1978 06 14 REGULAR PLANNING CO~1ISSION MEETING JUNE 14, 1978 e Walter Thompson called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. with the following members present: Les Bridger, Mal MacAlpine, and Jerry Neher. Roman Roos came at 8:30. Hud Hollenback and Dick Matthews were absent. MINUTES: Jerry Neher moved to approve the May 24, 1978, Planning Commission minutes. Motion seconded by Les Bridger and unanimously approved. It was noted that Dick Matthews comment on page 4 of the May 24, 1978 Planning Commission minutes referred to the lack of sanitary sewer for the proposed Hesse Farm and that the City will not be installing sewer to the development. Les Bridger moved to note the Council minutes of June 5, 1978. Motion seconded by Jerry Neher and unanimously approved. PUBLIC HEARING JACOBSON REPLAT, IVY ROAD AND NEZ PERCE CARVER BEACH e Walter Thompson called the public hearing to order at 7:45 p.m. Russell Larson and Bill Brezinsky were present. No one from the public was present. Members waived the reading of the official notice. Mr. Jacobson is proposing to subdivide Lots 1622-1626, 1632-1637, west 10' of 1638, east 10' of 1638, 1639-1643, 1627-1631, and 1644-1648, Carver Beach into fOUJ7 single family residential lots. The property has been assessed four lateral and trunk water and sewer units. The City Engineer and Assistant City Planner have studied the property and decided that no grading plan will have to be submitted. Hawthorne Road should be vacated to a point perpendicular to the eastern lot line of Lot 1648. The Assistant City Planner suggested the Planning Commission include in its motion that Mr. Jacobson furnish an application for the vacation of the street. This he has done. Provide a plat for the area, after Council approval, that would indicate the plat as requested plus the inclusion of the vacated Hawthorne Road and also furnish the City a $300 escrow to assure the City that the plat will be filed. He further recommended the Planning Commission include in its motion a recommendation on lot area and frontage variances for these four lots. Les Bridger moved to close the public hearing. Motion seconded by Jerry Neher and unanimously approved. e JACOBSON REPLAT, IVY ROAD AND NEZ PERCE: Mal MacAlpine moved to recommend the City Council approve the replat for Cliff Jacobson with the stipulation that the vacation of Hawthorne Road be petitioned and that a plat of the area be submitted (after Council approval) to the Assistant C;t,ty Planner and that a $300 escrow be placed as required by the Assistant City Planner and recommended. The Planning Commission further recommends a corner frontage variance for Lot 1 and lot area variances for Lots 1, 2, and 3 be granted. The Planning Commission notes that this replat does-conform to the Carver Beach Guide Plan. Motion seconded by jerry Neher and unanimously approved. ," HIGHWAY 5 FR.ONTAGE ReADS: The City Engineer presented a study of the frontage roads along Highway 5. The south frontage road is proposed to be 28 feet wide and would like up with a future extension to the Planning Commission Meeting June 14, 1978 )..2- I west of Dakota. The first stage would be extended east t~ the edge of the proposed MTS property. When MTS expands the road would be extended to l84th Street. Dakota would be widened to four lanes north of the frontage road. The Highway Department will install semaphores which are scheduled for October 1978. The City would participate in the cost in the amount of 7%,%. I Two alignments are shown for the western end of the propo~ed frontage road on the north side of Highway 5. One would be along the railroad tracks and the other would be an extension of the existin$ frontage road. - PUBLIC HEARING AMENDMENT TO ORDINANCE 47 ;NURSERIES IN R-lA ZONING DISTRICT Walter Thompson called the public hearing to order at Larson, Bill Brezinsky, and David Luse were present, City Planner read the official notice as published in Herald. 8:l~ p.m. Russell The I Assistant the I Carver County I I I ! The purpose of this public hearing is to consider amendin$ Ordinance 47 to allow nurseries as a conditional use in the R-lA District. ' . I Bob Waibel - Before"'any specific discussion on this consi~eration takes place I believe it is appropriate at this ti$e to restate that the iundimental purpose of zoning regul,tions are for the promotion of health, safety, order, tonvenience, ~ and general welfare of the residents of the ~ommunity ~ through the regulation of land use and planntng principles. The instrument of conditional use as a zonint tool was designed in order to allow for certain uses"11;enerally not suitable in a particular zoning district I but which may under some circumstances be acceptable". I The above explanation quite effectively points out that conditional use permission is of a very specific nature. I One does not have to look very hard to find excellent I arguments to allow nurseries in an R-IA district in chtnhassen. However, it must be acknowledged that there s an obligation to make certain that health, safety, and genfral welfare issues remain paramount. Two major elementslof planning upon which favorable cases for the existance on 'nurseries in the R-IA districts of Chanhassen are: Th~ local physiography and the concept of rural prese~ation. In the publication Soils of the Twin.. City Metropoli~an Area, the Chanhassen area has been singled out as being very conducive to establishing and maintaining la~dscape materials, This attribute of the Chanhassenlarea can be correlated to its concern for channeling *rban growth and simultaneously preserving a rural enviro$ment. I submit that the allowance of nurseries as a ~onditional use in the R-lA district may lead to a highet and better agricultural.economic use of the land as opp~sed to the more prevalent food production agriculture, !General ~ guidelines must be drawn up to assure that t~e granting .., of a conditional use for a nursery in an R-lA district w~ll have duly considered specific is~ues oflhealth, safety, and welfare, This guideline I propose is thlt the conditional use permit only apply to nursery sites involved in wholesale or production activiti s. The I I , Planning Commission Meeting June 14, 1978 -3- second guideline would require that each request for conditional use permit must be weighed on its own merits for design and how it relates to the best interests of the city with respect to land use, transportation and utilities. I recommend that the Planning Commission move to recommend that the City Council establish the conditional use of nurseries for wholesale and growing purposes in the R-1A District. Russell Larson - I think one thing you need to consider is whether you are going to allow, as a conditional use, the erection of any structures to facilitate or to compliment to this nursery use. If you allow this as a conditional use are you going to permit the erection of structures of the warehouse type or display type which can, as you know, become unsightly and which can very easily lead to a permanent type of use. You might consider restricting the use of structures to structures already existant on the land. e Les Bridger moved to close the public hearing, Motion seconded by Mal MacAlpine and unanimously approved. AMENDMENT TO ORDINANCE 47, NURSERIES IN R-IA DISTRICT: at 8:30 p.m. Les Bridger - Roman Roos came I think we ought to consider very carefully the Planner's comments under the reason for having a zoning ordinance in the first place. I think we had better look at that very carefully.in looking in regards to the promotion of health, safety, order, convenience, and general welfare. These things are paramount I thinK and as a Planning Commission we have got to be careful if we are going to sta~t in any way infringing upon these areas of zoning. I think we are going to have to lOOK carefully about t~affic patterns, at probable hazards, at existing structures, at the possibility of new structures being erected and maybe old structures not being maintained. I think these are all valid points that we are going to have to consider. Russell Larson- T have always viewed and I thinK you must view a zoning ordinance as being a viable" tool in planning aspects of the community in that it has to be so structured to be adaptable to changing needs presented to the community. In that light you would have to decide whether or not a commercial nursery or greenhouse is a changing or new use adaptable to this particular community. With respect tro ~our concern that you may be placing a future commission or council in a difficult situation by recommending a change in the ordinance now, I think quite possibly that could exist if you were prone to g~ant or recommend a great number of zoning amendments. Idontt see that to be the history of any Planning Commission that~I have worked with. Those commissions and councils have been very, very careful in amending the zoning ordinance to accommodate changing uses. If you follow that philosophy generated over the last ten years I think you will find you are going to weigh this proposed change or any proposed change very carefully. Mal MacAlpine - I am not for amending the present ordinance as far as how it reads. I am somewhat in favor of considering a e e Planning Co~ission Meeting June 14, 1978 -4- conditional use permit in this particularl instance (Natural Green) with some reservations, with the ~ understanding that a conditional use perm~t would be ~ one that would be renewed on an annual baSis. Secondly I would want the conditional use permit to be very specific so that would indicate that new buildings would not be built. I would want the petitioner to understand that these would be limitations, if we agree as a Planning Commission, and if th~t would work any hardships on him then obviously he would have to consider relocating at a later date. I don't see any major problem in having that type of an operation (Natural Green) at the present time where I it's located. Down the road, it could. become a problem. Russell Larson - Under R-lA this type of use is not allowable either as a permitted use, as an accessory use or as a conditional use. The only possible plac~ where you could structure that ,'limiting it to a t~me period, would be under 23.01 which says "Conditipnal use permits may be issued for any of the fol~owing"and it enumerates five. The last one, "To p~rmit the location in any district of temporary uses which will not continue for a period of more than ope year. For good cause shown the Village Council, may renew such temporary permit." What we had in mind there when we drew this was that there might be an occasion where in a particular zoning district so~e temporary use related to an improvement that was going in there It stock piling of gravel, the:erection of a temporary facility to enable construction to go onto the site, a portable ready mix plant for mixing, a' construction office, a model home or series of model homes. That's what we had in mind when we allowed these temporary conditional uses, I think the concept of this ordinance as it relates to this use limits it to a! C-3 District as a conditional use and that~s the only! place you can have this. The use that is contemplated by Natural Green. Jerry Neher - You are telling us that would be without an!:amendment to the ordinance. An