluation4.Senior Center Quarterly Report5.Recreation Program Updates6.Senior Center Update
Wednesday, May 27, 2020
Subject Approve Park & Recreation Minutes dated February 26, 2020
Prepared By Nann Opheim, City Recorder File No:
The Park and Recreation Commission approves the minutes dated February 26, 2020.
Approval requires a simple majority vote of members present
Summary Minutes
Verbatim Minutes
FEBRUARY 26, 2020
Chairman Boettcher called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.
MEMBERS PRESENT: Jim Boettcher, Meredith Petouvis, Joe Scanlon, Karl Tsuchiya, Matt
Kutz, and Youth Commissioner Zoe Erpelding
MEMBERS ABSENT: Sandy Sweetser, and Haley Pemrick Schubert
STAFF PRESENT: Todd Hoffman, Park and Rec Director; Jerry Ruegemer, Recreation
Superintendent; and Priya Tandon, Recreation Supervisor
APPROVAL OF AGENDA: Tsuchiya moved, Kutz seconded to approve the agenda with
the following additions under New Business:
2. Carver County Mountain Bike Trails
3. Discussion of Extending the Number of Days for Feb Fest
All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 6 to 0.
PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENTS: Priya Tandon invited the commissioners to attend the
Luminary Walk being held on Thursday, February 27th at the Chanhassen Nature Preserve.
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Tsuchiya moved, Petouvis seconded to approve the verbatim
and summary minutes of the Park and Recreation Commission meeting dated January 29,
2020 as presented. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 6
to 0.
2020-2022 4th OF JULY FIREWORKS CONTRACT. Jerry Ruegemer presented the staff
report on this item. Commissioner Tsuchiya asked why there was only one bid. Commissioner
Kutz asked about the dollar amount.
Kutz moved, Petouvis seconded that the Park and Recreation Commission recommends
that the City Council approve a three year 4th of July Fireworks contract (2020-20220) with
Pyrotechnic Display, Inc. in the amount of $23,000 per year. All voted in favor and the
motion carried unanimously with a vote of 6 to 0.
Park and Recreation Commission Summary – February 26, 2020
CARVER COUNTY MOUNTAIN BIKE TRAILS. Todd Hoffman discussed mountain bike
trails that are being designed to go into the MnDOT right-of-way between Highway 212 and
Pioneer Trail and associated agreements between the City of Chaska, the City of Chanhassen and
Chaska Trails Group.
discussed ideas for possible activities to expand the length of time for February Festival.
OLD BUSINESS. Todd Hoffman informed the commission that the results of the community
survey had been received and the questions regarding the $250,000 in annual maintenance and
the $9 million dollars for park improvements were received positively.
REPORTS: 2020 FEBRUARY FESTIVAL EVALUATION. Priya Tandon presented the
evaluation of the 2020 February Festival. Chairman Boettcher provided his observations from
the event and suggestions for next year. Commissioner Kutz suggested giving rides on vintage
Tsuchiya moved, Petouvis seconded to adjourn the meeting. All voted in favor and the
motion carried unanimously with a vote of 6 to 0. The Park and Recreation Commission
meeting was adjourned at 8:20 p.m.
Submitted by Todd Hoffman
Park and Rec Director
Prepared by Nann Opheim
FEBRUARY 26, 2020
Chairman Boettcher called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.
MEMBERS PRESENT: Jim Boettcher, Meredith Petouvis, Joe Scanlon, Karl Tsuchiya, Matt
Kutz, and Youth Commissioner Zoe Erpelding
MEMBERS ABSENT: Sandy Sweetser, and Haley Pemrick Schubert
STAFF PRESENT: Todd Hoffman, Park and Rec Director; Jerry Ruegemer, Recreation
Superintendent; and Priya Tandon, Recreation Supervisor
Boettcher: Any additions or deletions at this time? I wanted to add a couple. One, Todd had
sent us the information about the new mountain bike trail with the transfer of the land through
Carver County and Carver Trails is doing the construction. I wanted to add that under New
Business as number 2. And then another one if I could as number 3, those of you that were there
last year in April when we met with City Council when the Mayor challenged us and said I want
you to think out of the box and come up with something unique. This is still something we’d
like to be, I would hope that we all could present something to the council at our April meeting
with a, one thing real briefly. I just had a thought about extending Feb Fest to a full day or even
a day and a half thing. I talked to the Mayor about it briefly at Feb Fest earlier this month so if
we could add that as number 3 to talk about that and get us all on a list of months to talk about it
and next month at our meeting Todd’s going to have some info to go over with us. We’re going
to have a cheat sheet to talk from and if we can do some personal deep dives even those of us
that aren’t going to be here anymore your opinions will still count and be appreciated so I’ll add
that for number 3 so other than that any, if no other additions and deletions can I get approval of
the agenda.
Tsuchiya: So moved.
Boettcher: Got a motion.
Kutz: Second.
Tsuchiya moved, Kutz seconded to approve the agenda with the following additions under
New Business:
2. Carver County Mountain Bike Trails
Park and Recreation Commission – February 26, 2020
3. Discussion of Extending the Number of Days for Feb Fest
All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 6 to 0.
Boettcher: Public announcements, Todd anything?
Hoffman: We have the Luminary Walk but that’s also on the agenda so.
Tandon: Yeah the Luminary Walk is tomorrow, Thursday, February 27th from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m.
at the Chanhassen Nature Preserve so on the corner of Century and 5. There’s one mile trail
through that Chanhassen Nature Preserve that will be lit with luminaries to walk and then
afterwards some hot cocoa, cookies, snacks and a bonfire for after the walk so you’re all invited
and we would love to see you there for a fun winter stroll.
Kutz: I’m sorry what time does that start?
Tandon: 6:00 p.m.
Kutz: 6:00 p.m.
Boettcher: Where’s the parking for that Priya?
Tandon: It’s in the Tweet Pediatric Dentistry parking lot so it’s right on the corner there. There
should be ample parking.
Boettcher: Should be, okay. Good alright, thank you.
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Tsuchiya moved, Petouvis seconded to approve the verbatim
and summary minutes of the Park and Recreation Commission meeting dated January 29,
2020 as presented. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 6
to 0.
Boettcher: And we’re already onto New Business. 2020 to 2022 4th of July Fireworks Contract
and Jerry I believe this is you.
Park and Recreation Commission – February 26, 2020
Ruegemer: It is, thank you Chair Boettcher. Good evening commissioners. Just wanted to go
through the multi-year contract here with the commission tonight. So in preparing for the
upcoming 4th of July celebration quotes were solicited for the 2020, 2021 and the 2022 firework
shows from Precocious Pyrotechnics, Ace Pyrotechnics, Hollywood Pyrotechnics and
Pyrotechnic Display Inc. So staff did send out kind of a quote and RFP with a budgeted amount
of $23,000 for all companies to take a look at and then to develop a quote or a bid for the
process. The City received only one quote back from Pyrotechnic Display. After reviewing the
quote from Pyrotechnic Display they met all specifications in offering a quality show with an
opening body, main body, mid show barrage and a grand finale. Pyrotechnic Display has been
providing Chanhassen 4th of July displays for over 30 years. During this time Pyrotechnic
Display has consistently displayed a high level of professionalism, great safety record and
always offered a variety of high quality products to produce excellent shows. Pyrotechnic
Display has provided a very strong quote by fulfilling all of the quote requirements, offering a
balanced and enjoyable show that will include a mid-show barrage. So it is staff’s
recommendation that the Park and Rec Commission recommend to the City Council to approve
the 3 year 4th of July contract for the years of 2020, 2021 and 2022 with Pyrotechnic Display
Incorporated in the amount of $23,000 per year. This amount is included in our 1600 fund
budget and the 2020 fireworks display will take place on Saturday, July 4th at 10:00 p.m. at Lake
Ann Park so the attachments, the RFP was attached with your agenda item tonight. Pyrotechnic
Display’s quote, the contract with Pyrotechnic Display and then our City Attorney recommended
that we attach an addendum to the contract and Pyrotechnic Display did also review that
addendum and were agreeable to all the items listed within that addendum so that was put into
the contract as well and language was identified in there for the approval. So that is staff’s
Boettcher: Anyone have any questions for Jerry regarding this?
Tsuchiya: Jerry any idea why the other 3 companies didn’t submit a bid?
Ruegemer: You know a variety of reasons. You know a lot of them like Pyrotechnic Display
have shows in other cities that they’re doing and kind of going through the process they maybe
feel it wasn’t work it to submit a bid
Tsuchiya: Alright.
Kutz: One question, is the dollar amount is that similar to last year? Is that more than last year?
The same, less or have we trended up in our amount or where are we at with that?
Ruegemer: It is the same exact dollar amount of many years of the past and as well as last year.
Boettcher: Any other questions for Jerry? If not could I get a motion to approve as written?
Kutz: Motion.
Park and Recreation Commission – February 26, 2020
Boettcher: Second?
Petouvis: Second.
Boettcher: We have a motion and a second as written in the proposed here.
Kutz moved, Petouvis seconded that the Park and Recreation Commission recommends
that the City Council approve a three year 4th of July Fireworks contract (2020-20220) with
Pyrotechnic Display, Inc. in the amount of $23,000 per year. All voted in favor and the
motion carried unanimously with a vote of 6 to 0.
Boettcher: Looks like we’re going to have fireworks for 3 years. Thank you Jerry.
Ruegemer: Thank you commissioners.
Boettcher: Todd do you want to talk a little bit about the mountain bike trail?
Hoffman: Thanks Chair Boettcher, members of the commission. So a couple years ago you
remember some bike trail enthusiasts came here perhaps on a couple of occasions. When they
first started they were just talking about give us bike trails anyway, anyplace and then they
actually went off and found this excess piece of right-of-way on their own modeling a trail
system in Mankato. So in Mankato just as you drive into Mankato on the left hand side there’s a
piece of MnDOT right-of-way that the community of Mankato and the high school use for some
bike trails so this land lies within Highway 212. Between Highway 212 and Pioneer Trail and
the blue lines would be the tracks themselves. And then this is the right-of-way of Pioneer Trail.
This is the right-of-way of Highway 212. The city line is right up in here and so you’d see, this
is Pioneer Pass Park and that city line comes just down through that general area and then
crosses right in here. So this is Chanhassen trails. These trails are in Chaska. These trails are in
Chaska. It’s mostly in MnDOT right-of-way and then there was some significant portions of
Carver County right-of-way. So two things had to happen. Carver County was interested in the
project but they really didn’t want to have the liability associated with having bike trails within
their right-of-way and so they said we will give you this right-of-way or transfer this right-of-
way to both Chaska and Chanhassen and so that’s what has happened in Chaska. They’ve
already approved the transfer of the property from Carver County to the City of Chaska right-of-
way. By the action on the council that’s coming up on the 9th Carver County would transfer
right-of-way up in this area to the City of Chanhassen. And then the second act, action that
evening is to approve an MOU, a Memorandum of Understanding between Chaska, Chanhassen
and the Carver Trails group to build and operate the trails. So great kudos out to this group so,
for working for a couple of years to make this happen and that’s the overall plan. They will
construct the trails with volunteers. They have the proper liability insurance. The school district
Park and Recreation Commission – February 26, 2020
is onboard for parking and those type of things and once these go in they’ll be highly used by not
just the high school team but general mountain bikers in general.
Boettcher: So a question there where the dog walker is and the hazards, is that across, a surface
street crossing there or do they not cross the street?
Hoffman: Yep. There’s a semaphore crossing right here.
Boettcher: It is semaphore, okay.
Hoffman: Yep.
Boettcher: It’s just, when you look at it, it looks so confusing as close as the trail runs together, I
mean the lines are ready, I mean borders and such. So what’s, is it just the surface? There’s no.
Hoffman: It’s dirt. The trail’s about that wide.
Boettcher: That’s it?
Hoffman: Yep that’s it. And so if you’ve looked at that right-of-way at all it’s quite sloped and
so you really can’t see it from 212. You’ve got to get up and over the hill and then you’d be able
to see the trails.
Kutz: It’s quite hilly too.
Hoffman: Yes, it is and wooded on our side. It’s going to have to be some interesting terrain. In
general these trails are fairly tight. They like the, they like to have some terrain and some slopes
and the trees on the, on our side are some of the strongest attributes of going around the pond
will be fun so it’s going to have some pretty good visibility that people are going to be able to
see it. It’s going to be one of those recreation activities where the people driving by are going to
be able to see the bikes. The bikes will be able to keep track of the traffic so that’s a good use of
some excess right-of-way which other than that would be left for grass and other wildlife but it’s
going to be used for bikes.
Boettcher: Have they figured out if they straighten it out how long it would be total?
Hoffman: I think they have. I don’t remember.
Boettcher: Somebody got out there with that unicycle wheel.
Hoffman: I don’t recall the distance but they’ve got that determined.
Boettcher: And then wintertime use the Carver Trails maintains it? Keeps it clear or not?
Park and Recreation Commission – February 26, 2020
Hoffman: No. There’ll likely will be some wintertime use but it would depend on conditions of
the trail.
Boettcher: Okay.
Wednesday, May 27, 2020
Subject Receive 2019 Park and Recreation Department Annual Report
Section NEW BUSINESS Item No: G.1.
Prepared By Jerry Ruegemer, Recreation
File No:
Staff completed the 2019 Park & Recreation Annual Report. The report identifies accomplishments and information
relating to all divisions within our department. The information is used to evaluate performance in order to deliver
quality programs, facilities, and customer service to the Chanhassen community.
2019 highlights are listed below:
Chanhassen Senior Center
5,542 people attended the weekly & monthly activities & clubs.
7,033 people participated in the 124 offered trips, programs, and special events.
Over 591 people participated in Health & Wellness sessions.
Chanhassen Recreation Center
Total Rec Center NonBillable Hours: 4,688.75.
Value of NonBillable Hours: $88,018.75.
Total Rec Center Sports Participants: 778.
Total Dance for Fun Participants: 499.
Chanhassen Rec Center Sports
Offered 39 sessions of Rec Center Sports with 778 children participating.
Youth Programs
Offered over 250 programs with over 3,000 participants ranging from birth to age 17.
The Summer Discovery Playground Program featured 28 sessions with 534 participants.
Teen Volunteer Program
In its seventh year, youth between the ages of 1316 provided over 479 hours of volunteer service. They
volunteered for youth programs, senior activities, community events, and service projects.
Adaptive Recreation
Program offerings include social clubs, special events, holiday parties, and dances.
REACH for Resources helped train playground seasonal staff to identify and help children with disabilities in our
Served 38 participants with a total of 133.85 hours.
PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION STAFF REPORTWednesday, May 27, 2020SubjectReceive 2019 Park and Recreation Department Annual ReportSectionNEW BUSINESS Item No: G.1.Prepared By Jerry Ruegemer, RecreationSuperintendent File No: SUMMARYStaff completed the 2019 Park & Recreation Annual Report. The report identifies accomplishments and informationrelating to all divisions within our department. The information is used to evaluate performance in order to deliverquality programs, facilities, and customer service to the Chanhassen community.2019 highlights are listed below:Chanhassen Senior Center5,542 people attended the weekly & monthly activities & clubs.7,033 people participated in the 124 offered trips, programs, and special events.Over 591 people participated in Health & Wellness sessions.Chanhassen Recreation CenterTotal Rec Center NonBillable Hours: 4,688.75.Value of NonBillable Hours: $88,018.75.Total Rec Center Sports Participants: 778.Total Dance for Fun Participants: 499.Chanhassen Rec Center SportsOffered 39 sessions of Rec Center Sports with 778 children participating.Youth ProgramsOffered over 250 programs with over 3,000 participants ranging from birth to age 17.The Summer Discovery Playground Program featured 28 sessions with 534 participants.Teen Volunteer ProgramIn its seventh year, youth between the ages of 1316 provided over 479 hours of volunteer service. Theyvolunteered for youth programs, senior activities, community events, and service projects. Adaptive RecreationProgram offerings include social clubs, special events, holiday parties, and dances.REACH for Resources helped train playground seasonal staff to identify and help children with disabilities in our
Served 38 participants with a total of 133.85 hours.
Adult Athletics
We had 20 softball teams with over 300 individuals participating.
Softball revenues totaled $13,736.90.
Community Events
Four major events hosted annually with over 10 organization partnerships.
An estimated 80,000 people attend community events.
Over 200 volunteer hours go into planning, organizing and executing community events.
Over 40,300 people use Chanhassen’s outdoor facilities, including swimming beaches, skating rinks, the skate
park, & picnic areas.
26 seasonal employees are hired to monitor the safety and overall wellbeing of the skate park & skating rinks.
Park Maintenance
Maintained 65 miles of pedestrian trails and sidewalks.
Maintained 528 acres of natural preserve land and 466 acres of developed parkland.
Maintained downtown and all greenscapes.
Park Improvements
New pitching mound added to the Lake Susan Park baseball field.
Over 2,000 annual flowers planted in downtown Chanhassen
Maintained more than 79 partnerships that involved all divisions of our department.
Capital Improvements Projects
Six project items ranging in cost from $10,000 to $245,000; totaling $420,000.
2019 Park and Recreation Department Annual Report
Park & Recreation
City of Chanhassen
Park & Recreation Commission
Fast Facts
Senior Center
Recreation Center
Rec Center Sports
Youth Programs
Teen Volunteer Program
Adaptive Recreation
Adult Athletics
Community Events
Park Maintenance
Park Improvements
Capital Improvement Program
The quality and number
of recreational facilities
in a community directly
contributes to its quality of
life. For this reason, the City
of Chanhassen places strong
emphasis on parks, open
space, trails, and recreation.
Mayor and City Council
Elise Ryan ............................. Mayor
Dan Campion ......................... Councilman
Jerry McDonald ..................... Councilman
Julia Coleman ........................ Councilwoman
Bethany Tjornhom ................. Councilwoman
Park & Recreation Administration
Todd Gerhardt ....................... City Manager
Chelsea Peterson (Jan-June) Assistant City Manager
Jake Foster (July-Dec) .......... Assistant City Manager
Todd Hoffman ....................... Park & Recreation Director
Jerry Ruegemer .................... Recreation Superintendent
Audrey Swantz (Jan - Aug) .... Recreation Supervisor
Priya Tandon (Oct- Dec) ........ Recreation Supervisor
Jodi Sarles ............................ Recreation Center Manager
Mary Blazanin ....................... Senior Center Coordinator
Park & Recreation Maintenance
Adam Beers .......................... Park Superintendent
Gary Berg ............................. Park Lead
Dustin Koskela (Jan - Apr) ..... Park Laborer/Light Equipment Operator
Rob Heinen ........................... Park Laborer/Light Equipment Operator
Adam Farrell ......................... Park Laborer/Light Equipment Operator
Jason Koehnen ..................... Park Laborer/Light Equipment Operator
JJ Wall .................................. Park Laborer/Light Equipment Operator
Ryan Lannon (July-Dec)........ Park Laborer/Light Equipment Operator
Park & Recreation Commission
Steve Scharfenberg, Chair .... Jan - Mar
Jim Boettcher, Vice Chair ...... Jan - Mar
Chair ................................. Apr - Dec
Cole Kelly .............................. Jan - Mar
Rick Echternacht .................. Jan - Mar
Karl Tsuchiya ........................ Jan - Dec
Meredith Petouvis ................. Jan - Mar
Vice Chair ........................ Apr - Dec
Joe Scanlon ........................... Jan - Dec
Sandy Sweetser .................... Apr - Dec
Matt Kutz ............................... Apr - Dec
Haley Pemrick ....................... Apr - Dec
** The majority of the financial information that is included in this report should be substantially accurate. However, the financial data that is used in this report from the city’s General Ledger Accounting System is unaudited at the time this report is published and could be subject to adjustments up to the final issuance date of the city’s Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR).
revenue is generated by the coffee fund, recycled greeting card
program, memorial gifts, and sponsorship donations.
The Senior Center and its programs are marketed through
the City of Chanhassen website and social media sites,
Chanhassen Connection (quarterly), Senior Center Newsletter
(bi-yearly), e-blasts, and the monthly Senior News column in the
Chanhassen Villager. Program information is also sent to area
churches, Chanhassen Library, area senior housing buildings,
Schools of Eastern Carver County Community Education office,
and most importantly, by word of mouth.
Senior Center Programs
Leisure & Educational Classes and Programs
Details: Offered regularly to provide current information, meet
the interests of older adults, and fulfill their desire for lifelong
Participants: 646 people in 30 classes and programs
Examples: British History Series, Senior Learning Network,
Beginner Bridge Class, Elder Law, and Historical Presentations
Weekly & Monthly Activities
Details: Offered throughout the year
Participants: 5,810 people
Examples: Bridge, Bingo, Recycled Greeting Card Program,
Chan-o-laires Chorus, Cribbage, Cards (500, Hand & Foot),
Woodcarving, AARP Driver Safety, Musical Jam Session, Mah
Jongg and Book Club
Special Events
Details: Offered throughout the year
Participants: 1,171 people attended 20 programs
Examples: An Evening with the Mayor, Chanhassen’s Lion’s
Club Lake Ann Picnic, December Holiday Party, Ladies’ Tea
Lunch, Oktoberfest, Pancake Breakfast, and Valentine’s Day
Senior Center
• 5,542 people attended the weekly & monthly activity
groups and clubs
• 7,033 people participated in the 124 offered trips, lifelong-
learning programs, special event, and educational speakers
• Over 1,171 participants shared a meal together during 20
• Over 591 people took part in Health & Wellness sessions
Lower Level of City Hall
7700 Market Blvd | Chanhassen, MN 55317
Establish a setting that is inviting and improves the quality of life
and use of leisure time for active older adults.
What We Do
Offer programs, activities, and services for people 55+ within
Chanhassen and the surrounding communities.
Hours of Operation
Monday - Friday | 8:30am - 4:30pm
Special programs are periodically offered in the evening and
some weekends.
Total Program Revenue: $49,053 | Total Program Expenses:
Full Time Wage (Est.): $56,200 | Total Expenses $102,363
The Chanhassen Senior Center has been providing service to
seniors since July 4, 1992. It is staffed by a full-time coordinator
and several volunteers that provide office assistance and
support programs and events.
No annual membership fee is required. A program/activity fee
is charged to cover associated costs and materials. Additional 4
Senior Center
Health & Wellness
Details: Senior-specific health and wellness programs and
services that are offered throughout the year.
Participants: 591 people
Examples: Alzheimer’s Awareness, Heart Health & Nutrition,
Memory Screening, Medicare Education, Foot Care Clinic,
Health Insurance Help, Scam Prevention, and Flu-Shot Clinic
Nutrition Programs
Details: The CAP Agency Senior Nutrition Program offers
Home Delivered Meals, which provides hot, nutritious, meals
to Chanhassen seniors in need, as well as Congregate Dining
at the Senior Center. Meals are served Monday - Friday for
persons age 60+. A $5 contribution is suggested, but no one is
denied based on ability to pay.
Participants: 268 Congregate Dining meals were served and
3,730 Meals on Wheels were delivered through 489 volunteer
hours and 4,263 miles driven
Details: Occur on a monthly basis, and are offered jointly with
the Chaska Lodge, Victoria Seniors, and Eden Prairie Senior
Center. An overnight trip is done annually with the Chaska
Participants: 371 people traveled on 20 day trips. 37 people
attended the Explore Iowa overnight trip.
Senior Center Clubs & Activities
Coffee and Conversation Group
When: 2nd Monday of the month from 10-11am.
Details: Enjoys interesting speakers and group discussions.
Participants: 177 participants attended 10 meetings.
Book Club
When: 4th Monday of the month from 1-2:30pm.
Details: Lively discussions of new and classic books. Local
authors are also invited to share their books.
Participants: 8-12 members
When: Every Wednesday from 12:30-3pm
Details: A variety of different games are played. Several of the
regular players serve as BINGO callers.
Participants: 25-35 regular attendees
Bridge Play
When: Every Monday from 12:30-3:30pm
Details: 24 hands of party bridge are played. All levels of players
are welcome.
Participants: 35-40 players per week
Card Group
When: Every Thursday from 1-4pm
Details: 500, Hand & Foot and Mah Jongg are played. All levels
of players are welcome.
Participants: 15-20 players per week
When: 1st & 3rd Friday from 1-3pm
Details: Six games are played with prizes awarded to the top
three point holders.
Participants: An average of 12-16 players regularly
Chan-o-laires Chorus
When: Every Tuesday (September-May) from 12:30-2:15pm
Details: The groups sings at various retirement facilities, special
events, nursing/assisted living homes, and community events
throughout the year.
Participants: 36-48 members
When: Every Wednesday & Friday from 9-11:30am
Details: Novice and experienced carvers practice their skills,
learn new techniques and socialize. Youth are often invited. A
woodcarving workshop is located in the lower level of City Hall.
Participants: 18-20 senior senior members, 4-6 youthChanhassen Senior Center Advisory Board
When: monthly
Details: Advises and makes recommendations to the coordinator
on matters relating to social, recreation, and educational events
at the Senior Center.
Participants: 8 members serve 2-year terms
Intergenerational Programs
Details: The Grandparent and Me programs offer special
holiday-themed programs for grandparents and grandchildren.
When: 3 times per year
Participants: 25 grandparents and 36 grandchildren
Recreation Center Rental Usage
Details: The Rec Center facilities (four meeting rooms, conference
room, gymnasium, and studio fitness center) are available to the
public to rent during regular business hours.
Rec Center Community Events
Artisan Fair
When: Saturday, November 2
Details: The Artisan Fair features art work from area artists.
Entrance is free though food donations are encouraged.
Participants: 30 exhibitors, 400+ visitors
Holiday Boutique
When: Saturday, December 7
Details: The holiday boutique features a variety of commercial
and handcrafted arts and crafts from area vendors. Entrance is
free though food donations are encouraged.
Participants: 35 exhibitors, 400+ visitors
Recreation Center
• Total Rec Center Non-Billable Hours: 4,688.75
• Value of Non-Billable Hours: $88,018.75
• Total Rec Center Sports Participants: 778
• Total Dance for Fun Participants: 499
East Side of Bluff Creek Elementary School
2310 Coulter Blvd. | Chanhassen, MN 55317
Offer quality, affordable fitness, and recreational opportunities
that meet the needs and interests of the Chanhassen community.
What We Do:
The Chanhassen Recreation Center is a multipurpose facility
that allows for a wide range of sports and fitness activities,
tournaments, leisure programs, meetings, and party rooms. It
also serves as a key information and registration site for the city’s
parks and recreation programs.
Rec Center Fitness Operations
Details: The Chanhassen Recreation Center operates the fitness
and open gym on a drop-in basis. No membership is required.
Participants: Thousands of visits are recorded yearly.
Recreation Center Adult Activities
Details: The Chanhassen Recreation Center offered 74 programs
for adults in 2018.
Participants: 484 people
Examples: Fit for Life, Tai Chi, Yoga, Zumba, and Pickleball
Rec Center Personal Training
Details: Contracted certified personal trainers offer high-quality
Participants: 138 training sessions purchased.
Recreation Center
2019 Special Events Hosted
at the Rec Center
Chan Rec Center Artisan Fair
Chanhassen Historical Society Treasures
Barnyard Boogie
Bluff Creek Elementary Beach Party
Penny Carnival
Sweetheart Dance
Bluff Creek Elementary Kindness Retreat
Halloween Party
Dance for Fun Winter Showcase
Capstone Projects, Chanhassen
& Minnetonka High Schools
Chanhassen Rec Center Holiday Boutique
Community Pickleball Clinics
Bluff Creek Color Run
District 112 School Board Election
American Red Cross Blood Drives
Choice Inc. Artist Open House
U.S. Naval Academy Picnic
Minnewashta Elementary Kindness Retreat
2019 Recreation Center Expenses
Personal Services - $ 214,948.36 Materials & Supplies - $ 13,217.04
Contractual Services - $ 78,495.06
2019 Chanhassen Recreation Center Revenues
Food Concessions - $ 516.85 Room Rental - $ 32,294.86
Fitness - $ 51,106.40 Personal Training - $ 6,498.61
Dance - $ 52,670.71 Dance Costumes/Competition - $ 24,513.94
Preschool Activities - $ 5,873.88 Youth Activities - $ 21,304.80
Adult Activities - $ 21,546.08
2019 Value of Chan Rec Center Non-Billable Hours
City of Chanhassen - $ 75,523.75 Schools of Eastern Carver County - $8,045.00
Community Use - $ 3,220 Government Agency - $ 780.00
Minnetonka Schools - $ 450.00
2019 Chan Rec Center Non-Billable Hours
City of Chanhassen - 3,995.75 Schools of Eastern Carver County - 498
Community Use - 113 Government Agency - 52
Minnetonka Schools - 30
Rec Center Sports & Youth Programs
exercise and play each day.
Participants: 28 participants in 3 sessions
Total Revenue Rec Center Sports: $28,296.02
Total Expenses Rec Center Sports: $25,301.18
Dance for Fun
Details: Dance for Fun completed its 22nd year at the
Chanhassen Rec Center. Classes offer dance instruction in a
supportive environment with a focus on the students’ self-esteem
and personal development for ages 18 mos. to adult. The dance
season culminates in an annual spring recital.
Classes offered include: Parent/Tot, Ballet/Creative Movement,
Ballet/Tap, Jazz, Jazz/Lyrical, Pre-Pointe/Pointe, Hip Hop,
Competitive Teams, and a variety of summer camps and clinics.
