Fee Breakdown10500 & 10520 Great Plains Blvd REZ and SPR, Planning Case No. 11-04 $0.00 Consolidate Lots $0.00 Lot Line Adjustment $150.00 Subdivision - Consolidate Lots $0.00 Final Plat $0.00 Conditional Use Permit $0.00 Interim Use Permit $300.00 Vacation $21.00 Property Owners List ($3.00 x 21) $200.00 Variance $750.00 Rezoning (PUD) $800.00 Site Plan Reivew $200.00 Notification Sign $0.00 Deeds $0.00 Attorney's Fees $0.00 Recording Fees $2,421.00 TOTAL $2,421.00 Ck #5647 from Shelter of Shakopee LLC $0.00 Balance Owed $0.00 Adjustment