Easement Doc. No. A244418Document No. U"lUt= OF THE COUNTY RECORDER ^241418 CARVER COUNTY, MINNESOTA 1111111111111111111111111 IN 1111 Filing Fee: 521.50 ChecW. 34157 Certified filed and recorded on 02-16.1M at o2:30 ❑ AME�PM 111, IIIIIIIIIIIIIi I �II++ II I) Col IIIIIII��I err. EASEMENT AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT, is made and entered into this 17h day of 1999, by and between Loscheider Custom Homes, Inc., a Minnesota corporation, ("Loscheider"), and Joseph J. Morin and D. Gayle Morin, husband and wife, ("Morin") (coIlectively referred to as the "Party" or 'Parties" hereto). RECITALS WHEREAS, Losehcider is the owner of certain real property located in the City of Chanhassen, Carver County, Minnesota, which property is legally described as Lot 1, Block 3, and Lots 8, 9, and 10, Block 2, Whitetail Cove (the "Loscheider Tract"), and, WHEREAS, Morin is the owner of certain real property located in the City of Chanhassen, Carver County, Minnesota, which property is legally described as: That part of Government Lot 5, Section 2, Township 116, Range 23, Carver County, Minnesota, described as follows: Commencing at the northeast corner of said Government Lot 5; thence westerly along the north line of said Government Lot 5 a distance of 308.34 feet to the point of beginning; thence continue westerly along the north line of said Government Lot 5 a distance of 180.08 feet; thence southerly, parallel with the west line of said Section 2 to the shore line of Lake Lucy; thence easterly along said shore line to the intersection with a line parallel with the west Iine of said Section 2 and passing through the point of beginning; thence northerly, parallel with the west line of said Section 2, to the point of beginning. (The "Morin Tract"); and, WHEREAS, the property of Loscheider and Morin are contiguous (the 'Properties"); and, WHEREAS, the Parties have requested that the other Party grant to them, their heirs, successors and assigns, certain easements over, under and across their respective Tracts for certain purposes; and, lr WHEREAS, the Parties are agreeable to grant such easements subject to the terms and conditions set forth herein; and, NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants and agreements herein contained and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, Loscheider and Morin hereby declare that their properties identified herein shall be held, sold, used and conveyed, subject to the following easement, covenants, conditions and restrictions, which shall run with the respective properties and shall be binding on all parties having any right, title or interest in and to the properties, or any part thereof, their heirs, successors and assigns. ARTICLE I CREATION OF EASEMENT RIGHTS I.1 Grant of Driveway Easement. Loscheider hereby grants and conveys to Morin, their heirs, successors, assigns, guests, and invitees, a permanent driveway easement to provide pedestrian, vehicular and construction vehicle ingress and egress, over, under and across Outlot A, Whitetail Cove, Carver County, Minnesota, (The "Driveway Easement Area"). 1.2 Grant of Sewer Easement. Morin hereby grants and conveys to Loscheider, its successors, and assigns, and to the City of Chanhassen, a municipal corporation, an easement for sanitary sewer purposes, described as: A 20 foot wide permanent easement and a 40 foot wide temporary easement over, under and across part of Government Lot 5, Section 2, Township 116, Range 23, Carver County, Minnesota, the centerline of said easement is described as follows: Commencing at the northeast corner of Outlot A, WFIMETAIL COVE, according to the recorded plat thereof, thence South 00 degrees 23 minutes 43 seconds West, assumed bearing, along the east line of said W1U=AIL COVE a distance of 15.00 feet to the actual point of beginning of the centerline to be described; thence North 89 degrees 59 minutes 20 seconds East a distance of 16.68 feet; thence South 19 degrees 21 minutes 08 seconds East a distance of 102.44 feet; thence South 32 degrees 49 minutes 46 seconds East a distance of 233.03 feet to the southwest corner of Lot 6, Block 1, POINTB LAKE LUCY, according to the recorded plat thereof and said centerline there terminating. The side lines of said easement shall be prolonged or shortened to terminate at said east line of WHITETAIL COVE and the west line of said POINTE LAKE LUCY. (The "Sewer Easement Area"). 2 i -- 1.3 Grant of Turn Around Easement. Morin hereby grants and conveys to Loscheider, its successors, and assigns, and to the City of Chanhassen, a municipal corporation, an easement for the purpose of turning around vehicles, over and across that tract of land described as: A permanent easement over, under and across that part of Government Lot 5, Section 2, Township 116, Range 23, Carver County, Minnesota, described as follows: Beginning at the northeast comer of Outlot A, WHITETAIL COVE, according to the recorded plat thereof; thence South 00 degrees 23 minutes 43 seconds West, assumed bearing, along the east line of said WHITETAIL COVE a distance of 27.21 feet; thence South 30 degrees 00 minutes 40 seconds East a distance of 67.61 feet; thence North 59 degrees 59 minutes 20 seconds East a distance of 31.25 feet; thence North 30 degrees 00 minutes 40 seconds West a distance of 59.12 feet; thence North 00 degrees 23 minutes 43 seconds East, parallel with said east line, a distance of 79.04 feet; thence North 89 degrees 36 minutes 17 seconds West a distance of 31.25 feet to said east line, thence South 00 degrees 23 minutes 43 seconds West, along said east line, a distance of 60.32 feet to the point of beginning. (The "Turnaround Easement Area"). 1.4 Benefltted Tracts. The easement created in Section 1.1 is solely for the benefit of the Morin Tract and shall be appurtenant thereto. The easement created in Section 1.2 is solely for the benefit of the City of Chanhassen and the Loscheider Tract, and shall be appurtenant thereto. The easement created in Section I.3 is solely for the benefit of the City of Chanhassen and the Loscheider Tract and shall be appurtenant thereto. 1.5 Non -obstruction. No one shall cause or permit any encroachment upon or obstruction of the Easement or otherwise cause or permit any condition to exist upon said Easement, whether temporary or permanent, which shall in any way interfere with the purposes and uses of said Easement, as set forth herein. 1.6 Effect of Restrictions. The provisions of this section shall constitute restrictions and covenants running with and binding upon the Properties identifier! herein. 1.7 Termination of Temporary Portion of Sewer Easement. The portion of the Sewer Easement designated as "temporary" shall expire on January 1, 2000, without any further action of the parties. i ARTICLE li CONSTRUCTION, RECONSTRUCTION, MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR 2.1 Construction by Loschelder. Loscheider, its successors and assigns, shall have sole responsibility for constructing the sanitary sewer facilities, vehicle turn around, and driveway on the Easement Areas. In order to allow for the preservation of existing trees, Loscheider will have the sanitary sewer easement area staked by a surveyor prior to the commencement of construction and will cooperate with the Morins to reasonably protect existing trees during the course of construction of the sewer. Special care will be taken by Loscheider, and at its direction its sewer contractor, to minimize the cutting of roots or other damage to a large oak near the pond and a large ironwood tree located north of the oak, both of which are on the Morins' property and have been specifically identified by the Morins. The sewer easement is located between the two trees. Loscheider agrees to use an iron box and other equipment to minimize the damage to said trees and their roots. 2.2 Restoration of Easement Areas. Upon completion of construction of the sewer, vehicle turn around, and driveway, Loscheider agrees to fill and grade the Easement Areas and where the Easement Areas were previously maintained lawn, reseed the lawn. 2.3 Maintenance of Easements Areas. Until such time as the Morins have platted or otherwise subdivided their property, the maintenance, paving repair, and snowplowing costs of the Driveway and Vehicle Turnaround Easements shall be solely bome by Loscheider, its successors and assigns, with one quarter of the cost thereof being paid by the owners of each of Lot I, Block 3, and Lots 8, 9, and 10, Block 2, WHITETAIL COVE. .Upon the platting or subdivision of the property of Morin, the cost of maintenance of the Vehicle Turnaround Easement shall be solely borne equally by each of the owners of the then created lots adjacent to the Vehicle Turnaround Easement in the subdivided property of Morin and said owners shall also bear a pro rata share of the cost of maintenance of the Driveway Easement with the owners of Lot 1, Block 3, and Lots 8, 9, 10, Block 2, WHITETAIL COVE. 2.4 Payment of Maintenance Expenses. The Parties to this Agreement shall designate an agent (the "Designee") to receive invoices for maintenance of easement areas, and to bill, collect and pay for maintenance expenses. Maintenance bills shall be payable thirty (30) days after receipt. In the event of nonpayment, the Designee shall hire an attorney to collect said unpaid sums, with costs of collection and attorney's fees to be paid by the delinquent Party. Any resulting Judgment or arrearage may be recorded as a lien upon the delinquent Party's parcel of land. 2.5 Payment of Taxes. The owners of Lot 1, Block 3, and Lots 8, 9, and 10, Block 2, WHITETAIL COVE are each owners as tenants in common of an undivided twenty-five percent (25%) of Outlot A, WHITETAIL COVE. Each owner shall pay twenty-five percent (25%) of the real estate taxes due and payable each year for said Outlot and the owner of Lot 1, Block 3, is hereby designated as an agent for the other owners to receive tax statements and 4 I otherwise represent the interests of the other owners with the County for tax purposes only with regard to said Outlot. 2.6 Installation of Utility Service. As part of the consideration for the grant of easement by the Morins, Loscheider agrees to install, at its sole cost, sewer and water service to the existing home of the Morins. In addition, Loscheider shall install, at no further cost to Morins, two sewer access stubs, for future connection to two residences, at locations to be designated by the Morins during the construction of the sanitary sewer. Future costs for Sewer Access Charges or Water Access Charges, chargeable to the Morins or their successors or assigns, at the time of and for the final connection of any residence constructed in the future on the Morin parcel, connecting to said sewer access stubs, shall be at Morin's cost. ARTICLE III MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS 3.1. Arbitration. (a) Any controversy or claim arising between the Parties hereto relating to this Agreement and/or obligations and rights as specified herein shall be resolved by binding arbitration. This agreement to arbitrate shall continue in full force and effect despite the termination of this Agreement. All arbitration shall be undertaken pursuant to the rules of the American Arbitration Association, and the decision of the arbitrator shall be enforceable in any Court of competent jurisdiction. The Parties hereto, for themselves and their successors and assigns, knowingly and voluntarily waive their rights to have their dispute tried and adjudicated by a judge or jury. The arbitrator shall apply the law of the State of Minnesota, and the arbitration shall be held in Hennepin County, Minnesota. Any Party hereto, or their successor or assign, may demand arbitration by sending written notice to the other Parties. (b) The arbitrator shall have the authority to award actual money damages (with interest on unpaid amounts from the due date), specific performance and injunctive relief, but the arbitrator shall not have the authority to award exemplary, punitive, consequential or loss of use damages, and the Parties hereto expressly waive any claim or right to such damages. The costs of arbitration, but not the costs and attorney's fees of the arbitrating parties, shall be shared equally by the arbitrating parties. If any Party fails or refuses to proceed with arbitration, unsuccessfully challenges the arbitration award, or fails to comply with the arbitration award, the other arbitrating Party is entitled to costs, including reasonable attorney's fees incurred compelling arbitration, defending, enforcing and collecting the award. (c) Notwithstanding the above, the Parties hereto recognize that certain unforeseen facts or similar circumstances could give rise to the need for one of the Parties or more to seek emergency, provisional or injunctive relief to protect real or personal property from injury. If the District Court elects to retain jurisdiction, the Parties hereto 5 shall be entitled to pursue such rights and remedies for emergency, provisional, temporary injunctive relief; however, the Parties hereto agree that immediately following the issuance of any emergency, provisions, temporary injunctive relief, the Parties will consent to the stay of any further judicial proceedings pending arbitration of all underlying claims between the Parties. 3.2 Notices. All notices, demands, statements and requests (collective "Notice') required or permitted to be given under this Agreement must be in writing and shall be deemed to have been properly given or served as of any of the following dates: (i) on the date of personal service upon the person to whom the Notice is addressed or, if such person is not available, the date such Notice is left at the address of the person to whom it is directed•, (ii) on the date the Notice is postmarked by the United States Post Office, providing it is sent prepaid, registered or certified mail, return receipt requested; or (iii) on the date the Notice is delivered by a courier service to the address of the person to whom it is directed, provided it is sent prepaid. The address of the signatories to this Agreement are set forth below: LOSCHEIDER CUSTOM HOMES, INC. 1607 Florida Avenue North Golden Valley, MN 55427 ATTN: Richard A. Loscheider Joseph J. and D. Gayle Morin 1441 Lake Lucy Road Chanhassen, MN 55317 Change of address shall be communicated by Certified Mail upon at least ten (10) days written notice. Refusal to accept delivery of any Notice under this Agreement shall not defeat or delay the giving of a Notice. 3.3 Interpretation. The singular shall include the plural and vice versa; the masculine shall include the feminine and neuter genders and vice versa. 3.4 No Partnership. None of the terms or provisions of this Agreement shall be deemed to create a partnership, joint venture or joint enterprise between or among the Parties hereto. 3.5 Severability. Invalidation of any of the provisions contained in this Agreement by arbitration or injunction shall in no way affect any of the other provisions hereof, and the same shall remain in full force and effect. 3.6 Amendments. This Agreement may be amended by, and only by, unanimous written Agreement. Any such amendment shall be effective only when recorded in the Office of the County Recorder of Carver County, Minnesota, with respect to abstract property, and in the Office of the Registrar of Titles of Carver County, Minnesota, with respect to Torrents N. property. Disputes concerning amendment shall be resolved by arbitration in accordance with Section 3.1 above. 3.7 Capitals and Capitalized Terms. The captions preceding the text of each Article and paragraph are included only for convenience and reference and shall be disregarded in the construction and interpretation of this Agreement. Capitalized and bold face terms are also selected only for convenience of reference. 3.8 Time. Time is of the essence of this Agreement. 3.9 Non Waiver. The failure of any Party to insist upon strict performance of any of the terms, covenants or conditions hereof shall not be deemed a waiver of any rights or remedies which that Party may have hereunder or at law or equity and shall not be deemed a waiver of any subsequent breach or default in any of such terms, covenants or conditions. 3.10 Limitation on Driveway Easement. At such time as the property of Morin is subdivided, no more then two dwellings or residences may use the Driveway Easement for purposes of access to their lots. rN WZTI1lESS WHEREOF, the Parties have caused this Agreement to be duly executed as of the day and year first above written. LOSCHEIDER CUSTOM HOMES, INC. A Minnesota Corporation By: a Rtchard A. Loscheider Its: President Jo J. rin D. Gay a rin 7 STATE OF caalSnN RUNNIfW oAAcLAv MINNESOTA ) �ry P„ ego-+►�, "ote COUNTY OF HENNEPIN ) ss. vY�m E4*66 A i.31. 2000 The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this _ 1999, by Richard A. Loscheider, the President of Loscheider Custom Homes,aIInc., �MQnnesota corporation, on behalf of the corporation, otary Public STATE OF MINNESOTA ) CHRIS 1M RUNNING 9APMAV ss. Notary PubW-Ww�waa COUNTY OF l "! / l� C ) ILmy caffm expims Jan. 31. 2000 The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this��__'__ 1999, by Joseph J. Morin and D. Gayle Morin, husband and wife, day o J Notary Public THIS INSTRUMENT WAS DRAFTED BY; Bruce A. Boeder (9349) LAMBERT & BOEDER, P.L.L.P. 1000 Superior Boulevard Wayzata, MN 55391 Telephone (612) 475-3435 8 00396ta