Development Review ApplicationCOMUUNITY DEVELOPM ENT DEPARTMENT Planning Division - 7700 Market Boulevard Mailing Address - P.O. Box 147, Chanhassen, MN 55317 Phone: (952'1227-1 100 / Fax: (952) 227-1110 Submrttal Dale: I a Pc eala_ -o3 CITY OT CIIAI'IIIASSIN APPLICATION FOR DEVELOPMENT REVIEW (Refet to the appropriale Application Checklist fot rcquircd submitlal inlomation that .r],ust accompany this application) tr tr D lnterim Use Permit (lUP) E ln coniunction with Single-Family Residence.. $325! ett orhers.... E Rezoning (REz) . $425 Comprehensive Plan AmendmentI lii"o, r,,tuse ri"" t r r"iri"g ""-"ii; il;;; Conditional Use Permit (CUP) E Single-FamilyResidencefl ntt ottrers....... E ptanneO Unit Oevelopment (PUD) ... ! Minor Amendment to existing PUD.. Subdivision (SUB) E Create 3 lots or lessE cr"ri" or"r : br;.-..................( lots) E Metes & Bounds (2 lots)........... ! Consolidate Lots....................... E Lot Line Adjustment E Final P|at...... (lncludes $450 escrow for attomey costs)' 'Additional escrow may be requi.ed for other applications through lhe development contEct. Vacation of Easements/Right-of-way (vAC) (Additional recording fees may apdy) Variance (VAR).... Wetland Alteration Permit (WAP) n Single-Family Residence....................... E nl otners....... $3 per address(60 addresses) ....................... S50 per document E Site Plan Agreement E Wetland Alteration Permit E Deeds TOTAL FEE: $600 $100 $325 $425 ......... $750 ......... $100 ......... $500 ... $150 $100 $500 E Att others....... E Sign Plan Review............................ n Site Plan Review (SPR) fl Administrative E Commercial/lndustrial Dislricts'E Zoning Appeal...-.............. ...... $100 ! Zoning Ordinance Amendment (zOA)................. $500 XqIE: Wh.n multiple applications are proc.sscd concurcntly' the .pproprlsG tee shall be charged for €ach appllc.tion. ! ! ! $300 $200 $200 ..... $150 .....$275 Plus $ 10 per 1,000 square feet of building area (- thousand square feet) 'lnclude number of q{SlLtg employees: 'lnclude number ot 49q emPloyees E Residential Districts..................... $500 Plus $5 per dwelling unit ( units) E Notification Sign (city to install and remove) ................ El Property Owners' List within 500' (city to generate after pre€pplication meeting) ! Escrow for Recording Documents (check all that apply)........::." " "" D conditionat Use Fermit E tnterim Use Permit fl Vacation E variance Ei la"t"s & Bounds Subdivision (3 docs.) fl Easements f- easements)l, I 8{.r. on Section 1: Application Type (check all that apply) Section 2: Required lnformation Description of Proposal: Subdivide Large Single Family Lot into 3 total lots 144'l Lake Lucy Road, Chanhassen, MN 55317 Property Address or Localion Parcel #:250025820 Legal Oescription See Survey Total Acreage: Present Zoning 4.90 Wetlands Present? Rural Residential District (RR) ZYes nNo Requested Zoning Single-FamilY Residential District (RSF) Present Land Use Oesignation:Residential Low Density Req uested Land us&Eli&ft0t*ft al Low Density Single Family Residential Housing RECEIVED lcheck box if separate narrative is atiached CHANHASSEN PI.AI,IIJING DEPT ," o".3..lhlf=}= "" o",", .