1978 05 10
Roman Roos called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. with the following
members present: Les Bridger, Dick Matthews, Hud Hollenback, and Walter
Thompson. Jerry Neher came late. Mal MacAlpine was absent.
AGENDA: Dick Matthews moved to table items 15 - 19 on the May 10,
1978, Planning Commission agenda to the May 24th meeting. Motion
seconded by Les Bridger and unanimously approved.
MINUTES: Les Bridger moved to accept the April 26, 1978, Planning
Commission minutes as presented. Motion seconded by Hud Hollenback and
unanimously approved.
Hud Hollenback moved to note the May 1, 1978, City Council minutes.
Motion seconded by Dick Matthews and unanimously approved.
The Chairman called the hearing to order at 7:50 p.m. with the following
interested persons present:
John Merz, 3900 Lone Cedar Circle
Donn Bros, 7209: Heat'herton Circle, Edina
Keith Anderson, 3911 Leslee Curve
Mrs. Lee Anderson, 6651 Minnewashta Parkway'
Bob Ritter
Russell Larson
Bill Brezinsky
Bob Waibel read the official notice as published in the Carver County
The purpose of this hearing is to consider rezoning 23.8 acres located
in the southeast quadrant of County Road 15 and State Highway 7 from
R-lA to P-l and subdivide the property into 36 residential lots. The
developer has complied with the contingencies setforth by the Planning
Commission at its April 12 meeting.
The City Engineer has reviewed the preliminary street, drainage, sanitary
sewer, and water plans and find them in conformance with City Standards
except that all watermain must have a minimum cover of seven feet (six
feet or less is shown on the plans). The Engineer, in his report of
May 4th, calls attention to things the developer should be aware of and
outlines what the procedure will be from now on.
Mr. Ritter explained they propose to divide the property into 36 lots
with six of these proposed for duplexes.
John Merz - I see that you, have got some lake access here. I would like
to know if it is proposed for boat dockage and who is to
maintain this?
Bob Ritter - At this time that outlot which is already a platted lot,
is not being considered as part of this proposal. At a
future date that will be proposed as an outlot with access
for the people living in this development. As far what
the requirements are going to be, I really can't comment
on that because I am not real sure,. As far as being a
boat docking place I can tell you no because it's not
Planning Connnission Meeting May 10, 1978
big enough to dock 36 boats or whatever. Nqr deep enough.
There will be a homeowners association in c~arge of the
outlot. '_
Roman Roos - Bob, you will have covenants on this homeo~ers association
and this will be one of the areas that you will be covering
in the covenants. I
Bob Ritter - Yes. I
Hud Hollenback - Wouldn't you need those covenants draft~,d before you
sold the first lot?
Russell Larson - ~es, we would require an inspection or ~eview of whatever
covenants and restrictions they are goi~g to put on
there., We require a title examination ~nd if there
is to be a homeowners association we wa~t to look at
the enabling charter and its by-laws. " would like to
see the covenants at this point, setfor h now exactly
what they intend to do or plan to do wi h respect to
that outlot because that is going to ho lefully guide
you people and the Council in making an lultimate
determination. I
Keith Anderson - What price category of home are you con~emplating?
Bob Ritter - I don't know if I can quote the price category but one of
things in the covenants will bea minimum o:fla 1,000 square
feet on one floor fora rambler. If it's a 'Itwo story or
a split it wia,l be 800 square feet. ' "
Keith Anderson - That's what I was getting at because we Ihave minimums
and I was wondering what yours were. ',' ,
Donn Bros - Is all the water from this plat to Highway 7 land none of 4It
it onto County Road IS? i
Bob Ritter - Surface water will drain toward Highway 7 o~ into the marsh
to the north. None will drain toward Count~ Road 15.
Bill Brezinsky - That was one of our requirements. !
Hud Hollenback moved to close the public hearing. Motior1. seconded by
Walter Thompson and unanimously approved. Hearing closeq at 8:15 p.m.
came at : p.m. Hu Ho en ac move to reconnnen t e ouncil rezone
Outlot A, Minnewashta Creek First Addition from R-lA to ,-I. Motion
seconded by Walter Thompson and unanimously approved. I
Dick 'Matthews moved to reconnnend the Council approve theJpreliminary
development plans for Minnewashta Creek First Addition a submitted
and identified as Exhibit 1 dated May 10, 1978, conditio~ed upon the
elevation of the watermain, developer pre-sent street sec~ions and
~ubmission of the developer's covenants or development pans which will
~nclude the proposed use and management of Outlot B. ' Mo ion seconded
by Les Bridger and unanimously approved.
The Chatrman c'alledthe public hearing to order at 8:30 p.m. with the e
following interested persons present:
John Merz, 3900 Lone Cedar Circle
Fred J. Strohl, 322 Heather Lane, Lone Lake
Bob Bothe, 111 Grand Ave., Wayzata
Planning Connnission Meeting May 10, 1978
Al Klingelhutz, 8601 Great Plains Blvd.