Staff consists of one Dance Coordinator and one Dance Instructor.
Participants: There were 76 classes offered with 499 participants
in four sessions.
Total Dance Revenue: $64,749.91
The Rec Center offers additional programs and activities for youth.
They are divided into two categories: preschool activities and
youth activities. Preschool activities include: Barnyard Boogie,
Grand Times Together, Go Gymnastics, Pint Sized Picassos, Lil’
Sprouts Garden Starters, and Little Tigers Self Defense. A total
of 68 activities were offered with over 537 children participating.
Youth programs range from physical activities like Tae Kwon Do,
to safety certification programs like Babysitting Training and Safe
Kids 101. A total of 100 children received their Babysitter and
Safe Kids certifications.
Total Revenue of Rec Center Youth Programs: $27,178.68
Total Expenses of Rec Center Youth Programs: $19,671.73
Full-Time Wage (Est.): $3,300 | Total Expenses: $22,971.73
• In addition to the Rec Center, the city offers youth
programing at 13 different park locations
• Over 3,000 youth ages birth-17 participate in
city-offered programs
• The Rec Center Manager, Recreation Supervisor, &
Senior Center Coordinator all assist with the
organization of youth programs
Provide year-round recreation programming that reflects a variety
of interests in the community and develops a social, physical,
cultural and aesthetic quality of life for our citizens.
What We Do
Coordinate traditional playground programs, sports and social
events to enhance the lives of Chanhassen residents.
Rec Center Sports
The Chanhassen Rec Center Sports program provides fun and
affordable recreational youth sports programs that teaches
children the basic fundamentals of various sports in a positive
and stress-free environment. 2019 marked the 10th full year of
Small Fry Sports
Details: Three-week programs designed to provide 3 and 4-year-
olds the opportunity to develop large motor skills and learn about
Participants: 301 participants in 18 sessions
Lil’ Star Sports
Details: Six-week programs designed for 5- and 6-year-olds that
focus on skill development, teamwork, and sportsmanship.
Participants: 449 participants in 18 sessions
After School Sports
Details: Designed for ages 7-11. Participants are instructed in 8
Youth Programs
Youth Programs
With over 250 programs offered, there were over 3,000 participants
ranging in age from birth to 17. Programs are grouped into one of
six categories: Summer Discovery Playground, Special Events,
Preschool Sports, Preschool Activities, Youth Sports, and Youth
Activities. These programs are under the supervision of the
Recreation Supervisor and Recreation Center Manager as well
as the Senior Center Coordinator when partnered with the Senior
Programs are marketed through the city website, social media
platforms, e-blasts, Chanhassen Connection, inserts and press
releases in the Chanhassen Villager, flyers, and electronic sign.
Total Youth Program Revenue: $58,775.33 | Total Youth Program Expenses: $57,746.75
Full-Time Wage (Est.): $18,000 | Total Expenses: $75,746.75
• Programs not listed are Sky Hawk sports, art classes, and
programs partnered with Carver County Parks Department.
Summer Discovery Playground
When: June 10 – August 2
Details: 28 sessions over 8 weeks at 11 park locations
Participants: 534
Revenue: $32,730.19 | Expenses: $51,900.14
• Expenses include seasonal wages for Summer Discovery
Playground, Penny Carnival, 4th of July Celebration and Lake
Ann Adventure Camp.
Penny Carnival
When: July 25
Details: A day of carnival-style games with friends, led by
playground leaders.
Participants: 250
Volunteers: Teen Volunteers
Revenue: $198.64 | Expenses: $1,048.12
Sweetheart Dance
When: February 8
Details: A day of dinner, dancing and games for kids and their
special sweethearts.
Participants: 42 Couples
Revenue: $2,010 | Expenses: $1,641.81
Lake Ann Camp
When: August 5-=16
Details: Two one-week camp sessions that include fishing,
swimming, boating, big group games and activities and crafts,
led by seasonal playground leaders.
Participants: 160
Volunteers: Teen Volunteers
Revenue: $23,836.50 | Expenses: $3,156.68
Teen Volunteer Program
• 20 teens volunteered over 479 hours in programs throughout
the summer.
Give teens skills that they can transfer into future job opportunities.
What We Do:
Provide teens the opportunity to volunteer within their community
at a variety of summer programs and events.
The teen volunteer program is in its seventh year for the City
of Chanhassen. This program offers youth ages 13-16 the
opportunity to get involved in the community. The variety of
opportunities include community events, youth programs, senior
activities and service projects with park maintenance crews. 9
• A total of 20 adult softball teams with 300 participants
played in the summer and fall leagues.
Offer programs to enhance the overall physical and recreational
needs of our community.
What We Do:
The city’s goal is to create a healthy lifestyle while promoting
positive competition and social interaction with older adults in a
variety of adult athletic activities. Great pride is taken in providing
quality athletic facilities that ensures safe outdoor playing
Total Softball Revenue: $13,736.90 | Total Softball Expenses:
$8,225.37 | Full-Time Wage (Est.): $7,000
Total Expenses: $15,225.37
Adult Athletics
Adaptive Recreation
• Reach for Resources coordinates the city’s adapative
recreation contact, which total a combined contact hours of
Offer a variety of recreation opportunities that specifically meet
the needs and enhance the lives of people with developmental
disabilities in our community.
What We Do:
The Adaptive Recreation Program is a cooperative effort between
the cities of Brooklyn Center, Brooklyn Park, Chanhassen,
Chaska, Golden Valley, Maple Grove, Plymouth, St. Louis
Park, and REACH for Resources. REACH is an agency serving
individuals ages 7 to adult with developmental disabilities in the
west and northwest metro area. Programs include social clubs,
athletic leagues, special events, and holiday parties and dances.
Chanhassen served 38 participants with a total of 133.85 hours.
The annual contract amount fluctuates based on the number of
Adaptive Recreation Contract Amount (Expense): $9,353.50
Full-Time Wage (Est.): $1,000 | Total Expenses: $10,353.50
Community Events
• Four major events are hosted annually through
partnerships with over 10 organizations
• Over 80,000+ people attend the community events,
ages birth - 90+
• Over 200 volunteer hours go into planning, organizing,
and executing of the community events
Provide events throughout the year, for community members of
all ages, to join together and enjoy the people and the spaces the
city has to offer.
What We Do:
Continue the deep traditions of hosting and planning special
events and recreational opportunities for our residents. 10
The City of Chanhassen takes great pride in promoting
‘community’ through major events and continuing longstanding
traditions. With generous support of local business, the city hosts
four community events annually; February Festival, Easter Egg
Candy Hunt, 4th of July Celebration, and the Halloween Party.
In addition to these events, the City hosts the Old National Bank
Summer Concert Series and the Tree Lighting Ceremony.
Total Community Event Revenue: $34,873.81 | Total
Community Event Expenses: $100,160.50 | Full-Time Wage
(Est.): $31,000 | Total Expenses: $131,160.50
26th Annual February Festival (Feb Fest)
When: Saturday, February 2
Details: Celebrate a good old-fashioned Minnesota winter with
the ice skating, s’mores cookout, medallion hunt, door prize
drawings, wagon rides and ice fishing contest.
Participants: 664 tickets were sold to the 1,500 participants and
Volunteers: The Rotary Club of Chanhassen drilled over 1,000
fishing holes, and along with Culver’s also sold concessions.
Boy Scout Troop #330 sold bait and s’mores kits. Key Club from
Chanhassen High School, Chaska High School and Minnetonka
High School also volunteered their time.
Revenue: $6,640 | Expenses: $8,349.56
36th Annual Easter Egg Candy Hunt
When: Saturday, April 20
Details: Activities include candy hunt, coloring contest, and door
prize giveaways.
Participants: Over 471 children and parents
Volunteers: The Chanhassen High School and Chaska High
School Key Club and the Chanhassen Fire Department help
with setup, cleanup, candy distribution, and wearing the bunny
Revenue: $2,355 | Expenses: $1,725.96
36th Annual 4th of July Celebration
When: Tuesday, July 2- Thursday, July 4
Details: The cornerstone of our events, the 4th of July embodies
small-town living at its best. This three-day event begins at 3pm
on July 2 with Family Fun Night and concludes on July 4 with
fireworks at 10pm. Other scheduled events include: SouthWest
Metro Chamber of Commerce Business Expo, The Taste of
Chanhassen, carnival rides, live music, pony rides, skateboard
competition, family games and contests, kiddie parade, Tae Kwon
Do demonstrations, adult and kids fishing contests, Minnesota
Twins Youth Baseball Clinic, medallion hunt, classic car show,
street dance featuring The Fabulous Armadillos, and the parade.
Fireworks: Contracted through Pyrotechnic Display, the fireworks
were set off over Lake Ann and lasted about 20 minutes with
35,000 spectators.
Parade: The Rotary Club of Chanhassen was the lead sponsor
and organizer with in-kind services and administrative help
from the city. The parade had about 70 entries that included
bands, floats, fire trucks, classic cars, and local celebrities.
Glenn Kaufmann was the grand marshal.
Taste of Chanhassen: The Rotary Club of Chanhassen
brought in a total of 11 local vendors.
Participants: An estimated 80,000 people enjoyed at least one
aspect of the celebration.
Revenue: $20,182.80 | Expenses: $82,049.08
35th Annual Halloween Party
When: Saturday, October 26
Details: During this two-hour event, activities include live
entertainment from Brian Richards, trick-or-treating, spooky
rooms, carnival games, photo opportunity, face painting
from Maund Entertainment, Hayrides from Ken Thies and
Participants: 800 children and parents
Volunteers: Chanhassen and Chaska High School Key Clubs
help with candy distribution and carnival games.
Revenue: $2,080 | Expenses: $3,234.90
30th Annual Tree Lighting Ceremony
When: Saturday, December 7
Details: This event features a bonfire, carolers, refreshments,
live reindeer, official lighting of the park and a visit from Santa
Participants: 350 Children and families
Partners: BuyChanhassen, the Mustard Seed Landscaping
and Garden Center, Lunds & Byerlys, Cub Foods, Caribou
Coffee, Americana Community Bank and Southwest Metro
Chamber of Commerce.
Volunteers: Living Christ Lutheran Church provided the
Revenue: $25 | Expenses: $36
15th Annual Old National Bank Summer Concert Series
When: Thursday evenings early June – mid August
Details: Nine bands from a variety of genres including rock,
blues, classics, tribute bands, big bands, childrens, bluegrass
and variety perform for one hour in City Center Park Plaza.
Concerts are free of charge.
Participants: 250 people per concert
Sponsor: Old National Bank $3,000 sponsorship reduced
expenditures by half.
Revenue: $3,591.01 (concessions/sponsorships)
Expenses: $4,765
Community Events
Community Events
Community Event Sponsorship Program
Details: The City of Chanhassen is very pleased with the
annual support from the local business community in sponsoring
community events. This program reaches out seeking financial
donations, merchandise gifts, labor or other personal resources.
• Over 40,300 people use Chanhassen’s outdoor facilities,
including swimming beaches, skating rinks, skate
park, & picnic areas
• 26 seasonal employees are hired to monitor the safety
and overall well-being of the skate park & skating rinks
Enrich the lives of our citizens by offering quality active and
passive recreation opportunities.
What We Do:
Provide a variety of recreational spaces for people of all ages to
enjoy in every season.
Total Facility Revenue: $42,873 | Total Facility Expenses:
$73,889.1 | Full-Time Wage (Est.): $58,250 | Total Expenses:
Outdoor Ice Rinks and Warming Houses
Season: December 14, 2018 - March 9, 2019
Attendants: 24
Warming Houses: Open 67 days and closed 19 days due to
weather or poor surface conditions. Roundhouse warming house
hours were reduced on weekends and select holidays.
Warming House Location and Use by Participant Number:
City Center Park (1 pleasure, 1 hockey): 841
Recreation Center (1 pleasure, 2 hockey): 1,835
North Lotus Lake Park (1 pleasure, 1 hockey): 977
Roundhouse Park (1 pleasure): 73
Bandimere Park (1 pleasure, 1 hockey): 956
Total Usage: 4,682
Daily Expenses: $705.61
Temporary & Seasonal Wages: $19,203.50
Equipment Rental (warming houses): $8,557.78
Rink Usage: 4,682
Rink Maintenance: $16,454.60
Total: $44,215.88
Skate Park at City Center Park
Season: From snow melt in spring through late fall
Attendants: 2 attendants supervised approximately 30 hours
each week, June 5 - August 30. The attendant was responsible
for educating users about rules, reporting issues within the park,
daily attendance, and general supervision. Wages for attendants
totaled $3,467.25 with 295 hours recorded.
Details: Provides a variety of permanent obstacles no larger than
48 inches for skateboards, scooters, bicycles, and in-line skates.
Users are mostly under the age of 18.
Users: 5,021 people recorded while attendant was on duty. It
is believed the skate park serves even more people when an
attendant is not working.
Skate park: 5,021
Participants: 48 local business
Revenue: $38,845
• $24,450 in cash
• $14,395 in gift certificates and merchandise
Lifeguards: Chanhassen contracts for lifeguard
services at Lake Ann Beach through Minnetonka
Aquatics (Minnetonka School District) and has
been doing so since the 1970s. Lifeguards were
not on duty from June 1 to August 11.
Users: 19,600 swimmers (when lifeguards are
on duty)
Graphs to the right indicate the average number
of swimmers in the water by month and time.
