1978 10 25 REGULAR PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING OCTOBER 25, 1978 Roman Roos called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. with the following members present: Tim Stone, Dick Matthews, Jerry Neher, and Walter 4It Thompson. Mal MacAlpine was absent. NEW MEMBER: The Assistant City Attorney administered the Oath of Office to Pat Swenson as a new member of the Planning Commission. MINUTES: Amend the motion under HAPPY CHEF AND ERICKSON PETROLEUM CORPORATION in the October 11, 1978, Planning Commission minutes to read: Mal MacAlpine moved to r~comm.end th~ Council approve the subdivision and conditional use permit as outlined on Exhibit A dated October 11, 1978, for Happy Chef and Erickson Petroleum Corporation. Motion seconded by Walter Thompson. The following voted in favor: Walter Thompson and Mal MacAlpine. Tim Stone, Dick Matthews, Jerry Neher and Roman Roos voted no. Motion failed. Tim Stone moved to approve the October 11, 1978, Planning Commission minutes as amended. Motion seconded by Jerry Neher. The following voted in favor: Roman Roos, Tim Stone, Dick Matthews, Jerry Neher, and Walter Thompson. Pat Swenson abstained. Motion carried. Dick Matthews moved to note the Council minutes of October 16, 1978. Motion seconded by Walter Thompson and unanimously approved. PUBLIC HEARING CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT ROY BARKE e Roman Roos called the hearing to order at 7:45 p.m. with the following interested persons present: Gini and Roy Barke, 6901 Shawnee Lane Carol Watson, 1300 Greenwood Drive Dick Potz, 6881 Tecumseh Lane The Assistant City Planner read the official notice as published in the Carver County Herald. Mr. Barke is proposing to construct a-60,foot radio'antennae .12 feet from the southeast corner: of.hishome:: located: at. 6901 Shawnee Lane., The antennae varies in width ftom:lO'-20feet'and'is self-supporting with no guy wires. The Zoning Ordinance requires that a conditional use permit be obtained for any amateur radio transmission antennaes in a residential district. Letters were received from Richard Potz and Arlis Gribovsky objecting to the antennae on grounds of visual appearance. Mr. Potz speaks of the possibility of over modulation onto neighboring radio and television receivers. e Roy Barke - The tower is 60 feet to the top and in addition to that the antennae currently right now is nine feet above that. I mentioned 20 so that if I do want to put some other type antennae on top of that it would not fall outside that height limitation. The tower is aluminum, self-supporting tower and I have got it anchored. It's up. I don't know if you realize that. It would withstand a wind of approximately 140 mph. -2- Planning Commission Meeting October 25, 1978 Dick Potz - Bob Waibel - Roy Barke - I turned in a statement to the Planner. I thought I was going to be out of town tonight so if somebody wants to read that statement and if anybody has got any questions or comments. . I can read it into the record. "Gentlemen. I am concern about the installation of the amateur (ham) radio station and antenna at 6901 Shawnee Drive. On somewha:t: d:f a personal viewpoint, I don't think the 60 foot steel tower does much for the aesthetic value of the neighborhood. More importantly, and as you probably know, Roy Barke is a ham radio operator licensed to broadcast up to 1,000 watts of power. Therefore my primary concern is the television reception that I am going to experience in the future. I have had the experience of living in another community in years past near a ham radio operator and have listened to him broadcast over the television set. Some ham radio operators take the position that they are operating legally and the responsibility of the television interference is with the TV manufacturers that have not provided the necessary filtering equipment. Roy Barke's radio station up to this point has not interfered with my television reception but that does not necessarily mean it will not in the future. I would hope that the Planning Commission, when recommending the conditional use permit, can stipulate that Roy Barke be required to provide the necessary filter equipment to his neighbors if his radio station starts interfering with television reception. Very truly yours, Richard C. Potz." In regards to the question about furnishing receivers to the neighbors if theirs should prove to be inadequate, the FCC does not uphold that position. I talked with them yesterday. They do have a toll free 'number 'that they can be contacted where the complaints are filed and recorded and some actions are taken to try to mediate the problem. I have installed traps on mine. Amateur radio a lot of times I think has gotten a bad name due to its association or its similar frequencies with CB and this is unfortunate but I think the one difference you will note between amateur radio and CB,expecially in the area of equipment, is that the equipment for amateur radio is considerably better quality. I think there is sufficient grounds that show that you can eliminate that problem. I have submitted a petition amongst the neighbors in my area just to get their general feeling on it and if I am not causing them problem in appearance, they don't feel it's obstructive to the neighborhood and if I am not causing an interference problems to them, I asked them to sign that and this