David Tester, 3897 Lone Cedar Lane
Bernard Schneider
Russell Larson
Bill Brezinsky
Bob Waibel read the official notice as published in the Carver County
John Merz ... My property abuts the'Outlot A. The idea of dockage there
is almost impossible for a couple of reasons. The adjoining
Outlot A down below is about a 50 foot beach for the people
in Trolls-Glen and to put boat dockage onto that 20 foot
lot would be impossible. That also brings up the question
of mooring a boat out there. I think it also creates
the same visual problem in that you have got the possibility
of three boats at an average length of 16 feet taking_up,
without any wind drift, to keep those boats in line with
that piece of property I think is pretty much of an
impossibility. What really bothered me the most about that
is just strictly the boat dockage aspect of that outlot.
Without that I am very happy with it.
We see just three buildable lots at this time that are 1/3
ownership on that with no talk of multiple dwelling or
more than three single family dwelling units. Am I correct
in assuming that?
Hud Hollenback - That's right.
Fred Strohl - What is the status of the 50 feet in Trolls-Glen? I think
the two covenants ought to be identical.
Russell Larson - We can furnish you with a copy of their covenants.
David Tester - I don't know if you have trees marked on the map but
that's the highest property of the development and
probably has the best trees on it. I am trying to
figure out why the common property wouldn't be the best
property where the road is now where you,wouldn't have
to take all those trees out and do all that terracing
down that steep bank to the lake. I also abu1tthe
property. I see a wood chip thing and I didn't know
whether that was going to be cleared and made a
Fred Strohl - If they don't pave a trail and
now it is just a;nature trail.
a way down to the lake, that's
leave it the way it is
It's to give those people
Dick Matthews moved to close the public hearing. Motion seconded by
Walter Thompson and unanimously approved. Hearing closed at 9:00 p.m.
Planning Commission ~eeting ~ay 10, 1978
SUBDIVISION .. JAMES MC CLE^g~; Dick Matthews moved to t~ble the
public hearing discussion until May 24th at which time tie developer
will submit alternative locations for the outlot, connnen s with respect~
to covenants, the purpose of the trail, and comply withections 7 ~
and 8 of the Subdivision Ordinance. Motion seconded by tes Bridger
and unanimously approved.
Roman Roos called the hearing to order at 9:30 p.m. with the following
interested persons present:
Charles Schneider, 680 West 78th Street
Bernard Schneider, 680 West 78th Street
Russell Larson
Bill Brezinsky
Bob Waibel read the official notice as published in the ~arver County
The purpose of this hearing is to consider the conveyance of 48,993
square feet of land by metes and bounds to the State Ban~ of Chanhassen
to allow for additional parking and for future expansion I of a drive-up
The City Attorney explained that the City Hall is a non"~onforming use
as it was constructed prior to the enactment of the Zoning Ordinance.
Dick Matthews moved to close the public hearing. Motion seconded by A
Jerry Neher and unanimously approved. Hearing closed at 9 :45 p .m. ~
SUBDIVISION - SCHNEIDER AGENCY: The City Attorney state~ he felt
the rezoning of City Hall is not related to the Schneidet Agency
Jerry Neher moved to recommend the Council approve the srlbdivision
of 48,993 square feet of land by metes and bounds to the State Bank
of Chanhassen. Motion seconded by Walter Thompson and ufanimously
Roman Roos called the hearing to order at,9:48 p.m. with the following
interested persons present:
John Schevenius
Joseph Smith
Russell Larson
Bill Brezinsky
The Assistant City Planner read the official notice as p~blished in
the Carver County Herald.
The purpose of this hearing is to consider subdivision of Lots 11, 12, e
13, 16, 17, 18, 54, 55, and 55, Pleasant View Addition into four lots.
The proposal is to sell the easterly most 45 feet of L01. 17, 12, and
55, excepting the northern 140 feet of Lot 12, to the 0 er of Lots 18
and 56. The Council will deal with the question of the ewer and water
assessments. .
Planning Commission Meeting ~ay IO, 1978
Hud Hollenback moved to close the public hearing. Motion seconded by
Walter Thompson and unanimously approved. Hearing closed at 10:02 p.m.
SUBDIVISION -JOHN SCHEVENIUS: Mr. Schevenius was advised that the
square footage of all the lots should be shown and that he comply with
Section 7.02 of the Subdivision Ordinance.
Dick Matthews moved to recommend the Council approve the subdivision
request for John Schevenius contingent upon Section 7.02 of the Subdivision
Ordinance and the square footage be shown. Motion seconded by Les
Bridger and unanimously approved.
The Chairman called the hearing to order at 10:07 p.m. with the following
interested persons present:
Roger and Catherine Drewing r 1285 Park St., St. Paul
Bernard Schneider, 680 West 78th Street
Charles Schneider, 680 West 78th Street
Doug Hansen, 1700l Stodola Road, Minnetonka
Al Klingelhutz, 8601 Great Plains Blvd.
Jerry Korsunsky
Bill Brezinsky
Russell Larson
The Assistant City Planner read the official notice as published in
e the Carver County Herald.