2019 Lifeguard Contract Total: $32,772.75
Average High Temperatures
June: 75°
July: 81°
August: 79°
Lake Ann Park Beach Swimmers
2015 - 2019
City of Chanhassen Beaches
Lake Ann Park
Lake Ann
1456 W 78th Street
Roundhouse Park
Lake Minnewashta
3950 Kings Road
Carver Beach Park
Lotus Lake
6891 Lotus Trail
Greenwood Shores Park
Lake Ann
7110 Utica Lane
Minnewashta Regional Park
(Carver County Parks)
Lake Minnewashta
HW 41 between HWY 5 & 7
132134618265474533214063775946402917153036362820181315243123211718122127313126252311 AM 12 PM 1 PM 2 PM 3 PM 4 PM 5 PM 6 PM
JUNE 2015 -2019
2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
20325677705644351830556765704435152850595650451614255210563493629172761685845332811 AM 12 PM 1 PM 2 PM 3 PM 4 PM 5 PM 6 PM
JULY 2015 -2019
2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
162651618556412316305261865640239102115152322121617576852352417232761734735322411 AM 12 PM 1 PM 2 PM 3 PM 4 PM 5 PM 6 PM
AUGUST 2015 -2019
2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
Lake Ann Watercraft Rental and Concessions
Total Boat Rentals
2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
Paddleboats 366 426 389 376 403 353
Paddle Boards 363 552 617 661 646 561
Canoes 132 154 139 145 122 123
Kayak 117 177 148 174 162 177
Row Boats with Trolling Motor 93 106 63 76 89 115
Row Boats 8 9 17 11 4 2
Concession Hours and Wages
2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
Concession Hours 871 922.25 908 798.50 798.50 813.25
Concession Wages $7,728.50 $9,290.50 $9,109.75 $8,163.75 $8,163.75 $9,524.38
Total Vendor Supplies $8472.77 $8,132.09 $8,211.90 $8,307.56 $8,307.56 $7,607.96
Total Expenditures $16,201.27 $17,422.59 $17,321.65 $17,321.65 $15,841.30 $17,131.96
2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
Revenue $20,753.92 $27,779.21 $26,415.24 $25,621.29 $25,127.52 $24,230.43
Expenditures $16,201.27 $17,422.59 $17,321.65 $16,471.31 $15,841.30 $17,131.96
Total Profit $4,552.65 $10,365.62 $9,093.59 $9,149.98 $9,286.22 $7,098.47
Canoe Rental Racks
Location: Lake Ann and Lotus Lake
Season: 24 racks available April - October
Revenue: $1,341.09, 24 racks rented
Picnic Shelters
Shelters: Lakeside Pavilion at Lake Ann Park, Klingelhutz Pavilion
at Lake Ann Park, Lake Susan Shelter at Lake Susan Park
Users: 118 rentals with an estimated 11,000 users
Revenue: $15,445
Number of Picnics
Per Location
Lakeside Pavilion Klingelhutz Shelter Lake Susan Shelter
City of Chanhassen
Tennis Court/Pickleball Locations
7700 Market Boulevard
PO Box 147
Chanhassen, MN 55317
PH 952-227-1100
FAX 952-227-1110
Total number of tennis courts in Chanhassen:
Existing ..... 31
Total number of pickleball courts in Chanhassen:
Existing ..... 10
City of Chanhassen
Total Other Courts 16
City of Shorewood
Cathcart Park 1 (tennis)
3821 W 62nd Street
Minnetonka School District
Minnetonka Middle School West 7 (tennis)
6421 Hazeltine Boulevard
Eastern Carver County Schools
Chanhassen High School 8 (tennis)
2200 Lyman Boulevard
Updated March 7, 2018
Chanhassen Parks and Recreation
Total City Tennis Courts 16 (6 lighted)
Total City Pickleball Courts 10 (6 lighted)
!1 Chanhassen Recreation Center 2 (lighted tennis)
2310 Coulter Boulevard 6 (lighted pickleball)
!2 City Center Park 4 (2 lighted tennis)
7700 Market Boulevard
!3 Lake Ann Park 1 (tennis)
1456 West 78th St
!4 Lake Susan Park 2 (tennis)
903 Lake Drive
!5 Meadow Green Park 2 (tennis)
921 Pontiac Lane
!6 North Lotus Lake Park 2 (tennis)
295 Pleasant View Rd
!7 Roundhouse Park 1 (tennis)
3995 Kings Road 4 (pickleball)
!8 South Lotus Lake Park 2 (lighted tennis)
7610 South Shore Dr
2 lighted tennis
6 lighted pickleball
State Hwy 5
State H
Minnewashta PkwyHazeltineBlvd(Hwy41)GalpinBlvd.(C.R.117)Highway 41AudubonRoadLyman Blvd (C.R.18)
atPlainsBlvdGalpinBlvd Hwy 101Chanhassen Rd. Hwy. 101Powers Blvd (CR 17)!!9
Susan Rice
St. Joe
Lake Ann
2 lighted tennis, 2 tennis
1 tennis
2 tennis
2 tennis
2 tennis
1 tennis
4 pickleball
2 lighted tennis
8 tennis
7 tennis
K:\NickLH\Projects\Parks\ForJerry\2018\February\Tennis Court Locations_Portrait.mxd
Total Other Counts 15
City of Chanhassen
Future Courts Locations
Bandimere Park
9405 Great Plains Boulevard
State Hwy 5
State H
Minnewashta PkwyHazeltineBlvd(Hwy41)GalpinBlvd. (C.R.117)Highway 41AudubonRoadLyman Blvd (C.R.18)
atPlainsBlvdGalpinBlvd Hwy 101Chanhassen Rd. Hwy. 101Powers Blvd (CR 17)Lake
Susan Rice
St. Joe
Lake Ann
City of Chanhassen
Outdoor Basketball Court Locations
Updated March 7, 2018
Chanhassen Parks and Recreation 7700 Market Boulevard
PO Box 147
Chanhassen, MN 55317
PH 952-227-1100
FAX 952-227-1110
Outdoor BasketballCourts
!10 9290 Kiowa Trail
!20 900 Carver Beach Road
!30 55 Lake Drive E
!40 8579 Chanhassen Hills Dr
!50 2310 Coulter Boulevard
!60 7700 Market Boulevard
!70 1300 Stratten Court
!80 2591 Forest Avenue
!90 903 Lake Drive East
!01 921 Pontiac Lane
!11 6220 Dogwood Avenue
!21 295 Pleasant View Road
!31 9630 Bluff Creek Drive
!41 1720 Lake Lucy Lane
!51 8702 Flamingo Drive
!61 1124 Dove Court
!71 8119 Erie Circle
!81 8959 Reflections Road
!91 3950 Kings Road
!02 7610 South Shore Drive
!12 2250 Creek Lane East
!22 7200 Galpin Avenue
!32 1364 Lake Susan Hills Dr
Bandimere Heights Park
Carver Beach Playground
Chanhassen Estates Park
Chanhassen Hills Park
Chanhassen Rec Center**
City Center Park***
Curry Farm Park
Lake Susan Park*
Herman Field Park
Meadow Green Park
Minnewashta Heights
North Lotus Park^
Pioneer Pass Park*
Pheasant Hills Park
Power Hill Park*
Prairie Knoll Park
Rice Marsh Lake Park
Riley Ridge Park
Roundhouse Park
South Lotus Lake Park^
Stone Creek Park
Sugarbush Park
Sunset Ridge Park
NOTE: Most outdoor basketball courts
are 50'x50' asphalt courts with a single hoop.
* Full Court
** 2 Full Courts
*** 3 Full Courts
^ Hoops on Tennis Court
K:\NickLH\Projects\Parks\ForJerry\2018\February\Basketball Court Locations_portrait.mxd
City of Chanhassen
Number of Picnic Reservations Picnic Revenue
Acres of Park
Acres of Open Space
# of Picnic Shelters
# of Playgrounds
# of Swimming Beaches
# of Tennis Courts
# of Pickleball Courts
Comparison of Facilities and Amenities
Park Maintenance
• Maintenance & operation of:
- Downtown greenscapes
- 30 parks & 14 preserves
- 65 miles of pedestrian trails & sidewalks
- 503 acres of natural preserve land & 405 acres
of developed park land
Enhance health and well-being and promote economic vitality for
long-term community sustainability.
What We Do:
The Park Maintenance department will provide safe, clean,
and beautiful parks and facilities along with high-quality leisure
activities for all residents and visitors to the city park system.
The Chanhassen Park Department maintains: 30 parks, 14
preserves, 65 miles of pedestrian trails & sidewalks, downtown
green spaces & boulevards, 528 acres of natural preserve land,
466 acres of developed park land, 19 soccer fields, 20 youth
baseball/softball fields, 4 youth/adult baseball fields, 3 adult
softball fields, 16 tennis courts, 10 pickleball courts, 4 park shelter
buildings, 18 picnic shelters, 10 fishing piers, 5 public beaches, 3
rental picnic areas, 4 sand volleyball courts, 26 basketball courts,
1 skate park, 5 sledding hills, 5 hockey rinks, 5 family rinks, 3
boat launches, 28 playgrounds, community garden, and Pioneer
Winter Maintenance Schedule
Snowplowing Trails/Sidewalks
Details: Snow is cleared from 58 miles of public trails, 12 miles
of downtown sidewalks, sidewalks and stairways at 10 public
buildings, 6 public parking lots, and 15 parking lots located within
Skating Rinks
Details: Flooding begins as soon as the weather stays cold
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
$14,000 $15,000
$15,200 $15,200
$16,600 $16,400 $15,445
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
Park Maintenance
and frost is in the ground. Two trucks going 24 hours a day for
approximately 10 days flood when weather allows. Once open,
rinks are swept and flooded Monday through Saturday.
Tree and Brush Removal
Details: Regular tree- and brush-trimming takes place when
access to the trails is easier and less damage is done after frost
is in the ground.
Summer Maintenance Schedule
Turf Mowing Schedule
Details: All parks are mowed once a week. Ballfields and soccer
fields are mowed twice a week.
Details: Takes place 3 times a year on athletic fields only (May,
September, & October).
Ball Field Grooming
Details: Begins a week prior to baseball and softball season. Lake
Ann, Bandimere, Lake Susan, City Center, and Bluff Creek fields
are done daily. All neighborhood fields are done weekly.
Trail Sweeping
Details: Begins in early spring after snow and ice are clear. All
trails are swept 3 times and all trails going through wooded areas
are swept 2 additional times.
Garbage Pick-Up
Details: Picked up daily (Saturday-Sunday) at Lake Ann, Lake
Susan, Library area, and Skate Park.
Picked up 5 days per week (Monday-Friday) at Bandimere
Community Park, Rec Center, Greenwood Shores, Carver Beach
(both main and mini beach), Roundhouse Park & Beach, North
Lotus, Meadow Green, City Center Park, and South Lotus Lake
Boat Landing.
Picked up twice a week (Monday-Friday) at Bandimere Heights
Park, Bluff Creek Park, Carver Beach Playground, Chanhassen
Estates Park, Chanhassen Hills Park, Curry Farms, Herman
Field, Kerber Pond Park, Minnewashta Heights Park, Public
Works Truck Storage, Pheasant Hill Park, Power Hill Park, Prairie
Knoll Park, Rice Marsh Lake Park, South Lotus Lake Park &
Tennis Courts, Stone Creek Park, Sugarbush Park, Sunset Ridge
Park, and Public Works gas pumps.
Equipment required garbage pick-up includes a truck or workman,
push broom, scoop shovel, 2 garbage can liners, steel garbage
can for ash, steel dust pan for emptying grills, and a garbage can
liner or 5-gallon bucket for aluminum.
Beach Maintenance
Details: Checked daily. Dragged daily at peak times and twice a
week during slower times.
Picnic Pavilions
May 15-August 15, the pavilions at Lake Ann, Lake Susan, and
Bluff Creek are cleaned daily. Neighborhood shelters are cleaned
twice a week, or as needed, after August 15.
Outdoor Facility Operation Guideline Dates
Facility Installation Removal
Aeration System (Lake Susan) February 1 March 20
Baseball/Softball Bases April 1 October 15
Portable Toilets April 1 October 26
Volleyball Nets April 15 October 15
Tennis Nets April 1 November 15
Pickleball Nets April 1 November 15
Soccer Goals/Nets April 1 November 1
Fishing Piers April 15 November 1
Docks April 15 November 1
Picnic Shelters April 15 October 15
Lake Ann Ball Field Concession April 15 October 15
Irrigation Systems April 15 October 15
Swimming Buoys May 1 September 20
Holiday Lights 1st Saturday in December January 15
Capital Improvement Projects
The 2019 Park & Capital Improvement Program (CIP) included
items ranging in cost from $10,000 to $245,000 and totaling
$420,000. Following is the status of each of the project:
Trees - $15,000
This allocation of dollars is invested in an annual tree planting
program developed each summer and typically completed in
the fall. Parks and public spaces experiences tree loss due to
damage or disease, or areas that simply would benefit from
having additional trees are selected. This program also plants
trees in areas with a high concentration of ash trees to mitigate
the damages resulting from their impending loss due to emerald
ash borer. Lastly, trees donated through the city’s Memorial
Giving Program are purchased from this fund.
Picnic Tables/Park Benches - $10,000
These dollars were utilized to purchase new picnic tables and
benches for areas within our parks and public spaces that currently
do not offer seating opportunities or have limited seating. These
dollars are also used to acquire benches purchased through the
city’s Memorial Giving Program.
Park equipment replacement fund: $245,000. Tennis court
refurbishment: $150,000.
Park Improvements
Swimming Beaches: Aquatic vegetation control is utilized at the
following parks: Greenwood Shores, Carver Beach, Roundhouse,
and Lake Ann, including the picnic and boat rental areas.
Aquatic Vegetation: Treatments to Lake Ann, Lotus Lake, and
Lake Minnewashta were completed to control vegetation in
swimming areas.
Trail Tree Trimming: Selective pruning along trails was completed
for safety and aesthetics.
Downtown Beautification: Over 2,000 annual flowers were
planted in the downtown area.
• The city partners with 94 different organizations &
clubs on various activities & events
• Partners provide volunteers, promotional material,
financial support, programming, facilities, & assistance
Strengthen the relationship with our citizens and make the city
stronger and more effective while serving all residents through
continued support of local partnerships.
What We Do:
Develop and sustain partnerships between the city and volunteer
groups, civic organizations, and individuals, which are vital to
community success. The Park and Recreation Department has
developed partnerships with the following organizations:
Senior Center
AARP (American Association for Retired Persons): Provides
volunteer instructors for monthly Drive Safety classes (8-hour and
4-hour programs offered).
ACT on Alzheimer’s Team: Provides support, education and
awareness through classes, programs and events related to
dementia topics.
Alzheimer’s Association: Provides resources and speakers
related to Alzheimer’s Awareness and Dementia resources.
American Legion Auxiliary 580: Sponsor November Pancake
American Legion Post 580: Sponsor and generous donor to
Maple Corner remodel project and Memory Café program.
Anonymous Donors: Provided financial donations toward the
completion of the Maple Corner remodel, allowing for the creation
of a space to host a monthly Memory Café program.
Augustana Emerald Crest: Sponsor annual events: “Cruise the
World of Senior Housing” and the National Memory Screening
BrightStar Care: Co-sponsor movie event: “Glen Campbell: I’ll
Be Me” during National Alzheimer’s Awareness month.
CAP Agency: Sponsors meals program and co-sponsored
October open house event for Maple Corner and Senior Center.
Care Patrol: Sponsors speakers on housing and aging issues.
Carver County TRIAD: Provides workshops on senior safety,
preventing scams, and adult abuse and neglect safeguards.
Carver County Historical Society: Provided speakers for events
and discussions related to Carver County history.
Carver County Public Health: Provides partnership and
SHIP grants to maintain programs related to: Memory Café;
Congregate Dining and Meals Delivery; resources and speakers
on aging issues in Carver County.
Carver County Sheriff’s Office: Provided speakers for
programming, including Details with the Deputy, Fraud
Prevention and Awareness, Home Safety, and Local Crime
Scene Investigation.
Chanhassen American Legion: Provided financial sponsorship
of the remodeled Maple Corner space in the Senior Center,
allowing for the creation of a space to host a monthly Memory
Café program.