amendment to the ordihance would have to come first before we can consider Natural Green. Russell Larson - You have to amend R-lA to allow this typ~ of use as a conditional use before you can enterta~n the Natural Green proposal. In my view it does not ~it under 23.01 (5). Les Bridger - Right now we are not considering a specificlbusiness. I think looking at the entire concept of do w~ want to provide a conditional use permit for this k~nd of land use anywhere in the city, that could mean R-1A ~omeone has several acres they could grow trees or what~ver they want to right next door to a man that has a swi~ing pool. There are a lot of things we have to look a~. Personally I think it belongs in the C-3 and I would npt be in favor ~ of amending it. If an amendment were made [ would be .., in favor of a growing situation rather than! a growing and wholesale situation. With that you produce! in many instances a lot of other problems that are ~ssociated with it like traffic problems, dust problems, a pumber of - e e Planning Commission Meeting June 14, 1978 ..5- problems that do arise, Bob Waibel - The whole concept behind'the conditional use to at least allow the growing,which I affinot sure we have anything that prohibits the growing in itself, but say growing was a conditioned use the logic behind that would we would not want to put a growing range or establish a growing range as a conditioned use on a piece'of R-lA land right next to western Hills where it may be expanded in the near future, Being a conditioned use, we could look at it by its design, its location, Lyman Blvd. would;, probably be a safe'bet to locate growing ranges because there is no forseen urbanization down there., for quite some time. Jerry Neher moved to recommend the Council not amend Ordinance 47 to include nurseries as a conditional use in the R-IA use district. Motion seconded by Les Bridger and unanimously approved.-- NATURAL GREEN: Roman Roos chaired this portion of the meeting. The Planning Commisston held a public hearing on 'l1ay 10, 1978, to consider a condit tonal use permit for Natural Green. Les Bridger - If I had lOO acres and I was zoned agricultu1:e and I wanted to grow trees, I could grow trees like corn and I can harvest them in the same manner. I cannot conduct the business of selling those trees individually so if I want to dispose of them I would have to dig them out, ball them up and ship them away. Russell Larson - A commercial or wholesale nursery will buy the nursery stock and- they may, come in and harvest it themselves off your land. They will then remove the trees. Leg Brtdger ~That would be permissableunder the R-IA district. Russell Larson' - I would-think so. He is bringing in a supply of merchandise that he warehouses or stock piles on his property for use in his contracting business some place -else, whether it's lumber, trees, potted plants or automobiles. That's the way'! have to look at it under our zoning. Les Bridger - In respect to our previous decision we do not wish a change of the current zoning, 'now, 'as a commission, is ,it possible for us to; again we: are talking about conditional use permtt, is that out of the question now in light 'of our other recommendation_or, are we still in a position to make recommendation to allow: a conditional use permit for this 'business to continue'. Russell Larson - I think by your previous action you have foreclosed any entertainment of a conditional use,. David Luse, qNatural Green -' I think that-the commission 'is wise in deciding not to allow nurseries into the R-IA district. As soon as you allow nurseries by definition you allow selltng, We do not sell retail or wholesale. Natural Green is, not'a nursery so.-how can. you not look at Natural Green ts~ request... . We 'are a"contractou; that brings in nursery stock in the spring, takes dirt in pots and pots them up and allows them to grow until it becomes installed. It is a temporary thing. It is seasonal in spring and fall. By the time November comes around all the materials are sold and it's closed up for five, six months. Roman RODS - I think we are looking for a way to relieve your situation. I am not sure how we can do that. Planning Commission Meeting June 14, 1978 r"6r" I I Mal MacAlpine - I thought we could pursue granting a cond~tional use permit, renewing it on an annuaL basis with the understanding that there be no buildings puilt ~ or whatever. It would be strictly what it is right ~ now. As Russ pointed out and as I read the ordinances again it would be in violation of the ord~nance as it exists. The other bit of confusion I have Bob, is your recommended action seems to indicate I that there may be a way to resolve this without theit having to close up shop. Bob Waibel ~ I would think that the Planning Commission if you had taken a course of action that would have left the door at least somewhat open for Natural Green goipg in, we could possibly through some drastic redesignlwork possibly , ~ r make this workable. . . Russell Larson - Is your concern that by your denial of tpis particular use that you put them out of business to~orrow? Mal MacAlpine - That is one of my concerns. : 'Russell Larson .,. You can recommend to the Council that thj:y be allowed to operate until the fall with no expans~on of the operation but at the end of the fall theiuse is terminated. Walter Thompson.,. It just seems to me there ought to be alway to permit this. This business is not detr~mental 'to the area. I think it is a positive influence, It seems to me there ought to be a way that this gentleman can continue this business. I Russell. . Larson -. 'Under the ordinance. a.. s st.ructured, it's only under C-3,. Bob Wa:tbel ... S'C!)ffie of my' remarks in the last report I was trying to ,., make a point that I think the City of Chanha~sen may be or should possibly encourage at least growinf; ranges for nursery type products due to our local ppysiography and the local attributes of the area that ar~ very, very conducive to these type of agricultural actiyities. I think it~s a good way to preserve our rural ~nvironment. Then we come down to the fine line are we stjrictly going to allow growing ranges or the other mbre intens:tfied uses. ' Roman Roos - I think the commission as a whole is lookingl for a way of permitting this. I wonder if it would bel in order at this point, if we would table this until ~he next meeting to give staff. and commission a chanc~ to look at some alternatives, if there are any Mal MacAlpine moved to table action at this time for further consideration. Motion seconded by Jerry Neher 'and unanimbusly approved. Jerry Neher - I I' think his proj ect out there is a big plus!. I would like to see some way he could continue to o\Jerate it. If there is. some;~,~aYt;thatl:an be worked outfs<?1Dhat . he can ;(kontJ1.nul:Lh~s'operat~Qn; I~woula. ,to see ~t happen. e e e It Planning Commission Meeting June 14, 1978 .,..7.,.. PUBLIC HEARlNG MOBIL SERVICE STATION CONDlTlONAL USE PERMIT Roman- Roos called the hearing to order at 9:18 p.m. John Havlik, Russell Larson, and Bill Brezinsky were present. The Assistant City Planner read the official notice as published in the Carver County Herald. Mr. Havlik is proposing to construct a self-service gasoline dispensing island at his Mobil Service Station on the intersection of West 78th Street and Laredo Drive. The Assistant City Planner gave his report. The applicant has requested to locate this facility l7 feet from the right-of-way of West 78th Street. He is limited to this location for the new facility because of the following reasons: ' a. Minnesota State Law requires that any self-service island be in full view of the station attendant. b. Any relocation of the self-service island further away from the right-of-way of West 78th Street would negate in and out circulation of traffic between the existing pump island and the proposed island. . Section 10.04-l (c) of Ordinance 47, requires that fuel pump islands be set back not less than 25 feet from any'property line. The Board of Adjustments and Appeals held a public hearing to review this variance request and recommend 'a five foot variance be granted. Mal MacA.lpine moved to cl<!>se the public hearing. Motion seconded by Jerry Neher and unanimously approved. Hearing closed at 9:25 p.m. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT,' MOBIL SERVICE STATTON: Walter Thompson moved to recommend the Council approve a conditional use permit and five foot variance for John Havlik to install a self-service gasoline dispensing island at the Mobil Service Station. Motion seconded by Jerry Neher and unanimousl~ approved, PUBLIC HEAR.ING LYMAN LUMBER, PLAN AMENDMENT Roman Roos called the public hearing to order, at 9:30 p.m. The following persons were present: Henry Atwood, 8007 Dakota Peter J. Throdahl, Lyman Lumber William Ziemer, Lyman Lumber' David Ohde, BR.W Russell Larson Bill Brezinsky The Assistant City Planner read the official notice as published in the Carver County Herald. The City Planner gave his report. As requested at the May 24, 1978, Planning Commission meet;t!1g~ 'the applicant has submitted a western approach site rendering and a statement of findings on plan changes as recommended. The applicant has stated that the plan changes suggested by staff would create substantial problems in terms of material flow, due mainly to the needed change in location of the Plann~ng CQmmiss:Lon :Meettng June l4, 1978 ..8.. railroad spur. The feasibility study for east ~ighway 5 shows a proposed 28 foot frontage road with concrete curb and gutrter to extend along the southern boundary of the Lyman Lumber property.: Sanitary ~ sewer and water is proposed to be extended from the exist~ng line ~ west to the property along the proposed frontage road rigJ1t-of-way. In his planning report of May 19, 1978, the Planner commented on how the previous plans approved by the Planning Commission fo~ Lyman Lumber were based on the proposed phasing and how the plan and the plan phasing demonstrated ":it "s assured ability to screen the distribut~on yard buildings and activities, and also how the newly proposed: phase I is not architecturally consistent with the other development~ in place or proposed in this part of the community. Because of th~ uncertainty of the effect that the proposed phasing presents in refer~nce to the interim appearance eminating from the operation, and the ~ncertainty of the ultimate development of the property, the Planner recommended that the Planning Commission move to recommend that the C~ty Council disapprove the preliminary development plan of Lyman Lumb~r Company dated April 18, 1978. , I Peter Throdahl - There is no way we can say in all certaipty that we are going to build pha$e 2. We feel thart in the first phase that we are going to adequately sc~een it so that during the interim period there shojUld be no problem. I think one of the other concerrns that I have heard is that if we didn't build ph~se 2 we would encroach into this area with .the open storage and what not in the future. We feel in !signing the development agreement that we could ~in those points down without too much trouble. Tpe city can have control over where we do have ojUr open storage. The phase 2 development includ~s the millwork plant. Our millwork plant pres~ntly is in Eden Prairie. It