The purpose of this hearing is to consider preliminary development plans
for the construction of a 55,760 square foot printing facility to be
located on the north side of Highway 5 in Hennepin County. The Council
has directed the City Engineer to conduct a frontage road and utilities
feasibility study for an area north of Highway 5 including this property.
This study will be completed by June 5th. The property is zonedP-4.
Al Klingelhutz - As President of the Cha~ber of Commerce I think the
plan looks very acceptable to the city and I would
recommend that the Planning Commission recommend
approval to the Council.
Bernard Schneider - I think that this is the type of development that
we certainly are looking forward to. There is
apparently no outside storage. It's going to be
a clean building, very pleasant to look at and we
need a lot more like it.
Dick Matthews moved to close the hearing. Motion seconded by Walter
Thompson and unanimously approved. Hearing closed at 10:21 p.m.
recommend the Council approve the preliminary development plan as
submitted by Press, Inc. and encourage the applicant to proceed with
final development plans. Motion seconded by Dick Matthews and
unanimously approved.
Planning Connnission Meeting May 10, 1978
proposing to subdivid~Lots '2569, South 81.19' of Lot 26~0 and South
82.82' of Lot 2571 and Lots 2578, 2579, 2580,2581, 2582,. 2572, 2573,
2574, 2575, 2576, 2577, and North 21' of Lots 2570 and 2571 into two ..
single family residential building sites. ,. ~
Jerry Neher moved to hold a public hearing on the Jacobson subdivision
on June 14, 1978, at 7:45 p.m. Motion seconded by Dick Matthews and
unanimously approved.
moved to hold a public hearing on June 14, 1978, at 8:15 'p.m. to
consider amending the Zoning Ordinance to allow nurseries as a
conditional use in the R-lA District. Motion seconded b~ Walter
Thompson and unanimously approved.
a public hearing on June 14, 1978, at 9:00 p.m. to consi<t~r the
issuance of a conditional use permit for self-service ga~ pumps at
the Mobil Service Station. Motion seconded by Hud Holleriback'a,nd
unanimously approved.
Roman Roos called the hearing to order at 10:45 p.m. witqthe following
interested persons present:
Douglas Hansen, 17001 Stodola Road, Minnetonka
James Hawks .
David Luse, Victoria 4It
" Al Klingelhutz ,8601 Great Plains Blvd.
Bernard Schneider
Bill Brezinsky
Russell Larson
Bob Waibel read the official notice as published in the Garver County
No decision will be made until. after ,the public hearing June 14 on
the proposed ordinance amendment.
Mr. Luse explained that his operation is not wholesale or retail.
The nursery stock is strictly used for job sites only. No additional
structures are proposed on the property located on the hqrth side of
Highw~y 5 just west ,of Lake Ann_Park. Truck parking wil~ be behind
the barn but at the present time the ground is to wet. .
Dick Matthews moved to continue the public hearing to June 14 and
consider the matter of allowing as a conditiQnal use the Idisplay of
nursery stock within the R-IA District, and as a part of #hi.s,
consideration the allowance of a conditional use permit to Natural
Gree~, Inc. .Motion seconded by Jerry Neher and unanimou~ly approved.
Hear~ng cont~nued at 11:10 p.m. I
Planning Commission Meet~ng Xay 10, 1978
Hansen, Jim Hawks, and Jeff Swedlund were present. H. & K. are
proposing to construct a 19,800 square foot office/warehouse facility
on Lots 4 and 5 Burdick Park. The property is currently zoned I-I
and is shown on the HRA plan as General Business. Sewer and water
are available to the property. The proposed building has seven 30' x
90' bays and approximately 600 square feet of that will be office.
Seventy-six parking spaces are shown but some may have to be eliminated
near the loading dock. No materials will be stored outside but vehicles
may be parked outside. The building will be eight inch concrete block
with a fractured block band along the top for decoration.
Walter Thompson moved to recommend the Council look with favor on the
Hansen and Klingelhutz office/warehouse facility subject to:
1. That an adequate development contract controlling the visual quality
of the grounds be implemented.
2. That the proposed rear yard setback be allowed as submitted.
3. That parking up to the westerly property line be permitted.
4. That the clear aisle widths by the loading docks be increased
to meet ordinance standards.
5. That the loading dock width be increased to 12 feet.
6. That the berm at the north access on Mandan Drive should not
exceed 2% feet in height.
7. That more detailed information be supplied concerning the outside
storage facilities.
8. That information regarding the architectural treatment of the
building be furnished.
9. That plans for signage be submitted for Sign Committee review.
10. The developer submit a lighting plan for review by the Planning
II. The front yard setback is 23 feet. The ordinance calls for a 30
foot front yard setback.
12. The developer consider 450 angle parking along the west property
line. The Guide :Plan and CBD Plan show the area to the west to be
something other than R-IA, therefore, the Planning Commission recommends
a side yard variance be granted.
Motion seconded by Jerry Neher and unanimously approved.
Dick Matthews moved to adjourn. Motion seconded by Les Bridger and
unanimously approved. Meeting adjourned at 12:30 a.m.
Don Ashworth
City Manager