Chanhassen Cinema: Co-sponsor and event host for movie
event: “Glen Campbell: I’ll Be Me” shown during National
Alzheimer’s Awareness month.
Chanhassen Elementary: Participated in day of intergenerational
programs; created canvas wall art for display at the Senior Center
Chanhassen Library and Carver County Library System:
Provides professional support, speakers and resources available
for aging and caregiver-related issues. A library staff member acts
as liaison to the Chanhassen Senior Center Advisory Board.
Chanhassen Lion’s Club: Provides financial sponsorship,
planning, hosting and volunteer staffing of the annual Lake Ann
Chanhassen Villager: Prints a monthly Senior Center column,
“Silver Insights,” written by the Senior Center Coordinator.
Charter Bank Chanhassen: Provides financial sponsorship of
the annual December Senior Center Holiday Party.
Chaska Park and Recreation Department at The Lodge:
Coordinates joint programs, day trips and overnight trips.
Chick-fil-A: Co-sponsor Annual Ladies’ Tea Luncheon.
Cub Foods of Chanhassen: Co-sponsor for movie event:
“Glen Campbell: I’ll Be Me” shown during National Alzheimer’s
Awareness month.
Dr. John Haugo: Volunteer speaker on a variety of Norwegian
history topics.
Eastern Carver County Schools: Provide artistic support and
connections for various events and projects.
Eden Prairie Senior Center: Coordinates joint program and trip
Interim Health Care: Sponsored classes related brain to health
and balance.
Landmark Tours: Partnering on regional and oversees travel
Lotus Lake Gifts & Home Decor: Co-sponsor Ladies’ Tea
Love Inc. of ECC & Furnishare of Chanhassen: Provided
oversight of planning and donations for redesign and remodel of
the Senior Center Maple Corner.
Lumber Liquidators of Chanhassen: Sponsored discounts and
installed new carpet tile flooring in the Maple Corner at the Senior
Lunds & Byerly’s: Co-sponsor movie event: “Glen Campbell: I’ll
Be Me,” shown during National Alzheimer’s Awareness month.
MAAA (MN Area on Aging): Provides volunteers for health
insurance counseling program and speakers/resources on
Medicare and insurance topics.Merlin’s Ace Hardware: Provided sponsorship of materials,
design assistance, labor and resources for the painting & planning of Maple Corner remodel.
Powers Ridge Senior Living: Co-sponsor Martin Luther King
Day musical tribute event.
Ridgeview Medical Center: Provides speakers & consultation
on health-related programming, brochures and speakers.
Riley Crossing Senior Living:Co-sponsor Annual Oktoberfest
lunch and celebration.
Rosie the Riveter Foundation: Sposnored speaker for Annual
Pancake Breakfast at Senior Center.
Senior Commission Members: Provided a liaison to the Senior
Center and assists in developing ideas for speakers, resources &
programs relevant to local senior needs and interests. Provided
sponsorship and oversight of Maple Corner remodel.
Senior Community Services: Provides resources and
counselors for support groups and programs reaching out to
Southwest Transit: Provides transportation, rider assistance
and educational programs on local ride services and amenities
for seniors.
Steve Danielson Painting: Provided labor and consulting
services for the Maple Corner remodel.
Southwest Metro Chamber of Commerce: Volunteer support
and consultation during Maple Corner remodel and Glen
Campbell movie event.
Recreation Programs
3rd Lair Skate Park: Provides the summer skateboard series on
July 3.
SouthWest Metro Chamber of Commerce: Helps with
coordination of annual Business Expo at the 4th of July
Celebration and hosts an annual picnic at Lake Ann Park for its
members. City Council and city staff assist by preparing the picnic
lunch and providing activities and games. Provides s’mores at the
Tree Lighting Ceremony.
Buy Chanhassen: Assists with the annual Tree Lighting
Ceremony by providing food and beverages at the event.
Living Christ Lutheran Church: Volunteers sing at the annual
Tree Lighting Ceremony.
Rotary Club of Chanhassen: Sponsors and coordinates the
refreshment sales for the Taste of Chanhassen, Parade, &
Classic Car Show at the 4th of July Celebration. Coordinated
food & beverage sales and drilled ice fishing contest holes at
February Festival.
Chanhassen High School Key Club: Volunteers for February
Festival, Easter Egg Candy Hunt, and Halloween Party.Chanhassen High School NHS: Volunteers for the Halloween Party.Minnetonka High School NHS: Volunteers for the Halloween Party.Chaska High School NHS: Volunteers for the Halloween Party.Chanhassen Lions Club: Marshals for Feb Fest Ice Fishing Contest.
C.H.I. Companies: Donates the use of commercial heater for the Feb Fest concession & door prize tent.City of Chaska: Co-sponsors recreation programs.ISD 112: Co-sponsors recreation programs.Riley Purgatory Bluff Creek Watershed District: Provided snowshoeing and a winter art project at Feb Fest.Three Rivers Park District: Provided snowshoeing and a winter art project at Feb Fest.
Charter Bank: Title sponsor of the Feb Fest medallion hunt.
Skyhawks: Provided a variety of youth sports camps.
Old National Bank: Title sponsor of the Summer Concert Series.
Southwest Publishing: Develops a professional promotional
brochure for the 4th of July Celebration. Coordinates selling ads,
writing feature articles, and advertising for brochure.
Minnesota Twins: Hosts free baseball clinic at the Chanhassen
High School stadium with 150 participants.
Minnetonka Community Education & Services: Provides
lifeguard services & swimming lessons at Lake Ann Beach. This
partnership dates back to the 1970’s.
Scouting Groups: Assists in cleaning up our park system.
REACH for Resources: Annually, the city contracts with REACH
for Resources to provide recreational opportunities for residents
with special needs.
Twin City Paddle Boards: Provide paddle boards for Lake Ann
Park watercraft rentals.
Chanhassen High School: Provides athletic facilities, scheduling
facilities and assist with the Homecoming Parade and other
Park Dental-Eden Prairie: Provides volunteers and supplies at
community events.
Chanhassen American Legion: Provides assistance and
support for the Memorial Day Ceremony and community events
Berne Scale: Donates the use of two digital scales for weighing
fish at the Feb Fest Ice Fishing Tournament.
Boy Scout Troop #330: Sold bait and s’mores kits at Feb Fest.
Chanhassen Fire Department: Year-round support of all events
and programs.
Baha’i’ Faith: Coordinates diaper-changing facility for families at
4th of July Celebration.
The Mustard Seed Landscape and Garden Center: Provides
Santa Claus at the Tree Lighting ceremony.
City of Victoria: Co-sponsors recreation programs.
Carver County Parks and Recreation Department: Provides
kick sleds for February Festival and co-sponsors recreation
Michael’s Cycles: Provides fat-tire bike demonstrations at
February Festival.
Carver County Sheriff’s Office: Provides safety and presence at community events year round.
Recreation Center
Schools of Eastern Carver County: Increased ability to have a more flexible program schedule, provided
additional space during summer shutdown at no cost, increased visibility of the Rec Center to community
members who attend the events hosted at the facility, and provided student artwork that is displayed in the
lobby and halls.
Bluff Creek Elementary: Utilizes space to supplement school day activities.
Chaska and Chanhassen High School: Showcase location for high school students’ Capstone Projects.
Work Experience Program: Utilized Rec Center as a job experience work site for high school students.
Students assisted staff with cleaning and room setup functions.
Community Ed: Utilizes and schedules program space for district meetings, trainings, and events.
Athletics & Extracurricular Activities: Serves as a host site for school board elections as well as other
community youth athlete activities.
Minnetonka Schools: Utilizes space for Middle School symposiums and sports banquets, which increased
visibility to District 276 community members.
Carver County: Utilizes space to host for a variety of Public Health community meetings and trainings.
SouthWest Metro Chamber of Commerce: Utilizes space for meetings which has lead to an increased
Twin Cities Pickleball Club: Coordinates community training clinics and learn-to-play opportunities at no cost.
The club plays weekly at the Rec Center.
Rotary Club of Chanhassen: Utilizes space to host parade meetings and long-range planning meetings.
University of Minnesota: Utilizes space for soil and erosion control meetings.
Victoria Park & Recreation: Co-sponsors the Barnyard Boogie and Super Hero Party. Provides additional
community programs and shares expenses for unique preschool and family activities.
American Red Cross: Hosts multiple blood drives at the Rec Center each year.
Park Maintenance
Sentence to Serve (Adults): This Carver County program allows adult inmates to work off part of their sentence
by performing work in the community. Examples of jobs they have completed include: building picnic tables,
blowing and cleaning sand from downtown main street, raking and blowing leaves around city buildings, and
picking up garbage and wood chipped trees where needed.
SouthWest Christian High School: A group of senior high students volunteer their time to wood chip trees
and bushes at City Hall and the Library.
Dugout Club/CAA: This group helps maintain and upgrade baseball facilities in the community. This year, they
helped rebuild batting cages at Lake Susan Park and Bandimere Park.
Wednesday, May 27, 2020
Subject Appointment of Chair and Vice Chair
Section NEW BUSINESS Item No: G.2.
Prepared By Todd Hoffman, Park and Recreation
File No:
The Park and Recreation Commission elects a Chair and Vice Chair.
Approval requires a simple majority vote of members present
Park and Recreation Commission ByLaws specify that the commission shall select from among its membership a
chairperson and vicechairperson. The following excerpt describes the procedure for electing these officers and the
roles for each.
Section 4 Organization:
4.1 Election of Officers: At the first meeting in April of each year, the Park and Recreation Commission
shall hold an organizational meeting. At this meeting, the commission shall elect from its membership a
chairperson and vicechairperson. Each member shall cast its vote for the member he/she wishes to be chosen
as chairperson. If no one receives a majority, voting shall continue until one member receives the majority
support. Vicechairperson shall be elected from the remaining numbers of the same proceeding.
4.2 Duties of the Chairperson and ViceChairperson: The chairperson (or in his/her absence the vice
chairperson) shall preside at meetings, appoint committees from its own membership, and perform other such
duties as ordered by the commission.
The chairperson shall conduct the meeting so as to keep it moving as rapidly and efficiently as possible and shall
remind members, witnesses, and petitioners to preserve order and decorum and to keep comments to the
subject at hand.
The chairperson shall not move for action, but may second motions.
PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION STAFF REPORTWednesday, May 27, 2020SubjectAppointment of Chair and Vice ChairSectionNEW BUSINESS Item No: G.2.Prepared By Todd Hoffman, Park and RecreationDirector File No: PROPOSED MOTIONThe Park and Recreation Commission elects a Chair and Vice Chair.Approval requires a simple majority vote of members presentSUMMARYPark and Recreation Commission ByLaws specify that the commission shall select from among its membership achairperson and vicechairperson. The following excerpt describes the procedure for electing these officers and theroles for each.DISCUSSIONSection 4 Organization:4.1 Election of Officers: At the first meeting in April of each year, the Park and Recreation Commissionshall hold an organizational meeting. At this meeting, the commission shall elect from its membership achairperson and vicechairperson. Each member shall cast its vote for the member he/she wishes to be chosenas chairperson. If no one receives a majority, voting shall continue until one member receives the majoritysupport. Vicechairperson shall be elected from the remaining numbers of the same proceeding.4.2 Duties of the Chairperson and ViceChairperson: The chairperson (or in his/her absence the vicechairperson) shall preside at meetings, appoint committees from its own membership, and perform other suchduties as ordered by the commission.The chairperson shall conduct the meeting so as to keep it moving as rapidly and efficiently as possible and shallremind members, witnesses, and petitioners to preserve order and decorum and to keep comments to thesubject at hand.The chairperson shall not move for action, but may second motions.
The Park and Recreation Commission elects a Chair and Vice Chair.
Wednesday, May 27, 2020
Subject Chanhassen Recreation Center Quarterly Update
Section REPORTS Item No: I.1.
Prepared By Jodi Sarles, Recreation Center Manager File No:
Facility Information
The Recreation Center closed March 16, 2020, and all rentals and programs have been cancelled indefinitely due to
the COVID19 pandemic since then. During this time, our facility has been deep cleaned and sanitized, carpets have
been steamed, gym and studio floors have been sanded and refinished, the gymnasium has been repainted, and the air
handlers have been cleaned.
Staff Update
After serving the Chanhassen community for twelve years, Facility Supervisor Chuck Poppitz has retired. Chuck was
extremely valuable in his role. Not only was he a loyal and dependable staff member; he offered great customer
service, he served as our handyman, painter, gardener and master storyteller. I appreciate all of Chuck’s years of
service. He will be missed by staff and customers alike.
Recreation Center Sports staff and Dance for Fun instructors were furloughed on May 1, 2020 with the exception of
Nicole Kochar, Dance Coordinator. She was furloughed May 13 so she could continue to work on a virtual dance
Miscellaneous Tasks
Throughout the COVID19 shutdown, I have been performing additional tasks including:
Working with ActiveNet and the Finance Department to prefund our account to issue credit card refunds
Coordinate refunds to customers
Serving on the Carver County Resilience Team
Assisted in the mask drive
Worked in the creation of the Virtual Recreation Center web page and adding new items
Created training programs for Facility Supervisors including safety, AED, CPR, concussion, and customer
Updating facility procedures and participant guidelines in accordance with Minnesota Department of Health and
CDC guidelines
Updating facility signage
Organizing Rec Center office and storage
Wednesday, May 27, 2020
Subject Park Maintenance Quarterly Update
Section REPORTS Item No: I.2.
Prepared By Adam Beers, Park Maintenance File No:
With another winter season coming to an end, here is a brief update of what Park Maintenance has been working on
and what is coming up!
Park staff has completed all routine maintenance on our small equipment fleet, which includes all mowers, weed whips,
backpack blowers, and tractors. Warm temperatures have allowed staff to get out and start our spring prep early this
Mild temperatures have allowed us to start our spring maintenance program much earlier than last year. We were able
to open the Skate Park as well as the pickleball and tennis courts early, allowing residents to get out and enjoy the
Each spring season, the city is able to utilize outside groups to help with routine maintenance tasks. This month, STS
(Sentence to Serve) will be assisting with table assembly and picking up trash throughout the park system.
We have recently hired two new park maintenance employees Josh Hargrove and Kyle Brazil. I would like to wish
them a warm welcome to the Park and Recreation Department!
Wednesday, May 27, 2020
Subject 2019/2020 Ice Rink Season Evaluation
Section REPORTS Item No: I.3.
Prepared By Priya Tandon, Recreation Supervisor File No:
This year's ice skating rink season ran from December 17, 2019 to February 22, 2020. During the season, the
warming houses were open 62 days and closed 6 days due to high temperatures and large amounts of snow. Roughly
7,580 participants were recorded during supervised hours.