is the petition that I have gone to the neighbors within approximately a two block radius of my house. In addition to that, my next door neighbor Gordon Smida was going to be here tonight. He wrote a letter to the Council which I will turn over. e e Carol Watson - I live two houses up the street. The tower is not unattractive and I really feel that if he wants to operate an amateur radio, we have got 3/4 acre lots e e e Planning Commission Meeting October 25, 1978 -3- out there and I really feel if we are going to have to start regulating our hobbies and checking with everybody, now we have to check because we have a cat, pretty soon it gets to the point where we are going to have to ask the City Council anything we want to do. It's not an unattractive tower. It's been there for a while. Walter Thompson - How long have you had this equipment installed? Roy Barke - I have been an amateur now for a little over four months. The tower has been up for a month and a half. Walter Thompson - Were you not aware of the requirements? Roy Barke - I first was aware of it. I talked to individuals and I was very disturbed by the price that was quoted to me just to get a permit and I talked to my neighbor Gordon Smida and he said he thought I misunderstood so he came back and talked to individuals and they said that I was totally wrong and he told me at that point that it was misinterpretation so at that point he said go ahead there is no problem so that's when I went ahead and this is sort of the reverse kind of thing coming back. Walter Thompson - What was the basis for your safety requirements of withstanding a 140 mph wind? Is that designed by the people who manufacture the tower?, Roy Barke - No it's not. Ny tower is sufficiently strong, I got a heavy duty tower that regardless of who much I would put up on the top it would still support at least a 100 mph wind. The base that I put in is 50% greater than what is recommended. ' Dick Matthews - We have a problem here, we have the~tower.installed which I take 'itwillnot then.conform to 60 feet away from the property. Roy Barke - The tower does conform to that. It is 80 feet from the front of the lot, approximately the same from the back and the same from the other side. Dick Matthews - If it fell over it would not come in contact with any building? Tim Stone - Except his own. Roy Barke - That's right. Bob Waibel.. I will read the .letter from Gordon Smida. "Gentlemen. In regards' to Roy Barke,' his radioope.ration does not interfere with anything if it did I would have told him so and I live next door. As. for looks, it is nothing different than the up-coming solar panels that are sure to be coming to homes or the single blade windmills to propel power. This is coming to many homes in the future." Walter Thompson moved to close the public hearing. Motion seconded by Tim Stone and unanimously approved. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT .. ROY BARKE: Jerry Neher.. I am somewhat concerned 0 about interfej:Jertce with':TV as well as stereo because I have gone through it for the last seven years now from the ready mix plant and also my neighbor across the street who is no longer there so I don't have that interference anymore. We have had our equipment tested and the only response we have gotten is that it's your baby your equipment isn't right. I don't think that is the attitude that we should have. Planning Commission Meeting October 25, 1978 -4- Roy Barke - In talking to all of the people I have always stated that if I am a problem I would like you to tell me so that we can work together to eliminate the problem. I don't want to become the scape goat for every problem in the ~ neighborhood but I have always stated I would actually ~ assist the people to either attach a filter to the source of it or to remedy the situation. Even without the tower I have been on the air in different antenna's which are less efficient which do cause more problems with interference and I have been on the air since the first part of June and I have had no complaints in that area. When you look at amateur radio or any type of transmitting the higher the antenna the less problem you are going to have. You do have a limitation on how high you can go and that type of thing but what I do have is at a reasonable height so that I don't have that problem as much as I would if I had to go down to a real small antenna which is almost on the ground or a wire antenna along the house which would be a greater risk for the neighborhood. Walter Thompson moved to recommend the Council grant a conditional use permit for the ere~tion of an amateur radio transmission antenna at 690l Shawnee Drive and that the setback will be such as the height of the tower and antenna will not fall outside the lotline. The permit will be subject to review upon complaints by neighbors. Motion seconded by Tim Stone and unanimously approved. PUBLIC HEARING SUBDIVISION AND REZONING - RICHARD ERSBO ,u'. e to order at 8:10 p.m. with the following Roman Roos called the hearing interested persons present: Richard Ersbo . Bob Petersen Wendell Gravelun The Assistant City Planner read the official notice as published in the Carver County Herald. Mr. Ersbo submitted a revised plan showing recommended changes to the City Engineer. The Assistant City Flanner.did not receive a copy. Dick Matthews moved to close the public hearing. Motion