1978 01 25
Roman Roos called the meeting to
present: Walter Thompson, Jerry
and Hud Hollenback were absent.
Pankonin were present.
order at 7:30 p.m. with the following members
Neher, Les Bridger, and Dick Matthews. Mal MacAlpine
Bill Brezinsky, Bob Waibel, Craig Mertz, and Bruce
MINUTES: Les Bridger moved to accept the December 14, 1977, Planning Commission
minutes as written. Motion seconded by Dick Matthews. The following voted in
favor: Roman Roos, Walter Thompson, Les Bridger, and Dick Matthews. Jerry Neher
abstained. Motion carried.
Les Bridger moved to accept the January 11, 1978, Planning Commission minutes as
written. Motion seconded by Jerry Neher and unanimously approved.
ESCROW DEPOSITS: Members requested this item be placed on the February 22, 1978,
Planning Commission Agenda. The Planner will prepare a report on the amount
outstanding on all escrow accounts.
SKETCH PLAN - GEORGE WAY: James Larkin, Attorney, George Way, Louis Zakariasen,
and Wes Searles were present. Mr. Way is requesting approval to subdivide his
property at 3831 Red Cedar Point Drive into two lots.
James Larkin - When the matter initially came before the Planning Commission there
was a report by the engineer indicating that he would like, for future use, the
dedication of some 50 feet of roadway across Mr. Way~s property. That 50 feet that
he asked for was not the same roadway that's described on the Red Cedar area
development plan although it does run fairly near to it. It is my understanding
that, that roadway even if dedicated would not presently be built and is not
presently needed. If the subdivision was granted there would be two lots, one of
which already has a house on it and another lot which is already served by an
existing street, Red Cedar Point Road. That additional lot does not require
any new streets to service it. We had an initial discussion with Mr. Waibel and
the city engineer and then after a second discussion with Mr. Waibel I felt that
before the preliminary plat is filed it might be well to come back before you
to let you know what our position was and find out what else might be done because
it is a rather small matter in terms of its economic impact. I think it's fair
that we try to arrive at a meeting of the minds so that Mr. Way is not required
to go through several plat drafts and the expense before submitting it. I hope
you will find this procedure satisfactory. The real question is, is that road
required or is it a requirement as part of a subdivision?
Bill Brezinsky - The original plan shows the connecting road bisecting the easterly
parcel that Mr. Way hopes to create. It would create two unbuildable sites. If
the city was to put a road through there I feel they would probably have to purchase
the whole property because it would be unusable. This is not a logical place for
the road, 1) because it would destroy the usability of this easterly parcel. The
second reason is because the topography would be extremely expensive to build a
road through there. I felt at that time, and I haven't changed my mind at all,
the most logical place to put a road to connect Red Cedar Point and County Road
15 would be along the westerly 50 feet of the easterly parcel that Mr. Way wants
to create. That's where the utilities are. That's where the existing driveway
is. Although it is not lining up with Kirkham Road, Kirkham Road will probably
never exist. The road as we propose it will follow the existing driveway that is
used by the people up on the hill. It is the best location. The connection from
South Cedar Drive,north on Kirkham Road, through the Smith property is unacceptable
from an engineering standpoint because of grade, drainage, and numerous reverse
curves. We don't feel that this is a logical connection. We felt that the only
connection that could be made from South Cedar to the west would have been by going
Planning Commission Meeting January 25, 1978
along the base of the hill along the lake, possibly. I feel that, if there is
going to be a road, it should be along the westerly 50 feet of the easterly parcel.
If we were to improve that portion of the road along Mr. Way's property and widen a
it 28 feet wide, would not really improve the situation of the people on the hill. ~
This is the level part. When they get past Mr. Way's property then they get into
the hill and the dangerous stretch,so to put the road in now is not going to improve
that. The value of this road, when it does go in, will be to give a second
access road to Red Cedar Point.
A petition is on file signed by the property owners to the southwest on the hill
that they do not want an improved street to their homes.
The City Attorney will respond to Mr. Larkin's point raised in his letter of
January 5, 1978. Members instructed Mr. Way to prepare a preliminary plat.
COMPREHENSIVE PLANNING PROCESS: As a part of the comprehensive planning process,
land use planning deals essentially with the relationships between different land
uses in a given area. The relationships between different land uses are often
very complex and difficult to predict. This problem is due in part to a lack
of historical and scientific understanding of the relationships between different
uses of the land. The location and timing of various land uses are also
generally difficult to guide effectively or to control given our prevailing
political philosophy and legal system which places a strong emphasis on protecting
private property rights. Finally, the establishment of community goals and
policies related to land use planning is also a difficult task in our increasingly
complex society. The scope of the planning process is outlined in the recently
enacted Mandatory Planning Act and arbitrated Systems Statements between the
City of Chanhassen and the Metropolitan Council. To comply with State Law,
the Chanhassen City Council would like the Planning Commission to complete ~
the city plan by the end of 1978. ~
Les Bridger moved that under a cover letter from the Ch.airman of the Planning
Commission,the Planning Commission questionnaire be sent to members of the
Park and Recreation Commission, Ecological Committee, HRA, and CBD Committee
Said questionnaire be returned to the City Planner on or before Feb~uary 8, 1978.
Motion seconded by Jerry Neher and unanimously approved.
COUNCIL MINUTES: Members noted the Council minutes of January 9, 1978.
COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: The Planning Commission is in the process of formulating
broad goals and objectives for the future of the City. Dick Matthews moved that
the Planning Commission would like imput on land based and water based ecology
matte~s the Ecological Committee is discussing and land and water recreational
goals and objectives of the Park and Recreation Commission. The Planning
Commission would like to sit down with the Park and Recreation Commission and
Ecology Committee April 26, 1978, to discuss the directions they are going.
Motion seconded by Les Bridger and unanimously approved.
The Planning Commission wants imput from the Park and Recreation Commission
regarding their anticipated future open space systems and water based
recreational uses. The Ecological Committee should formulate goals and
objectives for the utilization of environmentally significant issues for the
Planning Commission Meeting January 25, 1978
LIAISON TO COUNCIL: Jerry Neher moved to set up a schedule for members of the
Planning Commission to alternately attend Council meetings and voice the Planning
Commission's recommendation on planning related matters. Motion seconded by
Walter Thompson and unanimously approved.
for a representative from Chanhassen to serve on this committee. They would prefer
a representative from the Councilor Planning Commission. The Planning Commission
took no action.
Jerry Neher moved to adjourn. Walter Thompson seconded the motion and unanimously
approved. Meeting adjourned at Il:30 p.m.
Don Ashworth
City Manager