Warming houses were available at City Center Park, North Lotus Park, the Chanhassen Recreation Center,
Bandimere Park, and Roundhouse Park. The warming house at Roundhouse Park was staffed with reduced hours on
weekends and selected holidays.The pleasure rink at Pioneer Pass Park was flooded on a trial basis, and did not have
a warming house available to users.
Warming house trailers were rented from Mobile Mini for North Lotus Park, City Center Park, and Bandimere Park.
The inside has a large open space, which the City furnished with benches and a desk for rink attendants. This allows
for visual contact between the rink attendant and participants, which contributes to greater overall safety and customer
20192020 Recorded Participants
December January February March TOTAL
City Center 338 596 173 0 1,107
Rec Center 950 2,143 689 0 3,782
North Lotus 280 636 326 0 1,242
Roundhouse 97 102 35 0 234
Bandimere 376 638 201 0 1,215
TOTAL USAGE 2,041 4,115 1,424 0 7,580
A total of 24 rink attendants were hired on a parttime/seasonal basis to staff the warming houses. Rink attendant
wages are estimated at $19,719.69 with approximately 1,710 hours worked.
Temporary and Seasonal Wages: $ 19,719.69 est.
Warming House Rentals: $ 6,060.88
Rink Maintenance: $ 18,000.72
TOTAL:$ 43,781.29 est.
Pleasure Rink at Pioneer Pass Park:
PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION STAFF REPORTWednesday, May 27, 2020Subject2019/2020 Ice Rink Season EvaluationSectionREPORTS Item No: I.3.Prepared By Priya Tandon, Recreation Supervisor File No: SUMMARYThis year's ice skating rink season ran from December 17, 2019 to February 22, 2020. During the season, thewarming houses were open 62 days and closed 6 days due to high temperatures and large amounts of snow. Roughly7,580 participants were recorded during supervised hours.Warming houses were available at City Center Park, North Lotus Park, the Chanhassen Recreation Center,Bandimere Park, and Roundhouse Park. The warming house at Roundhouse Park was staffed with reduced hours onweekends and selected holidays.The pleasure rink at Pioneer Pass Park was flooded on a trial basis, and did not havea warming house available to users. Warming house trailers were rented from Mobile Mini for North Lotus Park, City Center Park, and Bandimere Park.The inside has a large open space, which the City furnished with benches and a desk for rink attendants. This allowsfor visual contact between the rink attendant and participants, which contributes to greater overall safety and customerservice.20192020 Recorded ParticipantsDecemberJanuaryFebruary March TOTALCity Center 338 596 173 0 1,107Rec Center 950 2,143 689 0 3,782North Lotus 280 636 326 0 1,242Roundhouse97102350234Bandimere37663820101,215TOTAL USAGE 2,041 4,115 1,424 0 7,580A total of 24 rink attendants were hired on a parttime/seasonal basis to staff the warming houses. Rink attendantwages are estimated at $19,719.69 with approximately 1,710 hours worked.Expenses:Amount:Temporary and Seasonal Wages: $ 19,719.69 est.Warming House Rentals: $ 6,060.88 Rink Maintenance: $ 18,000.72TOTAL:$ 43,781.29 est.
Pleasure Rink at Pioneer Pass Park:
The pleasure rink at Pioneer Pass Park was flooded over the ballfield on a trial basis for the 20192020 season. Costs
for adding this trial rink specifically were estimated at $1,800, which was covered in the (1550) Park Maintenance
Budget. Usage of this rink was estimated by Park Maintenance staff by noting skate marks on the ice as heavy,
moderate, or light. Usage was light a vast majority of days recorded.
General Comments/Recommendations for 20202021 Season
Continue to rent warming houses from Mobile Mini. Mobile mini is affordable, easy to work with, and flexible
with delivery and pickup dates.
Rink Usage Totals 20192020
Rink Usage for Past 5 Years
Ice Skating Rink History
December January February March Rink Totals
City Center 338 596 173 0 1,107
Rec Center 950 2,143 689 0 3,782
North Lotus 280 636 326 0 1,242
Roundhouse 97 102 35 0 234
Bandimere 376 638 201 0 1,215
Totals 2,041 4,115 1,424 0 7,580
Year Total 7,580
City Center Rec Center North Lotus Roundhouse Bandimere Totals
Monday 105 583 75 29 178 970
Tuesday 265 516 208 16 226 1231
Wednesday 182 495 174 24 111 986
Thursday 143 814 309 8 279 1553
Friday 106 421 103 16 109 755
Saturday 189 646 210 94 198 1337
Sunday 117 307 163 47 114 748
Totals 1,107 3,782 1,242 234 1,215 7,580
Year Total 7,580
2019-2020 Rink Usage by Day
2019-2020 Rink Usage by Month
Weekday City Center Rec Center North Lotus Roundhouse Bandimere Totals
10:00 2 22 10 21 55
11:00 9 62 14 21 106
12:00 25 105 9 16 25 180
1:00 22 116 11 8 41 198
2:00 9 97 34 19 54 213
3:00 26 68 14 19 46 173
4:00 127 371 121 18 61 698
5:00 217 502 178 13 162 1,072
6:00 211 597 255 223 1,286
7:00 157 550 188 190 1,085
8:00 35 331 66 67 499
Totals 840 2,821 900 93 911 5,565
Saturday City Center Rec Center North Lotus Roundhouse Bandimere Totals
10:00 11 48 9 5 73
11:00 4 53 20 7 84
12:00 11 62 13 6 6 98
1:00 8 61 21 7 11 108
2:00 33 80 24 17 21 175
3:00 23 58 8 19 23 131
4:00 21 82 25 27 23 178
5:00 19 44 36 20 16 135
6:00 19 42 16 12 89
7:00 10 51 7 34 102
8:00 12 56 18 34 120
Totals 171 637 197 96 192 1,293
Sunday City Center Rec Center North Lotus Roundhouse Bandimere Totals
1:00 13 39 19 8 16 95
2:00 14 60 24 13 12 123
3:00 32 75 22 9 22 160
4:00 21 94 40 8 30 193
5:00 9 43 14 7 14 87
6:00 7 13 26 0 18 64
Totals 96 324 145 45 112 722
Year Total 7,580
2019-2020 Rink Usage by Time
Ice Rink Use Totals & Expenses
OPEN: Dec. 17, 2019 CLOSED: February 22, 2020 DAYS OPEN: 62
OPEN: Dec. 14, 2018 CLOSED: March 9, 2019 DAYS OPEN: 67
OPEN: Dec. 22, 2017 CLOSED: March 1, 2018 DAYS OPEN: 61
December January February March TOTAL
City Center 338 596 173 0 1,107
Rec Center 950 2,143 689 0 3,782
N. Lotus 280 636 326 0 1,242
Roundhouse 97 102 35 0 234
Bandimere 376 638 201 0 1,215
Total Usage 2,041 4,115 1,424 0 7,580
Seasonal Wages $19,719.69
Warming Houses $6,060.88
Rink Maintenance $18,000.72
TOTAL $43,781.29
December January February March TOTAL
City Center 143 403 257 38 841
Rec Center 439 849 430 117 1,835
N. Lotus 156 526 236 59 977
Roundhouse 36 22 12 3 73
Bandimere 255 446 230 25 956
Total Usage 1,029 1,800 1,165 242 4,682
Seasonal Wages $19,203.50
Warming Houses $8,557.78
Rink Maintenance $18,087.50
TOTAL $45,848.78
December January February March TOTAL
City Center 365 487 216 1,068
Rec Center 438 1,411 714 2,563
N. Lotus 208 549 238 2 997
Roundhouse 52 52 41 145
Bandimere 312 644 199 1,155
Total Usage 1,375 2,499 1,408 2 5,928
Seasonal Wages $17,904.88
Warming Houses $6,019.45
Rink Maintenance $19,118.00
TOTAL $43,042.33
OPEN: Dec. 20, 2016 CLOSED: Feb. 12,2017 DAYS OPEN: 47
OPEN: Jan. 6, 2016 CLOSED: Feb. 19,2016 DAYS OPEN: 40
December January February March TOTAL
City Center 430 551 288 - 1,269
Rec Center 911 1,392 390 - 2,693
N. Lotus 450 707 207 - 1,364
Roundhouse 107 132 7 - 246
Bandimere 0 405 227 - 632
Total Usage 1,898 2,782 1,119 0 6,204
Seasonal Wages $11,624.50
Warming Houses $5,358.00
Rink Maintenance $13,449.58
TOTAL $30,432.08
December January February March TOTAL
City Center - 1,472 75 - 1,547
Rec Center - 1,628 839 - 2,467
N. Lotus - 707 289 - 996
Roundhouse - 74 39 - 113
Total Usage - 3,881 1,242 - 5,123
Seasonal Wages $8,053.75
Warming Houses $3,462.00
Rink Maintenance $19,076.56
TOTAL $30,592.31
Year Open Close Days
Closed Days Open Seasonal
Cost Total Cost Cost/Day
1982-83 Dec. 17, 1982 Feb. 16, 1983 n/a 62
1983-84 Dec. 22, 1983 Feb. 21, 1984 n/a 62
1984-85 Dec. 25, 1984 Feb. 19, 1985 n/a 57
1985-86 Dec. 20, 1985 Feb. 18, 1986 n/a 61
1986-87 Dec. 18, 1986 Feb. 7, 1987 n/a 52
1987-88 Dec. 19, 1987 Feb. 15, 1988 n/a 59
1988-89 Dec. 9, 1988 March 8, 1989 n/a 90
1989-90 Dec. 16, 1989 Feb. 8, 1990 n/a 55
1990-91 Dec. 21, 1990 Feb. 2, 1991 n/a 44
1991-92 Dec. 21, 1991 Jan. 29, 1992 n/a 40
1992-93 Dec. 19, 1992 Feb. 12, 1993 n/a 56
1993-94 Dec. 27, 1993 Feb. 18, 1994 n/a 54
Ice Skating Rink History
Year Open Close Days
Closed Days Open Seasonal
Cost Total Cost Cost/Day
1994-95 Dec. 16, 1994 Feb. 17, 1995 n/a 64
1995-95 Dec. 16, 1995 Feb. 19, 1996 n/a 66
1996-97 Dec. 23, 1996 Feb. 19, 1997 n/a 59
1997-98 Jan. 12, 1998 Feb. 9, 1998 n/a 29
1998-99 Dec. 26, 1998 Feb. 10, 1999 n/a 47 n/a n/a $18,212.27 $18,212.27 $387.50
1999-00 Dec. 23, 1999 Feb. 20, 2000 n/a 60 n/a n/a $27,914.63 $27,914.63 $465.24
2000-01 Dec. 15, 2000 March 6, 2001 n/a 82 $15,143.05 n/a $34,743.16 $49,886.21 $608.37
2001-02 Dec. 29, 2001 Feb. 13, 2002 n/a 47 $5,519.25 n/a $16,814.30 $22,333.55 $475.18
2002-03 Jan. 12, 2003 March 12, 2003 n/a 60 $11,534.90 n/a $23,409.47 $34,944.37 $582.41
2003-04 Jan. 1, 2004 Feb. 19, 2004 n/a 50 n/a n/a $18,382.01 $18,382.01 $367.64
2004-05 Dec. 24, 2004 Feb. 14, 2005 n/a 53 $6,333.13 n/a $22,818.55 $29,151.68 $550.03
2005-06 Dec. 16, 2005 Feb. 27, 2006 18 54 $10,572.64 $2,797.77 $32,501.45 $45,871.86 $849.48
2006-07 Jan. 15, 2007 Feb. 22, 2007 5 34 $6,325.33 $2,390.52 $26,109.76 $34,825.61 $1,024.28
Year Open Close Days
Closed Days Open Seasonal
Cost Total Cost Cost/Day
2007-08 Dec. 14, 2007 March 11, 2008 7 83 $15,422.69 $3,283.41 $40,461.09 $59,167.19 $712.86
2008-09 Dec. 18, 2008 March 2, 2009 12 62 $12,818.75 $1,685.22 $39,710.38 $54,214.35 $874.43
2009-10 Dec. 18, 2009 Feb. 28, 2010 5 67 $11,842.63 $2,840.57 $38,359.02 $53,042.22 $791.67
2010-11 Dec. 17, 2010 Feb. 21, 2011 17 50 $8,963.94 $2,991.07 $32,256.99 $44,212.00 $884.24
2011-12 Dec. 24, 2011 Feb. 15, 2012 27 28 $5,015.88 $3,028.76 $12,092.00 $20,136.64 $719.17
2012-13 Dec. 24, 2012 Feb. 28, 2013 8 59 $9,843.69 $2,897.75 $32,113.76 $44,855.20 $760.26
2013-14 Dec. 13, 2013 Feb. 20, 2014 8 60 $11,394.56 $3,461.78 $30,420.03 $45,276.37 $754.61
2014-15 Jan. 1, 2015 March 3, 2015 5 62 $9,900.00 $3,526.00 $29,212.86 $42,638.86 $687.72
2015-16 Jan. 6, 2016 Feb. 19, 2016 4 40 $8,053.75 $3,452.00 $19,076.56 $30,592.31 $764.81
2016-17 Dec. 20, 2015 Feb. 13 2017 8 47 $11,624.51 $5,358.00 $13,449.58 $30,432.08 $647.49
2017-18 Dec. 22, 2017 Mar. 1, 2018 9 61 $17,904.88 $6,019.45 $19,118.00 $43,043.33 $705.61
2018-19 Dec. 14, 2018 Mar. 9, 2019 19 67 $19,203.50 $8,557.78 $18,087.50 $45,848.78 $684.21
2019-20 Dec. 17, 2019 Feb. 22, 2020 6 62 $19,719.69 $6,060.88 $18,000.72 $43,781.29 $706.15
Wednesday, May 27, 2020
Subject Senior Center Quarterly Report
Section REPORTS Item No: I.4.
Prepared By Mary Blazanin, Senior Center
File No:
Winter Program Highlights
The Senior Center helped keep our older adults active and engaged during these past long winter days. Participants
enjoyed lifelong learning classes, local history speakers, and educational presentations. Some of these programs also
included a low cost meal, which increased participation and focused on building community.
Winter is generally a quieter time around the Senior Center, as many of our patrons go to warmer places, and others
tend to stay safe at home on cold, snowy or icy days. Overall, however, our participation numbers were strong. Our
weekly Card Clubs, Carving Group, Book Club, Bingo players and Chanolaires singers are all still going strong,
with many new people joining.
Educational and informational classes on a variety of related topics engaged 115 patrons, and included:
“Fire Safety for Seniors”, with Fire Chief Don Johnson
“Learn How to Use SW Prime and Prime MD”
An historical look at The Lincoln Assassination, with speaker Dave Jones
A live video feed presentation on “Wolf Pups 101” direct from the International Wolf Center
Our popular day trips (in partnership with the Chaska Lodge) kept us closer to home this winter. Taking advantage of
discounted senior tickets, we enjoyed some locally produced events. 90 of our seniors joined us for:
Dinner and Play, “A Gentleman’s Guide…” at the Old Log Theater in January
“Patsy Cline” show at Le Musique Room in St. Michael in February
Dinner and Play, “Music Man,” at the Chanhassen Dinner Theater in March
AARP Driver Safety Classes,helping seniors earn a discount on car insurance, were offered four times, with 72
people in attendance.