seconded by Walter Thompson and unanimously approved. Hearing closed at 8:15 p.m. SUBDIVISION AND REZONING - RICHARD ERSBO: Dick Matthews moved to table action until November 9, 1978, to give staff time to review the revised plan. Motion seconded by Pat Swenson and unanimously approved. requeste a proposa review and comment. one acre 0 district has them for e e e e Planning Commission Meeting October 25, 1978 -5- PUBLIC HEARING CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT - DEAN DEGLER Roman Roos called the hearing to order at 8:50 p.m. with Mrs. Dean Degler present. The Assistant City Planner read the official notice as published in the Carver County Herald. The purpose of this hearing is tp consider ,the 'temporary placement of a mobile home to furnish a secondresidence.'for afatherl son farming, operation. Mr. Degler had previously been before the Planning Commission requesting permission to erect a home for his son at the intersection of Galpin Blvd. and Audubon. Since that time it has been found that the Carver County Highway Department is planning construction of a new intersection which involves this property. It is for the uncertainty of the exact location of the new alignments that the Degler's are requesting to provide temporary residence in the form of a mobile home next to the existing residence. The road is programmed for completion in 1982. ' Bob Waibel - I would recommend that due to the uncertainty of the future county road alignment that temporary residence on the D~gler property be allowed as a conditional use with said conditions being that the mobile home is maintained 20 feet from any existing structures on the farm property, that the septic system meet all State Health Department standards, and that the conditional use be terminated within 90~days after the completion of the county improvement of the 'intersection of CourttyRoad 17 and Galpin Blvd. Mrs. Dean Degler.. The way this is written' up I don't think we even want a permit for 'a mobile home. Within 90 days of that road then the mobile home has got to go out, you can't afford to buy a new one, you don't know what you can get in a used one, it just plain stinks. The first time I came to the meeting we were to get perc tests and if we got the pere test 'we would get the permit. Well we spent the money for the perc test. Then it had to go through the 'county and:we didn't choose a mobile home. That was an alternative plan because we were told we can't build a house there. When you are in agriculture you aren't going to set a house on a " good piece of farm ground or you are not in agriculture or you are not going to stay there long.and if we weren't we wouldn:'t need a separate quarters. The ball just rolled and rolled the wrong way and I don't think that under these circumstances 'we would even ,want to take the permit for a mobile home. Bob Waibel - That 'time period can be changed. Mrs. Dean Degler -' I started this last ApriL and the ball has just been tossed back and, forth and here it's winter and we still have 'nothing and ,then within 90 days of the completion of that road the mobile home is supposed to go. Roman Roos - You can't build a house that quick. Mrs. Dean Degler - You can't get through the' city that quick. Planning Commission Meeting October 25, 1978 -6- Roman Roos - You have no problems with the trailer, do you on a temporary situation in order to alleviate this problem? Mrs. Dean Degler - It if weren't quite that temporary. Roman Roos - The thing you are concerned about is the time element ~ from the time the'road is completed until you get a house~ built. : Mrs. Dean Degler - We don't like the idea of a mQbile home instead of a house, no. Roman Roos - ,But you can live with that? Mrs. Degler - If we can get a mobile home that isa decent mobile home that you can turn over again because we don't have money to throw,here and there and yonder. Jerry Neher - Instead of the 90 day'period, how does one year -set? Mrs. Degler - It sure is a lot better than 90 days. Tim Stone moved to close the public hearing. Motion seconded by Dick Matthews and unanimously approved. Hearing closed at 8:58 p.m. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT - DEAN DEGLER: Dick Matthews - The reason for the mobile home is to provide temporary residence until the known location of the road is known because they can't place the house? I am having trouble understanding why they need, why they can't go ahead with the house. Bob Waibel.. They have got four alternative alignments right now. If they take the red or the blue, the blue is the preferred alignment which is the one that runs right across the north- line of the property, if they took the red or the blue this would mean that this may 'be 'restored back to its original state or tillable land :or else residential e buildable area. Maybe it could be used for part of a driveway to a house. I think the road should be completed and then. Dick Matthews - The problem is they can't place the dwelling even knowing what the alternatives are? Bob Waibel - It may be a great risk involved. There intention is to economize on their farm land, keep the new residence close to the edge of their property in the northern part. Roman Roos - I guess rather than further the aggrevation that they have put 'up with if they are willing to go with a mobile home and we have a situation where the