is on a fiv~ year leas~ that expires in April 1981 and we feel we wouild start building here in 1980,approximately a ye~r ahead of time, so that the time period between phase 1 and phase 2 is going to be a year,or two yea~s at the most, There is no way that any of us ca~ predict the future to say what business is going! to be like to say what's going to happep. Our intept is and our best efforts will be to build that buildling according to the phase development that we are proposing. We would certainly specify that in a development contract with the city. I Roman Roos - I think the city has to gamble on the futurel. They have to gamble on those developers and businesses: that we want into the city. The question is can we contrbl that gamble down to a minimum'~ I Russell Larson - This is a tough one because on the back lend of that property you are looking at these three isided sheds and open storage. We all feel that this! can be not the most sightly use and if the proplerty in front is sold off, what's going to go in therei. Is it going to be a similar type of use or a ~ice office building or a nice light industrial buil:ding in there. Jerr,Y Neher .. Can ~t we control that when that time comes :UP of what's going in there. ! Russell Larson - Definitely you can but you have to find !a willing buyer to come in there and put that in. e e e e e Planning Commission Meeting June 14, 1978 -9- Roman Roos - In the worst case that piece of land could sit there forever, undeveloped. Peter Throdahl - The original plan was to go in with the millwork building first simply because we were outgrowing what we had in Excelsior. Then the distribution yard. Then the component plant and then an office building in the future. That was out original proposal to the city. The use we are using in the back is permitted under the zoning. Mal MacAlpine moved to close the public hearing. Motion seconded by Walter Thompson and unanimously approved. Hearing closed at 9:50 p.m. LYMAN LUMBER PLAN AMENDMENT: Mal MacAlpine - I have no problem with the plan as proposed. I think there is always a risk that you are going to run into in any phasing. I think they are conscious of what we are trying to do from a standpoint of concealment from the main road. It is a permitted use in that area. I think Lyman is a reputable company. I have no problems with it. Les Bridger - As far as phase 2, if it were to pass that they were to come and want to build some more shed type structures like they will have, it would still have to come before this body. We have control in that respect and the worst thing that could happen would be it would grow up in weeds. We have already seen what it would look like without phase 2 in there. With that in mind I have got no problems with it at all. I think it is a good use of the land. Jerry Neher - I have no problems. I can't see that we could on the future. It is good for the city. It's Tax base. It's the thing we are looking for. say what the future is going to be a few years line. I am in favor of it. Walter Thompson - Very much in favor of it. Roman Roos - I also am excited to have them needs it and I think Lyman has not gamble employment. You can't down the I have no objections. in here. I think the city got an excellent location. Jerry Neher moved to recommend the Council approve the plan amendment for Lyman Lumber Company. Motion seconded by Walter Thompson and unanimously approved. PUBLIC HEARING JACOBSON REPLAT - FOREST ROAD AND ELM ROAD Roman Roos called the hearing to order at 9:55 p.m. The following persons were present: Michael Howdyshell, 7610 Penn Ave. So., Richfield Henry Atwood, 8007 Dakota Gilbert Schwartz, Young America Bill Brezinsky Russell Larson The Assistant City Planner read the official notice as published in the Carver County Herald. Mr. Jacobson is proposing to subdivide Lots 2569, south 81.19' of Lot 2670 and south 82.82' of Lot 2571, Lots 2578-2582, Lots 2572-2577 and north Planning Commission Meeting June 14, 1978 -10... 21' of Lots 2570 and 2571 into two single family lots. T~e Planning Commission recommended that a 20 foot remnent in the west central portion of the property be shifted to the northern proposed lot. The applicant ... has done this. ~ Mr. Schwartz, owner of property across Mandan, asked if h~s property (80' x 100'}is suitable for a home? Mr. Schwartz was toldithat his question had no bearing on the public hearing and he should see city staff regarding his property. Les Bridger moved to close the public hearing. Motion seconded by Jerry Neher and unanimously approved. Hearing closed at 10:00 p.m. JACOBSON REPLAT, FOREST ROAD AND ELM ROAD,CARVER BEACH: Mal MacAlpine moved to recommend the Council approve the replat of the ~ubject parcel into two building sites as identified on Exhibit A dated ~une 14, 1978, with the understanding that a new survey will be taken as Irequired. The Planning Commission further recommends the Council approve lot area variances for both lots and frontage variance on the northern lot abutting on Forest Road. Motion seconded by Les Bridger qnd unanimously approved. PUBLIC HEARING ECKLUND AND SWEDLUND LOTUS LAKE ESTATES PLAN AMENDMENT AND REZONING Roman Roos called the hearing to order at 10:15 p.m. The following persons were present: Mark Swedlund, Route #3, Box 501, Mound e Rick Sathre, McCombs-Knutson Assoc. Bob Hackett, 6850 Chanhassen Road Henry Atwood, 8007 Dakota Bill Brezinsky Russell Larson The Assistant City Planner read the official notice as puolished in the Carver County Herald. Bob Waibel - As you recall, at the last Planning Commission meeting there was concern whether or not the road cut in t~e northwest corner of the