Our monthly “Soup, Salad and Song” events alway draws a good crowd, and are generally holidaythemed. We
have been seeing a lot of new faces at these events as well. The following special events served 145 seniors:
January Martin Luther King Jr. Day Tribute with the U Can Jug or Not band and soup and salad lunch.
February Young At Heart Valentine’s Day Celebration with Singer Monroe Wright.
March Luck o’ The Irish Baked Potato Bar Party, with the Hibernian Duo Musicians.
PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION STAFF REPORTWednesday, May 27, 2020SubjectSenior Center Quarterly ReportSectionREPORTS Item No: I.4.Prepared By Mary Blazanin, Senior CenterCoordinator File No: SUMMARYWinter Program HighlightsThe Senior Center helped keep our older adults active and engaged during these past long winter days. Participantsenjoyed lifelong learning classes, local history speakers, and educational presentations. Some of these programs alsoincluded a low cost meal, which increased participation and focused on building community. Winter is generally a quieter time around the Senior Center, as many of our patrons go to warmer places, and otherstend to stay safe at home on cold, snowy or icy days. Overall, however, our participation numbers were strong. Ourweekly Card Clubs, Carving Group, Book Club, Bingo players and Chanolaires singers are all still going strong,with many new people joining.Educational and informational classes on a variety of related topics engaged 115 patrons, and included:“Fire Safety for Seniors”, with Fire Chief Don Johnson“Learn How to Use SW Prime and Prime MD”An historical look at The Lincoln Assassination, with speaker Dave JonesA live video feed presentation on “Wolf Pups 101” direct from the International Wolf CenterOur popular day trips (in partnership with the Chaska Lodge) kept us closer to home this winter. Taking advantage ofdiscounted senior tickets, we enjoyed some locally produced events. 90 of our seniors joined us for:Dinner and Play, “A Gentleman’s Guide…” at the Old Log Theater in January“Patsy Cline” show at Le Musique Room in St. Michael in February Dinner and Play, “Music Man,” at the Chanhassen Dinner Theater in MarchAARP Driver Safety Classes,helping seniors earn a discount on car insurance, were offered four times, with 72people in attendance.Our monthly “Soup, Salad and Song” events alway draws a good crowd, and are generally holidaythemed. Wehave been seeing a lot of new faces at these events as well. The following special events served 145 seniors:January Martin Luther King Jr. Day Tribute with the U Can Jug or Not band and soup and salad lunch.
February Young At Heart Valentine’s Day Celebration with Singer Monroe Wright.
March Luck o’ The Irish Baked Potato Bar Party, with the Hibernian Duo Musicians.
We are in our fifth month of hosting the Memory Café program, a monthly gathering spot for caregivers and their
loved ones. We have a steady following of 610 patrons attending. We are working closely with our ACT on
Alzheimer’s Team to increase our participation as the 2020 program year unfolds.
Additionally, we continue to offer monthly caregiver support groups, family or individual care consultation, health
insurance counseling and foot care clinics. These served an average of 25 people per month.
CAP Agency still provides dinein and delivered meals to Chanhassen Seniors, averaging 2530 delivered meals per
day, and 610 Senior Center dine in meals per week. Home deliveries generally increase in the winter, and dinein
meals numbers decrease.
Finally,we are partnering with a local high school student who is teaching a fourweek class called "Make your
Phone Your Friend."The class filled up almost immediately, and we are planning to run another session this summer.
As the weather improves, we are looking forward to our busiest season of fun events and trips, but are certainly
keeping the COVID19 concerns in mind as we move forward with our planning.
Mah Jongg Class flyer
Make Your Phone Your Friend flyer
Nordic Pole Walking class
Coffee and Conversaton group
Speaker Series flyer
St. Croix River Cruise
Twins Game Flyer
Mah Jongg, a complex thinking game, has been said to improve memory, boost low moods, and increase
overall fun in the lives of those who play it. The object of the game is to collect winning sets of tiles. The
tiles, however, have characters and not numbers, and the rules are a little more intriguing. This 6-week
class with instructor Melinda Colwell, teaches the modernized and westernized version of the game. Class
fee includes a take home tile card. If you own a Mah Jongg set, please bring it with you.
For more information, please call the Chanhassen Senior Center at 952-227-1124. Make checks payable to City of Chanhassen
and mail or drop off your registration form to Chanhassen City Hall, 7700 Market Blvd, PO Box 147, Chanhassen, MN 55317.
No refunds given after the deadline date unless the event is canceled by the Senior Center.
Mah Jongg Class for Beginners, Tuesdays, April 21-May 26 10-11:30am
Cost: $45 Code: 6202.102 Registration Deadline: Friday, April 10.
All All All All Classes meet at The Chanhassen Senior CenterClasses meet at The Chanhassen Senior CenterClasses meet at The Chanhassen Senior CenterClasses meet at The Chanhassen Senior Center
Participant’s Name: ______________________________ DOB: (if new registrant) ____________
Participant’s Name: ______________________________ DOB: (if new registrant) ____________
Address: ________________________________________ City, State, Zip: __________________
Home Phone: ______________ Cell Ph: ______________ Email:__________________________
I, the participant, do hereby agree to participate in the above-mentioned activity and I further agree to indemnify and hold harmless from
and against any and all liability for injury which may be suffered by the aforementioned individual(s) arising out of, or in any way with,
his/her participation in this activity. I do hereby allow the City of Chanhassen to use any photographs taken by the city of the individual(s)
named herin in city informational bulletins released to the general public for the period of one year from the date I have signed below. Data
Privacy Policy: The information requested on the registration form will be used to verify eligibility and determine staff, facility, and
equipment needs. You/your child’s name, sex, birth date, address, phone number and health information will be provided to city staff,
volunteers, the city attorney, insurer, and auditor. Although you are not legally required to disclose this information, failure to do so will
prevent you from participating in the program.
Participants Signature: ______________________________ Date: ____________
Tuesdays, April 21Tuesdays, April 21Tuesdays, April 21Tuesdays, April 21---- May 26May 26May 26May 26 10:0010:0010:0010:00----11:30am11:30am11:30am11:30am
Cost: $45 Cost: $45 Cost: $45 Cost: $45 CodeCodeCodeCode:::: 6202.1026202.1026202.1026202.102
Registration Deadline: Registration Deadline: Registration Deadline: Registration Deadline: Friday, April. 10Friday, April. 10Friday, April. 10Friday, April. 10 Classes meet at The ChClasses meet at The ChClasses meet at The ChClasses meet at The Chanhassen Senior Centeranhassen Senior Centeranhassen Senior Centeranhassen Senior Center
For Office Use Only Date Registered: __________ Amount: __________ Check: ___ Cash: ___ CC: ____ Rec’d By _______
Mah Jongg Mah Jongg Mah Jongg Mah Jongg
6666----Week ClassWeek ClassWeek ClassWeek Class
for Beginnersfor Beginnersfor Beginnersfor Beginners PROGRAM REGISTRATION FORM
Join in on any or all in our upcoming speakers’ series.
We’re bound to have something which interests and inform you!
For more information, please call the Chanhassen Senior Center at 952-227-1124. Make checks payable to City of Chanhassen and
mail or drop off your registration form to Chanhassen City Hall, 7700 Market Blvd, PO Box 147, Chanhassen, MN 55317.
No refunds given after the deadline date unless the event is canceled by the Senior Center.
Make Your Phone Your Friend – Thursdays March 5,12,19,26 - $18 – Code: 6201.107
Participant’s Name: ______________________________ DOB: (if new registrant) ____________
Participant’s Name: ______________________________ DOB: (if new registrant) ____________
Address: ________________________________________ City, State, Zip: __________________
Home Phone: ________________ Cell Ph: ______________ Email:________________________
I, the participant, do hereby agree to participate in the above-mentioned activity and I further agree to indemnify and hold harmless from
and against any and all liability for injury which may be suffered by the aforementioned individual(s) arising out of, or in any way with,
his/her participation in this activity. I do hereby allow the City of Chanhassen to use any photographs taken by the city of the individual(s)
named herin in city informational bulletins released to the general public for the period of one year from the date I have signed below. Data
Privacy Policy: The information requested on the registration form will be used to verify eligibility and determine staff, facility, and
equipment needs. You/your child’s name, sex, birth date, address, phone number and health information will be provided to city staff,
volunteers, the city attorney, insurer, and auditor. Although you are not legally required to disclose this information, failure to do so will
prevent you from participating in the program.
Participant’s Signature: ______________________________ Date: ____________
Please make checks payable to the City of Chanhassen. Credit card payments accepted for $10 and over per class and in person.
Educational Speakers SeriesEducational Speakers SeriesEducational Speakers SeriesEducational Speakers Series
At the Chanhassen Senior Center
PROGRAM REGISTRATION FORM For Office Use Only Date Registered: __________ Amount: __________ Check: ___ Cash: ___ CC: ____ Rec’d By _______
Sponsored by Carver County Parks and the Chanhassen Senior CenterSponsored by Carver County Parks and the Chanhassen Senior CenterSponsored by Carver County Parks and the Chanhassen Senior CenterSponsored by Carver County Parks and the Chanhassen Senior Center
Originating in Scandinavia, Nordic walking is a low impact, fund to do, and easy to learn walking technique
using two “ski” like poles. It’s an ideal form of exercise for anyone of any age, especially for htose who
have balance, knee or leg problems. You can move at your own pace, and it exercises 80% of your
muscles while improving our overall heart, mind and body health. Get started with this great outdoor
activity as Carver Co. Park staff teach you how to use the poles, a proper walking technique, and pole
walking locations you can explore. All pole equipment will be provided for class participants’ use.
Each class will meet in a different Chanhassen park, starting at Lake Ann Park on June 12.
For more information, please call the Chanhassen Senior Center at 952-227-1124. Make checks payable to City of Chanhassen and
mail or drop off your registration form to Chanhassen City Hall, 7700 Market Blvd, PO Box 147, Chanhassen, MN 55317.
No refunds given after the deadline date unless the event is canceled by the Senior Center.
Nordic Walking for Active Older Adults, Fridays June 12,19 & 26. 10-11am.
Cost: $10 Code: 6202.104 Registration Deadline: Monday, June 8.Registration Deadline: Monday, June 8.Registration Deadline: Monday, June 8.Registration Deadline: Monday, June 8.
Participant’s Name: ______________________________DOB: (if new registrant) ____________
Participant’s Name: ______________________________ DOB: (if new registrant) ____________
Address: ________________________________________ City, State, Zip: __________________
Home Phone: ________________ Cell Ph: ______________ Email:________________________
I, the participant, do hereby agree to participate in the above-mentioned activity and I further agree to indemnify and hold harmless from
and against any and all liability for injury which may be suffered by the aforementioned individual(s) arising out of, or in any way with,
his/her participation in this activity. I do hereby allow the City of Chanhassen to use any photographs taken by the city of the individual(s)
named herin in city informational bulletins released to the general public for the period of one year from the date I have signed below. Data
Privacy Policy: The information requested on the registration form will be used to verify eligibility and determine staff, facility, and
equipment needs. You/your child’s name, sex, birth date, address, phone number and health information will be provided to city staff,
volunteers, the city attorney, insurer, and auditor. Although you are not legally required to disclose this information, failure to do so will
prevent you from participating in the program.
Participant’s Signature: ______________________________ Date: ____________
Fridays, June 12Fridays, June 12Fridays, June 12Fridays, June 12,,,, 19191919,,,, & 26& 26& 26& 26 / / / / 10:0010:0010:0010:00----11:00am11:00am11:00am11:00am PROGRAM REGISTRATION FORM For Office Use Only Date Registered: __________ Amount: __________ Check: ___ Cash: ___ CC: ____ Rec’d By _______
NNNNordic ordic ordic ordic PPPPoleoleoleole WWWWalkingalkingalkingalking
For For For For Active Older AdultsActive Older AdultsActive Older AdultsActive Older Adults
Coffee & ConversationCoffee & ConversationCoffee & ConversationCoffee & Conversation
Chanhassen Senior Center
Register in advance or drop in to the conversation on the day of
Bring a $2 donation to cover coffee and treats.
Stay for $5 lunch here with CAP Agency; 4 days advanced reservation required for lunches by calling 952-227-1127
Join in on these fun, co-ed discussions on current topics of interest. Stop by for coffee and
morning snack with your neighbors, and treat yourself to educational connections and fun.
Upcoming 2020 programs include:
Monday, March 9: March Madness – Understanding the Hype, the Brackets and More
Monday, April 13: City Parks and Recreation: Planning for Today and Tomorrow with P&R Director, Todd Hoffmann
Monday, May 11: Learn About Your Carver County Parks – Your Grownup Playground
Monday, June 8: The Fine Art of Coffee Brewing with demonstrations and taste tests
Monday, July 13: Advance Care Planning – Be Ready Today
Monday, August 10 – No Meeting due to Primary Elections
Monday, September 14: Get to Know your VA Office and the Benefits Available to Veterans and Their Families
Monday, October 12 – No Meeting; Office closed for Columbus Day
Monday, November 9: Pot Luck Breakfast – bring a dish to share
Monday, December 14: Holiday Tea, Coffee and Cookies – Discussion of Holiday Traditions and More
For more information, please call the Chanhassen Senior Center at 952-227-1124. Make checks payable to City of Chanhassen and
mail or drop off your registration form to Chanhassen City Hall, 7700 Market Blvd, PO Box 147, Chanhassen, MN 55317.
No refunds given after the deadline date unless the event is canceled by the Senior Center.
Coffee and Conversation – 2nd Monday of Every Month $2 Freewill donations accepted
Participant’s Name: _____________________ Participant’s Name: ____________________
Address: ________________________________________ City, State, Zip: __________________
Home Phone: ________________ Cell Ph: ______________ Email:________________________
I, the participant, do hereby agree to participate in the above-mentioned activity and I further agree to indemnify and hold harmless from
and against any and all liability for injury which may be suffered by the aforementioned individual(s) arising out of, or in any way with,
his/her participation in this activity. I do hereby allow the City of Chanhassen to use any photographs taken by the city of the individual(s)
named herin in city informational bulletins released to the general public for the period of one year from the date I have signed below. Data
Privacy Policy: The information requested on the registration form will be used to verify eligibility and determine staff, facility, and
equipment needs. You/your child’s name, sex, birth date, address, phone number and health information will be provided to city staff,
volunteers, the city attorney, insurer, and auditor. Although you are not legally required to disclose this information, failure to do so will
prevent you from participating in the program.