county doesn't really know which alternate they are going to take, I for one have no problem with them living in a mobile home on a temporary basis before that road is finally platted and if they want to build a house from that point on, we didn't have a problem then, I sure don't have a problem now, I would definiately say that some reasonable amount of time and,I think a year is totally reasonable. Dick Matthews - It would seem to me that there would be plenty of time from the time that the road is surveyed to the time that the road is 'completed. Once they get the survey stakes in they are going to know where they are going to put their house. Jerry Neher - They have also got -an investment that they have got to ~ recoup once they know where that road is going to be. ~ I don't believe that a years time is unreasonable. Pat Swenson.. I have to agree-with Jerry. Having had temporary abode in a mobile home waiting for our situation to clear up I do know it can be an expensive proposition. It's e e e Planning Commission Meeting October 25, 1978 -7- definitely a loss and particularly in a case where they are going to have to have a foundation of sorts. In a park a lot of these things are set up. I would have to feel that I would have to bend over backwards knowing that they would be going through this through no fault of their own. Roman Roos - We did not realize this road situation existed at that last meeting we had with you. Tim Stone - Bob, am I right in saying that the City of Chanhassen does not allow mobile homes anywhere within the community under the current ordinance except as a conditional use, is that correct? Bob Waibel - Mobile homes are only allowed in a mobile home park. Walter Thompson moved to recommend the Council grant a conditional use permit to the Dean Deglers for the installation of a mobile home under the standards required by staff to take care of their immediate living requirements and that the conditional use permit expire one year after completion of the road. Motion seconded by Dick Matthews. The following voted in favor: Roman Roos, Walter Thompson, Dick Matthews, Pat Swenson, and Jerry Neher. Tim Stone abstained. Motion carried. Tim Stone - I am looking for consistency and intent and I am having some difficulty with the intent of the ordinance which does not permit mobile homes anywhere except in a park. I will grant you a conditional use permit is to allow for unusual circUmstances but I don't feel comfortable with the explanation that I received relative to the mobile home that we denied before and the one that I see before us now. Dick Matthews - I wasn't here for the previous request that was denied by the Council. I really don't know why it was denied because 'as I understood it, it was a temporary residence. I don't know under what conditions they were presenting it as a temporary residence I would have to presume that there house was either being sold or destroyed or something and needed a place to reside until they found another home. I find that hard to understand. Roman Roos - That did not come before the Planning Commission. Dick Matthews - I never saw it. Jerry Neher - The house ,that they were being moved out of was a piece of rental property (Allen Kerber). I am quite sure that the tennants were aware of the fact that sooner or later that house was bound to go. It was sitting on industrial property. In the case of Deglers, it's the home farm. It's in a completely agricultural area and it is permissable to have a second residence on the property. Roman Roos - I think also since we were talking initially that it was a permanent residence, a new home on a R-IA farm father/ son situation, and the only reason we are considering a mobile home now is that some new information came to light.that thereisgoing'to be a modification in the roads. : Tim Stone - The fact of the matter is that in both cases the situation frotna land use and from a fiscal planning point of view is the same, a temporary residence to satisfy a temporary Planning Commission Meeting October 25, 1978 -8- situation. I don't see any consistency here and I guess I would, ,like to make sure that the Council is made aware of what! think is an inconsistency. e AGNES ANDERSON - SKETCH PLAN: Mr. and Mrs. J., Harold Anderson were present requesting approval to subdivide five acres into three lots. The property is located at the intersection of Orchard Road and Oriole Lane and is zoned R-I. The Assistant City Planner in his report of October 23, 1978, recommended that the City Engineer should render an opinion as to the affect of the local soil situation on the ability to construct Forest ,Avenue, extend Oriole Lane and the further subdivision of the property for residential building sites. Luke Melchert, Attorney for the Andersons -Mr. and Mrs. Anderson own the property, it's one large piece now and they would like to subdivide it to recoup some of the costs that they have 'and they have.a developer that's interested'in buying it and we would like to know whether there is a building site 'available on the way south end of the property and what the city's interest is if they want park land. It is my under- standing that there is park land,.to the south of it. Roman Roos - Does the city intend to bring Oriole down? Bob Waibel .... We have looked at the possibility of getting an access to the park. Herman Field is landlocked presently. Dick Matthews moved,to.hold a public hearing on November 22, 1978, to consider the proposed subdivision for Agnes Anderson" and also ~ to consider the transportation layout for the area. Motion seconded ~ by Walter Thompson and unanimously approved.' HESSE FARM PHASES II AND III - PRELIMINARY DEVELOPMENT PLAN: Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hesse, Herb Baldwin, and Frank Burg were present. The Assistant City Planner discussed his report of October 24, 1978. Frank Burg answered the points raised in the Assistant City Planner's report. Frank Burg - The lots that are in question as far as the development of the prog1Tam.There'are marginal soils on each one of the lots that fall down in the low areas. Lot 1 is right up here:on the 'south side of ,Bluff Creek. Lot 2 is in the northeast corner of it. Lot 3 has a fairly significant drainageway that comes ,down along the very north edge of it. Lot 4 has the same' drainageway which continues on down into the main water feature. Lot 19 is the farm 'proper itself and that already has structures on it; Lot 20 has a low area' in the southern most portion. rtis our proposal that the areas that I have delineated 'with the orange circle would be suitable building sites based on a site investigation. They are all high. One of the reasons, at the last meeting that we were here that we requested an opportunity to come back was that we had a road coming in to the north half of the e proposal which was right adjacent to an exception to this development and it was felt that to protect the integrity of this residential area that a road coming into this area would best be served if it were somewhere else. We looked at a number of alternatives and this Planning Commission Meeting October 25, 1978 -9- e alternative that would connect the south half of the plat as it was before with the nor~h half seemed to be the best. It did the least amount of damage to the site. The grades on it are about the same as the grades that we have on some of the other streets. We have 28 lots within this development. They are all five acres or about five acres with the exception of two lots, Lots 17 and 20. We went back and re-arrangedthe no-build line to go back and pick up the top of the ,slope where the vegetation seems to begin again with, the sole purpose of, the same thing that we did on the east side and that's preserving the integrity of the slope and the vegetation. I think this layout pretty much answers most of the questions. I don't think in my opinion there is any problems with Lots I, 2, 3, 4, or 20 from a building standpoint. There is enough room on each one of them that the house that's designed for those lots can be fit on them. Roman Roos - Bill, did you have a chance to review this overall plan. Bill Brezinsky - Yes, r did. As far as road grades are concerned they probably go up to 8%. They are steeper than we normally have in residential areas but the topography of the area dictates that as it's impossible to develop the property and avoid that situation. There will be only the single access to this entire area. . T point that out as it's been a concern of the Planning Commission and the Council in most developments. Regarding the septic systems on these lots, the lots are large enough so that many things could be possible. ' They could use special equipment or shallow tile field. There are many different ways that you could handle it 'on the large lots. I am sure they can design a system that will adequately take care of the sewage. Roman Roos - Are you at the present time trying to setforth some new septic standards? Bill Brezinsky - T sent for information from several agencies and I have gotten more than I wantedoso now I am trying to sift through them and come up with some standards. We should have them very soon. Frank Burg - We took a series of percolation tests out here and the perc tests run the gammit. We had some as low as 14 minutes per inch and some as high as 180 or 210 minutes per inch. The sites are large enough where if one site doesn't perc so that you could put in a standard system as defined by the Minnesota Health Department there are alternative designs. Pat Swenson - How large is-the water? Is, that a settling pond? Frank Burg - This is an existing water feature that was designed by the Soil Conservation Service along with Mr. Hesse a number of years ago. It supports the wildlife that's in the area and it acts as sort of a peaking pond for the area that drains into it from up stream. It allows us to put the water in here and take the peak off and not have a continuous flow of water running down that stream that would cause erosion. It's built to protect this significan~'drainageway. Tim Stone - Bob, could you respond to Bills' comment about one access to the property. e e Planning Commission Meeting October 25, 1978 -10- Bob Waibel -I think the Fire Marshal will have something to say about this. The -number of homes on that cul-de-sac would not really _be the matter, it's the. length of it., One .. entrance point being blocked would nullify any public saf~ type of operations. Dick Matthews -You have 26 homes serviced by one entrance yet in .Chanhassen Estates you have 100homes being serviced by one entrance. What I am saying it has nothing to do with your argument of fire and getting in and all that stuff. If one avenue is blocked