plat,which would egress onto t~e proposed Lotus Lake Neighborhood Park, should remain ~n the plans or not. Because of th~ neighborhood status of ~his park, it is the feeling of this planner, that the proijosed park will not generate unduly large volumes of traffic!through this development, but will simply provide safer access from this development to the park. The Park and Recre~tion Commission has voted to that Outlot B be set aside for public use, open space, and lake front preservation, and trail corridor serving the Lotus Lake Park. The Park and R~creation Commission recommended that the park dedicat~on fee be maintained and remitted for each lot at the ~ime of building permit issuance. I was contacted by Jean Lovetank who expresse~ concern ab~ut Lots ~-8 of Block 1 ~ith re~pect to~ landscap~ng and grad~ng on sa~d lots becauselof the~r .., proximity to Purgatory Creek. Upon consultation with the City Engineer and my personal review of the ~lans and the property, I believe that any cut and fill activities on the e -- . Planning Commission Meeting June 14, 1978 -11- subject lots will be of no major significance or degradation of the immediate environs. All grading in areas such as this are bound to the requirements of the Riley Purgatory Creek Watershed District Rules and Regulations. From the plans submitted to date, I recommend that the Planning Commission base their recommendation of approval of Ecklund and Swedlund's Lotus Lake Estates and rezoning upon the following grounds and reasons: 1. That the applicant state at this time the timing and phasing of this development and be bound to such. 2. That the open space system be considered part of the transportation plan and that Ecklund and Swedlund be bound to park dedication fees as prescribed by ordinance. 3. That all soil tests be approved by the City Engineer. 4. That the DNR grants approval for dredging along the area indicated as future lagoon. 5. That the southern entrance to the proposed development be redesigned to include exit and entrance lanes divided by a median to staff approval. 6. That right of access and easements be granted to the City to provide for adequate maintenance of any and all holding areas. That all development activity conform to conservation practices as prescribed by Soil and Water Conservation District, Department of Natural Resources, and the Riley Purgatory Creek Watershed District. Rick Sathre - In response to the request about the divided entrance, we have prepared a drawing that shows two things; the DNR has not established the line that they are interested in acquiring up, to. In this drawing we are showing what they had intended at that time. Now, recently, they have expressed some interest in moving that line a little farther north. We have resketched that and pulled the street over a bit and put in a divided entrance and increased the area adjoining the Lovetang piece. I suspect that since the other drawing is the one that was entered for the record that's the one you would have to act on. It would be our intent to make that change. Roman Roos - Does the DNR agree to the. changing of the boundary? Rick Sathre - That's their suggestion. The road location that you were discussing, I don't think that where it is would be too much of a problem. Whichever road location is chosen we would grade that in phase 2. The only problem that I can see that we would like to resolve with the commission and hopefully receive a recommendation that would reverse the park people. We think it's very important to the development that the outlot area be credited as far as park dedication. If you didn't feel it was valid to give us that credit based on the nature of the use;as proposed there, I think we would like to maintain private ownership of it. We all know it's a very valuable piece of land. Basically, the development is 140 lots proposed in three phases over the next few years starting as soon as utilities could be scheduled in. Bob Hackett - I am representing Jean Lovetang. ,We spoke with the DNR, they were out last Friday morning. We have been working Planning Commission Meeting June 14, 1978 -12- with Len Swedlund on obtaining the area alongside her property because her road now runs right through that. The DNR came out and proposed to us that they were going e to purchase to the or~ginal line. Since that time they have come with a different line, which we proposed to them. I ~hink moving this line over is an acceptable thing. This new proposal is much more acceptable to us than the original. Mal MacAlpine left the meeting at 10:30 p.m. Jerry Neher moved to close the public hearing. Motion seconded by Walter Thompson and unanimously approved. Hearing closed at 10:35 p.m. ECKLUND AND SWEDLUND, PLAN AMENDMENT AND REZONING: Les Bridger - I like the new plan better. I think it has handled the Lovetang property in an equitable manner. We have discussed this for several years now and I think we have kicked around just about every aspect of the thing plan wise and any other aspect. I do have the concern about the outlot problem. We should address that and discuss that and I think everything else as far as I am concerned looks good to me. I wish there was someone here from the Park and Recreation Commission that could address that issue because I know by giving the Outlot B in dedication Ecklund and Swedlund are really complying with what we requested a few years ago, what we had considered a conservation easement at that time and they have complied ~ with that. It's allowing a green area by a lake. It's ~ dedicated to public in general and allow access to the lake without destroying aquatic. vegetation as we were concerned