Participant’s Signature: ______________________________ Date: ____________
Please make checks payable to the City of Chanhassen. Credit card payments accepted for $10 and over per class and in person.
Every 2Every 2Every 2Every 2 ndndndnd Monday of the Month, 10amMonday of the Month, 10amMonday of the Month, 10amMonday of the Month, 10am PROGRAM REGISTRATION FORM For Office Use Only Date Registered: __________ Amount: __________ Check: ___ Cash: ___ CC: ____ Rec’d By _______
Join any or all of our upcoming speakers’ series. We’re bound to have something which interests and informs you!
For more information, please call the Chanhassen Senior Center at 952-227-1124. Make checks payable to City of Chanhassen and
mail or drop off your registration form to Chanhassen City Hall, 7700 Market Blvd, PO Box 147, Chanhassen, MN 55317.
No refunds given after the deadline date unless the event is canceled by the Senior Center.
Veteran’s Benefits Class, May 7, 4pm FREE
DMV Explains the REAL ID, June 2, 2:30pm FREE
Participant’s Name: ______________________________ DOB: (if new registrant) ____________
Participant’s Name: ______________________________ DOB: (if new registrant) ____________
Address: ________________________________________ City, State, Zip: __________________
Home Phone: ________________ Cell Ph: ______________ Email:________________________
I, the participant, do hereby agree to participate in the above-mentioned activity and I further agree to indemnify and hold harmless from
and against any and all liability for injury which may be suffered by the aforementioned individual(s) arising out of, or in any way with,
his/her participation in this activity. I do hereby allow the City of Chanhassen to use any photographs taken by the city of the individual(s)
named herin in city informational bulletins released to the general public for the period of one year from the date I have signed below. Data
Privacy Policy: The information requested on the registration form will be used to verify eligibility and determine staff, facility, and
equipment needs. You/your child’s name, sex, birth date, address, phone number and health information will be provided to city staff,
volunteers, the city attorney, insurer, and auditor. Although you are not legally required to disclose this information, failure to do so will
prevent you from participating in the program.
Participant’s Signature: ______________________________ Date: ____________
Please make checks payable to the City of Chanhassen. Credit card payments accepted for $10 and over per class and in person.
Educational Speakers SeriesEducational Speakers SeriesEducational Speakers SeriesEducational Speakers Series
At the Chanhassen Senior Center
PROGRAM REGISTRATION FORM For Office Use Only Date Registered: __________ Amount: __________ Check: ___ Cash: ___ CC: ____ Rec’d By _______
How Veteran’s Benefits How Veteran’s Benefits How Veteran’s Benefits How Veteran’s Benefits
Can Help YouCan Help YouCan Help YouCan Help You and Your Familyand Your Familyand Your Familyand Your Family
Thursday, May 7, 4:00Thursday, May 7, 4:00Thursday, May 7, 4:00Thursday, May 7, 4:00----5:00pm, 5:00pm, 5:00pm, 5:00pm,
Over 50% of people from Chanhassen who’ve
served in the military, and their families, may be
eligible for benefits from the VA.
The VA wants you to access what is available – a
system much improved from 20 years ago.
If you or a family member have veteran’s status
or have served any time in the military, don’t
miss this informative meeting.
You will learn how the VA can walk you through
the paperwork to get you set up for the benefits
you and your family have earned and deserve.
DMV Explains the REAL IDDMV Explains the REAL IDDMV Explains the REAL IDDMV Explains the REAL ID
Tuesday, June 2, 2:30Tuesday, June 2, 2:30Tuesday, June 2, 2:30Tuesday, June 2, 2:30----3:30pm, FREE3:30pm, FREE3:30pm, FREE3:30pm, FREE
The REAL ID Act was passed by Congress in 2005,
and enacted by the 9/11 commission. By
October 2020 we all may need to have one.
Are you REAL ID ready? The DMV presents this
class to clear up all the questions about the
requirements to obtain the ID and get you on
the road to compliance with this federally
mandated program.
A trip sponsored by Chanhassen Senior Center and Chaska Lodge
Cost: $64 – includes transportation, cruise, lunch, gratuities & treat at Chocolate
Registration Deadline: Tuesday, June 16 / Code: 6203.104
A river cruise is a great way to spend a summer day! We start our cruise from Hudson, WI, winding south
on the St. Croix along the bluffs and natural water pathways. While riding comfortably on the classic
riverboat, we enjoy a buffet lunch of pulled pork sandwiches, house-made coleslaw, potato salad, pasta
salad, fresh fruit, chef’s choice entrée, and dessert. After our 2-hour leisurely boat trip, we’ll made a stop
in Old Hudson at the locally famous Knoke’s Chocolate Shoppe to learn its history and feed your sweet
tooth with a choice of homemade ice cream or chocolates.
Our bus will leave and return at the Chan Rec Center, 2310 Coulter Blvd with a stop at the EP Sr. Center
For more information, please call the Chanhassen Senior Center at 952-227-1124. Make checks payable to City of Chanhassen
and mail or drop off your registration form to Chanhassen City Hall, 7700 Market Blvd, PO Box 147, Chanhassen, MN 55317.
No refunds given after the deadline date unless the event is canceled by the Senior Center.
St Croix River Cruise and Choc. Shoppe / Tuesday, July 14 / 10:00am – 3:45pm
Cost: $64 Registration Deadline: Tuesday, June 16 Code: 6203.104
Participant’s Name: ______________________________ DOB: (if new registrant) ____________
Participant’s Name: ______________________________ DOB: (if new registrant) ____________
Address: ________________________________________ City, State, Zip: __________________
Home Phone: ______________ Cell Ph: ______________ Email:__________________________
Any Special Needs? (seating, dietary, motion sickness, etc) ___________________________________
I, the participant, do hereby agree to participate in the above-mentioned activity and I further agree to indemnify and hold harmless from and against any
and all liability for injury which may be suffered by the aforementioned individual(s) arising out of, or in any way with, his/her participation in this activity. I
do hereby allow the City of Chanhassen to use any photographs taken by the city of the individual(s) named herin in city informational bulletins released to
the general public for the period of one year from the date I have signed below. Data Privacy Policy: The information requested on the registration form will
be used to verify eligibility and determine staff, facility, and equipment needs. You/your child’s name, sex, birth date, address, phone number and health
information will be provided to city staff, volunteers, the city attorney, insurer, and auditor. Although you are not legally required to disclose this
information, failure to do so will prevent you from participating in the program.
Participants Signatures: ________________________________________________ Date: _______________
Please make checks payable to the City of Chanhassen. Credit card payments accepted in person at the Senior Center.
Tuesday, July 14Tuesday, July 14Tuesday, July 14Tuesday, July 14 10:00am 10:00am 10:00am 10:00am –––– 3:453:453:453:45pmpmpmpm
For Office Use Only Date Registered: __________ Amount: __________ Check: ___ Cash: ___ CC: ____ Rec’d By _______ PROGRAM REGISTRATION FORM
MN TwinsMN TwinsMN TwinsMN Twins at at at at
Target FieldTarget FieldTarget FieldTarget Field, Mpls, Mpls, Mpls, Mpls....
A trip sponsored by the Chanhassen Senior Center and SouthWest Transit
Cost: $44 – includes admission and transportation
Registration Deadline: Monday, May 25 / Code: 6202.106
Let’s go Twins! With an amazing 2019 season to boast of, the Twins are ready to take on Milwaukee and
we’re ready to cheer them on as we travel by SouthWest Transit to Target Field, one of the most
spectacular ballfields in the country. Game time is 12:10pm. Bring money for food and other purchases.
We have great seats under the overhang, so we’ll go rain or shine! NEW this year: although we LOVE to
be loyal, we will not stay past 12 innings if the game is extended. (We already broke the record with them
last year, so we will let someone else do so if needed this year.)
Our bus will leave and return at the Chan Rec Center, 2310 Coulter Blvd.
For more information, please call the Chanhassen Senior Center at 952-227-1124. Make checks payable to City of Chanhassen
and mail or drop off your registration form to Chanhassen City Hall, 7700 Market Blvd, PO Box 147, Chanhassen, MN 55317.
No refunds given after the deadline date unless the event is canceled by the Senior Center.
Trip to MN Twins at Target Field, Mpls. / Wed, June 17 / 11:00am – 4:15pm
Cost: $44 Registration Deadline: Monday, May 25 Code: 6202.106
Participant’s Name: ______________________________ DOB: (if new registrant) ____________
Participant’s Name: ______________________________ DOB: (if new registrant) ____________
Address: ________________________________________ City, State, Zip: __________________
Home Phone: ______________ Cell Ph: ______________ Email:__________________________
Special Seating Needs (no steps, motion sickness, etc) ______________________________________
I, the participant, do hereby agree to participate in the above-mentioned activity and I further agree to indemnify and hold harmless from and against any
and all liability for injury which may be suffered by the aforementioned individual(s) arising out of, or in any way with, his/her participation in this activity. I
do hereby allow the City of Chanhassen to use any photographs taken by the city of the individual(s) named herin in city informational bulletins released to
the general public for the period of one year from the date I have signed below. Data Privacy Policy: The information requested on the registration form will
be used to verify eligibility and determine staff, facility, and equipment needs. You/your child’s name, sex, birth date, address, phone number and health
information will be provided to city staff, volunteers, the city attorney, insurer, and auditor. Although you are not legally required to disclose this
information, failure to do so will prevent you from participating in the program.
Participants Signatures: ________________________________________________ Date: _______________
Please make checks payable to the City of Chanhassen. Credit card payments accepted in person.
Wednesday, Wednesday, Wednesday, Wednesday, June 17June 17June 17June 17 11:00am 11:00am 11:00am 11:00am –––– Game EndGame EndGame EndGame End
For Office Use Only Date Registered: __________ Amount: __________ Check: ___ Cash: ___ CC: ____ Rec’d By _______ PROGRAM REGISTRATION FORM
Wednesday, May 27, 2020
Subject Recreation Program Updates
Section REPORTS Item No: I.5.
Prepared By Priya Tandon, Recreation Supervisor File No:
All Parks & Recreation programs have been cancelled through May due to the ongoing COVID19 crisis.
Programming beyond May 2020 has been suspended until further notice.
Below is a list of Parks & Recreation activities and their current status in light of COVID19.
37th Annual 4th of July Celebration
Most events associated with Chanhassen's annual 4th of July Celebration have been cancelled for the health and safety
of the Chanhassen community. A modified fireworks display and a historic plane flyover on July 4th are currently being
Old National Bank Summer Concert Series
Performances scheduled as a part of this series have been cancelled through June 2020. Decisions regarding July and
August performances will be made at a later date.
2020 Chanhassen Farmers Market
The 2020 Chanhassen Farmers Market will begin on Saturday, June 6th and run every Saturday through October 3rd.
Appropriate safety measures based on guidelines provided by the Minnesota Department of Agriculture are being
taken by both the City and Farmers Market vendors.
Summer Discovery Playground Program & Lake Ann Adventure Camp
Both of these youth programs have been cancelled for the 2020 summer season due to the nature of the programs and
the necessity of staffing decisions.
Teen Volunteer Program
The 2020 Teen Volunteer Program will be modified and will not include inperson group meetings as in previous years.
Focus will be on individual volunteer opportunities throughout the year at times when safety guidelines can be met.
Virtual and AtHome Programming
A new "Virtual Recreation" page has been added to the City website, offering links to various athome recreation
resources and videos. An athome activity kit program has been developed targeting families. Staff will continue to
research ways to reach youth, families, and adults while at home.
PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION STAFF REPORTWednesday, May 27, 2020SubjectRecreation Program UpdatesSectionREPORTS Item No: I.5.Prepared By Priya Tandon, Recreation Supervisor File No: SUMMARYAll Parks & Recreation programs have been cancelled through May due to the ongoing COVID19 crisis.Programming beyond May 2020 has been suspended until further notice. DISCUSSIONBelow is a list of Parks & Recreation activities and their current status in light of COVID19. 37th Annual 4th of July CelebrationMost events associated with Chanhassen's annual 4th of July Celebration have been cancelled for the health and safetyof the Chanhassen community. A modified fireworks display and a historic plane flyover on July 4th are currently beingdiscussed. Old National Bank Summer Concert SeriesPerformances scheduled as a part of this series have been cancelled through June 2020. Decisions regarding July andAugust performances will be made at a later date.2020 Chanhassen Farmers MarketThe 2020 Chanhassen Farmers Market will begin on Saturday, June 6th and run every Saturday through October 3rd.Appropriate safety measures based on guidelines provided by the Minnesota Department of Agriculture are beingtaken by both the City and Farmers Market vendors. Summer Discovery Playground Program & Lake Ann Adventure CampBoth of these youth programs have been cancelled for the 2020 summer season due to the nature of the programs andthe necessity of staffing decisions. Teen Volunteer Program The 2020 Teen Volunteer Program will be modified and will not include inperson group meetings as in previous years.Focus will be on individual volunteer opportunities throughout the year at times when safety guidelines can be met. Virtual and AtHome ProgrammingA new "Virtual Recreation" page has been added to the City website, offering links to various athome recreationresources and videos. An athome activity kit program has been developed targeting families. Staff will continue to
research ways to reach youth, families, and adults while at home.
Other Youth, Family, & Adult Programming
Decisions regarding other Parks & Recreation programming will be made after evaluation by City Council and City
Wednesday, May 27, 2020
Subject Senior Center Update
Section REPORTS Item No: I.6.
Prepared By Mary Blazanin, Senior Center
File No:
The Senior Center remains closed until further notice as directed by the City of Chanhassen leadership and based on
recommendations from the MN Dept. of Health and the CDC. During this shutdown, we have been processing
cancellations and refunds, as well as drafting program protocol and infection control guidelines for a gradual reopening
once a firm date to do so is established.
Additionally, I have been active in the following communitywide initiatives:
Helped our Fire Chief coordinate a Mask Donation Drive held on April 27. St. Hubert volunteers along with
Park and Rec staff counted and sorted masks which were then delivered to local Senior housing sites by
Chanhassen Fire Department staff. Additional masks were also given to Eastern Carver County Schools for
their child care and transportation workers. Over 2200 masks were collected and distributed.
Organized Senior Commissioners to contact over 100 identified atrisk seniors for checkin calls.
Commissioners continue to check in with them on a regular basis.
Working with CAP Agency, we donated and delivered 120 free meals to Centennial Hills Apartments, a Carver
County CDAoperated building serving independent, lowincome seniors.
Coordinated a "Merry May" greeting card drive for quarantined and isolated seniors, collecting and delivering
over 300 cards before Memorial Day weekend.
Participating in the Carver County Resilience Team, a collaborative group of local charities, businesses, City
and County agencies, volunteers, and service organizations committed to helping residents "bounce back and
thrive" during this difficult time.