1978 04 26 -;: .- e e e EGULAR PLANNING CO~~ISSION MEETING APRIL 26, 1978 Roman Roos called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. with the following members present: Dick Matthews, Les Bridger, Hud Hollenback, Jerry Neher, and Walter Thompson. Mal MacAlpine came at 8:00 p.m. MINUTES: Hud Hollenback moved to. approve the April 12, 1978, Planning Commission minutes. Motion seconded by Dick Matthews. The following voted in favor: Roman Roos, Dick Matthews, Hud. Hollenback ,and ~va,lter Thompson. Les Bridger and Jerry Neher abstained. Motion carried. COUNCIL MINUTES: Les Bridger moved to note the April 17 and April 20, 1978, Council minutes. Motion seconded by Dick Matthews and unanimously approved. CHANHASSEN HRA TAX INCREMENT PRESENTATION: Mike Brinda of BRW, Herb Bloomberg, Bill Gullickson, John Przymus, and Tom Klingelhutz of the HRA, Mayor Hobbs, Councilman Pearson and several Chanhassen resicents were present. Mr. Brinda outlined concept plans for the tax increment district and the HRA goals. 1. Establish a community service core. 2. Maintain and encourage a unique imagable downtown. . Existing businesses are to be encouraged to.stay and develop. 3. Minimize and discourage the use of the image or the franchise type development. 4. Preserve the old church and city hall as a useful portion of the city. 5. The area between the railroad and Highway 5 should be related to Highway.use. 6. Encourage the development of middle density housing within the district~ 7. Encourage the concentration of development.in order to preserve open space. 8. Establish and maintain design continuity. 9. Develop reasonable and safe subsystems like traffic and utilities. 10. Encourage an open space image into and adjacent to the district. Three alternatives for street alignment, location of buildings, and parking in the core area were presented. Walter Thompson recommended approval of the initial concept of the BRW plan. Motion seconded by Dick Matthews and unanimously approved. UTILITY SURVEY AND ANALYSIS: The Planner presented maps showing the location of existing sewer, water, electric, and gas lines throughout the city. The city, for the most part,does not have a storm sewer system. This should be tied in with Park and Recreation Commission's open space system. The utility companies have adequate energy sources for the community,and there is enough infra-structure in the ground to urbanize about 30% of the city and handle 20,000 people. CITY PLANNER: Mal MacAlpine moved to recommend the Council consider offering a contract to Bruce Pankonin with the objective being to complete the comprehensive plan with specific phases to be completed by specific date deadlines. It is also recommended that Bruce Pankonin be in attendance at Council meetings and Planning Commission meetings deemed necessary by the Council and/or Planning Commission. If such a contract is tendered, the Planning Commission recommends that it first be reviewed by the Planning Commission to insure that e e - .. '- -2- Planning Commission Meeting April 26, 1978 it fulfills the needs and represents the Planning Commission's requirements. The ,fee is to be determined by the Council, City Manager, and Bruce Pankonin. The Planning Commission feels this recommendation is in order and necessary.to insure continuity and completion of the Comprehensive City Plan. Motion seconded by Hud Hollenback and unanimously approved. ESTATE DEVELOPMENTS: The City Planner suggested members consider estate developments in the area of the city near Lakes Ann ,and Lucy that has municipal water. After much discussion Jerry Neher moved that the Planning Commission has not changed its opinion since February 21, 1978, with regard to development .in unsewered areas. Motion seconded by Dick Matthews. The following voted in favor: Roman Roos, Dick ~atthews, Les Bridger, Hud Hollenback, Mal MacAlpine, and Jerry Neher, Walter Thompson voted no. Notion carried. ESCROH ACCOUNTS: 'Members discussed escrow accounts, how the amount is determined and when it is to be deposited with ,the city. It was felt that escrow deposits are being handled sloppily. Members discussed that perhaps future accounts should be billed monthly and paid before the developer is allowed to proceed or perhaps a fixed fee schedule should be'set. PARK AND RECREATION GOMHISSION LIAISON: Walter Thompson will attend Park and Recreation Commission meetings in place of Hud Hollenback. CITY PLANNER: Bruce Pankonin was given a round of applause for his outstanding work done for the city and the Planning Commission. Dick Matthews moved to adjourn. Motion seconded by Les Bridger and unanimously approved. Meeting adjourned at 11:55 p.m. ,Don Ashworth City Manager