with a few years ago. As park land, I don't know if it can be considered park land as such. The Park and Recreation Commission has made a recommendation to us after their consideration and deliberation, I am sure a lot of thought has been put into it.As to why this can't be considered park property as far as the needs of Ecklund and Swedlund to meet the criteria for park land dedication. As we can see there is no place else for a park there. They would have to remove several lots to make some kind of a little park in there. Bob Waibel - The park dedication fee as it would be appli~d in this case would be of no actual cost to the developer. It would be remitted at the time of the building permit. The real cost is what it does to affect the developers ability to sell the property. Roman Roos - Do you recall what Park and Recs feelings were on this. Bob Walbel - I guess most Of, the members had been involveq with this plan the last time it had gone through and this is essentially the same plan, the outlot, the transportation plan, the comprehensive plan also showed there being a connection to a future park in that area which is the Lotus Lake Park. It is part of a trailway. I don't know how far that issue ~ was taken the last time it had gone through. It seems to .., be a precedent at least to me it's a precedent. Jerry Neher - Ecklund and Swedlund were more or less dictated to as far as that property is concerned, practically in my mind a taking of the property. It is my feeling that they e It e Planning conunission Meeting 'JUne 14, 197& -13- should be given some credit, maybe notlOO%,but a portion of it should be credited. -I ,ddn' t believe I could go for 100% of it. Bob Waibel - I would like to consult the Park and Recreation Conunission, the City Manager and City Attorney. Roman Roos - ,I have a real hang up c;s to what in the devil is park and what is not park. Jerry Neher - In my opinion that's park. Roman Roos - Private ownership defeats exactly what we were trying to do initially so the developer was bound to donate that land period. Walter Thompson - In looking at the Park's reconunendation they are very definitely stating Outlot B. I am wondering if that property lends itself to a trailway. Les Bridger - That would'be more than.. a trailway. ,How much land are we talking about in Outlot B? When does a trailway end and a park begin? I'see in my mind a trailway as a pathway through a woods or along a lake. Jerry Neher -'That's something over 100 feet wide. Les Bridger- That's not what I consider a trailway system. A little green path, . yes. Rick Sathre - The average width must be about 120 feet or so. It's about 1600 feet long. Les Bridger - I couldn't consider that a trailway. Roman Roos - If Ecklund and Swedlund had wanted to donate that land it would be quite a different picture than we requesting that we get that land. I have a real hang up because you are looking at dollars that have been given to the city to acconunodate the city and you are also talking of putting Ordinance l4A on it. I don't know if I can go along with both of them. If that had been unusable land and they were trying to use that land for thepurposeof eliminating l4A then I would take a whole different perspective. Les Bridger -This is prime land. We discussed that it would be a deterrent for the sale of that property. People would like to own right up to the waters edge and with this they cannot. Would this Outlot B meet the requirements of park land dedication if we were to accept it as such or would additional monies have to be paid? We are not armed with the reasons why the Park and Rec Conunission would not consider this as park land. I wish I had something that would have portrayed their reasons for that decision because as I look at it I see 'park land. It's right on the lake. It's very amenable to persons in the city to go out and explore that area of the lake. I think it would be excellent' J:>'ark property. I think that's what we had in mind when we began this whole project that that would be a park area, Granted there will be another park just to the n0rthwest but this will be just an extension of that. Jerry Neher - I would be interested in knowing what percentage of property can be donated for park. That's my basis upon saying. a percentage. Bob Waibel - The problem of definition came up with this Western Hills park. That's a roadblock we will have to anticipate if we try to propose the use of this as a part of the acreage requirement: Roman ROO$ - We can make a recommendation this evening to Council. Along with our recommendation'will be the Park and Rec. recommendation as well as staff. The Council is going to have to weigh the issues. Planning commi.ss;i,on Meeti.ng June 14, 1978 ...l4... Les Bridger - If that outlot property were located somewhere else in the development, is there no reason why that could not be considered park land as their dedication. Just because... it happens to be lakeshore property really should not ~ make a difference and I hope that is not a consideration that is being placed by the Park and Rec. 1, personally, would like to see consideration by staff at least look into the possibility of accepting this as park land and if it doesn't quite meet the criteria as setforth for park dedication for this development then I would like" to see the difference made up in funds placed in escrow for park development. Les Bridger moved to recommend the Council approve the rezoning and plan amendment for Ecklund and Swedlund Lotus Lake Estates as proposed with the six points 'listed in the Planner's recommendation and further recommend that staff review, perhaps with Park and Recreation