}l a t l.1t- *o", *.r"* o",",3 i 3t1 I \- Existing Use of ProPerty: JAN 2I 2022 Sectlon 3l Propody Ownor orld Appllcant llfomlalioI suBtffT roRll tosaveI yourtocopyFORi/l ndtoRl{rFO seUBITITS APPLTCANT OTHER THAN PROPERW OIIVNER: ln slgning lhis appllcatlon, l, as epplicant, rsprosBnl lo have obltlned authodaation hom the prcpgrty owngr t0lilB thls $plicalion. I sgroo to ba bound by conditions of epprcval, subJacl ohly to the right to obiect Bt the hoidngs o[ the application or during the appeal period. lf this application has nol been signod by the pmperty outer, I have attached ssp6r8l€ doc$lenlation of full legsl cap8cily lo lile lhe application. This spplication should be pmc€sssd ir nry nenre end I am tllg pa y '/vlo th€ City shoxld contect regardiog any matter perteining to this spplication. I vrill koep mysslf intormsd of lhs de8dllnes tor submission of msterial and lhe progross ot lhis spplication. I turther underslEnd thBl €dditlonol fees ltray be charged for consuhltg loes, fsasibilily studies, stc. witlr qn eslimala prior to any aulhodzstion to Broc6od with lho study. I cortify that th€ informetion and oxhibits submilted are true snd cofiect. Addressi Nanle: Nanle Givil Site Group 5000 Glsi)wood Goldrn v8llsy, MN 55422 . kteppen@civilsitegroup.conl Gsyls Morin 1441 Lake Lucy Road chanhassen, MN 55317 gayl€.modn@gmail'com K8vin Tspp8n (612) 508-5s13 (612) 508-5313 Co act: PhoirB: city/slars,lzip: Email: _ Signature: Address: Cell: Fsx: Cell: Fax: Dat6: PROPERTY OWNER: ln sEning thls sPpllcation, l, as property o! ,nor, hav6 full l€gal caPacily to, and hereby do' authorize the filing ofttris ap-didtion. t ij'naerstsnO that co;rOtUtns ol approval arc binding and.agroe to bu..b.oYnd by thgse condilions; subie; onty to i11. rigtrt to oU3"a a $u t'u.rlng. or during ih! gppeal perioOsi t wil reep mys:llin or,msd of the deadlines fir subniission of hatsriai'and the pogresio, this spdikatlon. I turther understand lhal additionsl f66s may be charged for consulting fees, fessibi[ty studles, etd- with an sstimate prior lo any authorization to proceed with lhg study. lcenifylhat the infomation 8nd exhiblG subnlitted are lrue and corect' Datei Conlact: Phone:(952) 474-1186 Citylstatezip: Email:J?2/ 508-5313 50&5313 Signalure: PROJECT EI'IGINEER (if Address: This pPli cation'tnust be mmpbtod ln tu and must be eccompa nied by all infom atio n and plans requirad by appli cation rof€r to ths appropriato Application ch eckl ist a pp licable City ordin nce proMsions.Beforg filing this procsd ral with th P lanni Department to dslermine th6 sp€cific ord inancs and applicablE U a n d confer ng requiremenB 8nd feos' of tho 15 business days of apdicstion submittal' w' hin 15 busine$ ds!'s of spplication'de term I natio n of comdeteness wrilte n nolice of a pplicstion defidencies Nams:Cltil Slta GrcuP 5m qsnu,ood G.t&n MN 55422 City/StslszlPl ccnrect (eYrn TaPPen Phone: CEll: Fsx: (612) Email: Who should rccrlvt ooPlss itt 't8tr r'Portr? Notification ln[onnotion lolh.r Contact lnE.mstion: Nems: Srlcliort ri l-l Prooertv Owner Ma: El E apOi*rt Vta, E [7] Enorear Me: [, E otr[r vra: D Maited FaPtr CoPY Usil€d Paper CoPY tdaibd PaPer CoPY i&ilod PaPer CoPY Email Bnail Em8 Emsil Etrtrn Addtess: SAVE FORU PNNT FORUcopy to tha citY for Ptocsssl$g. Comdot€ do$mentrs llelds, lhen sBlectsll no&ssary form I digitaland payment.with rcquiredto city aloq Email: