FINAL PLATN59°46'20"E31.25N89°49'17"W31.25N00°10'43"E79.04N30°13'40"W59.12S30°13'40"E67.61121.2712.21N88°03'48"W 180.08 S00°10'43"W 1131.8 +/-N00°10'43"E 1220.1 +/-Survey Line25.8 +/- 17.6 +/- N88°03'48"W 308.34Street Easement per Description N Line of Gov't Lot 5,Sec. 2, Twp. 116, Rng. 23 Line Parallel with the W Line ofSec. 2, Twp. 116, Rng. 23Line Parallel with the W Line ofSec. 2, Twp. 116, Rng. 23NE Corner of Gov't Lot 5,Sec. 2, Twp. 116, Rng. 23POINTE LAKELUCYLAKE LUCY ROAD LAKE LUCYOrdinary High Water Elevation = 956.1 (1929 Datum)Ice Elevation (12-15-2021) = 956.2Shoreline as Measured 12-15-2021Wet LandW 1/4 Corner ofSec. 2, Twp. 116, Rng. 23 E 1/4 Corner ofSec. 2, Twp. 116, Rng. 23BLOCK 1Sewer Easemen t pe r Doc .Nos. 244417 & 244418Turnaround EasementPer Doc. No. 244418Found 1/2 Inch Iron PipeWith Cap No. 17006Found 1/2 Inch RebarWith Cap No. 40344291.44S33°13'26 "E 233 .79S19°34'08"E 102.3216.72Found 1/2 Inch RebarWith Illegible CapN88°03'48"W 853.77 123N88°03'48"W 180.08175.46S89°48'38"E 169.97180.00196.59S89°48'38"E 196.59180.00 782.28N67°39'42"E 194.85707.63Wet Land40.0240.02E Line of Gov't Lot 5,Sec. 2, Twp. 116, Rng. 23 N88°03'48"W4003.26 MORIN ADDITIONC.R. DOC. NO.PLAT FILE NO.KNOW ALL PERSONS BY THESE PRESENTS: That Dianne G. Morin as Trustees of the Dianne G. Morin Revocable Trust dated November 20, 2020,owner of the following described property situated in the City of Chanhassen, County of Carver, State of Minnesota:That part of Government Lot 5, Section 2, Township 116, Range 23, Carver County, Minnesota, described as follows:Commencing at the northeast corner of said Government Lot 5; thence westerly along the north line of said Government Lot 5 a distance of 308.34 feetto the point of beginning; thence continue westerly along the north line of said Government Lot 5 a distance of 180.08 feet; thence southerly, parallelwith the west line of said Section 2 to the shore line of Lake Lucy; thence easterly along said shore line to the intersection with a line parallel with thewest line of said Section 2 and passing through the point of beginning; thence northerly, parallel with the west line of said Section 2, to the point ofbeginning.Subject to a street easement over and across the north 33 feet thereof.Have caused the same to be surveyed and platted as MORIN ADDITION and does hereby dedicate to the public for public use forever the public way andthe drainage and utility easements as shown on this plat.In witness whereof said Dianne G. Morin, Trustee of the Dianne G. Morin Revocable Trust dated November 20, 2020, have hereunto set their handsthis day of , 20.Dianne G. Morin, Trustee of the Dianne G. MorinRevocable Trust dated November 20, 2020STATE OF MINNESOTA, COUNTY OF CARVERThis instrument was acknowledged before me this day of , 20, by Dianne G. Morin, Trustee of theDianne G. Morin Revocable Trust dated November 20, 2020. My Commission Expires:Notary Public, Signature Notary Public, Printed NameNotary Public County,SURVEYORS CERTIFICATEI Rory L. Synstelien do hereby certify that this plat was prepared by me or under my direct supervision; that I am a duly Licensed Land Surveyor in theState of Minnesota; that this plat is a correct representation of the boundary survey; that all mathematical data and labels are correctly designated onthe plat; that all monuments depicted on the plat have been or will be set within one year; that all water boundaries and wet lands, as defined inMinnesota Statutes, Section 505.01, Subd. 3, as of the date of this certificate are shown and labeled on this plat; and all public ways are shown andlabeled on this plat.Dated this day of , 20.Rory L. Synstelien, Licensed Land SurveyorMinnesota License No. 44565STATE OF MINNESOTA, COUNTY OF CARVERThis instrument was acknowledged before me this day of, 20, by Rory L. Synstelien, Licensed LandSurveyor, Minnesota License Number 44565. My Commission Expires:Notary Public, Signature Notary Public, Printed NameNotary Public County,CITY COUNCIL, CITY OF CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTAThis plat of MORIN ADDITION was approved and accepted by the City Council of Chanhassen, Minnesota at a regular meeting thereof held this day of , 20, and said plat is in compliance with the provisions of Minnesota Statutes, Section 505.03, Subd. 2.City Council, City of Chanhassen, MinnesotaBy:, Mayor By:, City ManagerCOUNTY SURVEYOR, Carver County, MinnesotaPursuant to Chapter 395, Minnesota Laws of 1971, this plat has been approved this day of , 20.Brian Praske, Carver County SurveyorBy:COUNTY AUDITOR, Carver County, MinnesotaI hereby certify that taxes payable in 20 and prior years have been paid for land described in this plat. Dated this day of , 20.Crystal Campos, County AuditorBy:COUNTY RECORDER, Carver County, MinnesotaI hereby certify that this plat of MORIN ADDITION was filed this day of , 20,at O'Clock M. as Document No. .Kaaren Lewis, County RecorderBy:NBearings are based on the Carver County Coordinate Systemwith the North Line of Gov't Lot 5, Sec. 2, Twp. 116, Rng. 23having a bearing of N 88°03'48" WSCALE: 1 INCH = 50 FEETDenotes Carver County Monument.Denotes a set Mag NailDenotes a Found Iron Monument (Type as shown on plat)Denotes a 1/2 inch by 14 inch Rebar Marked "RLS 44565"100255002550SCALE IN FEETVICINITY MAPSEC. 02 - T116 - R23NNOT TO SCALE