Commission, the Planning Commission member's feelings as presented tonight concerning the acceptance of Outlot B as park property and the possibility of additional funds if that doesn't meet the requirement for park land dedication. Motion seconded by Walter Thompson and unanimously approved. PUBLIC HEARING MTS PLAN AMENDMENT ROOS PROFESSIONAL BUILDING The following It Walter Thompson called the hearing to order at ll:10 p,m, interested persons we:re present: George Butzow, 42l Bushaway Road, Wayzata Henry Atwood, 8007 Dakota Gary Eastburn, 1225 Hesse Farm Circle Bill Brezinsky Roman Roos abstained from voting on this issue, The Assistant City Planner read the official notice as published in the Carver County Herald. The purpose'of thi~ hearing is to consider amending the MTS development plan to allow for construction of office/professional buildings to be located in the northwestern corner of the MTS property. Bob Waibel .t ',-- ..:). is J_ r ~ ',- ~!' - Mr. Roos intends to construct two professional buildings on that 'part of the MTS property severed by the proposed frontage road. Building no. 1 is proposed for professional services and building no. 2 is proposal for medical and dental services; It is difficult to estimate the number 'of parking spaces needed for this proposal. Using the most stringent ordinance requirement of 1 parking space for every 300 square feet of gross floor area, it can be determined that 73 spaces are required. The proposed plans are 13 spaces deficient from this standard. This problem may be augmented, however, if the applicant can 'tell us how manY' medical or dental tenants will occupy building no. 2. Section 9.07 of Ordinance 47 states that _ a - mini'nlUIU of six offstreet parking spaces shall be required. for each doctor or dentist maintaining professional offices within the prtncipal structure. A letter dated May 24, 1978, f;rornMr. Butzow,. President of the MTS Systems Corp., states that' the applicant will present his plans to an open meeting of the Chanhassen Estates residents, The Planning Commission ~eeti,U&' June :1,4/ :1,978 1""15... - applicant has done so and has indicated.that no opposition was placed against the proposal. Henry Atwood - I am a resident of Chanhassen Estates and currently the President of the Chanhassen Estates Residents Association. I think it would important to note that much in the same way that MTS did earlier, the residents of Chanhassen Estate's were invited by the developers to hear their proposal and test our reaction to see if there were any negative comments. Of those that attended the meeting, the reaction was favorable. Les Bridger - In reference to the parking situation, I can see that there really is no place for additional parking. Roman Roos ... The buildings initiallywer€ conceived to be one building. The area that we looked at, the amount of land, and the location of Chanhassen in terms of medical/dental'would say there could,be'a~need for one dentist, one medical type, maybe two medical type. More dentists, no. The &econd building is a long range plan that has suddenly developed into a situation that we would like to get them both up at the same time. I am looking to secure a piece of property that is presently owned by the state. Gary Eastburn and myself are putting these two buildings up. we would like to get the first building ready for occupancy about the lOth of October, We have tried to land~cape the property with two purposes in mind. One, we wa.nted to have some way of breaking up the parking lot so that ttls very attractive, The second intent is we wanted to keep some kind of a heavy buffering to theC-3 property next door. One of the prime concerns we have right now is the frontage road and when it's going to go in. We would like to get permission, the city has an easement going down to the old sewer plant which runs along the western edge of that property, we would like to have access during construction. I don't know what the situation is on that easement. -- Sewer and water to this particular piece of property does not present a problem. The City of Chanhassen really doesn't have much commercial property that has got sewer and water and that is ready for development. "~ Les Bridger - What kind of siding are you talking about? Roman Roos ... The building will be a cedar sided building along with brick on the lower portion. There will be bronze solar type windows to accent the cedar. Walter Thompson - How firm is the proposed road into this area? Is there a chance that that road is not going to be as shown? Bill Brezinsky - No, I don't think there is much chance ofqthat with the approval of the MTS development. They have to have access to their property. 4It Les Bridger moved to close the public hearing. Motion seconded by Jerry Neher. The following voted in favor: Les Bridger, Jerry Neher, and Walter Thompson. Roman Roos abstained. Hearing closed at 11:45 p.m. Planning Commiss~on Meeting June 14, 1978 -16- MTS PLAN AMENDMENT: Jerry Neher moved to recommend the Council approve a plan amendment for MTS to allow construction of office/ professional buildings as per plans submitted. Motion seconded by ... Les Bridger. The following voted in favor: Walter Thompson, Les .., Bridger, and Jerry Neher. Roma~ Roos abstained. Motion carried. METZIG SUBDIVISION, PLEASANT VIEW ROAD: Les Bridger moved to hold a public hearing on 3uly 12, 1978, at 8:l5 p.m. to consider the proposed subdivision for Prank Metzig. Motion seconded by Jerry Neher and unanimously approved. Jerry Neher moved to adjourn. Motion seconded by Les Bridger and unanimously approved.' Meeting adjourned at 12:00. Don Ashworth City Manager - e