they are not going to get into ChanhassenEstates either. Bill Brezinsky - It's s safety aspect of it. Not the number of houses. Maybe something could be worked out that there could bean -emergency access road. It would not necessarily have to be an improved road but just some way to get in. , Frank Burg - I am sure that somewhere along the length of Bluff Creek there is a place for an access. Obviously the best place for .an emergency a~cess was right back where I had the road originally and with some minor modifications we could probably come up with a section through there that would support a fire truck. Dick Matthews moved to recommend the Council approve the preliminary development plan of Hesse Farm, Phases II and III as shown in Planning Commission Exhibit A dated October 25, 1978, subject to a grading plan be submitted to the Engineer fpr approval and that a well and septic system will meet the criteria,setforth by the Minnesota Health ~ Department. The developer will ?rovide an emergency vehicle easement ~ access at the Lot 3 location. Motion seconded by Tim Stone and unanimously. approved. Lot 26 does not 90 feet of frontage. Additional land cannot be acquired as it is owned by someone else. HANSEN AND KLINGELHUTZ DEVELOPMENT CONTRACT - CURB AND nUTTER REQUIREMENT FOR BURDICK PARK: Doug Hansen and Jim Hawks were present requesting the deletion of concrete curb and'gutter from the development contract for their warehouse in Burdick Park and substituting blacktop curbing. Their point of contention is that the issue of concrete curb and gutter within th~ parking and maneuvering areas of the development waS not specifically discussed during the plan review process. The Assistant City Planner discussed his r~port of October 10, 1978, and recommended -that the Planning Commission direct staff to prepare a comprehensive ordinance amendment that would forthrightly require improvement items such as concrete curb and gutter on all business, commercial, and industrial development proposals. Tim Stone moved to require concrete curb and gutter on the site except along the western property line where rolled asphalt curb will be allowed. Motion seconded by Jerry Neher. The following vote.d in favor: Pat. Swenson, Tim Stone, Walter Thompson, Dick Matthews, and Jerry Neher. Roman Roos voted no. Motion carried. Roman Roos - I want concrete curb and gutter but only along the '4It perimeter of the property that's fronting on streets. The property on the western and the southern portion I didn't desire concrete curb and gutter. Planning Commission Meeting October 25, 1978 -ll- . Tim Stone moved to direct staff to prepare an ordinance amendment standardizing residential, commercial, and industrial subdivisions. Motion seconded by Dick Matthews and unanimously approved. PRELIMINARY DEVELOPMENT PLAN - NEW HORIZON HOMES, INC: Representatives of New Horizon Homes were present to discuss their proposed dev~lopment on the east side of Powers Blvd. The revised plan shows the street pattern of the proposed development east of MSAS 101 has been altered to directly align with the entrances proposed west of MSAS 101. The entrance onto Powers Blvd. has been deleted. The Planning Commission previously requested that the Park and Recreation Commission review the need for pedestrian access to the park area. Information should be provided that can be incorporated into a grading plan that would provide for noise abatement for the properties adjoining Powers Blvd. and MSAS 101. The applicant should have the plan reviewed by the Riley Purgatory Creek Watershed District prior to the public hearing. Dick Matthews moved to hold a public hearing on November 22, 1978, pending receipt of comments from the watershed district., Motion seconded by Walter Thompson and unanimously approved. e SUBDIVISION - MARGUERITE GALLAGHER: Mrs. Gallagher is requesting approval to subdivide 6.81 acres into six lots. The property is located on Hummingbird Road and is zoned R-I. Sanitary sewer and water are available to the property. Dick Matthew~ moved to hold a public hearing on December 13, 1978, to consider the Gallagher subdivision request. Motion seconded by Jerry Neher and unanimously approved. SUBDIVISION.. MICHAEL SORENSON: Mike Sorenson was present requesting approval to subdivide .7 acres into one lot near 7606 Erie. The proposed house on the new lot is to gain access via a 420 foot driveway from Erie Avenue. A portion of the driveway is shown to be an easement for ingress and egress to the City of Chanhassen for access for carrying out maintenance on the holding pond west of the property. The Assistant City Planner prepared a possible alternative access to the drainage pond and the proposed new lot as well as a way to subdivide the surrounding property. Dick Matthews moved to hold a public hearing to consider a public street from Erie Avenue to Frontier Trail on November 22, 1978. Motion seconded by Pat Swenson and unanimously approved. SUBDIVISION - ROBERT SOMMER: Dick Matthews moved to hold a public hearing on November 22, 1978, to consider the possibility of a public improvement project in the general vicinity of Murray Hill Road and Melody Hill Road. Motion seconded by Jerry Neher and unanimously approved. Dick Matthews moved to adjourn. Motion seconded by Walter Thompson and unanimously approved. Meeting adjourned at 11:15 p.m. e Don Ashworth City Nanager